A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Sam260 - 10-29-2018
Dynamics: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics.
Alpha: Strong, Tall - A leader, a protector.
Beta: Logical, Balanced, Supportive - Usually an advisor to the Pack Alpha.
Omega: Smaller, Faster, Motherly in Nature. Has the ability to get pregnant, whether male or female.
Humans: They know that Wolves exist, live cordially and peacefully in the same town.
For a Human to Turn into a Werewolf; they must personally request it from an Alpha - they are the only ones with the power to change a human.
Wolf Pack Roster:
[Name | Age | Alpha(Seeder)/Beta(Neither, technically)/Omega(Carrier) | Gender | Breed | {Profile Name}]
# [Troy Hanna | 24 | True Alpha | Male | Grey Wolf | {SazzyP260}]
# [Lazul Diger | 20 | Omega | Male | Arctic Wolf | {Dusty779}]
# [Mitsuo Ikari | 28 | Omega | Male | Mutt (Japanese Wolf) | {Hyenadog}]
# [Rowen 'Red' Holloway | 26 | Alpha | Male | Red Wolf | {Ikki}]
# Troy Hanna & -----
((OOC Information: ))
# Wolf Den Location: Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.
# Daily Living Location: Lake Village, Wyoming.
# Can Choose Between Being An Alpha, Beta, or Omega.
# Can Be Either Female or Male.
Posting Format:
Primary Gender: [Alpha | Beta | Omega]
Secondary Gender: [Male | Female]
Wolf Breed [If Born Wolf]:
Character Description:
Troy Hanna, he was a born leader; destined to one day lead and rule the Yellowstone Wolfpack the day that his father stepped down from the proverbial throne. First though, Troy had to graduate college - Currently he was enrolled at West Yellowstone College. He was a senior already, so graduation was not too far away. He had no plans other than getting his degree at the moment; children, a spouse, all of that was off the table for him. No aspirations to start a family until he was grounded and ready to take over the 'family business'.
While most wolves tended to stay with their pack and family, Troy was more loner than he cared to admit. He stayed on campus unless he physically had to leave - holidays and summer - and even then he strayed a bit further from the pack's 'area' by living in a small cabin. But, school was in session now and Troy got to live in the relative safety and privacy of his dorm - He was one of the few lucky ones who didn't have to share a dorm, sure he paid extra for it, but he wasn't about to wreck his need for privacy; he'd pay the extra cash it took to keep living alone.
He was also considered a kind of 'bad boy'. He loved causing trouble, playing pranks, being a little on the 'evil' side of a good guy. He owned a motorcycle - a lime green Kawasaki Ninja 300. He wore leather, a lot of it. He had tattoos - covering a good portion of his muscular frame. He had black hair, short and cropped close to his scalp. He smoke, he drank, he was your quintessential badass; classes were a bore to him and he was falling behind, as he normally did halfway through the school year.
Of course that meant that he was forced into going to tutoring sessions; he wasn't exactly thrilled about that but it was better than not passing this year. He had to graduate or he would very likely be knocked down. The positive thing about West Yellowstone? The students and faculty were either members of the pack or the humans who lived in Lake Village so at least he wouldn't have to bother with being 'embarrassed' by being seen in the tutoring class; not that he would in the first place anyway. Troy was proud of himself, failures or accomplishments - he had no time for frivolous things such as 'embarrassment'.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Dusty779 - 10-29-2018
Name: Lazul Diger
Age: 20
Primary Gender: Omega
Secondary Gender: Male
Wolf Breed [If Born Wolf]: Arctic
Character Description: Has a pale complexion and light blonde hair. he has Deep blue eyes hence his name being a shortened version of lazuli. He stands roughly five foot nine and has light muscles over his body. he looks almost too thin with some scars on his body he looks like he has faced a few hardships in his life. He turned up on pack land requesting to join a couple of years prior and spent most of his time tending to the pack house, mainly cleaning. (If no pack house let me know, this can be changed to his adoptive household) He wished to learn carpentry but being new to the yellowstone pack, he didn't wish to push his luck asking for aid. He tends to belittle himself, going for the worst tasks and even having a bad room often saying he didn't want burden anyone else. In his spare time he is found outside in the garden in his wolf form curled up among the flowers or on the lawn. Pure white fur and not much larger than could be expected for his rank or overall human size/appearance.
Lazul walked home with the shopping he had been set to acquire. while the walk was long he didn't mind, it gave him time outdoors, he got Some exercise during it by carrying the bags and walking and he did enjoy shopping even if it was just for food. Troy and the other higher ranked had always offered him to go with them to work out but he usually turned the offer down not wanting to embarrass himself. when he passed others he made sure to sniff the air before they got too close and would ensure he gave a wide birth to the other wolves.
"Wonder whats for dinner.." he said softly to himself "Hope they wont be angry i got a carpentry book while i was out shopping... maybe i should hide that before i get there... i know they are always saying that they will get me whatever i want but... it was just enough for them to take me in in the first place."
(Hope that works, lemme know if anything needs changing)
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Hyenadog - 10-30-2018
Name: Mitsuo Ikari
Age: 28 (looks younger)
Primary Gender: Omega
Secondary Gender: male
Wolf Breed [If Born Wolf]: mutt (mixed heritage going back several generations, but primarily consisting of Japanese Wolf. Wolf form now more closely resembles a husky or akita)
Character Description: Mitsuo's family immigrated to the US several generations ago with a few other members of their pack. They kept to themselves, but brought in strays from local populations. His breed tends to be on the small size, with alphas sometimes mistaken for omegas by local wolves. He stands about five foot three inches tall with a sturdy build, eyes a deep honey-brown, and hair a coarse coal-black. He has a few piercings, one in the middle of his lip, one in his tongue, the bridge of his nose, and some in his ears. Mostly an attempt to make his naturally soft features seem tougher. Though, that's difficult when your wolf form looks like a cross between a husky and an akita.
Mitsuo had left home as soon as his parents felt he was old enough, wanting to explore and find his own place in the world. His pack had settled further out west, so Mitsuo headed inland. Having heard about a pack near Yellowstone, he decided to see if he would fit in.
He knew the risk, being a young omega with no mate...but he had fended off would-be suitors before, he assumed he could do it again if he went into heat. Wandering the streets in town, so far nobody had approached him. Likely because he wasnt a threat or an immediate conquest. He was just some random wolf...nobody suspected his rare bloodline.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Ikki - 10-30-2018
Name: Rowen 'Red' Holloway
Age: 26 (Though due to his immaturity he gets mistaken for younger, most pack members still treat him like a teen)
Primary Gender: [Alpha |
Secondary Gender: [Male |
Wolf Breed [If Born Wolf]: Medium sized Red wolf with more husky markings do to cross breeding with his family. His fur is on the fluffy side but still retains more coarseness than softness.
Character Description
Rowen was always that boy growing up that parents would look at and go "oh he's gonna break some hearts when he gets older!" Needless to say... they were right but his 'heartbreaker' looks ended up turning him into a bit of a whole when he figured out how to get what he wanted. Standing at round 6 feet give or take and inch he wasn't the smallest in the pack nor the biggest. He swung both ways whether that be top, bottom if he felt like it, male, or female. Keeping his hair short on the sides and long on top he consistently dies it a blood red color, though his eyebrows always grew out a darker brown, to hide his natural ginger roots. He always prided himself on his eyes, a blue so light they were almost white, though in a hook up gone wrong he was left with a scar running from the top of his temple to the middle of his cheek leaving his left eye foggy and partially blind. Most of the time his clothing aesthetic is a mix between 'modern geaser' or 'common hipster'. His body type is lightly toned but not overly muscled. His personality had always been that of a slight asshole, with his temper never really in check he always provoked small fights here and there and maybe if he ever stayed with one person long enough they would see he could be a secretly sweet person, who's a bit over caring when they get the chance. His ears are gauged with plugs a bit smaller then a quarter, more smaller piercings mark his ears all the way up. He's the towns commonly know where and surprisingly for an Alpha that title never really got to him. He's lived in town his entire life inheriting the good sized cabin on the lake side cliffs and fortune his parents left to him when they passed. More frequently his seen in town at the various lodged or motels leaving or coming in with his new one night stands.
Speaking of motels...
Rowen landed harshly on the ground, his body thrown from the doors of a motel 6. Hissing in pain as the asphalt bit into his arms and palms he took of running as feet pounded after him,
"Stay away from my daughter you hooligan! If I even see your face in here again I'll make sure no one'll recognize you bastard!" The harsh words only got a hearty laugh from Red as he ran harder down the street, he looked back to see the older man had stopped but had to dodge a glass bottle being thrown at his head moments later,
"Least she enjoyed it!" Ducking as another bottle shattered on the wall next to him.
A slew of cursed words echoed after him but his smile never slipped until he knew he was far enough away to rest, he whipped around one last corner before crashing on a street bench to catch his breath. The dad had hit him pretty good before he left, he knew one of his eyes would be bruised by the end of today not to mentioned the stream of blood still leaking from his noise.
"Hope that ass didn't break it." He sighed gingerly touching it only to wince in pain.
Leaning back further he dug around the pockets of his grey jeans jacket til he found what he was looking for,
"Hello bad habit." He lit the cigarette taking a long drag before blowing up into the sky, he kept his head leaned back to watch the clouds move slowly the the sky...and also to hopefully stop that damned bleeding.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Sam260 - 10-30-2018
Troy was pissed that his tutoring session had lasted so long, he really had just wanted to go home and crash for a few hours after a long day in class. But, that of course seemed inevitable now. With a deep sigh, he pulled his lime green motorcycle to the side of the road, watching as an old man chased what he was pretty sure was Red - fellow Alpha and best friend - from a Motel 6 into the road.
Troy chuckled as he followed at a slow crawl, using mostly his feet to move the bike along. When he saw Red drop on a bench a few blocks away, he killed the bikes engine completely and hopped off. Leather jacket clanging loudly and boots hitting the pavement hard. He was known for making a lot of noise, it was just funny to see people glare at him and shake their head in disappointment.
Troy trudged his way over to where Red was and dropped down on the bench next to his bud, he stole the cigarette from Troy's lips, took a few drags and then handed it back to Red with a shit eating grin "So, I see ya met the father - was that one a keeper or what?" Troy asked, eyes glancing up and down the sidewalk slowly.
His eyes caught onto a new person in town and he licked his lips slowly "Now he looks nice. Clean, little bit of piercings... Probably right up your alley, Red..." Troy said, pointing quite obviously to the man that was just wandering aimlessly on the other side of the street, looking into storefront windows and all.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Ikki - 10-30-2018
"Yah fucking Paps broke my phone to." Rowen stuck his tongue out at his friend, finishing another drag before answering, " and please there's never a good keeper when it comes to me." Though as Troy spoke his eyes wandered to the stranger and lit with glee,
"Though you know it always is fun to break the heart of a new person." Wiping his sleeve across his face he left a large smear of blood across the worn material and his face.
It left him looking a bit insane but he was fine with that, less people would talk to him anyways.
"You got the latest 'in' on everyone right? What's the ones deal. Looks to innocent for the likes of this place."
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Hyenadog - 10-30-2018
Mitsuo appeared rather innocent, small with soft features, a sucker for cute things, and a bit shy. But his piercings said otherwise. He had a few more indents in his lower lip, signs of former piercings, six in total at one time. Part of his short hair was bleached, retaining some faint red dye he hadn't bothered to redo yet. And there were tattoos hidden beneath his clothes. Only a few, due to how quickly tattoos aged on shifters, but he seemed to have a bit of a masochistic streak under that innocent facade.
He hadn't noticed anyone pointing him out, attention grabbed by some kittens in a pet store window. He crouched down to engage with them through the glass, giving a bubbly laugh when the kittens tumbled over each other.
He had a bag from a local clothing shop, obviously picking up clothes for his new home. A tiny apartment near the main street. Just enough for a single person, and that was all he needed.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Sam260 - 10-30-2018
Troy shrugged broad shoulders and leaned back against the bench, spreading his legs wide "Dunno about that one, yet... He looks really new to town. Besides, you know I get all my insider information from our main-squeeze..." Troy said, licking his lips slightly - there was one Omega in town that Troy and Red shared on a regular basis; he was a defunct Omega though, incapable of getting pregnant because of an accident when he was younger, but his heats were still there and they were *wild*.
Troy tilted his head from side to side before pulling his own cigarette pack from his pocket and lighting one up, the scent of the others driving his own addiction into a bit of a frenzy. He took a few drags before sighing and exhaling "Look though, Red... He's into kittens. Maybe the way to the man's heart, initially, is to buy him one... Kits ain't that expensive... And once you bump him, you can just move on like nothing ever happened and he'll be stuck buying things for the cat."
Troy's cellphone dinged in his pocket and he sighed while pulling it out, reading the text message slowly - eyes squinted tightly "Fuck it. My pops wants me home for a family meeting or some bullshit... probably has to do with Lazul. I'm supposed to be hanging out with him and showing him the ropes of life among the pack... and apparently, just like school, I'm failing *that* too." Troy stood up, cigarette dangling from his lips "I'll catch you later, at the bonfire probably - that's still on Saturday, don't forget this... And maybe you can bring that cute one over there with." Troy hiked his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at the new-comer, just before he took off back toward his bike.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Dusty779 - 10-31-2018
Lapis smiled as he finally returned home. he was set upon almost immediately and started handing out the random requested items to those who had requested them before he go to the kitchens to put the food away.
"Hmm... looks like they are planning a hunt" he muttered looking at the notices on the front of the fridge "Then again with the bonfire this weekend were gonna need the meat..." he sighed and poored himself a glass of water "wonder if ill be permitted to join... nah probably not... i wasn't big enough or strong enough to in my last pack..." he gave another sigh and finished his drink before heading towards his room with new book in his hand.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Sam260 - 10-31-2018
Troy pulled up to the pack house, his motorcycle growling loudly before he shut the engine down. He stepped off the lime green crotch rocket and pulled off his leather jacket, slinging it over his shoulder - this exposed his sleeves of tattoos and the ones on his chest as well through the thin material of his white V-neck t-shirt.
He stomped his way up the steps and into the house where he met his father to discuss whatever important information needed to be discussed. He hated coming to the pack house, simply because all of the people that lived there. He much preferred his cabin that was about five miles away from here, secluded in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by trees and the lake. Of course, he'd been right about his father's request, he needed to tend to the youngest and newest member of the pack - Lazul.
Troy sighed loudly and agreed to do what was asked of him, it was technically apart of his duties as future leader. He had to bring new members up to speed and get the comfortable in the pack. He walked to where Lazul's bedroom was and knocked on the door a few times before entering the room. He smiled charmingly as he walked into the room, eyes set on Lazul's pale complexion "Hey, Laz... So, my pops wants me and you to do some 'bonding' or whatever it was he called it..." Troy shrugged his shoulders.
"Anything you interested in doing at the moment? Cause I'm pretty free until later tonight... I mean..." he shrugged again and pulled a chair over, sitting backwards in it and resting his muscular and tatted arms over the top of the chair back "Maybe we could head out to the lake and see how the bonfire for this weekend is shaping up?"
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Ikki - 10-31-2018
Rowen watched Troy speed off with a sigh, putting out his cigarette on the benches arm he tucked the bud in his pocket before waltzing lazily across the street. He knew the blood on his face would probably freak the other male out but he figured he'd give it a shot.
"Hey there stranger, ignore my face please I'm-"
oof taken away by how you're so much prettier up close-" Rowen, a regular wolf of the town, your new right?" He gave a wink leaning up against the shops wall his eyes draw away to the kittens playing behind the glass.
"Their pretty cute but ya know the other refelction I see in the glass is as well."
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Dusty779 - 10-31-2018
Lazul blushed seeing Troy sit on the chair and he tried not to openly ogle the superior ranked male. he put his book down and squirmed a little in his chair.
"Umm... i... i'm not sure... i guess?" he says "I haven't been on a run in a while... not since i joined the pack..." it was true, he hadn't shifted much outside his own room. his previous pack had frowned on him shifting at all so he only did it in private.
He was curious as to why Troy was taking an interest in him, he wasn't expecting it as he had been keeping to himself mostly trying not to draw attention to himself. he put the book down and slowly got up to his feet. his blush returned a little bit because if they did go for a run in wolf form they would need to strip before they went.
"So... a run out to the lake would be... nice" he says blushing still a little.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Hyenadog - 10-31-2018
Mitsuo was still playing with the kittens in the window, getting the little furballs to chase and jump at his finger. So focused, yet so clumsy, probably only 8 weeks old and still learning how to cat. So when Rowen approached and spoke, he was a bit startled.
He stood up and cleared his throat, trying to act like he hadn't just been playing with kittens and giggling like a child. But he was thrown off when he looked up at the other and saw the blood smeared across his face, matching the bruising about his nose...and going by the rest of him, he immediately knew this guy was a bit of a troublemaker, so the bloody and bruised nose didnt seem so surprising...just jarring.
"I, uhh, yeah. I'm new." He affirmed, one corner of his lip giving a small nervous twitch. He was about to introduce himself when Rowen made his second comment, making him stammer as a faint blush crossed his cheeks. "I...I'm Mitsuo....I like cats, nice to meet you." He said, giving a small bow as he was accustomed to before offering a hand. He only had a subtle accent, but it seemed more obvious when he was flustered.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Ikki - 10-31-2018
Rowen gave a light chuckle, the nerves he felt coming off him made this more fun. He held up both his hands when he offered to shake showing his scraped palms from hitting the gravel earlier,
"I'll pass, I'm a bit of a mess right now." He placed his hands back in his pockets with a bit of a wince, that sweet misleading smile had yet to faulted on his face."Mitsuo...Exotic" He tested out the name liking how it rolled off his tongue.
A small bell jingling caught his attention. The door to the shop opened, the owner an older women glanced over at the two before starting to sweep away the days debries. She only gave a second look when she recognized that shock of red hair and gave a outward sigh,
"If you go inside please don't terrorize the birds like last time Red, took me a weekend to get em' to stop saying 'fuck' over and over." Her eyes rolled seeing that shit eating grin on his face, ignoring him her eyes traveled to the other guy out front least he looked nice enought.
"Caught you starring at the kits earlier, their free this week since the crowds are picking up for the bonfire. More traffic more adoptions I hope." Her voice had a slight country twang to it as she spoke.
"Always such a saint Mikey." Red thought she'd raise her broom up to chase him off but in turn he just got another eye roll which was better than expected.
"Oh hush up Red, " She looked towards Mitsuo, " Since you haven't run away from him yet you must be new. Boys a devil in a wolf's body it'd be in your best interest to stay away." Rowen flinched at her words but it was clear he was faking it.
"Ouch, must be the nicest thing you've said to me."Though he was acting sarcasticly he cursed the older women for blowing his cover so early.
He could at least get to the first date before being outted as a horrible person.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Hyenadog - 10-31-2018
A subtle frown crossed Mitsuo's lips when he saw the scraped up hands, glancing back up at him. He thought it was strange the man wouldnt bother even rinsing his injuries off before approaching him. But he shrugged it off when the other commented on his name. "Most people just call me Tsu." He muttered, shifting to glance past him at the woman who exited the shop.
He tilted his head as she spoke, glancing to Rowen and back to her. He didnt like people who tormented animals, but he couldnt help a small snort of laughter when she spoke about the swearing birds. He looked back down to the kittens when she mentioned they were free, clearly torn about getting one.
But his attention was pulled back to the shop keeper, tilting his head. "Thanks for the advice. I'll be careful." He nodded. He looked back at Rowen, arching a brow slightly as he nibbled his single lipring. He wasnt planning anything, but he'd at least see what this guy was like. It was good to get to know a local.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Sam260 - 10-31-2018
Troy huffed out a small laugh, shaking his head "You should think about shifting more often and going out on runs... You know nothin' is going to happen to you here in Lake Village if you shift and run through the woods..." Troy said, tapping his fingers against his arm "There are no rogue wolves or other packs for hundred's of miles... Everyone in Yellowstone belongs to this pack, and you smell like one of us now, so no one will mess with you Laz."
Troy stood up with a smile "Good. I'm glad you want to run with me. I'll make sure to run slow so you can keep up with me..." Troy said; he wasn't even concerned about the fact that he would have to get naked in front of Lazul, it was a way of life for them. Troy looked around briefly in Lazul's bedroom and found an empty messenger bag "Put your clothes into this so we have something to change into when we get to the lake... We'll have to shift back in order to talk to the human's that'll no doubt be there setting up for the bonfire."
Troy easily started stripping his clothes off, article one by one going into the messenger bag "When I've shifted, you can hook that over my body so we can keep it with us." Troy instructed, he was already shirtless now. Tattoos showing brilliantly in the sunlight - he had tattoo sleeves on both arms, his torso was filled with a graphically detailed wolves head on his stomach and ribcage and his back had the pack's 'flag' across it. Once he took off his jeans and shoved them in the bag, it was obvious why Troy didn't care about being naked. Even in a softened state, his cock was rather large, and very thick but the glimpse that Lazul got was brief before a large grey and black wolf was standing on four legs in front of him, golden-yellow eyes staring brightly up at Lazul.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Dusty779 - 10-31-2018
lazul blushed deeply seeing Troy strip down, eyes drinking in his features before he had shifted to his just as impressive wolf. knowing he was waiting on him, Lazul stripped down aswell, his blush only intensifying as he exposed his body, and his scars, which covered a decent portion of his body, especially his sides and stomach. they looked like bitemarks, but with the severity of some of them it was a wonder he had survived it.
he was quick to stuff his clothes into the bag then carefully put it on Troy. he made sure that it was secure before shifting himself and there was a smaller, snowy white wolf standing next to themuch larger Grey and black wolf.
'Hope he sees why i dont shift infront of the others much' he thought to himself eyeing the larger canine.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Ikki - 11-01-2018
Rowen was to busy looking over the scraps on his hands, seemingly lost in his own little world, to notice Mitsuo look back at him. Feeling the stare he glanced back up to meet his eyes and quickly tried to look anywhere else but that mesmerizing face and found the kittens behind the glass once more, a small calico with blue eyes was pawing at the glass where Tsu's waist was.
"Think you've caught yourself a new friend."Red nodded back in the directions of the glass.
Long fingers fiddled with a hole that had worn it's way into his jean pocket, beyond it lay the shattered remains of his phone from his fall. He gave a inward sigh at the reminder, realizing he'd have to replace it before Saturday if he wanted to text troy about this new guy at all.
He was taken aback as a soft wet wash cloth was tossed in his face, the sudden action made him jump.
"Try not to fall on your face next time, you look crazy walking round' like that." Mykie laughed at the look of surprise that crossed his features,
"Uh thanks." It felt awkward saying thank you as help was something not many people tended to give him, most of the time it was just chasing or yelling.
Using his reflection he managed to get his face clean, the bruising on the bridge of his noise more apparent now as well with the bruising starting under his left eye. He poked a bit at the spots glad to see they weren't to sore yet and hoped it wouldn't lead to any swelling. The shop owner disappeared back inside, clearly not wanting her cloth back as it was already beyond stained,
"So you gonna get one? A kitten that is."
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Hyenadog - 11-01-2018
Mitsuo was quiet for a moment, looking down when Rowen motioned to the cats. He knelt down again, pressing a finger to the glass and giving a small laugh as said calico pawed at it eagerly. He had his full attention on the kitten again, only half hearing the others talking beside him.
He looked up again when Rowen moved to wipe his face off, wincing at the bruising developing around his nose and eye. He stood and sighed when asked about getting a kitten, shaking his head. "I just moved. I need to settle in a bit more first." He said, looking back down at the wide eyes of the calico, almost begging him to take her home.
He pulled his attention away, shifting it to Rowen. "Umm, hey...you want some ice for that? Before it starts swelling." He offered, clearly a bit hesitant, but he was helpful by nature. "My place is right around the corner." He said, gesturing back a block. He knew it probably wasnt a great idea to invite a stranger to his home...but he wanted to help.
RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] -
Ikki - 11-01-2018
Red's eyes searched his face for any signs of mistrust or maybe a hint of sarcasm. Though all he came up with was honest concern,
"Ya know I'm beginning to feel like the world's playing a joke on me by how nice people are being." He let the choice sit for a few seconds mulling over if he wanted to go to this new guys place but ended up giving in.
"Yah sure why not." He shrugged realizing the only other thing he really could do today was get drunk at home and pass out til someone came looking for him.