A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
David was in the kitchen finishing up his daughter’s favorite meal, as she was expected to arrive any minute. Icarus, or Iggy for short, was on a holiday break from her student midwife position at the city university, and decided to spend some time with her father, before her sisters arrived. The thing was, David was two weeks overdue with twin girls, and Iggy hadn’t seen him in three months. Since then, he had gained just under eighty pounds over belly, making his overall weight gain close to one-hundred fifty pounds. He was just about at the end of his wits with this pregnancy. None of his clothes fit, except for a 4XL t-shirt and a pair of paternity leggings pulled up over his gigantic belly. David sat on his oversized exercise ball in the kitchen waiting for his sauce to finish or the doorbell to ring. He was pleasantly surprised when the doorbell rang just after the food was ready. David waddled rather slowly over to the door, his belly swaying from side to side with each step he took. “I’ll be right there, just a minute.” he said to whoever was behind the door.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
Icarus knew her father was overdue, but she was wonderously stunned when she saw him, and she hugged him has much as his belly allowed, "Dad its been forever!" She said, smiling and feeling his belly, "Wow they've grown so much!"
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"Yea, they have. I think I went a little overboard with the sweets this time. My pregnancy with you was so perfect, I guess I thought I was impervious to weight gain" he said patting his belly. "Put your things down, I left your room exactly like you left it, and come down for dinner, I made your favorite." he said as he watched Iggy go up to her room to put her bags down. David slowly waddled over to the kitchen and got plates, forks, spoons, and knives from the cabinet to set the table. He couldn't help be notice now much Iggy had matured since starting school. He was so proud of her. While setting the table, he felt some movement within him. David was feeling uncomfortable this morning but nothing came of it.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
Iggy came down and smiled, chuckling and helping her dad out with settling the table, "So how've you been feeling?" She asked.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"oh, you know, the usual aches and pains." he started. "Now, I've just been feeling really fat. What about you? How's school doing? What are you learning now?" asked David.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
David had to resort to sitting on the ball while eating. It had been days since he was able to fit in the chairs at the dinner table.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"I just finished up an internship with a very experienced midwife. Apparently her family has done it for like, countless generations. Learnued a lot from her when she wasn't getting after another intern," she hummed.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
The two spoke while finishing up their meals. "I'm glad that you're getting so much out of it. I just wished that you would be able to deliver the girls, but you won't be certified that soon." David said disappointingly. As they got up from the table, David noticed that he was, well...hard. Very hard. He assumed that it was from sitting on the ball too long so he shook it off and started clearing the table and bring the dishes to the sink. "So I was thinking that we would watch a movie tonight, how's about that?" he said. a quiet fart snuck out of his tight hole. He hoped Iggy didn't hear it.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"I think that's brilliant, I'll make popcorn,"she hummed, doing so.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
David washed off the dishes quickly and picked out a movie. He couldn't help but notice feeling bigger, causing a little more difficulty moving around. He was just happy that the movies weren't on the bottom shelf. David picked out a classic Humphrey Bogart movie the two used to watch when Iggy was younger. "Remember this one, Iggy?" he asked as she came walking in with a large bowl of popcorn.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"Oh yeah!" She laughed, having a Monty Python DVD in her hand, "Looks like its rock paper scissors though," she hummed, smiling.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"Let's watch some Monty, I haven't watched that in ages." he said. David really wasn't concerned about which movie he watched, but the fact that he needed something on to distract him from his overdue state. As Iggy put the DVD in the player, David eased himself down into a seat on the couch. Despite it's soft material, it was still very hard for him to get comfortable. "Which Monty Python is it, again?"
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail of course," she chimed. She sat next to her dad and felt his belly a bit, "Huh, I think the babies dropped," she said, "At least it means you won't be overdue much longer," she said, patting her dads belly gently, "I'm curious, who is your midwife?"
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
David sat by as Iggy did her thing. He was so proud of her that she was able to find something that she was so passionate about. "Yea, I think so, I've been feeling more pressure now and again, but it's nothing to alert the presses over. Sometimes I think these girls aren't budging." he said figiting in his seat a bit. It was still a little hard to talk to his only daughter as a midwife, but it was going to happen either way so he had to get used to it. "I've been seeing Dr. Verna Redbane, she's great. She was the one who delivered you. I've been keeping monthly appointments with her throughout the pregnancy, but now she's having me come in once a week for the last five weeks.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"Oh, I did some of my internship hours at her practice," Iggy hummed, "I learned a whole lot from her. She spoke to my class often too... her neice Mel is a bit of a snob sometimes though... but I owe her one because she is why I was able to intern under Dr. Redbane..." she rubbed his belly and smiled, "She's got some crazy teaching methods, but I learned fast, so I'm actually in an advanced class now!" She felt a kick and smiled, settling down to enjoy the movie, only for the power to go out. She cursed, apologized, then used her phone as a flashlight, only to realize she'd received a text from the local weather service warning about severe blizzards. Again she cursed and apologized.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"What's going on here." said David as he forced himself to a standing position, barely getting his balance with his larger center of gravity. "Iggy, let's get the battery lanterns from the closet. Using Iggy's phone, the two slowly made their way to the closet, taking out the six lamps and putting them strategically around the ground floor of the house: two in the kitchen, one in the bathroom, and three in the living room. It wasn't as much as full electricity, but it was enough light to keep the room to a comfortable level visibility. "This is interesting." he said waddling back to the table with the bowl of popcorn. David stuffed a large handful into his mouth, and then another. "It's just the wind, the power always goes out when its too windy around here. Plus the weather service always overreacts, we'll be fine. He could some increased movement within his gargantuan stomach, and his penis get harder with the added pressure on his prostate. David took another handful of popcorn and slowly waddled towards the couch again, mildly struggling to do so. "Can you bring the popcorn over here, Iggy?"
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"Sure thing," she said, watchign her father struggle, "Maybe you should call Doctor Redbane just in case...." she said, "I can swear the girls look like they've moved lower since I got here," she rubbed his belly gently.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"Yea, it might be a good idea just to touch base with her." he said grabbing some more popcorn. He picked up the house phone and there was no dial tone. When he grabbed his cell in on the table next to him, to his surprise, there was no signal. "That's weird, the phones are down." he said "Cell service should only be down for an hour or two, they always have storm crews working around the clock to keep service as consistent as possible. I just call her later. In the mean time, tell me about school. What do you like? What don't you like. I want details young lady." he smiled.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
Iggy settled in and told him about her classes, her appartment, her roomates (a young couple of men who were pregnant by one another and due a few months apart), what it was like working with Verna, and Melon's near-constant curiosity getting her into trouble. She also told her dad about boys and girls she'd dated, ignored some awkward silence, and told him about her ambitions of working under Verna at her practice. She felt his belly after a bit and arched an eyebrow when it tensed, though the babies were still. When her dad said it was braxton hicks she gave him a deadpan look, "I'm telling you, you'll be in labor soon," she said, checking her phone for service and getting nothing.
RE: A Holiday Weekend to Remember -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"I wouldn't worry about it. By that time, the phones and electricity will be back up." David said putting his hand over Iggy's. "These braxton hicks having been coming and going for more than a month. Verna said that since they're so inconsistent and not painful, it's nothing to worry about." he said shifting in his seat again. David grabbed another large handful of popcorn, realizing that he practically ate the entire bowl, "sorry, I'm just used to having the bowl to myself that I lose track of how much I eat."