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C Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Printable Version

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RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 09-25-2018

Kai stood right next to Tobias the entire time, wrapping an arm around his mate's shoulder and occasionally pressing a kiss onto Tobias' temple "We're going to be okay..." Kai said quietly, placing his hand on Tobias' stomach and lightly rubbing soothing circles across his mate's mound "We're all going to be okay."

A few moments later Dr. Kazuma came into the exam room, smiling widely as he pulled the ultrasound machine into the room and pushed it toward the wall near the exam table "Morning fella's. How is your pregnancy going so far? Everything progressing normally in your eyes?" Dr. Kazuma asked as he started setting up the machine, glancing up at Tobias and Kai occasionally as he spoke.

(you gonna play doctor again? Cuz I really sucks at doctor-y stuff lol)

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 09-25-2018

Tobias leaned into Kai, making a soft happy noise at the belly rub. "Don't say it like that...sounds ominous." He chuckled, shaking his head. But he couldn't help thinking about last it all ended up. And it worried him. Would he be able to carry to term? Or was he doomed to lose it every time?

He gave the doctor a smile when he entered, giving a small shrug. "I've had bad morning sickness, but I think that's passed..." He said, shifting to lay down as the doctor continued to prepare things. "I feel like I'm bigger than I was before..." He said, lifting his shirt to expose the small bump.

Dr. Kazuma did his usual exam, gently feeling around the bump. He made a thoughtful noise, feeling just how defined it was. "It does seem quite big for how far along you are." He said, moving to turn on the machine. He poured some gel on Tobias' stomach, making the man squirm before the wand was placed over it. It took a moment to calibrate the machine, slowly moving the wand until shapes started to show. That's when he made a surprised noise.

"Well, I can explain the extra growth." He chuckled, turning the screen to show at least two beating hearts moving among the shadows, a third somewhat obscured by the first two, and possibly a fourth. "Congratulations, its a litter." he laughed.

Tobias had been watching the screen, but when the doctor confirmed it, he could only stare wide-eyed at it. Possibly four pups. Four little lives growing inside him, in that little bump in his belly. He swallowed thickly, grabbing Kai's hand. Now he had so much more to worry about.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 09-25-2018

Kai leaned down and kissed Tobias' head softly, squeezing his hand softly and comfortingly "No worrying, Tobi. Don't start worrying, or you'll start stressing out." Kai whispered into Tobias' ear, kissing him softly on his ear and cheek.

Kai looked up at Dr. Kazuma and smiled tightly. He was shocked to hear that they were having so many pups, but he had an idea - sort of - that they might have gotten more than one out of the deal, if the pregnancy survived. "What are the odds of this pregnancy... lasting?" Kai asked quietly, staring at Kazuma critically "And are they in human form, or pup form? Because we were... in human form when this happened."

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 09-25-2018

Tobias looked up at Kai, a few tears rolling down his cheek, but he nodded, bringing the man's hand to his cheek and holding it there for comfort. His heart was pounding regardless, both from nerves and excitement. Seeing those strong little hearts beating away gave him hope.

The doctor continued to check with the machine, looking for anything strange. Though, he paused at Kai's question. A common one among shifters with their first litter. "It actually depends. Pups with two shifter parents will actually grow in a neutral state. See, most mammals look the same through much of gestation. Some shifter pups will settle in human form and some in animal form. And even some in a hybrid form. But usually the whole litter picks one shape and sticks with it." He said, moving to print out a nice picture of all four little hearts visible among the shadowy shapes of their bodies. He wiped down Tobi's stomach and smiled.

"I think the hormones are helping. Dropping testosterone levels during the pregnancy will improve the chances. And those hearts look strong, so I would say I see this pregnancy doing well." He said with a nod. Of course, he couldnt tell them it would all turn out perfectly, since there was always a risk. But he had high hopes for this one.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 09-25-2018

Kai was happy with the information provided by Dr. Kazuma, smiling and nodding his head to his words. It was a relief to know that their pups had a higher chance of making it this time - still worried about it, but he would push that to the back of his mind for now. He really just wanted to enjoy Tobias' pregnancy, and some day meet their pups. "How long until we meet them - If it all works out according to our mental plan?" Kai asked curiously.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 09-25-2018

Kazuma handed Tobias a towel to wipe off while he put the machine away. "Hmm, well, I'd say around five months. Give or take a week or two." He said, giving a smirk. "If you start lactating, expect the birth to come soon after." He nodded.

Tobias blushed slightly when the doctor mentioned lactation, shaking his head and making a face. "I hope I dont start that." He sighed, looking down himself. He wiped his belly, glancing up as Kazuma left them for now. He sat for a moment, admiring his belly. Thinking about how a moment of passion had created four new lives within him...then he blushed furiously, noticing he'd pitched a tent in his sweatpants.....he never realized he had such a kink....

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 09-26-2018

Kai chuckled softly and rubbed Tobias' shoulder lightly "Sounds like you don't have a choice but to start lactating... We can keep track of your pregnancy, and then closer to your fifth month... We'll watch your nipples and stay home more often so its not embarrassing to you." Kai said quietly and pressed a tender kiss to Tobias' temple.

"How about we get you home? I'm sure you're tired... You've been up since pretty early this morning with all that morning sickness..." Kai suggested, still softly rubbing Tobias' shoulder and his neck now.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 09-26-2018

Tobias groaned, both from Kai's comment about his future lactation, and his unexpected arousal. He leaned into the man's touch, sighing softly. "Right..." he muttered, moving to get up off the table. But not before attempting to adjust himself and tugging his shirt down further. Now he regretted wearing such loose sweatpants.

Taking a few breaths, he managed to will it least enough to go home. But his arousal tinged his scent. He was turned on by the thought of carrying Kai's children. How they'd grow and move around inside was embarrassing to realize such a thing got such a strong reaction.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 09-27-2018

Kai rubbed Tobias' lower back and kissed his head softly. He guided his mate out of the doctor's office, keeping a hand on his lower back the entire time "Are you feeling okay? You seem a little... tense? I thought you would be more excited knowing that the... kids..." Kai paused and shook his head, smiling lightly - he couldn't believe they were having multiples.

"More excited about having the kids, and knowing that they had healthy and strong heart beats..." Kai said quietly. They were already out of the doctor's office now and heading toward Kai's Jeep. "We're going to be parent's, Toby... To several little pups..." he himself was still quite shocked with that revelation - several kids to take care of, and they didn't even know how to take care of *one* "We're going to need some serious help with this... I might call my mother to meet us at the cabin, I think she should know about this."

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 09-27-2018

Tobias stayed close to Kai as they walked, slipping one arm around his waist. "Oh....I'm excited. But....just thinking about it. Thinking about how we made four new lives...and they are growing inside me." He said, cheeks tinted red as he looked down at the subtle bump hidden under his shirt.

"Can we call her later?" He asked, looking up at his mate again. He climbed into the jeep, leaning back and parting his legs to pull his sweatpants tight, making the tent he'd pitched even more obvious. "I need some attention..." he muttered, reaching to brush his fingers against the head, feeling it twitch as the fabric grew wet from his pre.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 10-10-2018

Kai shifted in his seat when he saw just what his mate was doing in the passenger seat. His own cock started hardening and he bit down on his lip lightly "Fuck..." he huffed quietly - how could he possibly think to resist such temptation? Reaching over, he ran his own fingers across his mate's hard length, putting a bit more pressure behind his movements and causing a bigger wet patch on the sweatpants that Tobias was wearing.

"Alright... You'll get the attention you need, Toby." Kai said as he started the engine of the Jeep and then reached to undo his own pants "Only if I get the same." he said as he pulled his cock out from the confines of his jeans - he was only half-hard at the moment, but it wouldn't take long at all for him to get completely hard. As Kai started driving, he reached over to Tobias and slipped his hand inside of his mate's sweats, gently tweaking and stroking the hard cock confined inside - still he maintained focus on the road before them.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 10-10-2018

Tobias looked at Kai with lidded eyes, a smirk on his lips at the man's reaction. He flexed his inner muscles, making his cock shift about before giving a breathy moan as Kai ran his fingers along it. He shifted his hips, feeling his opening twitch, already wet from arousal.

"Mmh, fuck." He moaned, watching Kai expose himself, licking his lips as he watched his mate's cock rise to full glory. He shifted and pushed his sweats down just enough to expose his arousal, moaning as Kai fondled him.

He reached over, wrapping his long fingers around Kai's cock, rubbing his thumb around the head slowly, smearing his pre over the sensitive flesh. "Mmm, getting each other off while driving. Dangerous and arousing." He chuckled.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 10-10-2018

Kai smirked, glancing over at Tobias for a brief second before focusing back on the road "You like this, huh?" Kai asked as he wrapped his own fingers around his mate's length.

Kai moved his hand slow and teasingly along the length of Tobias' cock, squeezing and stroking "Thirty minute drive... Who do you think will get off first if we keep this pace?" Kai asked curiously.

He shifted himself in his seat, dropping the back of the seat a little so Tobias had a little more room to play. Kai adjusted his cock, making sure the full length was out, shining, and proudly dripping precum every time Tobias' thumb swept over the head of his cock. Small rumbling moans echoing in his throat, sounding more like growls.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 10-10-2018

Tobias gave a low moan as Kai squeezed him, pushing his hips up into his hand slightly. "Mmmh...I'm already worked up...I doubt I'll last long." He sighed. But he knew his noises would drive Kai wild in the process. He leaned his seat back a little, closing his eyes and relaxing.

He moved his own hand to mirror Kai's, giving him a squeeze. The slow teasing pace was driving him crazy, legs twitching slightly before he slid his free hand down his sweats and passed his cock. Long fingers slid lower, seeking that sweet spot. His breath hitched as he started to rub that bundle of nerves in slow circles. His hips bucked as he gave low rumbling moans, hoping to tease Kai even more.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 10-17-2018

Kai was finding it harder and harder to concentrate on the road. Between the hand-job, the moans, and Tobias' cock in his own hand, things were quickly spiraling out of control.

He swerved off the road, managing to stop *just* in time before coming face-to-face with a large Oak tree. He killed the engine and dropped his seat back all the way, panting and grunting as his hips rose and fell into Tobias' tight grip "Fuck baby... C'mere... Come get in my lap... I can't wait to get you home any longer... C'mon..."

Kai hated the desperation oozing out of his own voice, but damn it if he couldn't control himself around Tobias and those *teasing* fucking moans he made!

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 10-18-2018

Tobias gave a startled Yelp when Kai swerved and stopped, staring at the oak in front of them for a moment. He seemed to forget things for that moment, but Kai's voice snapped him back to reality.

"Ooh, ah, r-right here?" He asked, obviously a little worried someone might see them. But looking over at the man reclined beside him, his cock standing proudly and throbbing in his own hand. It made his own cock twitch. He pulled his hand out of his sweats, fingers glistening with his natural juices. He idly rubbed them together before licking them clean, making a bit of a show of it for Kai.

Then came the awkward act of moving around the confines of the Jeep. First he had to wiggle his shoes and sweats off, then get his lanky form over to the driver's side. He ended up honking the horn a couple of times as he moved to straddle his mate. He reached for the jeep's rollbars to stabilize himself, kneeling over Kai, his own cock dripping and balls already tight.

"Mmh, hope you've got good suspension on this." He chuckled, shifting and easing his wet opening down onto Kai's cock. "Ooohh, mmmh..." he moaned, letting his eyes slide closed as he started to ride his mate, one hand holding the rollbar, the other braced on the passenger seat. The vehicle rocking with his movements.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 10-18-2018

Kai groaned as Tobias sank down onto his throbbing member. His hands immediately going to Tobias' hips as he leaned back further and planted his feet firmly on the floorboards of the Jeep. "Fuck yeah, babe... That's it! Ride this big cock baby." Kai encouraged as he wrapped his hand around Tobias' cock once again.

Kai started thrusting his hips up hard into Tobias' body as well as stroking Tobias' cock in time with the both of their thrusts "You're so perfect baby, so beautiful..." Kai whispered as he slid his free hand up underneath Tobias' sweatshirt and found his nipple, gently tweaking and tugging on the perky little bud.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 10-18-2018

Tobias cursed under his breath as he moved, already trembling a little, especially when Kai started stroking him again. His face scrunched up a little while his inner walls clenched in waves around Kai's cock, a sure sign he was holding back his climax.

His breath hitched sharply when Kai's fingers found his nipple, giving a strained moan as he tried holding back a little longer. His whole body trembled, cock throbbing as the knot swelled. "Oooh-oohh, I'm gonna....f-fuck! Ohhh fuck!" He managed to cry out between moans, suddenly tensing as his climax hit.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Sam260 - 10-22-2018

Kai kept fucking Tobias through his orgasm, his hips snapping up harder and faster; one hand holding Tobi's hip and the other still pinching and squeezing his nipple "That's it baby, c'mon..." Kai encouraged quietly as he continued striking upward; his knot swelling and stretching Tobias out even more as he pushed it and his thick length deeper into Tobi.

Kai groaned and dropped his head back, releasing Tobias' spent cock and dropping both his hands to Tobias' hips as he continued thrusting up "So close baby... Fuck I am..." Kai muttered as he slammed upward one last time before unleashing a torrent of hot white spunk into Tobias' womb, filling him even more and bloating him out a bit with the volume of Kai's release - as per the usual with him.

RE: Insufferable Love [Closed With Hyenadog] - Hyenadog - 10-22-2018

Tobias' cries grew sharper as Kai kept moving through his orgasm, intensifying the feeling as his inner walls clenched and spasmed tightly around his thrusting cock. "Oooh, f-fuck!" He cried, feeling another climax building.

"Ooh, sh-shit!" He gasped, feeling that swelling knot pop in and out of him. "W-wait....don't...aah-aaah!" He stammered between breaths before Kai slammed into him, locking them together as cum flooded into him. His womb was sealed, leaving nowhere for it to go but out, squirting out around Kai's knot due to the pressure within. Tobias came again, trembling above Kai before slumping down against him.

He listened to his mate's pounding heart, coming down from their shared high. "Mmh...don't think we're going anywhere for a while." He muttered, feeling Kai's cock still throbbing within.