RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 09-15-2014
Madison looked to Giulietta and asked. "Mama? How does daddy get pregnant?" She asked innocently.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 09-15-2014
Giulietta stopped walking and blushed, "Darling you are still too know wait a few more years okay?"
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 09-15-2014
"But daddy has a big belly and Maddy wants to know! Daddy has a belly full of babies but I never seen another daddy with a belly at school." Madison stated.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 09-15-2014
"Maddy, I don't like it when you insist okay? Please don't ask yet, it is very hard for mommy to explain." Giulietta said carefully
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
Madison poured before she ran to class. Meanwhile, Ryne was moaning up a storm as the babies kicked and shifted in his womb.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 10-06-2014
When Giulietta got back she smirked, "Well hello Shamu." she teased as she saw her husband moaning.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
"Meanie. Besides, you try dealing with a belly this large." Ryne said playfully as the babies kicked, causing dozens of bumps to appear on his belly. "I'm so horny right now and I need to be fucked!" He moaned.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 10-06-2014
Giulietta hummed slowly, "I'm gonna take a shower~" she said as she slowly took off her top.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
Ryne moaned at the sight of Giulietta's breasts. "Help me up and I'll join!" He moaned.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 10-06-2014
"You help yourself up." she teased as she removed her pants, becoming stark naked.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
Ryne moaned in pleasure and frustration. "You are so mean to me. You know I cant." Ryne stated.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 10-06-2014
"You know I'm mean." she said winking.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
Ryne groaned as he tried to get up but his belly pushed him back down onto the couch. "Please? I'm so horny and I'm not in the mood." He whined.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 10-06-2014
"Okay come on." she said as she pulled Ryne up.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
Ryne grinned as he bounced up and pushed Giulietta to the ground, tubes massive belly hovering over her as he sat on Giulietta's lap.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 10-06-2014
"Okay, get off." Giulietta said as she pushed Ryne off.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 10-06-2014
Ryne smiled. "Nope. You teased me so now I'm going to tease you." He stated as he began to press his belly against Giulietta's body.