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RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-17-2018

"Ill eat when I'm ready. So please eat." He whined.honestly he wasn't hungry his apitite was low. He didn't want to startle his mate so he didn't voice it.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-17-2018

"when im done here" he says slowly before taking the food "im maiing you your favorite salad... and i am not going to leave you alone till you have eaten it... that also means no sex 5ill its all eaten"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-17-2018

"Awww you soil me to much. I wanna soil you." He was suprised his mate waa being so persicent. He was happy to be so spoiled but he wished he could do the spoiling for once. "I just wish I could be as good to you as you are to me."

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-17-2018

he gave a light chuckle and pulled his mate in close "You are, you just dont see it my live" he praises with a churr "You dont need to prove anything to me ok?"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-17-2018

"I don't wanna prove anything I just wanna love you to bits." He said smiling at oru. He watched him make his sea grape and ocean berry rainbow kelp salad.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-17-2018

Oru smiles and chuckled "If you lived me to bits then youd need yo put me back together" he says as he works

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

"I'd have more of you to love." He said smiling. He was glad his mate had such a sense of humour. He was excited about the rest of the day. He was also worried about the kids.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

Placing the finished salad infront of his mate Oru smiled "So my love, once you are done there... what shall we do all day?"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

Nova was imedatly away at eating. He loved when oru made him this salad. As he munched he noticed oru was grinning all cheesy like. He looked up and asked. "What you grinning at?" He was trying not to luagh. "And if you must know I'd like a picnic in the castle gardens."

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

he continued his grin and nodded "sounds like a date to me... and i was just happy you are eating"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

"Stop you act like i never eat." He couldn't help it he burst out luaghing. He had to put his food aside fir a moments. As be patted tigiras head she was head butting his hip. "Alright alright ill feeed you too geez no need to tickle me to death girly" he said stroking her under her chin. now he was smilling all cheesy like.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

Oru chuckled and got some food out for their shark "aw she just wants some attention... to be fair we havent gone for a swim with her in a while... the kids and i cant keep up sadly"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

"Well we can take her to the gardens with us ill play with our sweet girl she is our biggest help after all. " he fed her some raw tuna and gently stroked her sides. "You realy are our hero girly wed never round up the kids on our own."

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

the orca chuckled "They jist see teeth and come swimming to be fair" he says and reaches over to pet her gently on the snout "I shall contact the palace kitchens to prepare us a picnic lunch, that way it will be a pleasent surprise what we get"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

"Ooooooooo yay suprise picnic lunch!" Nova squealed. At times he could act just like the kids. It was both cute and amusing. "Well head out after weve eaten and you have rested a little. He was implying cuddle time.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

he chuckled at his mate and nodded "i already ate remember? you fed me yourself" he says "so lets go for a laydown hmm?"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

"Alright but first I need to do somthing about me hair." He wanted it combed and put back up.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

Oru chuckled "But it looks good down, it flows like a cape behind you" he says before heading to the door "Ill be back, just gonna send a request to the kitchens"

RE: Hidden in coral - Gadiva22 - 05-18-2018

"Alright ill wait!" He said as he watched him leave.

RE: Hidden in coral - Dusty779 - 05-18-2018

he didnt go far, finding a servent in the halls he gave them his order before returning to the room "Ok, im back... lets have a lay down"