RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-16-2014
(Fair enough.)
Cormac blinked. "I don't look that young do I?" He asked his employer. "I swear I'm at least old enough to have beer."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
Astien simply shrugged. "'Tis best to err on the side of caution?" He offered. "Oh, if only I had a decent lab setup; I could take a bit of your blood and tell your age from that."
The server shook her head. "Sorry, love. We're strict on age here. 'Fraid I can't give you the brew." She offered a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-16-2014
Cormac huffed. "Fine...I'll take the fizz juice."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
"Right then. 'Frai we only have cherry flavor at the moment." When Darol declined his food, the server took their orders back to the kitchen. "Don't worry Cormac. If I could just get the right type of crystal, I could tell your age. I'm afraid we'll just have to wait until I can get to a decent lab setup. We'll figure it out yet."
The server came back with their drinks quickly, and left again. The tavern bustled with people; some waiting for the ferry, others simply there. Astien periodically checked over his shoulder at the hooded figure.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-16-2014
"I guess it would be nice to know how old I am. It would make things like this less common." Cormac huffed as he sipped his drink.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
"Well, if nothing else, I've at least given you some decent clothes and fixes your hair. Speaking of which, how much did all those clothes come to?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-16-2014
"Nothing," Cormac stated. "Once I mentioned your friend's name the guy just told me to take it and ran to the back room. I did leave some money though."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
Astien sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I can only imagine what I'Karis did to make him react like that. Or what he might have done to deserve it." Two servers came from the kitchen with trays of food. "But let's not keep us from enjoying this meal." He took the chocolate sauce and began spreading it on all of his food, and then started eating it like a starved animal. A few head turned, but luckily Astien didn't notice. He was too busy satisfying his bizarre cravings.
"You know," he said in between bites of fish, "I'm pretty sure the reason I'Karis didn't proposition you," he swallowed, "was because he thought you were underage. Your youthful appearance may not be as bad as you think."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-16-2014
Cormac shrugged and shoveled some of the Shepard's pie into his mouth. "Oh. It's so good. Almost like Mum's."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
"Oh, you think this is good? Just wait, we'll be passing through places with even better food."
(Good night, time for sleepies)
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-16-2014
"Like it matters to you, you're just going to smother everything in chocolate sauce," Cormac said between mouthfuls. "An' do be dissin' me Mum's cooking."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
"Hey, watch what you say." Astien scolded. "That should have been enough to make me cry, with all my damn hormones. And I wasn't 'dissing' your mothers cooking!" Under his breath he added. "And I can't help if the baby wants chocolate sauce..."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Plutexian Mpregger - 07-16-2014
Darol gets up and walks out.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
Astien looked up from his food. "Darol?" He called. "Where are you going?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Plutexian Mpregger - 07-16-2014
"Outside until you two sort it out, as you were acting like children and it's embarrassing. If I hear one more argument about trivial crap, I'm going solo." Darol replies. "Or I'm gonna put you two in a force-field until you realise that nothing is better than nothing. Oh, and I didn't decline my food because I didn't like it, as I'm a robot, and I don't need to eat."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
Astien was stunned into silence. He hadn't been aware that he was arguing with Cormac, and Darol had said several time that he didn't need food to function. He had assumed that that was the reason he had declined.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Plutexian Mpregger - 07-16-2014
"Sort it out now or else I will leave." Darol looks at Astien. "And if I have to leave, I won't be coming back."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
Astien stared at Darol, still shocked and confused" I had been under the impression that this was just friendly banter." He said
(What brought this on, bro? Chu okay?)
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Plutexian Mpregger - 07-16-2014
(hearing Cormac and Astien arguing over food, as Darol got a load of that in the time between his creation and getting pregnant to crash-landing on the planet and he gets embarrassed).
"Your vocal tones said otherwise." Darol replies. "And I heard a lot of it on the U.S.S. Jupiter. If you had been on the ship, you'd have heard it day and night, in one room or another, like I did, and it's embarrassing. Then again, it could also be hormones, as I'm a robot and pregnancy is making me hormonal."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-16-2014
(Wait if he's a robot how is he hormonal)
"Okay, no more arguing about food. Let's talk about something else. Ummm... Oh! I could tell you about some of this rwalm's history. Is that okay?"