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C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Printable Version

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RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 03-29-2023

((Ah, okay, honestly didn’t remember Charlie was trans, my bad))

Evan shrugged nibbling on his own chocolate “I mean, yeah, but when your travelling you don’t really make deep connections, you make connections but they aren’t as fulfilling” he said “I did meet a set of triplets which is rare, and travelled with a circus for a while which was interesting”

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 03-29-2023

((That's okay! And I didn't have a specific plan for them, just ideas. Brb I gotta do a few chores. Boo ))

Charlie's eyes lit up. "The circus, you say? I've seen them only once... How exciting-what was it like?" His people used to travel, hence the wagons, but as long as he had been alive, they had made their home outside the temple. It was a peaceful place with direct protection from their god, and close to bit not in town...why leave? But Charlie wished they could travel, at least a bit. Maybe seasonally? While Yuni was resting?

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 03-29-2023

((All good, I’m going to be cooking dinner now anyway))

Evan laughed gently “I mean, they’re just normal people so it was just like a travelling family” he shrugged “Including the arguments and that” he laughed gently “What would you like to know about?” He asked smiling over at him.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 03-29-2023

((That's what I was doing; meal prep for tomorrow/later today))

Charlie nodded his understanding about the family part-including the arguments. As peaceful as their little community was, there were still sometimes fights. "How many places have you been to with them? Did you get to perform too?" He had a barrage of questions lined up to ask, but stopped himself when another, more important question came up. " Oh! Where are you staying while you are in town?" He assumed with Jace, but the house was small, so he wasn't sure where Evan would sleep. "If you don't have a place already, we would be happy to host you, though you might need to share a tent."

"My love," Yuni said, trying to get Jace's attention once the festivities had died down a bit. "I've got a surprise for you -will you come with me?" He gave him the look of a pleading cat or puppy.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 03-29-2023

Evan laughed gently “I’m not talented enough for that” he grinned “I only travelled with them a few months and helped set up and sell popcorn and that” he chuckled gently “I’m not interesting enough for the circus, I can chop veggies but that’s not a skill needed in that industry” he shrugged “I assumed I would just sleep at Jace’s, on his couch or something, I’m used to that” he smiled

Jace smiled over at him “Yes, sweetheart, of course” he said and took his partners hand gently rubbing the back of it lightly.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 03-29-2023

"Well, the invitation is open, if you don't mind sharing a tent with me," Charlie said. "I've got extra room." He still looked like a way too excited kid, with lots of questions to ask Evan about his travels.

Yuni beamed and escorted Jace to the temple, where the noise had faded away, and only the two of them were present. The place was filled with blooming lilies, and a soft, dappled light lit the space from overhead. Yuni paused to collect a pair of soft white robes from a table at the entrance, as well as a bucket filled with towels and a bar of soap. The sounds of bubbling water drifted from further into the temple.

Yuni lead Jace to the next room, which was pleasantly warm and steamy, thanks to a natural hot spring bubbling away in the center of it. There were tables to the side where guests could put their clothes while they soaked, and a smaller area to wash and rinse (hence the bucket) before entering the hot spring. "Tada~" Yuni hummed, showing him the natural spa. "I thought you could use some time to relax."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 03-30-2023

Evan smiled gently at him “I appreciate the offer as my brother is now engaged I feel like sleeping in your tent would be the safer option” he laughed gently “You seem interested in travelling, why have you not done it?”

Jace looked around in awe having never actually been in the temple before “This is beautiful” he said as he followed after his fiancé slowly, trying to take in all the details. He gasped as they made it into where the hot spring was “Wow” he said softly, trying to almost not break the reverence of the place. He smiled brightly over at Yuni before pulling him close “Or perhaps you wanted me to yourself” he teased

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 03-30-2023

"I suspect you won't get much peace," Charlie agreed with a laugh. "There's a reason why they have a baby on the way, after all."

Oops. He was pretty sure that Evan did NOT know about the circumstances regarding their relationship. Well, if he didn't make a big deal about it, it wouldn't be something that would draw undue attention.

"Mm, I don't know. I guess because my family is here," Charlie mused. "I don't really want to leave them, you know? You're right that Yuni is like a a brother to me. And he likes this area, with these people... I don't want to leave him behind."

"I always want you to myself," Yuni purred. "But you work hard, and you deserve to relax, my love." He gave Jace a kiss. "Would you like me to assist you in washing?" He asked. "I give a decent back massage."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 03-31-2023

Evan smiled gently and laughed at the shock after Charlie had mentioned the baby “I told you I’m perceptive, I didn’t miss that” he grinned “But I mean if he has Jace now then you could have more freedom?” He smiled gently

Jace smiled and kissed him back gently holding him close and rubbed his thumb over Yuni’s stomach gently “Should I not be taking care of you?” He grinned

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 03-31-2023

Charlie nodded. Evan probably had an idea of who Yuni really was, but he just decided to let it go. "I mean, I guess... Nothing, now. Except maybe a destination." He had some funds saved up, and he could easily pack up his stuff and go. His reasoning that he didn't want to leave Yuni alone didn't hold up anymore. He wasn't going to leave Yuni behind... He was getting left behind, wasn't he?

"I think partners take care of each other, love." He leaned happily into Jace's touch, relaxing. "But, I wouldn't be opposed to it, if you don't mind."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 04-27-2023

Evan shrugged and smiled “Any places you think you’d want to travel to? Or have ideas about what you would like to see, I can help with planning all that out for you”

Jace shook his head gently “Of course not” he said softly and leaned in kissing Yuni’s neck gently led him to the water gently and helped undress him running his finger over his body gently as he undressed him.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 05-02-2023

Charlie looked conflicted. "I would like your input, but guess I've never thought about it. I mean, I always thought of traveling to see the word, but I never really expected to get somewhere. I kind of thought I would always be here... Silly, isn't it?"
Yuni leaned into Jace's touch and followed him to the water. He did the same for Jace, assisting him with removing his clothes until they both stood bare before each other. Yuni turned pink. Its not like they hadn't seen each other naked before, they were hardly virgins. But looking at Jace as he was, Yuni was filled with a new sense of awe and wonderment. "You're so handsome," he said-a rather astute observation. "I'm so lucky to have you, you wonderful man."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 08-02-2023

Evan laughed gently “Of course it’s not silly. It’s safe, and easy to fall back on, but it’s not silly. Well, close your eyes, what’s the first thing you think of when you think of travelling?” He asked gently.

Jace shook his head “You’re the god here, I am awed to be loved by you” he said gently and moved so he was behind Yuni gently running his fingers over his arms and across his back lightly before he started to gently knead the skin.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-09-2023

((Heya! Welcome back! I'm so sorry MPC never told me you responded; I thought you were still on break ;3; ))

Charlie bit his lip, a bit unsure, but he did as he was told. He closed his eyes and thought about it. Ideally, he would like to travel with friends, but everyone was kind of settling down now... Especially since Jace and Yuni had a baby on the way. "I guess, seeing the world with friends, sleeping under the stars, finding places off the beaten path."

Yuni hummed in contentment and sighed happily. "Maybe I am, but you're the world to me. I'm so glad to have you here with me." He relaxed, becoming putty in Jace's hands. "Are you sure you're not secretly a god? Because this is heavenly."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-09-2023

(That’s okay :) )

Evan smiled gently “So probably somewhere decently warm so you don’t need to wrap up to sleep under the stars but not the tourist trap areas, somewhere a little exotic and I think you would even maybe like somewhere where you weren’t totally confident of the language but could immerse yourself in the culture. Who do you see travelling with you, in your image?” He asked, hiding the fact he was hoping he may say Evan.

Jace gently kissed along the other man’s shoulder as he massaged him deeply “I’m sure the water is helping” he chuckled gently and reached forward caressing his stomach softly “I’m excited to meet our sweet baby” he said softly

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-09-2023

Charlie frowned, unsure. "I don't know who would want to or be able to go with me." He laughed lightly. "Unless you wanted to?" He asked. "Of course you don't know me very well, so I can't ask that of you."

Yuni hummed happily. "I can't wait to meet them either." As Jace's hands caressed the swell of his belly, he felt a few fluttering kicks beneath his skin. His eyes widened. Its not like he hasn't felt some movement before, but this really solidified that he was really pregnant. "Did you feel that?" He asked, his voice hisher with awe

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-10-2023

Evan smiled gently “I could, I know plenty of places” he chuckled softly “It’s up to you though, I’m sure there are a few here that may want to adventure as well” he said softly.

Jace moved to be in front of Yuni and knelt down so he was in front of his rounded belly putting both his hands on it gently and leaned forward kissing it lightly “Hi baby, it’s your papa here” he smiled brightly and stroked his thumbs against Yuni’s stomach gently.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-10-2023

Charlie gave him a soft smile. "If you don't want to come with me, I won't say no. It would be nice to have the company." But at the same time... His eyes flickered back to where the festivities were. Thinking about Jace and Yuni. "But I don't know if I'm needed here," he said.

Lies. He knew he wasn't. Everyone was moving forward without him. And he was just thinking in circles.

Yuni giggled and smiled affectionately at Jace when he started speaking to his belly. Jace was rewarded by a few more kicks. "I wonder if they hear you. I think they do." He looked at Jace with such affection and reverence. "And what a wonderful papa you are. "

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-10-2023

Evan reached out and touched his hand gently “I’m extremely sure that’s not the case” he said softly “I know they both love you very much” he said and smiled warmly “They are in a honeymoon stage, at some point they will need to remember they have friends outside the two of them”

Jace smiled feeling the small movement under his hands before standing up and kissing Yuni gently holding him close before pulling back and chewing his lip lightly “What…what happens when you leave again? Does the child go with you or stay with me?” He asked nervously.

(I was thinking for Evan and Charlie maybe they sleep together and Jace finds out and pretty much calls Evan a manwhore and that’s why Evan leaves for a while while Charlie is pregnant?)

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-10-2023

((sounds good to me!))

Charlie snorted. "Yeah, I can understand that. I am really glad they're happy though," he said, forcing a smile. Even though his heart was shattered at the revelation. He felt like he lost his first love and his best friend all at once. "I would love to travel with you... Want to discuss plans over some drinks?" He asked, his normal,.carefree smile coming back. "My treat."

Yuni frowned, considering. "Well, the child would be a demigod. With ties to both worlds. I imagine they could be in either realm, since they're part of both." He gently stroked Jace's face and gave him a reassuring look. "I imagine they'll come withe this first time so they can get their designations as demigods, but their time here will be much longer than mine is."