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C A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Printable Version

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RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-01-2018

Mitsuo gave a small shrug at Rowen's comment, tilting his head. "Sometimes it just takes a few nice people to change a person's life." He said with a nod. He looked to the kittens, giving them a small wave before motioning for the other to follow.

Mitsuo didn't look like a typical omega, with a more stocky build and only his softer facial features to give away what he was...aside from his scent. His scent gave away that he would be going into heat in a few weeks, but he wasn't planning on allowing anyone near him during that time.

He lead Rowen to an apartment building a block over, glancing back to him. "So, umm, I haven't really met many people here. I mean, I haven't even finished unpacking." He chuckled as he let them in and headed up to his apartment. He let Rowen in first, following and kicking off his shoes. "aah, shoes...habit." he said before his guest could get too far.

"I'll get an ice pack." He said, leaving the other by the door. He really hadn't unpacked much, boxes stacked near the door, some open, some not. Mitsuo disappeared into the kitchen, rummaging around for a sandwich bag to put ice in, leaning down and giving a nice view of his backside....

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-01-2018

Troy let his tongue loll out of his mouth as he stepped closer to Lazul and gently bumped his head against the younger wolves head; he didn't care how much smaller Lazul was compared to himself, he was pack and that was all that mattered to Troy.  With a happy bark, Troy turned on four paws and started out of Lazul's bedroom and to the wide open back door.

Keeping a steady but slow pace, Troy ran alongside Lazul as they darted in and out of the forestry surrounding the pack house and headed toward the large lake beach that would be hosting Lake Village's annual bonfire, hosted every year by West Yellowstone College Party Committee.  It was one of the best events in town and *everyone* always showed up and had an amazing time.

By the time they got to the beach entrance, Troy shifted back into his human form seamlessly and stood up, grabbing onto the messenger bag that fell from his form as he shifted; he started sorting out their clothes, laying Lazul's close by the younger wolf, while he himself just pulled on his jeans.  He stuffed his shirt into his back pocket and smiled, waiting for Lazul to shift so they could head onto the beach and talk to the committee that were already there and waiting. "Hopefully they don't get mad about us coming to check on progress... That would just suck." he said sarcastically, he quite honestly didn't care if they got mad or not - he was highly opinionated about what he was allowed or not allowed to do, and checking on progress was one of the things he deemed 'allowable.'

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-02-2018

Taking off his shoes Rowen ventured a bit into the apartment.
"Eh s'all good. You seem nice enough so I'm sure the town will adopt you in no time." His wandering eyes til they found the bent over form of the Omega in the kitchen. 
"Fuck.." His voice was a soft whisper and he couldn't tear his eyes away until he noticed Tsu started to straighten once he found a bag for the ice. 
Drawing his hood over his head he hid his reddening ears and darted his eyes to the ceiling like he was admiring the paint work,
"It's uh- a nice little place you got here. Even if your stuffs not unpacked yet."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-02-2018

Mitsuo wasn't entirely aware of how nice his ass was, and most of the time it was hidden by his loose layered clothing. His whole body was strong with just the right layer of soft to hide it. But he seemed oblivious, even to Rowen's muttered swear.

"Yeah. It seems like a pretty quiet place. Everyone knows everyone else." He said as he got up from retrieving the bag. He moved to the fridge to get the ice, filling the baggie before wrapping it in a clean dish towel. "Here ya go. Gotta stop the swelling before it gets too bad." He said, offering the ice pack to the other.

He tilted his head when he saw the hood, and he could swear Rowen's face seemed more red than before...but the bruising his most of it. He shrugged it off, not wanting to bring it up. "So, I've been here for about a week...haven't been out much. Mostly unpacking." He said, giving a vague gesture to the empty boxes on the table. "What is there to do for fun around here...besides the huge forest." He chuckled. Though, he hadn't shifted since moving, and he was feeling a bit antsy.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-02-2018

Rowen took the ice pack with a thank you, a audible sigh of relief escaping his lips as he felt the building pressure under his skin ebb away at the colds touch. As he spoke his voice took on a bit of a nasal tone due to his nose being covered. 
"For fun Eh?" Red realized his idea of fun would probably be frowned upon as seducing someone new almost every day when he got bored wasn't a national pass time for most people.

"Well you really have to drive farther out if you wanna find more city attractions, malls or fancy things like that. We have more nature turn ons-" He chuckled internally at his bad choice of words,"-like nature trails, a bit of rock climbing and sight seeing. Our shops are more tourist themed so you'll find the same stuff tends to show up a lot no matter which one you go to. Oh well Saturday's the Bonfire though you've probably already heard about it. The College always throws it each year on one of our beaches. Think it actually might be the one close to my house this time." He switched the pack more over his bruised eye sacrificing the fact that he now couldn't really see thanks to his bad eye being the only one left open.

Tsu's figure became quite blurred more common colors than anything really though the lack of detail didn't bother him any as he'd grown used to it, 
"We may not be a small town with nothing to do but when it comes to 'fun' you tend to need to be a nature buff or really wanna go on a run everyday. The woods are quite pretty this time of year by the way."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-02-2018

Lazul nodded as he changed and quickly got dressed. he struggled to keep his eyes off of Troys upper half or atleast make it look like he wasnt looking.
"Atleast you knew where you were going... I've... never been here" he admitted with a light blush "does everyone normally stay human or are there some who are in wolf form?" he asks curiously. he follows Tory out towards the site, marveling at just how big the bonfire was going to be.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-02-2018

Mitsuo leaned against the counter as Rowen spoke, listening intently. He knew there probably wasnt a whole lot in town, though there was a small movie theater, and an arcade...but it mostly had stuff from the 80's. Not that the games were bad, just dated and a bit worn out.

He looked thoughtful before sighing. "Well, I came here with one of those tiny moving trucks...but all I have is a little motorbike. It's great for zipping around town, but not for distance." He said, shaking his head. His bike was a more road-legal dirt bike, just enough room for a passenger if he took the saddlebags off.

"I did hear about the bonfire, guess that would be the place to meet more locals." He said, pushing off the counter and moving to the fridge. "You want a drink?" He asked, opening the door and leaning down to inspect his stock....another opportunity to see that ass of his...."I've got Pepsi, root beer, water, and a few cans of some local beer that caught my eye." He said, glancing over his shoulder at Rowen.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-02-2018

Troy shrugged his shoulders as he walked beside Lazul, casually slinging one muscular arm over the younger man's shoulders - guiding him so he didn't trip over any roots that may be growing underneath the half-sand and half-dirt mixture of the beach grounds "Depends, really... Most of the ol' folks tend to stay in wolf form since its easier for 'em to get around on four legs than it is two." Troy said, tugging Lazul away from an uneven area of ground that had been destroyed by a large tree root "I try to avoid the old people though, they like to snap and snarl for no reason other than that they can..."

As they got closer to the bonfire area, Troy's eyes roamed over all of the college committee faces in the area "Then, of course, you got the people who regularly shift; like myself and those who live at the pack house... It's easier being in a group and going hunting when we can, legally." Troy tilted his head to the side "And then ya got the ones who don't shift at all, for reasons unbeknownst to me... Maybe from fear? Or they are not... comfortable with it? I dunno, we kind of avoid them because they aren't exactly 'pack' - they have our protection, but they don't attend meetings or hang out with us."

Troy's eyes settled on his college tutor and he growled slightly, fingers tightening a little on Lazul's shoulder "Great... just what I wanted to deal with." Troy grumbled under his breath "Stay here and just enjoy the beach, Laz... I'll be back in a bit."

Troy released Lazul and trotted over to where Quinton was standing, he crossed his arms over his bare broad chest and snorted slightly "So... You're a tutor *and* on the party planning committee? Why don't that surprise me?" Troy asked, kicking dirt and sand lightly with his bare feet - they hadn't bothered bringing shoes with them since they would be in sand anyway "How's the party set-up going? No glitches or anything?" Troy asked, eyes glancing around to take in all that had been set-up for Saturday's event.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-03-2018

Oh god don't get me drunk, I don't know what I'd do, though as his eyes lingered once more he couldn't help think a drink would be a nice thing to loosen things up between the two,
"Sure I'll take beer if ya got some to spare."

(Sorry for super short post, don't have to much time today)

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-03-2018

(Welcome back C.Wolf ^^)

Lazul blushed at having the arm around his shoulders. he had listened to him and nodded along. Maybe some were like him and didn't want to shift because they didn't want to show off what was under their fur. the wolf was a little embarrassed about his scars and thin physic.

When Troy walked away from him he nodded watching him then just started having a look around. there were at least some changing booths for those who wanted to shift in private or go for a dip. It really did seem to be a whole town kind of event with food stalls and more being set up.
"So many people are going to be here..." he says to himself "I...I get uncomfortable with the pack meetings... wonder how ill handle this..." he adds.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Klayko - 11-03-2018

(Thanks ^^)

Quinton was humming to himself, sampling the banging music the DJ was planning to use for the event when he heard a faintly familiar voice. It was faint because Quinton for the life of him could not figure out where he had heard it before, but when he turned around, there stood the male who needed close tonfive hours of tutoring on the Civil War.

“Why of course,” Quinton announced to Troy’s revelation. “A guy can’t play hard without having the work to show for it. What are you doing here, though? I can’t have the tutoring going down the drain because you decided to down one too many beers.”

Shade, if ever it was thrown and a cheeky smile to follow suit. It was all in good jest however as Quinton welcomed Troy forth.

“The planning is just fine. We don’t need someone getting too inebriated though. The Park Ranger is already watching us with a tight leash because of last year’s stunt.”

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-03-2018

Troy nodded and walked alongside Quinton, hands locked behind his back and bulging the muscles in his chest and arms; he was lightly furry in the stomach area, but that wasn't completely unheard of for a wolf, especially an alpha. "I do not drink much, actually. I prefer to stay mostly sober, in case I meet someone and I have to be the 'Responsible Party'" he said, making quick air-bunnies before placing his hands back behind his back and locking them up.

"Ah yeah... That was funny as hell, but stupid..." Troy shook his head with a grin on his face - a few of his 'brothers' had gotten far too drunk at the bonfire and decided it was a good idea to jump a ten-foot wide fire; idiots. "I made sure that the idiots who partook last year were not informed of the party this year, actually. I, also, do not need a recreation of last years fire hazard... Nor the Fire Marshal's shutting us down because we were being a hazard to the nature... That is definitely not an intent of mine."

Unfortunately all of the talk was coming out far more scholarly than even Troy imagined, and he looked far smarter than he tried portraying himself to be whenever in the tutoring sessions. "So uh..." he shrugged and looked to where Lazul was trying to skip rocks along the smooth lake surface, a slight smile curving his lips "Yeah... It's going to be an interesting night, on Saturday. I've been stoked about it since last year's Bonfire was rudely shut down."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-03-2018

Lazul walked around looking at everything with curiosity hoping he wouldnt get in trouble for being there. he eventually made his way to the waters edge and just stood there watching the water and environment around him. he muttered to himself alot, mainly as a means to just sort out his own thoughts. if anyone had been paying attention to him he would have come across as self demeaning as tended to br the way with him.

this time his eyes kept flickering to Troy and his thoughts were mainly of how he hoped to find an alpha like him but how noone would take interest in an omega like him.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-03-2018

Mitsuo didn't notice the way Rowen was looking at him, he just grabbed a couple of cans and closed the fridge. "I only grabbed a few. Wanted to give it a try first." He said as he held one out for the other.

He popped his can and took a swig, he paused for a moment, then took a bigger gulp. "Not bad." He muttered, looking to see Rowen's response. It wouldn't take much to loosen him up, having a very low tolerance for alcohol...but he liked to drink despite that fact. He had some harder stuff, but he wasn't going to share it with just anyone.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-03-2018

Rowen tried to savor it at first but downed it back easily a few minutes earlier,
"Same brand, but get the green can next time. Higher percentage and goes down smoother." He sank back against the wall, slipping against the surface til he was sitting on the ground.
He swished the last remnants of his beer around, arms crossed over his knees. He didn't know why but when that warm fuzzy feeling of alcohol getting to his head started to sink in he just started...talking

. He didn't know why, maybe cause this guy was a stranger he'd probably never see more than a few glances of after this but it just kinda felt right for once.
"Ya know, I'm not the best person for you to be friend here first. I've got the worst rep. in town besides our local criminals. Don't get me wrong I don't steal or nothing just...mess up and around a lot more than I should." He leaned his head back against the wall wondered what cat finally let go of his tongue to let him talk for once.
He free hand messed with the longer part of his hair, leaving it tousled and more messy before the strands hung over his bruised face as he smirked.

"Be honest with me kid, do you even think my intentions right now are good?" Red couldn't see it himself but he knew the look he was giving Tsu, he didn't even have to try and be seductive when he knew that was just one of his resting expressions.
Could this actually be guilt he was feeling? Less than a hour ago he was fully intent on just shattering another person heart for who knows maybe the hundredth time or so, yet just over some casual banter and a drink he felt like changing just a small bit. But he knew it was probably just the alcohol talking.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-03-2018

Mitsuo shifted to hop up on the counter, giving a nod to the other's suggestion. He took his time on the can, taking smaller sips... probably an unconscious attempt to spread out the intake of alcohol so he didnt get drunk too fast.

He couldnt help a small huff of a laugh when Rowen said he wasnt the best person to befriend, shaking his head. "I kind of guessed that when you walked up to me with a bloody nose and looking like you lost a boxing match." He said before finishing his beer.

He gave a shrug at Rowen's question, glancing away. "I don't think your intentions are pure...but I also dont think they are malicious." He said with a tilt of his head. "But I just got here, so what do I know? You're the first person to just approach me, so I figured I might as well show some hospitality. I mean, I know I can be a bit dense sometimes, but I'm not a kid." He said, returning his own smirk.

He went from looking rather innocent, with that alcohol flush starting to tint his cheeks, to returning that smoldering look...he may have been an omega, but he wasnt a stranger to the tactics of an alpha. One might consider him to be a bit more of a dominant omega. In fact, he'd never been bottom, making him technically a virgin...but the piercing he had hiding below the belt said he was anything but.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-03-2018

Rowen stood, feeling ballsy he crossed the room to Tsu on the counter. He set down his empty can to the side and placed his hands on either side of him, staying dangerously close. Mitsuo may if been giving him a dominating look but Red didn't mind, he'd go either way if asked.
"Feel free to hit me if I'm to close, I'm used to it anyways. " He gave a slow shrug ,mere inches from the others face. Fuck what am I doing...

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-03-2018

Mitsuo set down his empty can as Rowen crossed the room, watching him closely even as the alcohol seeped into his system. That flush across his cheeks only darkened as his smirk grew, leaning back slightly and parting his legs just enough for Rowen to stand between his knees.

"I dont mind being close." He muttered, looking into the other's eyes. "Mm, the swelling went down." He said, using his observation as an excuse to reach and brush his fingers along the edge of Rowen's bruise. A small bubbly laugh left him, he was quite a giggly drunk...and not even sure what was funny...but it was, and he couldnt get the smile off his face.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-03-2018

Red cracked a smile, scooting closer as Mitsuo moved his legs apart. He winced as the other brushed his fingers across his bruised but leaned into his touch anyways.
"You're really cute ya know..." The others laughter was contagious causing him to giggle a bit as well. 
He lifted a hand to tangle it in the others hair pulling them even closer, at this point their alcohol tinged breath scented the air between them.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-03-2018

Mitsuo kept his touch gentle, just brushing against the bruised skin, but his hand shifted as Rowen leaned into the touch, moving more to his cheek instead.
"Mmm, I've been told that." He said, cocking his head to one side. The tip of his tongue darted out to wet his lips before he unconsciously curled the lower lip to catch the single ring between his teeth. Other indents along his lip showed a long history of piercings. He could put jewelry back in any of the old indents, but he was happy with one for now.