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C A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Printable Version

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RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-13-2018

Logan buckled himself up and leaned against the door once it was shut, he laid his head on his arm that rested on the door, closing his eyes as he pulled his legs up against his chest again. Humming to himself and looking at Jaylen again briefly when he spoke,"Then what do you mean?" He asked and he reached down to adjust the seat, sitting back more and curling up in the seat, his eyes shut again. Not caring if Jaylen even replied, he was so tired even tired of talking completely. Sitting there comfortably as they drove into town.

He shook his head at what he asked him,"No... I don't care... I just want a soft bed. No motels." He said and he pat himself down almost in attempt to find his own wallet,"I've got... I think I've got money..." He said and he felt his pockets, frowning as he only found his phone and then his wallet as he opened it up. Taking out a couple hundreds, he sighed and laid his head back again,"Here..." He put the money in Jaylen's lap and he turned his head to look out the window, sitting up,"Oh! Can we get food?" Looking back at Jaylen as he asked.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-14-2018

"We can order delivery. Places are still open, its not even midnight yet..." Jaylen said as he pulled into the first hotel that he spotted and put his car into a parking space far enough away from the door - he didn't want anyone seeing his car. It just wouldn't have done good for the image; even his clothes weren't cutting it, but he'd try his hardest to convince these people he wasn't here for malicious reasons.

Jaylen got out of his car after it was parked, and he dug around in his trunk for a few minutes, pulling out a duffle bag of clothes "Fits the image of traveling." Jaylen said, slinging the bag over his shoulder. He waited at the trunk for Logan to join him, sliding his arm around the other man's waist "Just act a little normal, yeah? Try not to act so drunk and hopefully we won't get kicked out..." Jaylen said as he walked with Logan toward the entrance of the hotel.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

"Mmhm." Logan unbuckled when they got there and pushed open his door, stepping out and pulling himself up to his feet with the help of the door. As he ran a hand through his hair and wished he had brought a hair tie to keep it out of his face, he stretched his arms above his head and yawned. Looking back at Jaylen and nodded, he didn't care, he just wanted to lay down and get some food into him as he shuffled over to the other man and leaned against him.

The hand around his waist helped as he relaxed in Jaylen's grasp easily,"Can do." He nodded and he did his best to keep himself together, standing up a bit perkier and lifting his head instead of letting Jaylen be his pillar. Shuffling beside him carefully into the hotel,"It'll be fine. They won't turn down money." He said, having no idea of the real problems Jaylen faced on a day to day basis.

The woman at the counter, looked up from her desktop and rose a brow as she took in the sight of the two of them, though out on a smile,"Hello. How may I help you tonight?" She asked.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

Jaylen cleared his throat and put on his best tired smile "We need a room for the night." Jaylen said, nodding his head between himself and Logan "We'll be paying in cash and we understand if there are only so many rooms available as its already so late." Jaylen said politely, reaching down to his pocket to pull out the coverage for the hotel room.

The lady clearly looked a bit uncomfortable about it, making eyes at Logan, but the other seemed to be completely ignoring her weird looks; Jaylen, however, didn't miss a moment of those looks, but he kept it to himself. The receptionist started clicking against her keyboard and mouse, humming and nodding slowly "We only have one room currently available, which I'm sure won't be a problem. I just need to see your driver's license to input all the information."

Jaylen nodded his head, thankful that the woman wasn't planning on turning them away simply because of his skin color. He withdrew his wallet and pulled out his license, sliding it across the granite counter top. The transaction was made quickly and soon Jaylen was holding two hotel keys in his hands "You ready to go get some sleep, babe?" Jaylen asked, looking down at Logan with a slight smirk tugging the corners of his lips up, hoping the other man would go along with the rouse of them being in a relationship, at least for a little while.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan turned into Jaylen more as he closed his eyes, it was a bit too bright in the lobby and his head was pounding, he was doing his best not to get sick right then and there. He didn't even realize the demeanour Jaylen had put on to satisfy this womans judgment of them as he wrapped both arms around the other man and he opened his eyes briefly to look at the woman. Feigning a smile as he looked away from her to look around the empty lobby, it wasn't anything his parents would take him to but it was good enough for the night he guessed.

Standing up a bit more and leaning against the counter instead with a sigh until Jaylen gathered him up again and he nodded,"Mmhm." He wrapped an arm around him and smiled more genuinely as he leaned into his chest again,"Let's go." He said and waited for Jaylen to start leading them to the elevator, he leaned heavily against him and seemed ready to collapse at any moment. But he refused to sleep without getting some food in him,"I want Chinese food..." He murmured as they waited for the elevator.

The woman eyed them the entire time, trying to come up with some idea in her head for why the two of them might be together. Maybe Jaylen was kidnapping him? But the blonde seemed okay with it, maybe he was drugged? It was none of her business though in the end and she let them walk into the elevator without trouble

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

Jaylen bundled Logan up once they were on the elevator. One large hand held the back of Logan's head, keeping his face close to his chest while his other hand hit the button for their floor "Keep your eyes closed and breathe slowly, Logan. Just trust me on this one..." Jaylen said quietly, retracting his hand from the button so that he could ease his hand up and down Logan's back "We'll order whatever you want once we're up in the room... Maybe I'll find some place that can even pick up some Gatorade... You're going to need it."

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan wrapped his arms around Jaylen as he was held against his chest and he willingly buried his face there,"You smell so good." He said and his lithe fingers buried in the others tee shirt as he held himself to his body, not caring about how close they were. The cheer leader breathed slowly like how he was told and he made it through the short elevator ride without puking his guts up luckily.

He once again wondered just why Jaylen was helping him out, but didn't care enough to open his mouth as the elevator dinged. "You're too nice, Jaylen... Why are you so nice?" He murmured drunkenly and he didn't expect him to reply as he pulled away from him slightly and squinted. The light still felt too bright, but it wasn't as bad as in the lobby, he stuck close to Jaylen as they left the elevator.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

Jaylen laughed and shook his head lightly "Doesn't matter why I'm nice... Just matters that I am." Jaylen said as he slid one of the keycards into their room door, waited for the notification to beep and then pushed it open. The room opened up to a relatively decent sized space - a loveseat and two chairs, a wide-screen TV, two dressers and.... One bed, a king-sized bed, but a single bed no less.

Jaylen shook his head and sighed loudly "Fuck... Maybe we shouldn't have been clinging onto one another so much... obviously the receptionist thought we were a couple or something." Not that Jaylen minded, but it was presumptuous of the clerk, and of himself. He dropped his duffle bag on one of the two chairs "I can... sleep on the floor or the loveseat... I don't really care. I've slept on worse before."

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan shook his head, he didn't agree with that and almost argued before he just accepted the fact that Jaylen was trying to help him. Anyone else from their university would hang him up to dry, just like his 'best friend' Tori did earlier, he waited for the door to open. Stumbling inside as he pushed himself upright, walking into the door and looking around as he struggled to hold himself up with the furniture he passed by on his way inside. The bathroom gave off a nice clean smell and the sheets were obviously freshly pressed, he smiled and fell face first onto the bed and burying his face in the pillows.

Laying there for a few moments, almost falling asleep before he turned his head to look at Jaylen when he spoke, time must've not been working as he thought it eas. He had slipped into a dream for a split second but it had only been a minute. "I don't care... I liked it." He grinned, shaking his head,"No. Come up here with me. It's big enough for the two of us and I don't mind sharing." The blonde rolled over onto the other side and started adjusting things, moving the pillows and digging out the sheets from being tucked beneath the bed as he crawled beneath then.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

Jaylen shook his head and laughed a little as he kicked off his shoes "First of all, you're still fully dressed. You haven't even taken your shoes off, Logan." Jaylen said as he came over to the bed, dropping his jacket and jeans at the same time. He was wearing black boxers underneath the torn up jeans and there was a very obvious bulge there, but Jaylen didn't seem aroused or hard at all.

"Second, I thought you were hungry? Didn't you want some Chinese before we went to sleep?" Jaylen asked as he pulled off his shirt, although he had a tank top on underneath it, but his muscles were now in full view of the other man, bulging and rippling with every move he made. He untucked the blankets from the side that was apparently 'his' and then folded them back neatly before sitting on the bed, back against the pillows and headboard.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan didn't even realize that until Jaylen mentioned it and he looked under the covers at himself, laughing and turning over onto his back, he stuck his feet out to the side of the bed and kicked off his shoes. Curling up again, he didn't much care about his clothes as he laid in his leggings and tee shirt beneath the sheets, watching Jaylen undress. He was unapologetic as he did so too, propping his head up on one hand and nodding,"I am hungry, but who knows when delivery will get here I might as well sleep and you can wake me up when they arrive."

After checking Jaylen out thoroughly, almost confused to why he would be getting so naked to sleep with him, he pieced it all together slowly. Sitting up in the bed as Jaylen sat down beside him and got under the covers, looking at him and judging just how straight this guy really was. Maybe he was just incredibly comfortable with his sexuality, or maybe he was bi... Logan tilted his head just a bit,"Why were you so comfortable calling me babe earlier? Aren't you like...straight or something?" He asked him and scooted a bit closer to him in bed.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

Jaylen looked over at Logan with a confused expression for a few seconds before things came into focus again - right, he didn't date on campus... No one knew his sexuality. Only the people he lived with in "the hood" knew Jaylen's orientation. He laughed and waved a hand aimlessly "Not straight, no." he said, licking his plump lips slowly as he slid down the bed effortlessly, tank top riding up and exposing hard and defined abdominal muscles.

He turned just a little so he and Logan were face to face, a bit, and smirked "I'm about as gay as those men you see in Gay Pride Parades, I just don't advertise my sexuality. What good would it to be gay, black, poor, and a drug dealer?" he questioned almost sarcastically - yet, all of those things were true. He was a walking stereotype if Logan had ever seen one, but he also carried himself well so it wasn't very obvious about any of the things he mentioned, except for the whole being black part.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan's brows raised and he smiled just a bit as Jaylen revealed that to him, he did his best not to look at his body again no matter how much he wanted to as he sat there on his knees beside the other man. Almost excited to meet another gay man who went to their school, someone decent, he looked at him and moved to lay down again. Just a bit closer to him, as he rested his head on his arm and agreed with the point he made even though he had never truly understood or seen the racism in their university first hand. He said something somewhat ignorant,"Who cares how you show it? I'm super gay all the time and I never have a problem. Why would any one care about you either?"

He was curious, genuinely curious as he spoke and propped his head up again,"Are you dating anyone?" He wanted to know if he was open to a relationship, that if he started growing closer to him tonight that there wouldn't really be any repercussions. Or at least none he could think of or imagine to happen.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

Jaylen huffed quietly "I care if I show it, Logan..." he said quietly, shaking his head and closing his eyes "You don't understand what it's like to be black, Logan, and you sure as hell don't know what its like being *gay* and *black*." His voice was firm but soft as he looked at Logan, desperation in his eyes for the other man to understand the point he was trying to make here. His skin color mattered, unfortunately, and Logan was playing the dumb blonde, but Jay knew that in there somewhere was a smart guy, the alcohol was just clouding his good judgement.

He shook his head at the next question, running a hand down his muscular stomach slowly "Nah, I ain't dating anyone. Ain't got time for it... Ain't really find interest in anyone either... it's hard too, when you aren't out about yourself." He shrugged and licked his lips slowly, turning onto his side more so him and Logan were chest-to-chest, broad muscles pressing against Logan's lithe frame "Why? You seein' anyone?"

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan's brows furrowed as he looked at Jaylen, he was confused and almost felt bad that he was so flamboyant and yet the other man would be prosecuted for doing the same. It wasn't fair, he frowned a bit as he looked away and tried thinking about what he meant by that and slowly it all clicked together. The smaller male looked up at Jaylen again as he turned over onto his side as well and they faced each other, skin touching where they were bare. He turned completely red in the face as Jaylen touched him, their bodies together,"No." He choked out softly.

Staring at the other as he was a full head shorter than him, the shyness didn't stay though. As he moved and he wrapped a leg around Jaylen's, tucking his leg there against him so their groins pressed together more firmly. It was obvious what they both wanted as he smiled at Jaylen,"So we're free to do whatever we please?" He asked gently, leaning up to him slowly so their faces were just inches apart.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-15-2018

"If you mean, can I fuck your lil' gay ass silly?" He chuckled and bent his head a little closer, warm breath ghosting over Logan's lips "Oh, we sure as hell can, sweet thang." Jaylen smirked and slid his hand over Logan's hip, pulling him tight against his body. Jaylen was now fully erect in his boxers, and the outline of his cock was very evident now. It had to be twelve inches, if not longer, and it sure as hell wasn't skinny either - he was very thick.

Jaylen let his fingers teasingly skate over Logan's back, pushing his t-shirt up slowly "Tell me, Logan... You ever been fucked by someone wit a dick as big as mine?" Jaylen asked, leaving Logan's shirt halfway up his body so he could pull back, he slipped the elastic waistband of his boxers down and let his cock spring out, slapping wetly right up against Logan's stomach. Jaylen wrapped one hand around his thick meat and started squeezing gently, stroking upward to ease some precum out and onto Logan's stomach muscles.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-15-2018

Logan blushed an insanely red color, the blonde was as pale as they came and he had a hard time hiding the red tint to his cheeks most of the time. The skinny man feeling his own cock harden as he pressed against Jaylen more and met his lips with his own, closing his eyes when he did. His own low average cock touching the outline of Jaylen's, he felt his heart thudding in his chest as he tried maping out just how big the others cock was. Breaking away when the other started tugging up his shirt, revealing more pale skin, he turned over just a little to give him more access to pull up the fabric.

"H-How big is it?" He asked and even looked down as he wondered just what he was working with, the doms in university were never over ten inches and it was rare when he did. When dating other white guys at least, he had never had any other type of person, not that he didn't try. He didn't discriminate, dick was dick, but at their school it was harder to find people he didn't mind getting dicked down by. No matter how much he liked getting fucked, the size queen that he was. "Biggest I've had is ten." He said and bit his lip,"That was only once tho."

Even if he used the largest dildos he could find, he blinked up at Jaylen and felt the others cock slap against his lower belly. The blushing didn't stop, he looked down to see that fat shlong against his abs and his mouth watered at the sight especially as Jaylen stroked it. It was the biggest he's ever seen,"Wow..." He couldn't stop himself from gasping, that was going to be a challenge to fit but he was sure he could do it.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-17-2018

Jaylen chuckled deeply and slid his hand around Logan's hip and stomach, tugging at the band of Logan's leggings "Ten, huh? That ain't so bad..." Jaylen smirked as he pushed the front of Logan's leggings down over his cock, letting the smaller man's cock out of it's confine. A large hand wrapped around that little member and he licked his lips slowly, moving his hand firmly but slowly up Logan's length.

Jaylen thrust his hips lightly up against Logan, letting his hard cock rub into the smooth skin of Logan's stomach "Do you think you'll be able to handle me?" Jaylen asked, voice husky and lustful as he moved in close to Logan's lips again, stealing a few kisses and nibbles against the other man's lips "I tend to get pretty rough in bed... Need to know what you can handle, and can't, Logan."

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Lovebite - 11-17-2018

Logan smiled and looked down as Jaylen pulled up his shirt and soon started trying to pull down his leggings now, he nodded,"Yeah, ten isn't so bad." He said, biting his lower lip as his cock came out from his leggings, obvious that he wasn't wearing anything but a thong as Jaylen revealed more of his skin. Gasping softly when Jaylen wrapped his fingers around his cock, all six inches was hard and throbbing as the other man stroked him firmly. A groan escaping him as he pushed up into the hand more, holding onto his shoulder and tucking his foot behind his leg to bring him closer.

The blonde rolled his eyes,"Of course I will." He replied and closed his eyes as his lips were kissed and abused gently until they were red, a smile on his face as he kissed back softly. Wrapping his arms around his neck and bringing himself closer to him,"I like it rough." He replied and he laughed,"We'll see just how rough you are." He murmured and kissed him again, attempting to roll him over onto his back and sit his ass on the others waist.

RE: A College Mistake ((w/SazzyP260)) - Sam260 - 11-18-2018

Jaylen chuckled, easily falling to his back and letting Logan straddle his waist. Large hands came down to rest on Logan's ass and he pushed the younger man back against his cock, letting the slick head rub against the other's body, although he was still mostly clothed - just his cock and some of his belly sticking out "Only way you're going to find that out is if we get undressed, Logan." Jaylen said with a smirk, hands moving to push the other's leggings down over the curve of his ass.

He gripped those taut globes with his fingers, squeezing them firmly and then giving each pert bubble a smack "This hotel is going to absolutely hate us in the coming minutes..." Jaylen growled, lifting his hips up to extract his boxers from his body. He then reached to Logan's shirt, pushing it up even higher, "I'm gonna have you screamin so loud, baby boy... You ain't gonna have a voice left come mornin'." he taunted as he thrust his cock up against Logan's ass once again, still hindered by the other's leggings, he wanted to just tear them off, but the other boy didn't have a spare change of clothes, and none of Jaylen's clothes would ever fit Logan properly.