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RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Saya tries to look calm. "I suppose...I could research this." She says finally. "But I am unsure If we can find any results for a phenomema most people do not know of."

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

"yeah I know." He says sadly "look there's the light house" he points into the distance

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Saya smiled knowing that they were close.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

Adam waddles along side Saya in silence as they make the final steps to the door of the light house. The whole walk up the long staircase he is thinking about the conversation they had just had.

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

When they make it to the top, Saya gets ready. "What position do you want for this one?" She asks.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

"On my back. My knees and wrists are still sore from the last one" Adam sighs

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

"Okay. I,ll get the bed ready then." She says.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

"Thanks" Adam goes and gets himself ready for labor, not that there is really anything to do per say but he knows he has to get in the right mindset

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Saya gets the bed ready. "Lay here." She puts on medical gloves.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

Adam lays down on the bed, naked and relaxes back on the pillows

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Says sits beside Adam. "Are you feeling any paim or doscomfort? Contractions, and the like?" She asked.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

"Not yet or at least if I am having them Im not feeling them."

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Says nods. "Let me know if you do." She wrote on a notepad that she always used to record Adam's progress to get a better understanding.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

Adam nods and rubs his bare belly before falling asleep for a while, trying to get as much rest before his labor started

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Saya watched, hoping he would no go into labor during his sleep.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

Adam sleeps soundly through the afternoon and wakes up late that night, laying in the bed feeling restless until he feels the first contraction

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Saya notices. "Is it happening?" She asked.

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

"Yes. That was the first contraction." Adam sighs and looks over to Saya.

RE: The weekend - DaRealLeon - 03-20-2014

Saya gets in position. "Just breathe and keep it consistent with each push" she tells him. "As usual?"

RE: The weekend - missingyou421 - 03-20-2014

"Yes. I will. I hope it goes faster this time. Last time I almost couldn't wait for my water to break"