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C The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Printable Version

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RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-11-2023

Evan smiled warmly at him “Perhaps it is” he smiled gently and laid back on the grass looking at the stars “You would be surprised how accepting different parts of the world are” he said softly “I mean, I find many people attractive and that’s not often talked about in this area but in other parts of the world it’s normal, even celebrated” he said softly “I’m honestly surprised my brother is the same, or similar. I left because I didn’t think I would be accepted here and I was terrified my brother would end up hating me, though I still don’t think he likes me all that much” he shrugged lightly continuing to look at the stars.

Jace smiled brightly and moved behind his partner “Someone told me this helps” he said softly and put his hands under Yuni’s belly and lifted it gently trying to help lighten the weight of the baby “Does that feel better?” He asked gently and kissed his neck lightly

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-11-2023

"Are more places accepting? I would like to see that," he said, laying down as well. He ventures, "I don't think your brother hates you... He seemed to be happy to see you when you came to town." He shrugged lightly and said, "I think there's hope for the two of you. You might just need time."

Yuni sighed in relief and leaned against Jace. "That feels really nice, thank you ." Goosebumps prickled his neck where Jace had kissed him; but it was a good thing. "How are you so knowledgeable?"

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-11-2023

Evan rolled so he was laying on his side looking over at Charlie “I don’t know…we’ve been separate people for so long, maybe it’s not repairable” he said sadly and fiddled with the grass “I’m glad he has people now though” he said softly “A community for him” he smiled sadly.

Jace chuckled gently “I’m just a beacon of knowledge, you should know that by now” he laughed softly “Wow, this baby is heavy, no wonder your back aches” he chuckled softly “I guess that’s what happens when you’re a demigod child” he joked playfully

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-12-2023

"you never know unless you try," Charlie said to Evan. "I think it would be good to try and reconnect. But I'm not an expert," he added with a shrug. He lightly squeezed his hand.

Yuni giggled along with him. "Well, thanks for bearing the burden of holding them. It feels better." He paused for a moment, thinking. "I suppose we need to start getting things ready for the baby at home."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-12-2023

Evan smiled warmly “Did you know our parents were travellers? They never wanted to settle down” he said softly and looked at the stars “When they had us they decided they would stay put but they were so distant because they hated it” he said gently “they would tell us about their adventures and how magical and crazy they were…then they left us when we were old enough to fend for ourselves and we never saw them again” he said quietly “I always thought travelling would make me closer to them, seeing all the places they had told us about but it never really did” he said biting his lip lightly.

Jace chuckled gently “You’re welcome” he teaser playfully “Well I can build them a cot and whittle some toys for them, and I’m sure your family has plenty to give us, I’m sure my house will look like a hoarders before this baby is even here” he laughed and kissed Yuni’s neck gently again.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-13-2023

Charlie gave him an awed look when Evan mentioned that his parents were travelers. ,"It would make sense that their stories would inspire you to travel." He offered the other man a gentle look and a light hug when he saw that these truths were really tearing him apart. "Maybe you need to find your own reason to travel? Not just for closeness, but something that matters to you?" He offered. "I'm sorry that you were treated like that. That's not how parents are supposed to be, and you deserved better."

"That's true," Yuni hummed. "I was thinking... Should we expand the house for the baby? Like an addition?" He loved Jace and his home, but it was a small home, especially for a growing family.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-13-2023

(I’m thinking that after Evan leaves and comes back like 7 months later with a fiancée to prove he’s not a man whore but kind of had a love at first site thing with Charlie so obviously he would end up with him and maybe he’s engaged to a woman who’s not nice to the others)

Evan sighed gently “I don’t know, travelling is lonely” he said softly “I don’t really know if I want to continue travelling, I would like to settle down and have kids, you know? Be a better parent than mine were, maybe even look at adoption at some stage, there are plenty of kids who need good homes and family that cares” he said softly “But if you want to adventure together first I would be happy to tag along with you” he smiled gently

Jace bit his lip “Well, we will probably need to but with us and a small baby I think we’ll be okay, and that will give me something to focus on for the months you’re not here” he said, albeit a little sadly.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-13-2023

((Sounds good to me! Charlie will try to tell him it's not his baby, that way it doesn't complicate his (seemingly) happy life))
Charlie gives him a warm smile, not really realizing he was still holding onto Evan. "I would love to see your favorite places." His eyes shone with a curious delight, an unhidden desire. "But you need to do what makes you happy, whether that means traveling or not. But I will suggest that traveling isn't as lonely when you have someone beside you."

"I'm sorry," Yuni whispered, his voice dying out. "I'm sorry that you're stuck with someone who has such... Complications."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-13-2023

(Yes, sounds good!)

Evan hadn’t mentioned the fact they were still embraced due to his comfort in it “Yes, well perhaps travelling together wouldn’t be so bad” he said and unable to stop himself reached up holding Charlie’s cheek gently. He stared into the other man’s eyes, so beautiful in the light of the night.

Jace smiled gently “I would rather spend my whole life alone than give you up. I love you so very much more than I thought I could ever love a person and that goes for our child to. I only want you and them forever, I never want you doubting that” he said and moved to be in front of Yuni kissing him gently.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-13-2023

Charlie leaned in a little closer. Evan looked amazing in the moonlight. He had similarities to Jace, yes, but he was charming in his own way. He leaned into the touch, appreciating the feel of his hand on his skin. Their lips were close enough to touch, if they wanted them to.

"I will always be here for you too," Yuni said, "even if I'm far away, you're the only one in my heart." He returned the kiss softly, wrapping his arms around Jace lightly to remove the distance between their bodies. He didn't doubt Jace at all, he could feel the love between them, and he was currently carrying the product of it inside him.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-13-2023

Evan swallowed roughly and moved his thumb from Charlie’s cheek down to his lips tracing them with his thumb lightly “May I?” He asked, he knew that Charlie had feelings for his brother and that may also motivate him but he hoped he could also see through that to Evan himself.

Jace held Yuni close, his bump pressed between them as he held the back of his neck gently deepening the kiss. He could feel himself getting aroused and moved his hips away slightly as he wasn’t sure if Yuni was feeling up to it, knowing the baby had started to take a toll on his energy levels.

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-13-2023

Instead of an answer, Charlie grinned and closed the distance between their lips. He kissed Evan softly, but with a fiery passion burning behind it. He wrapped his arms around Evan, pulling him closer. He figured this was a good enough answer; at least a clear one.

Yuni felt the press of Jace's arousal and smiled at him. "Why don't we go home love? I can show you how much I love you-all night if you so desire."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 11-13-2023

Evan smiled against the other boys mouth, deepening the kiss and moving so he was above the other man holding himself up with one arm and holding Charlie’s hip with the other. The kiss made him feel alive, he had never felt like this kissing anyone else before. He pulled back just a little and began to kiss along his jaw and down his neck before kissing back up and kissing him deeply again pulling his body up and flush against his own.

Jace laughed softly and smiled at him “I love you so much but you don’t need to do this if you’re tired or the baby is tired” he said rubbing his thumb on Yuni’s hip gently .

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - GothPop - 11-27-2023

Charlie made noises of approval, letting Evan know that he too was feeling it and appreciating his kiss. He moaned as Evan kissed along his neck. He returned the favor, nipping at his ear with delighted anticipation. "Come on handsome," He purred. "I want you so much."

Yuni looked a bit sheepish. "I think we will be alright to go for tonight. I'm not too tired."

RE: The God of Fertility (w/ Littleittyboy) - Littleittyboy - 12-02-2023

Evan groaned at the words coming from Charlie’s mouth “What do you want from me? Tell me” he said seductively and ran a hand under Charlie’s shirt and gripped his hip gently “Anything you want I will do” he said softly.

Jace kissed him gently “I love you very much, just tell me if you need rest okay?” He said gently before leading him out of the temple after dressing and heading back to his house smiling warmly.