RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
"I was alone, somewhere dark and dank. I was in labor, and there was some kind of problem. Aiden wasn't coming out the right way, but there was no one there to help me. I struggled to fix it, but I was in so much pain. There was blood, and mucus. It was all so terrible. I called out for the three of you, but there was no one. I was alone, and Aiden was screaming. I can still hear it. He was in such horrible pain, and so was I."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
Marius kissed Astien's head. "That won't happen, Astien. We won't leave you."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
"Of course you won't. But still…" Astien shivered in fear. "I hope I never have that dream again.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
Marius hugged Astien and kissed his head. "Here's hoping. Breakfast smells like it's nearly ready, you should head down." He smiled at him and started gathering up the papers from the petition.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
Astien nodded, and grunted as he lifted himself out of bed. "Phew." He wrapped an ill-fitting robe around himself, and went downstairs. He gasped as he saw the spread before him.
"Ta da!" Delas chirped.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
"Hope you like it," Cormac said cheerfully.
"This looks great you two," Marius said as he came into the room.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
Astien smiled as Delas seated him at the table. He took the pancakes and sausages and started eating with his usual fervor. Delas seated himself and started chomping on some bacon.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
Marius and Cormac both ate a hearty helping of the food available and cleaned up afterwards. Cormac quickly changed into his drake garbs and Marius styled his hair to reflect a more regal style.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
Astien changed into his clothes, and Delas put on the nicest outfit he had, an grabbed the books he had filled with writing over the past few days. The group made their way to the academy, and Astien led them to the conference room they needed to be in. Everyone else was already there, and they all looked tired and annoyed. Seroteth had large, dark circles under his eyes, and looked desperate for some sleep, and Siran looked very annoyed and irritable, about ready to scream. A stenographer sat in the corner, ready to record all that happened.
The woman in charge, Madame Belle, addressed the newcomers. "Hello. Each of you have been asked to come to defend professor Astien Tymnas. Please step forward and state your names for the records."
Delas stepped forward. "I'm Delas. I have no surname."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
Cormac stepped forward. "Cormac of the Green Valley."
Marius stepped forward. "Marius Saurbane."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
The stenographer wrote everything down as it happened. "Very well then," Madame Belle spoke. "We have on record that you, Cormac of the Green Valley, have only known Astien in his current condition, and have been in his company longer than either of your other companions. Could you describe ypur experience with him so far? Has anything unusual happened during your travels?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
"My experience with Astien thusfar has been fairly pleasant. As with any sort of relationship, we've had our rough patches. I came to Astien looking for work and he gave me much more than that. He gave me a home and he gave me a family when I didn't think I had one." He briefly looked to his grandfather in the stands before moving his eyes across the room. "He did keep Aiden's true nature hidden from me, but I now see why he did so." His voice hardened with the later half of the sentence. "Aiden has a right to live just like any of us. He may contain great power and he can bring about great things, but destroying his chances before he even has one or locking him, or whatever you plan to do is short sighted. I have given myself to Astien and his son as a protector and I will stick to that whatever it may bring my way."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
The board members seemed unimpressed with Cormac's vow to protect Astien and Aiden. "And what of you, Marius Saurbane? You have been with professor Tymnas second longest. What has your relationship been with him? Has the fetus caused any problems? Does it display any oddities?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
"Astien and mine's relationship has been a romantic and physical sort of relationship. As it were, we recently got became engaged to one another. As for Aiden, he is aware of his surroundings," Marius said. "He has never lashed out at anybody without feeling threatened or provoked prior to the incidents. This is usually displayed in a bright light or him kicking furiously at his father."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-16-2014
"Mister Saurbane, I notice you and young Cormac neglect to mention the incidents where the fetus electrocutes Astien." Madame Belle said.
Anther member of the board spoke. "If the creature is so willing to electrocute its carrier, how can we trust it will not do worse once it has been born?"
(Bbl, work time. Kisses for you, boo)
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-16-2014
"There were very few incidents," Cormac stated defensively. "Aiden has great power and lost control a few times. He had no ill intent towards Astien with either of these occurrences."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-17-2014
"That is even worse," one of the women said. "A Mage who can't control their powers is even more dangerous than one who acts out of mal-intent. A rogue Mage can at least be reasoned with. A Mage with no control simply cannot stop the damage they cause."
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-17-2014
"No mage is born with control over their powers," Marius stated. "Magic, as with any weapon, takes time, effort and practice to control. Are you seriously expecting
perfection of an unborn child?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
FweepFwopFwoop - 09-17-2014
"From a creature that can set the world aflame, can rival a god and is aware of what is outside its womb? Yes, I think we can be forgiven for expecting that."
Delas was quiet, flipping through his books, looking for something.
RE: An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. -
Eskal - 09-17-2014
"People make mistakes and sometimes we hurt those we love and care for," Marius stated. "It's a part of growing up."