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RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-08-2020

For some reason, Samantha’s words were soothing placing him at ease. He felt very safe in her presence and felt an urge to defer to her. He felt he could trust her and that she had his best interests at heart.
Then he felt an urge to clamp onto her in a way he never felt before as he felt what he thought was getting filled by a warm liquid. It felt foreign and unusual but somehow also very natural to him. Like this was something he always experienced or felt a need to feel. He wasn’t sure but this made him feel comforted and safe, these new experiences

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-08-2020

Samantha made sure that the trick Justin put him at a great deal of peace and relief, continuing with her intense sexual journey. The such ending to her spell had slowly kicked in. By a few days the man who was a born and birthed male would soon pick up female like traits, personality and his cock that was once there would soon fade and then disappear, forming into a vagina and a womb. Next would be the woman herself who would be renamed as Justine, masculine pecs changing and morphing into perky femininely breasts that would soon fill up with nourishing milk for the soon to be realized offspring and his hair sprouting, becoming longer as it's length cascading down to the small of his back. Soon the child would be born but it would take time.

Before she could venture further she was caught off guard by her climax. In response to it she moaned and gasped as it took control until her sensitive cock stopped squirting her creamy, white seed like essence. She slumped over, gently removing her length from her victim and collapsed, redressing herself and helped Justin with his as well. "Wake up, Justin, I will take you to your home, you look exhausted." She offered the strong knight, not taking a refusal at all. She wanted to teleport to make such easy but she could not reveal her secret, another day then.


(Am I still doing alright? my beloved. I keep thinking that I am messing up with my posts.)

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

Justin was physically spent. More worn out than any battle had taken out of him. Samantha helped him to his feet but he was unsteady. He felt a warm glow throughout his body, kind of like when he drank a lot. But this felt different and more satisfying. Every nerve of his body was on fire as he accepted her hand to steady him
“I must apologize. Maybe it was the battle or the drink but I have never needed assistance like this before. I’m sorry you see me in a moment of weakness, not a state I’m used to experiencing” But there was something in the vulnerability that Sir Justin found appealing as Samantha didn’t seem to judge him for being weak. They began the slow walk to his home.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha was pleased that Justin was in such a vulnerable state of body and mind. "It is alright, Justin. I am happy to help." Softly he was glad, feeling the same sense of deep euphoria. She was indeed blessed to have been able to hold onto her rough climax for so long even when she felt like exploding inside the pink bubblegum deptns of the now dazed victim who was Justin who would soon be Miss Justina. She wanted a child with him and her features were female but her extra organ was responsible for pleasuring Justin to the point of being warm, fuzzy inside.

She ventured to Justin's home which was a castle, gently guiding him with a hand in the middle of his back. By that approaching, warm evening she arrived with him, helping him to his bedroom. She helped him undress and redress to his night clothing, remaining with him. Laying down beside him she wrapped her arms around him in a gentle but firm embrace and stayed still. She made sure that Justin was comfortable, falling asleep beside him on the large bed. She hummed softly, her voice sweet as sugar and never skipping a single beat.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

That night sleep was restless for Sir Justin. His dreams were intense more so than anything he had experienced in the past. He dreamt that he was lying on a bed and many women in white were running in and out of the room. Justin was experiencing pain like he never felt before. It was concentrated in his lower abdomen and between his legs. The pain kept coming in waves. He noticed one woman with red hair holding his hand but couldn’t see her face. She seemed to be mouthing something but he didn’t know what. He felt another intense pain course through his body followed by surprisingly a baby’s cry.
Justin awoke suddenly. The dream becoming a faded memory. All he remembered was pain and then a cry. For some reason he felt pleasure thinking about it. Like a dream he didn’t want to end but not remembering all the details. Just the memory that it was good.
He felt an arm on him and turned to see Samantha lying there awake apparently waiting on him to awaken.
“How did we get back here? I remember drinking with you and then being here”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

The looming night was truly peaceful with Justin, causing Samantha to fall into the realm of slumber. She slept for a time, soon waking up to see Justin now awake. For a minute she yawned and stretched carefully, not wanting to startle her secret victim. She got up to a position of standing as she went off to the kitchen area of the massive castle like home. She spent an hour fixing Justin a breakfast type of meal, putting a tall mug of water, wheat toast and eggs that were fried over a fireplace to help his keep his strength up. She knew that he would need it as he would probably  "Here you go sweetie, a nice warm breakfast. And I walked you back here, you were tired after our long night together." She said with a soft, warm and eagerly proud smile.

She put the tray up so that Justin could eat freely without holding a plate. She sat down next to him, letting him have all the time in the world to feast upon his expertly cooked meal.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

Sir Justin was extremely grateful for the breakfast and thanked Samantha. The food was really good and he complimented the chef. He needed to get his strength back. The dream a faded memory only the feeling of warmth, happiness, and safety lingered in his mind. He felt strangely content and wondered if being with this woman was the cause. It was a different feeling but he liked it.
He knew his next step was to find the sorcerer behind the kingdoms problems. The Reaper could be back at any time along with possible other issues. The problem was the sorcerer was a myth almost a conjuring. No proof of his existence existed but in his bones Justin knew. He also knew that the sorcerer needed to be defeated no matter the cost. Delaying increased the chances of disaster. But he needed to start investigating before it was too late and finish off this threat.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha smiled gently at Sir Justin, feeling as if she was slowly falling in love with him. She wanted nothing more than to discover as to how large his belly would morph and multiply in size. She looked at him as watched him consume the meal piece by piece until it was gone. She sighed happily, stretching her arms above her head as if she were doing a bit of yoga movements. She knew that Justin was still slowly finding as to what was happening and what had happened in the past which was the day before. Life was so much like a swiftly speeding rollercoaster. 

She made sure that Justin was not any wiser with knowing that Samantha was the exact sorcerer. She was the exact target who was sent by the Reaper while he was healing in the depths of Hell, beneath the Earth's crust. "Do you want to train to defeat death, we need to help assist you regain your strength." She got up further to her feet. "First .. I will help you get dressed." She removed the now empty tray from the bed. She smiled as she picked up formal clothing.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

“What do you know of death dear lady? A maiden as yourself has not seen battle like I have” He smiled. He liked having her around. “Have you fought the Reaper, a creature so foul? He’s a nightmare come to life and I’ve not fully vanquished it. He was summoned by some sorcerer who is nameless but he threatens all the kingdoms of the land”
Justin got up using one of the sheets to conceal his modesty to the fine lady and grabbed at his sword.
“One day hopefully I will meet this sorcerer and then we will see what happens then. But I do not know where to begin to search”
He looked at Samantha who was eyeing him up and down almost like a wolf does when it spots it’s meal

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha resisted a strong urge to roll her eyes, she knew of battle more than anything. She knew of the intense stench of decay scented like copper. She knew of the presence of screams of agony or braveness as the presence of her King's knights as they rushed toward the enemies. She took the sword from him as if plucking an egg from one of the nests inside of the chicken coop. She gripped the hilt from his hand, twirling the sword like a baton, swiftly thrusting it through the air's chest and twisted it as if she searched for it's lungs to stab through. When done she handed the sword back to her friend. "I know of what harshness of battle and death brings." She said with a bright smile, her eyes taking up the expression of innocence even though far from that. You are wrong. I have been in many a battle. I can carry myself as any knight can." She smirked, letting a bit be of known from her and to him. "Maybe I can teach you a thing."

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

“So you’ve used a sword before. Doesn’t make you a warrior or knight for that matter. But you show some ability with the sword”
Justin was determined to find the sorcerer and end that threat.
“Samantha you can stay here if you would like but I need to prepare myself to find the vile sorcerer whose presence is a dark cloud over this kingdom”
Justin thought to look in his library of manuscripts he had acquired over the years as a starting point for him if he hoped to succeed in his quest.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha resisted a strong urge to frown or glare at Justin, instead she put on a fake smile. She wanted to express her dark past. She had been a strong, fast handed knightress in her earlier life since a child but she made sure not to ever express negative emotions toward the knight who thought she was a powerless damsel in distress. "I understand, Sir Justin. I will simply watch you . Maybe my skills will somehow improve while studying your movements." She despised the process of acting like a weakling, a pitiful short existence but she had to be that sadly. She wanted to teach her victim a lesson, a such lesson such as teasing him as his body would soon be changing to suite a woman. The transformation would be of a lady, a wonderful addition.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

Sir Justin looked around for something to wear before he adjourned to his library to see if there were any clues about the sorcerer or the Reaper and maybe some history or location on either.
He told Samantha she was free to have run of the castle while he spent time away from her. Not suspecting that his hidden enemy was that close to him.
He took his leave even though Samantha looked at him with confusion
“Is something the matter?”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

"Um .. no. Just a bit weary." Samantha simply stared, clearing her voice softly before shaking her head as if her mind was foggy and mist covered. She looked around the room as if she had misplaced something, smiling. "I will retire to slumber for a while." She was eager to witness Sir Justin, wanting to see his struggle to carry his first child. She hummed as she laid down for a while, slumbering for a few hours and after she woke up she stretched like a feline working out the tension in the once stilled depths of her four limbs and saw the cold empty side of the bed.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

Sir Justin spent time going through the manuscripts he owned. There was no name for this sorcerer in the records. In some places he was referred to as “The Nameless One” or “Unspoken” like if you spoke his actual name dire consequences would follow. Peasants with their superstitions. Others looked at this sorcerer as a myth or a fairy tale.
Justin knew better. What better way to spread ones evil if you were hidden in the background. A shadow or myth could move freely and without suspicion. No one would suspect the serpent in their midst if they didn’t believe the serpent even existed. This was why he was so deadly.
He supposed he could travel the countryside to seek this sorcerer out but not having any starting point, this could be futile.
Justin noticed a recent parchment talking of this unknown sorcerer. He had a nickname called Dragonshade. Which made sense. But got him no closer. Wait wasn’t there a far off land called Dragonshade? He wasn’t sure but swore he’d heard it before.
Behind him, he heard the door open.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha was in the room that she was awoke in, searching for Sir Justin. So far she ventured to the kitchen area to consume a potential meal, smirking while she sat down and ate. Meanwhile .. the presence of the Reaper was behind the door, sending a gust of wind that was a welcoming feeling of being the undead. He spoke in a monotone voice, raising one of his skinless, bony arms, pointing it's index finger at Sir Justin. "You! .." He growled as he approached but kept himself prepared for what he would have gotten into situation-wise. He stepped closer and closer toward the human who was Justin and him alone. "I told you I would return, kneel and accept your fate for what it is mortal .. I might be merciful to you!" he said.

He gripped the weapon known as his towering scythe with a cackle Justin knew all too well. He scowled, fiery red eyeless holes known as it's empty body parts were still able to see.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

“I’m not sure why you tracked me here except maybe to your death” The Reaper shoved Justin backwards into the shelves. Justin was hurt by the blow. He had been slow to move out of the way, caught by surprise.
He reached for his sword but was hit again by the Reaper and Justin started to fade into unconsciousness fearing this was his end. His eyes rolled back and consciousness went out.
The Reaper was ready to make the killing blow to his unconscious foe. He smelled around. “There’s something different about you Justin.” He gazed over his body detecting a mystic aura. “Hmmmm something has changed or will...”
The Reaper then heard a feminine voice behind him

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha was halfway finished with her meal of bread and jelly when she heard a loud commotion. She rushed toward the strange sound, coming to a stop in the doorway. "Stop Reaper! .. don't hurt him!" she said fearfully, rushing toward Justin and kneeling beside him. She kept back a strong urge to quiver as she cowered beneath his much more larger, towering, harsh glare.

"Samantha .. you dare get in my way! .. step aside!" he growled a tone louder which caused the air in the room to reach freezing temperature and ice slowly froze the books and other furniture that was unfortunately in the room. She was violently slapped aside by the Reaper with a grunt as her body violently made contact the rock hall but arose once again, using a spell to cast both Justin and herself in a protective spell around them. She knew that her cover would be blown but if it would protect Justin from the reaper while he was truly weak. 

She would protect Justin until the last breath her lungs would breathe but for now she was alive and alert. She rushed toward the sword, holding it out as if a true knight would do, watching over him. She wanted to defeat the creature who had always mistreated and abused her to the point that she would too pass out but she would not ever be his play toy. Not now or ever.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-09-2020

The Reaper stared over the fallen body of Justin prepared to render the fatal blow. He hesitated a moment and chuckled to himself
“It appears our little knight is already the victim of a spell. One that will transform him. Into what I wonder, a worm perhaps. Maybe a donkey. No those would be too good for this mortal”
He looked back at Samantha “I sense your hand in this devilry. What would the knight say if he knew that you placed a spell on him?”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-09-2020

Samantha remained where she was, keeping herself close to her unconscious form of Justin. She remained kneeling beside him, never leaving his side. "He is fine, there is no such spell cast upon him!" She said with a low, aggressive growl of what was true hatred toward the Reaper. She did not want him to ever hurt him but what he was speaking to her was the unfortunate words of what was sad. She wanted to blurt out the presence of truth that of what she did to the poor suffering man who was Justin. "Alright .. I did place a spell on him but now I do not wish him to suffer. He has been through enough. I deserve to be locked up and left for dead for what I did to this man." Secretly she was planning her attack which would be of one in the Reaper's stomach, done in the chest and lastly one slice to his neck to being beheaded. There would be three attacks.