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RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Verna massaged his lower back gently through the contraction, "Ah I think we jinxed it... sorry Allen," ahe chuckled softly, letting him stand when it passed finally and catch his breath, "Tell them what you learned this morning," she suggested, knowing the good news helped get over a bad contraction. She rubbed his belly to soothe his babies as he talked on the phone.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

"So, Mom, guess what? What's better that triplets?....quadruplets! Verna was able to find baby Zachary Michael in there...yea, I know! It's amazing....Ok, I will. Make sure you get on the next flight up here....I love you too. Bye Mom....Jess, don't let Mom get too worked up over this...Love you too. See you soon." He ended the call and put his phone back in his bag. "I don't think I'll be needing this for a while." Verna and Allen stood and walked around for a little longer. Allen's penis was becoming increasingly harder as time passed as his son's head pressed up against his prostate. "Verna, I want to take my underwear off." He said opening the robe. "Can you give me a hand?" Just as she got them to above his knees, Melanie blindly opened the door, she persuaded Denise to let her bring Verna paperwork to sign. She was not expecting this. "Uh Dr. Red...Uhm" she stammered starting at Allen and snapped out of it. "Dr. Redbane, we need you to sign these release reports." Allen tried to cover himself with his shirt since he couldn't get the robe closed over his belly.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Verna's eye twitched, the most irritation she'd show around a patient. She stood in front of Allen to give him some degree of decency, "Melanie Jean... I'm with a patient at the moment," there was a calm rage in her voice, "You know Kaela is qualified to sign off when I am with patients. If I see you in here again with anything less than a family emergency of dire nature, I will not be this polite. I will not tolerate breeches in protocal here, so consider this your final reprimand and yourself lucky to still be an intern here. The only nurse authorized to come in during a nonemergency is from here on until Allen is released is Denise, am I clear?" Melanie nodded a bit, looking shaken, "Once again, you are dismissed," Melanie opened her mouth to object and Verna pointed to the door, "Dismissed!" she repeated with a snap one would expect of only a drill seargent. Melanie slunk out and closed the door. Verna pinched the bridge of her nose, then sighed, "Again I apologize Allen," she said, "That was uncalled for of her," she pulled a pager from her pocket and must've sent the rest of the staff a memo about it, "We shouldn't be interupted again now," she assured, helping him remove his underwear completely.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

"Good, I'd rather just keep it down to us two, maybe another nurse if need be." he added. With his underwear off, Allen felt more comfortable than he did. He decided to leave his robe open for a moment. It was odd, the draft in the room was oddly refreshing. A slight pressure formed inside of Allen's butt. He tried to walk it off, but it just got worse. He had to stop walking, and became very quiet for a moment. He rubbed his belly as it looked like it was about to burst. The pressure worsened as Allen started to sweat. A very loud fart caught him by surprise, his eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks, "Help me to the toilet. I'm going to poop." he said holding whatever was coming out, in. Allen had no idea what was about to happen, all that mattered to him was sitting on the toilet. "I think I'm going to have an accident." he said still holding it all in.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

"Its most likely your water about to break," she said, guiding him to the bathroom with no accidents. The trip to the bathroom was one thing, as soon as Allen went to sit however, his water broke quite explosively. The pressure on his prostate was gone though. However, it seemed his son's head was now wedging it's way through his hips now that there was no amniotic fluid in his way. His belly looked a bit smaller once his waters had finished draining out. Luckily, it happened over the toilet, making the ordeal fairly mess-free.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

"Wow, that feels so much better." said Allen. He had to push out a few wet farts to get the last of it. "Does that happen again, because I don't know if I'm gonna make it next time." he worried. He went for the toilet paper and wiped himself, although he wasn't able to do as good of a job as he wanted. His anus was very swollen and sore. Despite feeling slightly deflated, the pressure headed downward increase without all the cushioning that the fluid provided. "This feels really different. My hole itches."

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

"No, it doesn't," Verna assured, "And you're sore because you're probably starting to dialate," she helped him up after a bit, "alright, lets get you on the bed and on all fours... that will help a bit with the baby's head being in your hips," truth be told, it was almost painful for Allen to walk, and their plan changed to opting for the heated birthing pool. It supported Allen's weight when he got on all fours... or rather, knees on the bottom of the pool and his arms resting on the seat he'd be in later built into the pool. The warmth helped with his next contraction while Verna put on gloves. The baby's head shifted lower in his hips abruptly, bouyed by the water. Verna let him squeeze her hand through the next contraction, "Okay, I need you to relax a bit for me so I can check to make sure you're dialated in there, just say when you're ready," she said, rolling her pant legs up to her mid thighs before stepping into the pool with him. This exposed a small tatoo on her left ankle of a tribal Pheonix. When he said he was ready, she eased a thankfully slim finger in, "Well, you've got a ways to go but you're doing very good, a third of the way there," she removed her finger and threw the gloves away.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

Allen never liked getting checked, especially now. Even Verna's thin finger felt like a baseball bat was up there. "I don't know if I'll ever get used to that. Too bad that's not the last one of those. I happen to like it better this way. My last doctor had me on my back. Towards the end I almost wanted it standing up rather than that. The only issue now with the babies on their way down was that his prostate pressure was back and in full force, the exam only made it worse. "I never thought I'd be here doing this."said Allen referring to the fact that he was about be a father of four in the next day or two.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Verna smiled and rubbed his back, "You'll do great. Now I want to change the breathing technique you use for the contractions... when they start, I want you to inhale through your nose slowly, and exhake through your mouth, slowly again, like this," she demonstrated it herself for a bit, then had him do it. She smiled, "you're going to do fine," she chuckled, stepping out of the pool when a nurse knocked on the door, cracking it open a sliver. It must've been Denise, because Verna headed over after helping Allen through a contraction. Verna seemed mildly amused, and signed something on a clipboard, shaking her head and chuckling a bit. She returned to Allen and massaged his back a bit, "Sorry about that," she said, "business papers are the only reason the logging industry is still going strong," she mused. It was clear she must've taken massage schooling at some point, because it was extremely relaxing to Allen, and it eased some of the pain from his next contraction. However, most of the pain traveled to his hips, which were widening for his son's head as it made it's way through, "Alright," she murmured after a while, "I have to check you again... sorry," she grabbed some gloves and stepped into the pool, and when he was ready again, she slid a slim digit in, then a second gingerly, "Okay, you've made a surprising amount of progress,"she eased her fingers out, "You're just over the halfway mark," she said, tossing the gloves into the trash, then helping Allen spread his legs further apart with his next contraction.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

Allen wasn't take this part of labor as well as the last few hours. "I hope my Mom gets here soon I really want her to be here right now." There was quite a significant amount of pressure in his butt, and he needed a change of scenery. "I want to get out of the tub." Verna helped him to a vertical position and out of the tub, and grabbed a towel to dry Allen off with. His hole was now extremely itchy. "Can you grab me a shirt from my bag?" he asked. While Verna was turned around he gently poked his finger between his cheeks for a quick rub. He was too afraid to go inside, so he made due with what he could. He tried to be quick about it but he still managed to catch Verna's eye.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Verna, having seen it all, said nothing and handed him his shirt, "I'm sure your mom will be here for you soon," she assured, "Denise will show them back once they state they're here for you. Also, I know it itches, but try not to scratch it, rubbing a bit is fine in little bits, but you must let it dialate on its own. You don't want to tear, and I don't want you to tear," she helped him put the hshirt on. She hummed a bit, "just try not to walk too fast, your son is in your hips right now," she said after feeling around low on his belly.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, and don't worry I don't think I can scratch anyways. It wasn't long before a new contraction stirred up inside of Allen. He did what he could and turned towards Verna to lean into her while he tried the new breathing technique. This contraction really got to Allen. By the end of his eyes were tearing up. After the contraction, there was a faint knock at the door while a voice announced their presence before entering. "Dr. Redbane, it's me, Melanie. Can I come in?" She asked politely. Verna looked at Allen for permission, which he granted.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Verna's response was at first an irritated sigh, and then, after contemplting a deadpan 'No', she said, "Fine, but if you open a door here before someone answers and says you can enter, I am not going to be pleased Melanie," she said, a hand rubbing Allen's back to ease some of the pain, "...Well don't gawk Melon, speak!" She said, a bit of irritation shoeing when Melanie didn't respond immediantly. It was obvious Melon was a family nickname for Melanie.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

Melanie was a bit put off by her tone, but knew that she wasn't there to hang out. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier, I was acting extremely inappropriate and I'm here to learn, and not show off." she said half sarcastically, but it was something she needed to admit in order to get any further in this place. "It's alright, just remember that this isn't the mall. I'm in labor here." with that Allen farted quite loudly trying to relieve some of the pressure on his hole. Melanie chuckled and Allen shot her a look that wasn't as amusing. "It's not funny"

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Melanie's face became serious after Verna shot her alook mirroring Allen's. She sighed a bit, "If its alright with Allen... I'll let you stay for the next few contractions and the next dialation check. But you can't laugh. You never laugh at a patient, let alone one in labor. That is rule one, rule two is no more bragging to the other nurses that I'm your aunt like its some divine right. You come from a line of professional midwives, act like it and be confident but not cocky, okay Melon?" When Melanie nodded eagerly, a smile softened Verna's face, "That sound good to you Allen?"

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-03-2013

"I can deal with that." Allen agreed. The three walked around the room for a while.Despite his quite intense erection, with Melanie back in the room, Allen thought it would be best to put some underwear back on for some coverage. Even though he was going to have to take them off for an exam, he didn't want to be pantless more than he had around her. Even more so when he saw her starring at him "below the belt." He didn't say anything to Verna, Allen just assumed she was being a curiously inexperienced midwife student figuring out this whole or deal. "guys, I think another one is coming." he said to Verna who looked at Melanie.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-03-2013

Verna nodded a bit at Melanie, "Alright Melon, this is why you hit the gym," she said, "When a patient is in labor, you're their support when contractions get bad. Just let him lean into you and breathe with him," Melanie nodded eagerly. She didn't seem to expect the contraction to be so long, but she stood firmly upright as Verna would, massaging his back as instructed. She seemed as glad as Allen did when the contraction let off. She supported him for a few more before Verna wanted to check him again. While Verna was explaining the checking process, Melanie turned a tiny bit green, but already there was a new respect and determination in her eyes when she helped Allen onto the bed on all fours. Allen almost didn't notice her dainty finger when it slipped in, "Alright Melanie, how Dialated would you say he is?" Verna asked, lutting gloves on to check for herself.
"He's fully dialated without a doubt," Melanie said. Verna checked, then noddedd.
"Very good!" She said as they threw their gloves away, "Alright, I think that's enough here, but I do want you to write a half page about what you've learned and name three mistakes you made and three ythings you did good," Melanie nodded and left without having to be dismissed. Verna smiled a bit and helped Allen stand, "She's going to be a fine midwife one day,"

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-05-2013

Verna smiled a bit and rubbed his back, "You doin' alright?" She asked.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - allentagerman - 09-06-2013

Standing up, Allen felt an immense pressure in his anus. "Oh my! Oh my...It feels like I have to poop!" he said quite loudly. Allen was extremely uncomfortable where ever he was: standing, sitting, laying down, or on all fours. He let a fart go that was loud and wet. "THIS HURTS!" Allen was in so much pain that he subconsciously bent his knees as his hand went under his belly, grabbing his very hard penis "It's too much, I can't do it." he said breathing heavily through the pressure, pain and contractions.

RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) - Redbane - 09-06-2013

Verna held him up and rubbed his back, "I know," she soothed, guiding him to the bed and letting him kneel on the floor, the bed supporting his weight as his son's shoulders could be felt passing tightly through his hips, "You're doing good Allen, you can start pushing now," she said, "just push when the contractions hit okay?" She coached, rubbing his back and letting him squeeze her hand, "You're going to be okay,"