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Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Printable Version

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RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air is surprised and starts to eat . "My name is Air. I figure if we are going to be mates then you should at least know my name." He feels awkward eating with the drow watches "you wanna join me for the meal?"

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"Air. thats a lovely name" he kisses the boy cheek and start to eat with him, with maners of royal birth. he waited the boy finish his meal before asking "so, what you want to do now, my love?"

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air blinks "I would like to see more of you place. I realize I understand so little about drows as a race" he blushes"afterwords I want to know more about you as a person

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"ok" Lilnarn said. "my name is Lilnarn, dont remember if i told you before. here, take my hand". the prince offer the boy his hand and help him to stand. then he show him to other places in the dark elf's realm.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air takes the hand "lilnarn? You where saying it earlier when I was under the silence spell. I'm glad to have met you lilnarn."

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"im glad i met you too" he kissed Air and smiled as he show him new room with shiny things.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air gets dressed in the shiny clothes before they leave. His stomach streaches the fabric. Air is very impressed with all the rooms and buildings."it's all amazing."

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

Lilnarn grin softly. the sight of Air belly in the shiny silver clothes make his member get hard. he bite his lower lip. if he wasnt polite he would fuck the boy right and there. he blushed from lust.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air notices lilnarn's problem "we can go back to your room and go again. " he blushes as he says this.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"no, it can wait" he answered weakly. suddenly the priest get out from the shadow behind them. he scream and run like amok towards them, nife in his hands. "i will not allow this abomination!" he shout and pointed the knife to stab Air belly. lilnarn, fast then lightning, protect the boy with his own body. he rise his hand and said "you will not hurt this boy! not now and not ever!" he shoot a purple ki blast on the priest and second later the priest explode to billion pieces. lilnarn hug the boy. "are you ok? did he hurt you?" he asked in concern.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air jumps back as the priest attacks his eyes flash gold. He snarls as his fangs lengthen and claws grow on his fingers. His back legs turn into snow leopard legs. He stops as lilnarn protects him. Air returns to normal as lilnarn hugs him. "I'm ok. Are you hurt? You protected me."

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"im fine" he said, but a stream of blood flow from his shoulder. "what th-" he asked suprised as he notice the edge of the knife pointing from the back of his shoulder. the priest must threw this before he died. lilnarn collaps in a pool of blood, weak. "help me..." he asked Air.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air pulls the knife out and quickly chants a healing spell. Silver light shines from his hands and his eyes glow gold. He keeps chanting pouring all his magic into the spell.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

the prince gasp as the wound close and only scar remain. "thank you" he said to air and hold his arm for support. he was still weak from the lost of blood. "take me to my bed so i may rest" he asked the boy.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air nods and quickly carries the prince to his room. Once in he puts him in the bed and mutters a sealing spell on the door. Those who mean I'll will to him or the prince can't come in.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"thank you" he said and kissed the boy lightly on the cheek. "i am yours" he lay on the bed beside him, hugging his belly and snuggle it, admire its form and kisses it.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air snuggles close to him "rest you have lost a lot of blood. I will stay right here next to you."

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

"ok my love" lilnarn said, close his eyes and fell asleep next to Air.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - Okamiryun - 09-29-2014

Air sleeps next to his lover. Once it's morning he stretches and looks around. He quickly rembers everything. His hands go to his still swollen stomach.

RE: Not my day. (Closed with dolria1. NSFW) - dolria1 - 09-29-2014

lilnarn was dreaming a good dream about him and Air doing love, and he turn and smiled still sleep.