RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
"ahhhh" Duke cries as another contraction hit "Y-you feeling anything?"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
Wyatt feels his belly. "No, nothing yet"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
"soon hopefully" Duke says panting harder
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
"I hope its after you, Having us give birth at the same time woukd be difficult."
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
"yeah that's true"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
Wyatt rubs Duke's belly. "Are you alright?"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
Duke continues panting "Yeah I think they are almost ready"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
"Just push when you need to"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
Duke nods and lays back, putting his legs up and grabbing his knees getting ready
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
Wyatt gets between Duke's legs, ready to help deliver.
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
"nnnnnggggghhhhh" Duke groans as he pushes
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
"Did your water break yet?"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
"no but I cant take it!" Duke groans
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
Wyatt rubs Duke's belly "Its okay, it will happen soon."
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
Duke groans in pain sweating. After a while his water finally breaks
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
Wyatt is ready to deliver. "Stay calm, start pushing!"
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
Wyatt sees the head starting to crown.
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
missingyou421 - 01-28-2014
"OHHHH GODDD" Duke continues pushing
RE: The curse of the new moon (RP story idea) -
DaRealLeon - 01-28-2014
The baby slides out.