RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
(Sorry I was banned from tech during Christmas.T-T.)
Kirak peeks out of his tent as he hears fighting. "What in the world?"
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
(It's cool!)
Koji worked on helping defeat the orc. He sent his clone while the orc was distracted to tell Kirak to make sure the village's eggs were safe.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Kirak nods and hurries to the hatchery where the eggs about to hatch reside. Most of the eggs have been taken probably by other riptor kirak blushes and carefully puts the eggs in his egg pouch.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
Koji's clone nodded at him and shifted back into Ryne's form to help take the Orc out. Koji wasn't going to allow the eggs or residents of the village be killed or harmed on his watch.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Kirak sneaks towards the hatchlings and smiles as they are seemingly calm. Koran puts the eggs down in there his egg pouch feeling sore already as Kirak has never used it befor. He sits by the entrance and lets others of the moutain clan come in "stay watch the young and the eggs"
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
Koji relaxed a bit as he sensed that Kirak was safe with the hatchlings and eggs in one of the safe houses.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Kirak goes out helping others get to safety. He couldn't let anyone die for his mistake. He brought the strangers here and now the village is being attacked. He growls annoyed as an Orc has a females cornered. Pulling out a poison dart from his guntlet he shoots the stupid Orc and helps the egg heavy female go to the children.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
Koji sent his clone to help the villagers and Kirak get the others to the safe house. He snarled at the sight of a dark solider about to kill a hatchling that had gotten separated from the others. He summoned a barrier that protected the child. He grabbed the little boy and shoved him into Kirak's arms to take to the safe house. While he killed the soldier with ease.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Kirak hurries the hatchling to the others digging his long claw into the ground so he can push off even faster he puts the hatchling in the building sloosh helps keep the hatchlings together and having fun. Kirak hurries back to Koji "we are still missing the elder."
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
"Damn, go find him and I will stay with the hatchinglings and eggs to protect them." Koji replied and sniffed the air for the elder's scent. "He is nearby that way!" He pointed towards the south part of the village before going to the young to protect them.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Kirak nods and races that way. It takes him a moment before he sees the elder. The elder is danceing and attacking the orcs. Kirak sighs at the silly nature of the elder but at least he is safe. He helps lead the exitable riptor to safety.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
Koji's clone played his flute for the hatchings and told them stories to entertain them. While the real Koji was fighting to protect the village.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Once the elder is safe kirak joins the others in fighting.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-28-2014
Koji's clone continued to distract everyone and act like they were having a party inside to keep everyone calm.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-28-2014
Sloosh notices what's he is doing and tries to see what's really going.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
DragonKnight - 12-29-2014
Gar'dual grinned as he quickly grabbed Asterand threw him into his own trap. "Predictable!" He yelled as he charged at Aster, tackling him and setting off the trap with Aster.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-29-2014
One of the soldiers desperate for a win grabbed the little girl who had left safe house and held a blade to her throat. "Give Ryne over to us or I will slit this fucking brat's throat!". He growled and held Sloosh tightly in his arms. Koji snarled and saw red at the sight of Sloosh crying and the solider cursing at her to shut up. "SLOOSH! close your eyes now!". He roared and attacked the soldier by tearing his throat out. Before grabbing Sloosh and held her tightly. "That was a very foolish thing to do!. You could have gotten yourself killed or hurt. Now stay at the safe house with the others and don't leave it until I came back for you!". He scolded a bit harshly and hugged her tightly. "There is only one of you in this world and we don't want to lose you". He told her in a more gentle tone as he brought back to the safe house and enforced the barrier to keep everyone from leaving until the battle was over.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-29-2014
Sloosh nods tears still at the corners of her eyes. "yes Koji. I'm sorry I just wanted to know what was going on." She watches from behind the safety of the barrior once the werewolf leaves.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Monkeypaws19 - 12-29-2014
"Please don't leave here again and stay out of sight". He told her and brushed her tears away. Before hurrying back off to join the fight again.
RE: The Chosen (story rp, open.) -
Okamiryun - 12-29-2014
Sloosh nods "ok." She watches him leave sadly. "Be safe"