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Arranged marriage. (DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - Printable Version

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RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-18-2017

King Tristan said, feeling completely hopeless. Sometimes, he felt close to the other King but at other times he was not entirely sure. It seemed as no matter how hard he tried to prove himself something would shove him back to the beginning where started. He just wanted to be accepted, not alienated and cast aside like a piece of crumpled up paper. He would gain the other King's trust. No matter how long he had to wait. He spoke to the advisor, wanting to prove to him that he would capture the other King's heart.

"I will make my promise and keeping that such promise I will." King Tristan said, being quiet as he heard the advisor speak.


Soon, King Tristan had looked at the other King, not sure what to do. He did as much as he could but was wondering as to what he needed to do to gain the other King's affection. He stayed in the room that the other King was.

"I am trying! .. this is my first time being a better half! .." King Tristan shouted. "I have never been with anyone before!"

King Tristan's anger got the best of him. He soon covered his mouth, not knowing that his emotions were betraying him. He prepared for a shout from the other King. He clenched his hands as he got up, he wanted to leave the room but he was not sure as to what to do. He felt as though his kindness was fading. His heart turned into ice and his emotions were answered by a blank face. 

King Tristan sat back down, letting a heavy sigh leave his lungs. He wished that he could be accepted but knew that that would be a time. 

King Tristan did not want to give up but he felt no control over his feelings. He sighed once more, apologizing for shouting.

King Tristan wanted to be a fearless lover, wanting to be with the other King for a long time. He felt like shedding tears like rain falling.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

Erumollien was silent during dinner, though his guests was the Dwarvenking and his husband as well as his godson, the Dwarvenking's daughter being too young and small, was being taken care of by a wet nurse in the quarters she shared with her brother.

Torsten had noticed his friend's lack of response with his High Council's questions and the lack of interactions between him and his spouse. He frowned and looked at his husband who in turn just shook his head. Torsten cleared his throat and patted the Elvenking's arm.

"My friend, will you answer a question from a good friend?" Torsten asked, watching as his husband in turn called for the consort's attention.

He saw Erumollien nod and he smiled.

"Good. Alright, can you tell us your fondest childhood memory?" He watched as his husband pulled the consort closer so he may whisper in King Trustan's ear. He ignored his friend's surprised expression.

"Mellon nin, you already know my answer to that." Torsten shot a glance at his friend and smiled easily once more.

"Just answer this, my friend." Erumollien sighed at the odd request and conceded to his friend's request.

"My fondest memory was when Glandur and Airemana would sneak into my room and ask for stories or songs, it often occurred when a storm was at its strongest. But another was Wrestling with Airemana in the floor as well."


Keiran had needed only to look at his husband to realise what his King wanted to do. They were just like that before they married, but now they learned to love each other. Keiran leaned to the side where the King's consort was and patted his arm.

"My lord husband noticed you have a mournful expression and that our ally also has one of grief tonight." Keiran spoke softly, "So as one who wishes to befriend you, I can only offer you what knowledge I have of a High Elf which my lord husband had taught me."

Nodding his head to the direction of the two Kings, he smiled faintly.

"Listen to the question and watch." Torsten had gained their friendship when he had managed to show an interest at the Elvenking's life in the sense that he sought out specific parts of the King's life and left some for the king to share later.

"Elves value things like these, but High Elves can be harsh and cold if you are unfamiliar to them." Keiran smiled and handed over a goblet of water to the consort, "Ask him about things like how he spends his day, the king Erumollien tends to answer and ask questions in kind." Sipping his own goblet of water he grinned when Torsten asked the same question he had asked when he was still no friend to the High Elves, "Trade questions back and forth, never lose hope, my friend." Keiran placed a hand on the consort's hand.

"You both make me and my husband feel like we are too old." He joked before shaking his head, "Being a bearer, I wished to know the sire to my children when I was arranged to be married by my uncle, then I met a business driven crown prince who did not laugh or smile." He gave a pained laugh, "I recall telling him that I was not surprised he was unloved when he shows that he only loves himself, and he told me that my Uncle's greed was too great that he would marry off a treasure so great to him just to gain more land."

Shaking his head, he smiled ruefully, "We both denied the pull we felt, but when he was ambushed by orcs and poisoned, I nearly stopped breathing and took to caring for him at all times. He called my name and begged forgiveness in his delirium." Keiran placed a hand upon his middle and smiled.

"If you need help, the High Elves will not spoonfeed you but my husband and I are more than willing to give you all we can. Listen to the advisor but also, understand what he says." Patting the consort's hand, he looked st his husband who looked at him and nodded. "You can have tea with us tomorrow morning if you'd like." Excusing himself, Keiran and his husband and son left the dining halls to retire for the night.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-19-2017

King Tristan frowned, trying to stay calm and emotionless which we was. He sighed softly, glaring down at his hands in his lap. He tried to figure out as to what he would do to please his detached King. He kept to himself, sitting where an empty chair was. He struggled to gain the other King's love, eagerness and trust. It may have been his first time being joined but he tried his hardest.

King Tristan listened to the men speaking, staying quiet and remaining that way until spoken to. He wanted to be alone, wanting even more to be able to see the King's smile like he had seen once directed at him. He developed feeling for him but was not sure as how he would gain his love. He tried to be hopeful as he once was, wishing that he could bring a smile to the other King. It seemed to be impossible. He felt badly for adding to the other King's troubles by raising his voice to him. He felt many emotions.

King Tristan remained where he was sitting, trying not to rush out of the room. He did not speak until he was spoken to. He felt as though he would never gain the other King's handsome smiles or loving gazes. He tried his hardest but he was only making things much more worse than could ever be.

"I shall be more understanding of what the advisor says." King Tristan said with a nod of his head."

"I would love to be taught by you." King Tristan said curiously, hope in his voice.

"Tea? .. I would be honored to join you for a cup of tea." King Tristan said softly. "Perhaps it will give me a more open mind." 

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

Keiran only smiled at his fellow consort and nodded before allowing his husband to pull him away, both of them conversing as their son slept perched upon the Dwarvenking's shoulders.

Erumollien had not touched his food but he left, sighing as he chose to ignore the conflicted emotions within him. He cannot understand why this consort of his felt so deeply for him, he felt his consort's emotions and he grew confused.

"A peaceful co-existence is my only sanctuary as of the moment." He muttered, making his way to his rooms once more. Taking out a quill and parchment, he scribbled down a note to his consort and folded it up soon after he dried the ink. Putting on his riding clothes, he took out his travelling cloak and clasped it round his neck.

"If I have to cope with this, then I must speak with him as...humanely as I can." And perhaps he can act more like his younger free-spirited siblings.

The note he left to Tristan said this:

I wish to speak with you and apologise for my cold attitude towards you. If you still wish to speak then meet me at the forest pools, search for a black mare with a crescent on her forehead, she is the only one with a bejewelled mane clasp, take her and just speak your destination. My brother had trained her to transport people that cannot ride well or is unfamiliar with their surroundings.

King Thorontur Erumollien

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-19-2017

King Tristan slumbered soundly that evening, wanting to think of only positive dreams. He was unaware of what his King was up to but something in him told him to awaken. After switching to consciousness he awoke instantly, rubbing his now well rested eyes. He washed himself thoroughly, adorning his body of silks and looked at his dresser, curious about a mysterious twice folded up parchment. With much thought he kept his note, using it to guide himself to the whereabouts of his better half chose to ride off to. He kept it held in his hands, never letting go.

First, King Tristan read the note as it lured him to the beautiful sleek black mare marked with a crescent. He got up upon the back of the horse, gripping the reigns as he let the horse do as she was trained to do. Softly, he stroked the spot between her pointed, erect ears, being gentle. 

"Transport me to the forest pools." Softly, King Tristan said to the horse. He remained hopeful, wondering as to where the forest pools were but trusted the noble horse to do as she was trained to do. After a time the horse lowered her body into a laying position on her stomach, letting King Tristan have a better chance of not falling. She was truly trained well. He tied the reign to a thick, looming tree, letting her graze and eat the emerald green grass and lush moss which was available. He wandered off to where his mind told him. He felt as though what the other King saw King Tristan was. Whatever the King saw it was the same way he thought he was.

"Erumollien? .. are you here?" King Tristan asked softly, walking around. "You wished to speak to me?"


RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

Erumollien sat in front of the pools that his family used to go to in his youth. If he looked at one part of the forest pools, he can imagine his parents holding one another as they dipped their feet in the pool, he can hear Airemana calling for him to hurry up and join them, he could feel Glandur's hand pull him over and into the water.

But it was empty now, he rarely went there at all, he cannot bear to look at those pools that held so much joy be barren and forgotten. He wrapped his cloak tighter around him and sighed.

"You lot just had to leave me." He muttered as he fingered his cloak's clasp, a gift from his sister who studied forging and jeweling for the sake of making him a present.

He heard his conosrt's voice and raised his voice so he may be heard, "I'm here." He banished the thoughts and illusions that danced in front of his sight, his isster's laughter died with the wind, his brother's touch was nothing but his grief and his parents were but mists that gathered round the pools at the hour he had come in.

"Did you tie Tarestel?" He asked as he got up, his head bowed still, he did not know how to approach with the intention of apologising. The Dwarvenking had made it clear he had acted rather bull-headed with his consort and he might as well act like how his father and brother would towards their beloved.

Even if his consort was not that.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-19-2017

King Tristan walked, following the sound of his better half's voice. He seemed to be troubled but Tristan would not dwell on that. He went over to the other King, first asking before he would sit down. It was in his nature to always ask before doing anything. He sat down in the soft, spring grown grass, lowering his own feet in the freezing, crystal clear pool water. He took in a deep breath, letting it out from his relaxed lungs. He felt at peace, seeing the water make ripples with each movement of the two King's slight movements. Relaxed, it was something it made Tristan more and more at peace. Life made more sense now that he was gaining the other King's full needed attention.

King Tristan did not know but he placed a hand upon the top of the other King's one. He offered his hope to the King, being a listening ear, affectionate of their slowly blossoming relationship. He knew that his beloved was suffering, wanting to make the pain fade but knew that it would take a very very very long time and so much more. He provided affection to the other King, loving him more with each day.

King Tristan spoke about what was in his heart, gently providing an open mind like a counselor. He felt the grief and saw many flashbacks of the other King's joyous past. It was not his fault he was now a grieving soul, he lost those who were closest to him. Inch by painstaking inch he was understanding as to how agonizing it was to lose someone close and losing those dearest. He felt the same feelings that the other King. He was eager to be more understanding to the other King's inner most feelings, grief, troubles and most of all, hopelessness.

"Erumollien .. I know I have said this for far too many times to count but I love you." King Tristan said, a blush on his face. "Truly I do."

"To you, I want to be a listening ear, understanding of the emotions you and I share. I promise to be here." King Tristan said.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

Erumollien shook his head, "Why though? I have already passed many years, you are still a child in my eyes, you do not know me nor I you." He spoke simply as he got up off the grass and walked towards the edge of the pool where his sister often would have him sit so she can speak with him without leaving the water.

Kneeling down, he pulled at some of the grass, imagining his mother's guiding hands as she taught him how to care for the flowers she so loved greatly. "I...wish to apologise." He drew his strength from his lessons in diplomacy, recalling how Glandur excelled in that topic and spoke calmly of how a king or prince must act, his pale haired brother was everything he cannot be.

He was more feeling, more kind and gentle. He was silver-tongued and easy to love.

"It has come to my attention that I have been acting...horribly in a fashion unbefitting of my station and upbringing." If he closed his eyes and pretended, he would be able to hear his brother's voice coaxing him to continue, "I should have been patient, taught you how to act rather than criticise you and never show you how to improve." Airemana always told him his weakness was that he never was one to spoonfeed information, but his father pointed out that it can be his strength as well.

He hated telling people what they've done wrong. Or what he expects from them. But he was a king and he learned to do everything he hated.

"I cannot promise you that I shall teach you, I haven't the time." It was true but his sister and brother would still steal him away from his study, even his father would summon him so they may spend time together.

But his consort? He doubts it. His consort was too subservient.

"Beriadan can be your tutor or Mellimeldisiel." He sighed and rubbed his face before adding, "Be careful with your words, my people still are watching you to make a grave insult. I have received fifteen proposals to legitimise a law pertaining to the king taking a mistress and I've received five proposals from varying lords and ladies to fill the role of a better half." He was warning his consort out of duty, he cannot see himself loving this man.

He brought a hand upon his pin and recalled the burns on Airemana's hands, the proud yet exhausted smile on her face, her beautiful black hair all mussed up from the hours she spent at the forge.

She had studied under a dwarf and she took to crafting the pin with determination. He knew it was not the best quality a dwarf will see that from fifteen leagues, but he loved that pin.

"Treat Beriadan with respect, though feel free to scold him when he gets too much." He spoke once more, his gaze blank as his consciousness retreated away into his own memories, "He is like a brother to me." But Glandur was always far more completing for him. His younger brother who chose peace and healing over the pain of steel and shrieks of death.

Beriadan was the older brother that had taught him swordplay and to walk the pain off when he gets harmed.

"You cannot say you love me," He said blinking and forcing his gaze to focus on his consort, "For you do not yet know me. Love is built upon through trials, pain, joy, courtship, laughter, tears, rejoicement, grief, family and friends." He placed a hand upon his chest, his eyes closing as he ignored the flare of pain he felt when he recalled his parents, "Love is not found easily. But love can be made and nurtured." He was echoing his father's words when he spoke of his desire to find that perfect love like his parents, "And when made to bloom in its strength, love is hard to extinguish even beyond death." He remembered how much his father loved his mother, that even after her soul had sailed, her father still loved her and would still go to the pools to lay down her favourite flowers.

He doubts such a love can be given to him.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-19-2017

King Tristan simply nodded, feeling as if he was back where he started. He wanted the other King to know he would be there for him. If he had to wait for an eternity then he would. He wanted to understand the other King's words of honesty. He sighed, getting up to his own two feet. He got up to his feet, wanting to walk away like when he failed but something was keeping him rooted to the healthy light green grass. He stayed where he was, trying to figure out as to what next to do. He was ready to do anything needed. The force that kept him from departing was the other King's emotions.

King Tristan saw everything the other King thought. He did not wish to be a burden. He did not leave his King's side. He knew that he needed to learn to never just walk away when being criticized by others, especially a High Elf King or high ranked royalty.

"Very well. It is set. I want to prove myself to you and I will. This I promise you." King Tristan said.

"I will be focused, I shall learn all I can about the High Elf teachings." King Tristan spoke further.

King Tristan did not want to give up, prepared to be taught. He wanted to be able to hear each word that his teacher would teach. He looked as if he would slowly absorb all that was meant to be lectured, remembered and so much more. Life was meant to gain love. His life had changed quite drastically but he struggled to was on an emotional roller coaster. He stayed near the many forest pools. 

King Tristan remained near the pools, trying to gain the other King's happiness. He knew that he needed to do things more patiently. He walked through the soft grass, feeling it's touch beneath his bare feet. He had his shoes in one hand, leaving the other one empty and bare. He felt as though he would never gain the other King's trust and love. He would soon gain that but for now he was to be taught by the man that he had previously spoke to. He seemed to be pretty knowledgeable, keen of rules and so more than that.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

Erumollien sighed when Tristan vowed to learn their culture, "Very well, if it shall please you." He rolled up his trousers and dipped his legs inside the cool waters of the pool. He was surprised it still held that peaceful touch to it. As far as he knew, the peace had vanished when his family was killed.

Getting up from his seat, he held a hand out to Tristan and pulled him back to where his brother's trained horse was tied.

"Tarestel." He called for the horse, clicking his tongue before reaching out and scratching the back of her ears, listening to the horse's whinnies.

He remembered he'd broken his leg once and Glandur forced him to sit on Tarestel during his healing period. He attempted to use his personal steed once but Glandur and his mother pulled him by the ear and scolded him for putting his leg at jeopardy.

"Back to the castle, then you go to the stables." He murmured before lifting Tristan up and placing his consort upon the mare before whistling to signal the horse to leave.

Calling for his own steed, he mounted the horse and dug his heels into the horse's side to drive it into a gallop. He closed his eyes and held out his arms as if to mimic flight, his dark hair flying wildly behind him with his cape billowing against the wind that gathered past him as his horse ran.

He did not realise they'd reached the palace until the horse slowed down and the whistling of the wind had died away. He noticed Beriadan waiting for him at the front of the castle gates, his cousin only bowed his head before entering. Erumollien just smiled to himself before guiding his steed into the stable and walking to call for Tarestel to help Tristan off.

"Go directly to your rooms and sleep, I may be awhile. I've so much to oversee." He knew his consort will not stop him, but he could hear Airemana scolding him for working too much and he could feel Glandur's gentle words attempting to convince him to go and sleep. But he knew his consort will not even put his foot down.

It was tiring to see someone so subservient to him when all he wishes to see was someone strong-willed and free-spirited.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-19-2017

"Thank you, Erumollien." King Tristan replied to the other King.

King Tristan was eager to be with the other King, not wanting to be a burden but something had to be done. He looked up at the King's face, his own face seemed to be an exact mirror. He felt as though the King would be upset but he wanted to earn a smile or at least a smirk.He knew he had to earn it but he was prepared. He was also eager to what he would be faced with. He looked into the King eyes. He was wanting the King to accept him through it all. He was happy.

"Erumollien, can you join me in my bedroom. You need to have a good night." King Tristan said.

"I won't take no for an answer." King Tristan said further.

King Tristan took his better half's hand, willing to be more authoritative. He would not mind the other man's question, wanting to be with him and not buried in work. He was trying to distract his mind from any distraction, sadness and so much more. He looked at his better half's face, noticing so much pain, sadness and troubles. He felt himself wanting to help him with anything. He wanted to be firm but loving as well. It made him worried about the other KIng, knowing that he and the KIng would soon welcome a child into the world and he knew that he would need the other King to be open.

King Tristan sat on his bed, looking up at the King. He was happy, wanting for the King to join him.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

Erumollien was surprised at his consort's words before he nodded slowly, dumbfounded. He was not sure why he was allowing himself to be led to his consort's bedroom but he just decided to follow along with his consort.

Having reached his consort's rooms, he began disrobing and only kept his tunic on. He only ever removed his tunic when he was alone and when no one but healers or his cousin would see his scars. But for now, he settled for keeping his tunic on.

Settling onto the bed, he felt odd with having to lay on a bed that was not his. It was not the bed he'd designed for his sister for that was hidden away in the royal storage rooms but it still felt odd. He had grown accustomed to sleeping in his bed alone.

"Good night." He murmured, offering a half-smile to his consort before laying down and closing his eyes, willing for the darkness of sleep to overtake him.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-19-2017

"Goodnight, Erumollien.' King Tristan replied softly.

King Tristan smiled softly, kissing the other King's cheek after laying down. He closed his eyes, slumbering beside him. He was able to easily fall asleep, dreaming only on positively. He did not want him to relapse back into soul crushing grief.

King Tristan slept for a time or so, dreaming of holding their child and hearing him or her laughing happily. He wasn't sure as to how he saw the child. The child was not even born yet! .. it was like taking a curious gaze into the eyes of the future. He kept a hand on his own stomach, feeling a slight bump to it.

Once more, King Tristan felt his inner self chasing after his giggling child. He saw the child was at the mobile age of a toddler. He had quite a lot of energy. He was eager to hold him or her in his arms. He stayed in a light slumber, being there if the other King had nightmares.

King Tristan slept soundly, wanting to see if his better half was at peace. He wanted to see if he was troubled with nightmares. He opened his eyes from time to time, not wanting to wake him. He smiled, gazing at his face and then fell asleep once more.

King Tristan remained asleep, at peace with his resting better half beside him. He hoped that he would not have a nightmare. He was ready to do anything for his beloved's troubles. He was being firm but was gentle at the same time. So far it was working. He did not want to be too rough, not wanting him to be consumed by grief. He would so everything and anything for him. He felt as though he was also at the same peacefulness that his better half had on mind.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-19-2017

It was a rare dream that he would find himself in the Glen where those that had passed would be waiting for the reforming of the world. He dreamt himself present in that Glen, and there seated in front of him was his mother, flowers woven into hair pale hair, her dark eyes glinting with merriment.

"Mae govannen, henig." She murmured, pulling him up as he mutely followed her, his grip on his mother's hand tightening as she led him through a copse of trees until they reached a clearing.

His breath caught in his throat, he looked at his father who was wrestling with Airemana while Glandur was seated upon a rock, plucking at his zither. He recognised the tune as a lullaby sung to them by their father when they were little.

"Na vedui, Muindor!" Glandur breathed out, setting aside his instrument and tackling Erumollien.

The Elvenking startled himself by laughing as he pressed a kiss upon his brother's brow before he was sudddenly being embraced tightly by his sister.

"Muinthel!" Erumollien exclaimed as he pressed his forehead against Airemana who gave him a wide smile.

He was pulled up by his father who clasped his hand tightly before embracing him.

"We were worried you would not be able to find your way here, ion nin." His father murmured as he ran a hand through Erumollien's hair. He felt his mother's roughened hands upon his neck as she traced a scar that he'd gained when he suffered through an attempted assassination.

"And to think it took you a consort to find your way." His mother murmured, he sighed and shrugged.

"I suppose?" His mother tugged sharply at his hair and he winced.

"Give him a chance, little prince or so help me." Erumollien grimaced and sighed.

"Very well, Nanneth." He grumbled, his mother nodded and began humming.

"Your father and I married for love but I can promise you, my first meeting with him involved pouring dirty water on his royal head by accident." The Elvenking laughed and found himself taking solace from his mother's words.

Closing his eyes, he felt himself return to consciousness and he looked at the ceiling, relishing in the lingering touch of his mother and the familiarity of his family. Turning to lie on his side, he gazed at his consort and sighed.

"Perhaps...I can learn..." He murmured to himself as he watched his consort's peaceful slumber.

Mae govannen, henig. - Well met, child.
Na vedui, Muindor! - At last, Dear Brother!
Muinthel - Dear/est Sister
Ion nin - My Son
Nanneth - Mother

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-20-2017

King Tristan felt weary, diving head first into his own dreams. The King did not awaken until the next dawn. For now he enjoyed his dream like state of mind, body and inner self. He was so very happy. He dreamt about what he saw his first child, the child was running around once more outside of the castle, supervised by his or her father who was King Tristan. He wanted to gain trust before the baby would arrive into the vast, curious world. He had quite a long time to go before the baby would be born. He felt blessed, wanting to birth the child naturally. He was very proud of being a calm father. 

King Tristan remained asleep, slumbering soundly, quietly. He had different dreams, focused only on their child. He knew that he did not give birth to the son or daughter. He was eager to bring a new, innocent life into the world. For now he had to wait for a while, soon his wish would come true. He soon awoke, stretching his limbs out. Soon he relaxed, rubbing his well rested eyes. He kissed his better half's forehead before gathering up new silks to be worn for the presence of dawn. In silence, he looked at himself in the mirror, trying to see what his stomach looked like. It was a slight, small bump but it was noticable but only slightly. He was both worried and proud, wanting to provide only the best for the soon to be born child.

King Tristan walked down the hall, washing his nude body of any and all filth on his body. He was soon dressed, returning to the bedroom that the other King and King Tristan shared the night before as they slept close to one another. He soon looked out of the window of the castle, seeing the night fading and the first scorching rays of dawn peeping over the sky. He returned back to the room, sitting down on the bed, soon laying down for a while once more. He rubbed his eyes with a soft yawn, wanting to fall asleep for a while longer, dreaming of what was in his mind. He had no tasks to do that day. He was curious as to why he saw the child he was pregnant with in his dreams as a toddler once more.

King Tristan awoke once more, stretching as he felt relaxed and calm. He looked at the bed, then to the other King. He sighed happily, wondering as to what would happen throughout the day. He rubbed his stomach, feeling at peace.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-20-2017

Erumollien had climbed out of bed and left the room to change into his formal attire. It was yet another day that he must hold open court and then he must attend the High Council meetings, then he must ride to the farmlands and oversee how the farmers were faring and help where he can.

Slipping on his gooden robes and a dark red sash, he deemed himself ready the moment he placed his circlet upon his head. Stepping out of his own chambers, he looked at Beriadan who was waiting for him. King and advisor needed only to exchange a glance before they rushed to the throne room so they may avoice beginning late.

Erumollien's throne had been crafted from roots grown and twisted into shaping a mighty looking thrown that is connected to the Earth, his father had loved the throne for what it stood for and when his mother still lived, she would be found seated upon the King's lap to show unity as they both debated over varying things that their subjects sought counsel for.

"Beriadan, go to my consort, you must teach him." His cousin made to protest but he glared at his cousin, daring him to speak, "If it truly concerns you that I've no keeper, then call Mellimeldisiel. She can watch me and guide me during open court." Beriadan shot a steely look at him before bowing and leaving.

The advisor made quick work of finding the High Councilwoman, sending her off to the throne room, he knew that she can easily steer Erumollien into doing what he must due to her age. She was formidable and ageless as was expected of their people, but he knew in that mind is the mind of a mother and grandmother who brings everyone into her embrace.

Recant the consort's door, Beriadan knocked and waited for the consort to come out.

"Breakfast in the dining halls, lessons will commence while doing so." He paused before adding, "The Dwarvenking, his husband and children shall be present. Do try not to make this awkward." He smiled tightly before bowing stiffly to the consort and leaving for the dining halls, speaking with the guards not to expect the king for the morning meal.

He will be damned though if his cousin decides to lock himself in the study and misses his midday meal several times in the past.

Taking a seat at the table, he greeted the Dwarvenking Torsten and his consort, Keiran, then his cousin's godson, Adalsteinn and the Crown Prince's daughter, Eydís.

He noticed the concerned gaze sent his way by the Dwarvenking, the advisor only shrugged and pulled a face.

"Burying himself in duty once more?" Torsten asked wryly, the advisor did not answer for their ally already knew it.

"The boy reminds me too much of myself from years before." The Dwarvenking muttered before he continued to break his fast.

Beriadan only waited for the consort to arrive before he ate. Though he did place the food he wanted on his plate and asked for raspberry wine from a passing servant.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-20-2017

King Tristan glanced at the door, soon hearing a strange knock on it. He got up to his feet, walking from the bed and to the only smooth, thick, dark brown wooden door which was closed. He sighed silently, opening it and saw the man who was waiting for his attention. He stood in the doorway, nodding as he followed beside the man who would teach him. He smiled, standing until he was offered a seat to sit down upon. He did not speak until he was spoken to, choosing words correctly. 

King Tristan wanted to make the best impression, wondering as to how this teaching would lead to. He thought positively about what would happen. He bowed his head to the royal family, making sure to make the best impression. He truly did. He was patient, not letting the others know that he was slightly nervous. He knew that any wrong words would probably be wrong but he tried to be hopeful. He softly cleared his throat, promising not to make a scene and a complete fool of himself.

King Tristan looked at each of the members of the royal family. He wanted to learn how to be a loving, wise husband. He knew that his lover was a troubled soul but he wanted to change that. Truly, he would do anything. He wanted to be more open minded. He let each of the people speak, only answering when he was told. He did not want to say anything negative. 

King Tristan wondered as to what his better half was doing, not wanting to disturb him. He wanted to be with him but not when he was busy. He knew that his beloved King was doing his work for the day. He was worried about him. He focused only on saying the correct sentences, nodding his head to right answers or shaking it when he was uncertain. He was eager to be with his better half but he had a teaching to remain at. He was at ease, wanting to be a true lover he desired.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-20-2017

Beriadan raised a brow at the once again subservient attitude of the consort before looking at the Dwarvenking who was chatting with his husband all the while caring for their son while Keiran fed their newborn daughter.

"Alright, you need to drop this subservient act of yours." Beriadan stated simply, "It's disturbing, a consort is meant to be a match to the king, you are making me feel like I'm the consort and as flattered as I am at the feeling, I don't like the thought of feeling married to my cousin." He took a sip of his wine and shot a glance at the consort.

"How are you to become acknowledged when you keeep acting subservient?" He asked with a frown, "I saw you speak with the consort of King Torsten, so I'm suddenly wondering why you're now acting like a meek lamb."

"Lord Beriadan, I think it best you leave the boy alone." The Dwarvenking sighed as he finished wiping away some of the food that was smeared on his son's face, "I doubt he would recall my husband inviting him to tea or even their conversation at dinner." The advisor sighed and bowed his head.

"I pray that is no insult to the Prince Consort Keiran." The Dwarvenking raised a brow at him.

"I may not have liked him before our marriage but I doubt I would have enjoyed my marriage now if I got someone who felt easily offended." The dwarf King retorted before wincing when his son pulled on a braid, demanding his attention.

"An insult to a dwarf is different from your understanding of insults, Lord Beriadan." Keiran explained, turning to look at Tristan, Keiran smiled.

"Seventeen years of marriage, our son being sixteen- he would be seen as four years old in human and Elven years - and our daughter being but a few weeks, it has helped me grow." Keiran explained as he patted his daughter's back, "I married rather young, I had only come of age at seventy-seven years when I was betrothed to Torsten, he in turn was ninety-three years. He was far too invested in his duties like your other half."

Beriadan snorted, "King Torsten is just like my cousin who seems to forget that there is a world outside the war councils and meeting rooms and studies. I'm impressed you managed to change him." Looking at the consort, he raised a brow.

"Have you learned anything regarding my cousin? Asked him questions about anything?" The advisor wished to know if the boy took action, if not then he shall just throw his circlet in and relegate him to Mellimeldisiel or perhaps the Dwarvenking's family. Of course, Keiran was different from the consort of his cousin but he can still attempt to help and make the most of it.

"My love, I must take my leave." Torsten spoke, his tone mournful and hesitant to leave as he pressed a kiss upon his husband's lips before pressing his forehead against his son and daughter's. "I shall see you, and the consort Tristan after I meet with King Erumollien."

"Of course, Ghivashel." Keiran murmured, his dark eyes shining bright, "I shall see to it that we will be there."

Beriadan smirked, "If you were listening, Consort, then you should keep in mind that that Dwarvenking is so alike my cousin that you now should know that my cousin has the capability to be a loving father and husband." He chuckled, "Already, he spoils and loves his godson a great deal, it would be a feat of strength and will when you manage to pull those three words from his lips." He paused before amending himself, "I mean if he said it in our tongue, it would be two words but still." The advisor grinned at the consort, "When you manage to do that, I can promise you that he shall dote on you and the child like he does with his godson and like he doted on his family when they still drew breath."

And he knew how much that was. His cousin had Glandur train under the finest healers, he had his sister's armour be made by a Dwarven blacksmith out of pure and shining mithril, he gave his mother flowers that were a chore to find, he would find old scriptures for his father to read. The way his cousin made his love shown was through effort and surprises. He recalled receiving a new sword made of a thin light metal that can cut through even the thickest of stone. It would be impressive and a miracle if his cousin falls for his consort.

Now that he was forcing himself to spend time with the young consort, the advisor found that he'd like to see how this story will play out.

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - SilentFeather - 07-20-2017

King Tristan cleared his throat once more, sitting down as his legs grew tired. He wanted to be independent with his words but at the same time he wanted to be adored as for who he was. He felt like a burden, trying to impress a King who was also troubled. He wanted to be brave, he wanted to be able to lift his spirits, love him for all of eternity. Not even death would grow dull like a wilted bright red rose. He heard the others speaking to him, feeling his anxiety and nervousness rising like a roaring flame. He wanted to be a strong, loyal and trusted lover. He changed his behavior, speaking bluntly but with much respect. He sighed, looking into Beriadan's eyes, with the utmost respect.

"I apologize for being so weak. That is my burden." King Tristan said. "And I have done everything to gain his trust."

"I shall be an equal of my better half." King Tristan, trying to be a husband but so far all was too much to bear. Through it all he remained hopeful, trying his hardest to gain the trust of the other King. He sighed softly, sitting where he was meant to sit. He spoke, trying to be more of who he was meant to be, a understanding husband who was on the same level with the other King. He would do that. He was eager to see the other King again but knew that he had to be patient. This was his first time being with someone but he tried to understand that he needed to be more dominant, understanding, loving and understanding. He knew that his King was busy with many various tasks but he wanted to be with him like that one particular night he and him slept beside one another. 

"I will prove myself to my better half, even if it takes an eternity." King Tristan spoke to each of the high ranking High Elf's. "No matter what."

RE: Arranged marriage.(DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes.) - DrinkToMeOnlyWithThineEyes - 07-20-2017

"Stop apologising," Beriadan shot a look at the consort and rolled his eyes before looking at the dwarf Prince Consort and mouthing out his complaint. Keiran just laughed.

"Tristan, have you never heard of jokes?" Keiran asked not unkindly, "Because Beriadan has been jesting about the part where he spoke about feeling like his Majesty's consort." Adalsteinn looked at his Adad and then at the Elves, he furrowed his brow and pressed closer to his Adad.

Keiran looked at the advisor then to King Erumollien's consort, "Beriadan is more loose in emotions than his King, he is often the one to make jests than to sit in his study."

"You have not done everything, child." Beriadan huffed, pushing his now empty plate aside, "I doubt you've asked him to tell you of stories from his childhood. Erumollien does not speak of anything unless asked, he in turn will not ask you anything because you have made no inquiries."

Pouring himself a goblet full of wine, he looked at Tristan and snorted, "You need to stop taking everything as if we are ostracising you, or at least try to befriend the dwarves they wish to help you. I don't know if you know this, but majority of the kingdom still have doubts in you, you need to take my words for I have decided to attempt and see if you can make a miracle." Crossing his arms, he looked at the consort, "The High Council is not welcoming because their allegiance had always been to the king and they wish to see him marry one who shall complete him and be his better half. I do not trust you because you have done nothing to get to know my cousin, you make promises and declarations of love but you still have not attempted to ask him anything. You wake, you eat, you sleep, but neither of you interact. Just because you've a bond does not mean you know everything, you only see and feel what his mind allows you to see and feel."

Beriadan decided to gentle his tone, "You need to not be affected by too much things, child. My cousin still cares for you but it is out of duty, you say you love him? Then tell me, what was his favourite childhood pastime? Or what was his treasured memory with his mother? Perhaps he told you of what Airemana had done for his name day?" His pale eyes did not hold the same cutting ice he held whenever he looked at the consort, "You must learn to ask him. He does not share his past easily when no one asks him. He in turn cannot ask anything from you for he prefers to have a longer conversation with someone other than one or two word answers."

Getting up from his seat, Beriadan gave a light pat on Tristan's head, "Think over what I said and figure out what I want you to do."

With that, the advisor left. Keiran watched the consort and just sighed.

"If you need help interpreting what Lord Beriadan had said, you can always approach me or my husband."