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RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-03-2018

(That's okay, glad your feeling better. Haha, that's okay, no need to stress, I'm good to reply)

Jace tried to avoid talking but whimpered quietly as he was pulled up "I-I didn't do anything....he chose to be w-with me" he stuttered out "I didn't make him" he said shaking a little wrapping his free arm around his waist protectively "I just like these clothes" he said nervously trying to pull his hand free still. Finally he got it free when the guy got shocked as Jake held his hand. Have went to him and touched his arms gently "Babe, he's not worth it, let go" he said softly and reached up touching Jake's face gently biting his lip a little, his face mostly hidden by his hair and glasses like usual but you could see his eyes watering slightly, something that he could normally just shrug off had affected him quite a bit because of the hormones.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-03-2018

(aww you're too good to me ;))

Jake had become good enough in reading Jace's emotions to notice the slight glistening of his eyes. He clenched his jaws and thought for a moemnt, but slowly, he lowered the guy's hand amidst the tensed gazes of everyone - their classmates seemed to all been holding their breathes, watching Jake's reaction to his boyfriend's words. A few girls bit their lips - they had wished so hard to see Jake not letting the guy go - and if that had gone on that path, it would be rather interesting to see them get into a quarrel themselves.

Jake released the guy, just shooting him a threatening glare, before lifting Jace's hand up to look at the damage the guy had done on him. he blew on his wrist taht had started swelling with the forceful grip, gently leading his boyfriend to his seat again. "i'm sorry Jace... i should have come in with you. How about i start giving you a lift to school from tomorrow morning?" he said with concern, his glance drifting towards the smaller boy's midsection.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-03-2018

Jace smiled gently at the care his boyfriend was showing him "I love you" he said not quite realizing that was the first time he had really said that to Jake. "It's okay, I'll be okay" he said gently and bit his lip, his eyes dropping to his midsection just for a second "We'll be okay" he said softly. The teacher entered and he sighed gently, this was the only class where they had assigned seating and he was stuck in the second row while Jake was back in the fifth. He took his seat smiling lovingly at Jake before trying to focus on his work. This was quite hard due to the fact the guy who had grabbed him before sat right behind him and had a drumstick that he kept poking into the back of his pants near his butt every time the teacher wasn't looking. He squirmed uncomfortably and then his mates, who were sitting on either side of Jace began pinching at his sides. Jace couldn't help it, his emotions suddenly went wild and he burst into tears running out of the classroom quickly.

Max, the bully, looked at the teacher with fake concern as Jace ran out. He asked the teacher quickly if he could go and comfort his "friend" and the teacher let him. As he turned grabbing his bag he smirked at Jake before putting the concerned face back on and followed Jace out of the room quickly. The teacher quietened the class and told them no one else was allowed out til Jace and Max had returned.

Jace entered the bathroom sobbing to himself wiping his face messily as he looked at himself in the mirror. He heard the door open behind him and froze seeing Max and knowing that teachers particular rule about only two students being allowed out of the classroom at any one time. He turned, his heart beating quickly as Max pushed him up against the wall "Kneel down" Max said smirking, Jace complied, too afraid of what might happen to his baby if he didn't. Max grabbed his hands pinning them above his head with one hand, while with the other pulled his pants and underwear down enough so his penis came free, he began to pump his penis right in front of Jace's face until he was hard "Clearly you must have some magic mouth or something for Jake to throw everything away to be with you" he smirked "So show me" he said moving his now erect penis in front of Jace's mouth. Jace shook his head quickly struggling in Max's grip, "Oh, so you wanna do this the hard way" he chuckled and reached over with his spare hand pinching Jace's nose, watching as his face went red trying to hold his breath.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-03-2018

(huh wow, so going dark? hmm, how do you want this to go? like... if i get Jake miraculously popping up, or some teacher coming by, or would Max just get what he wanted? which way are you picutring it to be?)

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-03-2018

(Yeah, I was gonna ask if it was too dark, lol, I was thinking Jake sort of say 'fuck it' and run after him anyway even against the teachers wishes knowing from Max's look he was going to do something? Or something along those lines? If it's too dark I can change it too?)

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-03-2018

(HAHA well if you said you want Max to get through with his intentions i might consider it a little dark... but nah, it's totally fine with Jake coming to the rescue ;) - that's also what i'd prefer out of the 3 options - i just didn't want that to be like, the easy way out and disappoint you for going too vanilla xDD)

That unexpected 3 magical words shocked Jake somewhat, and it took a few seconds for it to register. "wow.... WOW. yea... yea, i'm right behind you." Jake smiled at Jace, and that goofy smile stayed on his face as he got to his assigned seat, still on cloud when the teacher came.

His good mood didn't last though. midway through the lesson, he already knew something wasn't quite right.
Jake couldn't quite see what was happening, but judging by the shaking shoulders of his boyfriend, he knew Max and the neighbors of Jace couldn't be treating him well at all. He was so anxious to get to Jace's side, and almost at the same time as Max, he shoot up to his feet when he saw Jace crying out and running otwards the door.

Jake's heart clenched tight when he saw that ugly face of Max when he chased after Jace. He couldn't be having any good intentions... his heart dropped seeing that last flash of cruel face right before hte bully disappear from the classroom. Jake's heart was pounding so hard in his chest. He had to get to Jace... his boyfriend needed him now. There was simply no way...

"Ms. I need to go after Jace.... he had a medical condition and I didn't think Max could handle it." at a pause of whatever the teacher was talking about - Jake had lost track since the very beginning - he stood up anyway, and before the teacher could ask further, he was running out of the classroom. There were sharp calls from behind, but there was no time for it.... he HAD to get to Jace...

He ran along the corridor. The most likely place Jace would go was the bathroom... he was running, then picked up to a sprint. "Jace!" he shoved open the door, and what he saw had him gasping.

"What are you doing you son of a bitch." he dragged Max away from Jace and threw him towards the partitions. "you get OFF Jace!" he yelled, shielding Jace behind him. "Babe are you ok?" he asked, turning slightly towards Jace.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-03-2018

(Hahaha, nah, like vanilla sometimes)

Jace shook violently and took a gasp of air when he was released from the hold. He couldn't quieten his sobs as he shook his head looking at Jake. He was so terrified and couldn't even say a word, just sat in a ball shaking violently before quickly scurrying to the toilet and began puking violently into it, shaking violently. He clutched at his stomach, it was almost cramping because of him continuously vomiting, he was a little scared how all this stress was affecting the baby.

Max chuckled zipping his pants back up "Lighten up Jake, it's just a joke, you know, those things you used to be into before you got with this loser. You literally slept with him as a bet remember? It's just some fun, a nice bj for me and some street cred for the loser" he said rolling his eyes and going up grabbing Jake's but "What's a squeeze or a suck between mates" he laughed grabbing Jake's waist rubbing his still hard cock, although covered by his pants now, against Jake's butt chuckling

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-03-2018

(haha great. lol coz i'm a hopeless addict of vanilla myself)

Jake was chasing after Jace, looking at him with concern when he retched over the toilet, exposing his back towards Max in the process. he growled when his behind was grabbed. "i'm never someone like you!" he scrowled, turning towrads him. "and that's a bet... i admit that, but I wasn't gonna leave him alone after! i am so tahnkful i took that bait... and ended up with a brilliant boyfriend. You're just some loser yourself, failng to respect even.. "

He snarled, feeling that disgusting piece of meat rubbing against him, he grabbed Max's shoulder and charged towards the wall, slamming the guy towards it and kicked him on his balls with his kneecap. "you son of a bitch... you woudln't be doing ANYTHING filthy from now on..." he kicked again amidst the pathetic whine from Max. He focused his kicks on his cock only, aiming at that ugly piece of meat. "Go ahead, tell the teacher you got kicked in your balls, you slimy piece of shit." he spit on Max, who could only roll around in pain.

"Jace..." Jake came back towards Jace. "let me take you to the clinc." he said, frowning hard seeing the smaller man so pale. "we could file an assault erport on Max." he said. Even though he had taken his revenge, he was rather certain that arrogant guy wouldn't admit to anyone that Jake kicked him on his balls so brutally, so they really had nothing to lose being the one filing for a formal bully case against Max.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-03-2018

Jace turned to Jake an grabbed on to him tightly tucking his face into Jake's neck breathing heavily. He shook his head "No, I'm okay, I promise, my stomach hurts from being sick, it's nothing to do with the baby" he said quietly holding onto Jake tightly unaware that even though max was rolling around in pain he was still listening and couldn't quite believe what he had heard but couldn't wait to spread it around the school, the kid really was a freak. "Thank you for coming and being my knight in shining armour" he laughed softly and pulled back wiping his eyes, still visibly shaking but no where near as badly as before. He rubbed at his eyes like a child.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-03-2018

"Are you sure?" Jake cradled Jace on his lap, holding him like a small child. He looked at him with concern, also unaware that Max had enough mind to eavesdrop on what they were talking about. He natrually covered Jace's belly with his palm, and was raather shocked to find it quite a bit curvier than he last remembered. "you're nurturing our baby so well..." he whispered to him, pressing his head close to himself so he could kiss him on his forehead. "Well i am your boyfriend... tha's what i'm supposed to do." Jake smiled brightly at Jace, ruffling his hair and lifted him up, hiding Jace's beautiful face from the prying eyes of Max.

"you, stay away from us." Jake threatened Max on theri way out, passing his side with Jace lifted in his arms, holding him in a koala hug.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-03-2018

Jace smiled lovingly at Jake and kissed his cheek softly before happily being carried out, his face tucked into Jake's neck. He got out of Jake's arms as they got to the classroom. He sighed a little and chewed on his lip before looking back at Jake "I think that we deserve to have the rest of the day off, keep it stress free" he said smiling gently at him

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-04-2018

"you're suggesting... how about the equipment room behind the gym?" Jake stopped at the door of the classroom, looking at Jace, he smiled and with a quick turn on his heels, they hurried towards their little place.

It was the place where Jake sometimes escape to himself. This was supposed to be managed by their team so he was sure they woudln't be distrubed by any other people. it was also convenient with the mats for sports laid out. "now i'm introducing to you my little corner...." he smiled slipping in with Jace gently lowered to the floor. he kept up with a protective hand on his waist bringing him further into the room. "let's sit down here... and Jace?" Jake said, helping him sit down. "can i, er, can I... see your belly?" the taller boy asked shyly.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-05-2018

Jace felt his cheeks redden slightly at being asked to show him. He had always been incredibly self conscious of his body and now more so than ever. He bit his lip and nodded shyly. He slipped his sweater off and his undershirt so he was sitting there with only his pants on. His stomach was slightly rounded, but only as if he was bloated and trying to push his stomach out to make it look big, he had already gained a couple of small stretch marks along his side too. He looked away nervously as if Jake would suddenly not be interested in him due to it.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-05-2018

"i can touch it right..." Jake asked, not entirely sure, but he was already reaching out. "oh my god you're really showing... this is... amazing."the admiration and excitement was clear in Jake's eyes. His gaze was fixated on the gentle swell on Jace's belly. He rested his hand on his swell and nudged closer. And closer. He was very much drawn to Jace in every possible way.

He caressed his little bump and thought he would get closer to Jace. He pressed himself close to the smaller boy, holding him from behind so he was circling Jace. "how does it feel? bloated? strange? does it caue you dsicomfort?" he asked in a whisper, gradually tighening his hold on Jace so the pregnant boy could really rest against his arms.

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-05-2018

Have blushed brightly at Jakes comments. He cuddled closer to Jake smiling gently "It kind of feels bloated but not really like in an uncomfortable way, more like I'm just full enough from eating, if that makes sense?" He said biting his lip and placed his hand on top of Jake's gently cuddling into his side more as he looked up at his boyfriend happily

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-05-2018

"that's good right? good... not really uncomfortable anymore... " he smiled looking at Jace's slightly fuller face. "is this a stretchmark..?" he gentl stroked through the redline on the side of Jace's waisst. "does that hurt....? let me buy you some lotion for that... my mom prepped me on it and asked me to remember to apply it on you." he said. his parents had been warming up ot the idea more and was sometimes hinting him that he should bring Caleb home now. let them meet the other parent of their future grandchild. He pulled Jace closer, sliding the smaller boy to him by holding his hip - and he smiled. "hmmm... " he squeezed his bottom playfully and chuckled. "i see it's not just your belly as well... this is.. so real." he said, not sure if that was the right word but things were really coming together now.

"do you hvae to return to your doctor for a check up? when would it be? can i come as well?"

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-05-2018

Jace smiled gently "Yeah, it's not too uncomfortable. Yeah, it's a stretch mark" he said blushing, a little embarrassed at the mark "It doesn't hurt" he said quietly and took Jake's hand gently squeezing it lightly. He blushes brightly as his bum was squeezed and looked at Jake shyly, he pushed back his hair lightly and took off his glasses putting them aside "I know what you mean" he said gently and touched Jake's cheek gently before leaning in and kissing him softly wrapping his arms around his neck lightly before pulling away "Of course you can come with me but it's not for another two weeks" he said gently chewing lightly on his lip

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-06-2018

Jake found his breth again taken away by the beauty that Jace had kept hidden under his glasses. He caressed Jace's cheeks and muttered "i am so glad that scumbag didn't get to see you like this... " he said tracing Jace's lips with his fingertip, then relaxed into the kiss his lver shyly offered to him.

"Good... are we going to do some ultrasounds? get a tiny little picture of the baby?"Jake asked excitedly, already picutring about the meeting himself. He laid down onto his elbows and pulled Jace down to him, snuggling close together. His hand lingered around his bottom, the boy couldn't help but wnat to fondle with the lovely body of Jace's now. "do you want to find out about the gender? will it still be too early to find out?"

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - Littleittyboy - 08-06-2018

Jace blushed a little under his stare looking down at his hands smiling shyly. "Oh! I have one from the very first one, it's hard to see" he said and pulled out his wallet grabbing a small picture out and curling into his side laying his head on his chest as he unfolded it "Okay, so it's a bit small but this is my 'womb' and this is the baby, it's really tiny at the moment but yeah, it's there" he said softly

RE: Opposites attract right? (Open for one) - bhdire8 - 08-06-2018

"oh WOW.... this is your womb....?" for some reasons, Jake was smiling at the mentioning of the feminine organ. "and... so small." he traced the tiny black dot in the picture. "that's our baby? oh god... so .. SMALL!" he said, glancing between the picture and the tiny swell Jace was sporting. "it's... so unreal. Is it how all babies grow? i mean.. they can squirm and cry so loud, and all that started from something so tiny?" he said incredulously, looking at Jace's belly again, he pressed a kiss on him and chuckled. "you have a lot of growign to do, tiny pea." he said, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

(what do you want to do first? to have teh rumors spread and more bullying on Jace, or have them get to the doctor's and Jace furhter showing...?)