RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-13-2014
(Alright ^^ You ready to start then? Brian was heading up there as well, right? He could try to steal something XD)
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
Seedful - 07-13-2014
((Works for me!))
Valencia gave a charming---if very-slightly-sinister--smile.
"Oh, it's not so bad---Mother married into wealth; we'll never do without. Besides, it's worth any expense to meet such interesting and...attractive people."
Niko and Clay had wandered off somewhere as Brian proceeded to get increasingly, stumblingly drunk. He should find some place to sleep it off; the lights were all blurring together. In a house this big, surely there'd be some spare room he could duck into and have a lie-down for a few hours?
Somehow he managed to mount the stairs and found himself in a darkened, lavishly-appointed room hung in dark colors. Fine dark furniture stood everywhere---including a heavy-framed mirror covered in silk scarves. These caught Brian's attention and he begun drunkenly enacting various scenes from plays using said scarves as props, nearly knocking over the mirror several times in the process and cracking himself up/
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-13-2014
Alex was a bit oblivious to the smile as he drunk what was left of the Purple Haze, staring out at the steps before glancing back up. "So is that what it's all about?" He was one to catch on to some clues here and there, but what stood out the most from her words was that she wanted to meet attractive people. Did she perhaps think he was? "Isn't that what most parties turn into in the end though? Finding that one cute figure?"
Clay had closed the door behind him, letting Niko rest in the guest room as he walked off, the smell of beer greeting his nose. He smiled a bit as he followed the blood source, leading him to another room. He watched as the figure played around with scarves, something that made him chuckle a bit. He stood in the shadows, watching what he would do next. By all means, these were scarves he wore in the winter, but seeing them on the figure, who had wandered around in the first place, was a sight to behold. It was bad he was drunk. "Having fun?" He chuckled in the darkness.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-25-2014
RPC Name:
Age: Christine LeCeille
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs.
She is the quiet daughter of the LeCeille family, she tends to enjoy watching how her siblings will choose their mates while keeping her eye out for her own. She possesses a long temper but will torture anyone who crosses her path, a slightly sadistic girl who will listen to no one's pleas but her family's, her only soft side is known by her mother, her soft side only comes out when she is alone, she will sing under her breath the songs she was taught and the songs she taught herself. She only knows classical and Briadway songs mind you.
Occupation: Heir
General Description:
Black hair that is unkempt when she does not feel like fixing her hair, fixed into a french braid at parties, skin as pale as a porcelain doll's and a curvaceous body which is clothed with silk or velvet. She will be seen oftentimes with a classic novel, her only jewelleries is a pair of drop shaped earrings and a necklace with a ruby. It is common to find her inside the parlour reading on a couch or inside the library sitting on a table with countless books surrounding her.
What does your character like to do:
Should her chosen mate do anything to displease her, she will do either of the following:
-Branding them
-Whipping them
-Hanging them upside down
-Cutting one part of their body with a knife
-Penetrating them without warning (Only when they displeased her in a slight manner)
Her only hobbies seem to be reading, singing and playing different instruments. (Most people who know her would think torturing is her hobby also.)
She can be either gentle or rough in bed, it will depend on the actions of her chosen mate, but she will often tease her mate/s to the point of begging before finally fucking them.
((Hope this is okay, and hope the slots are still open...))
((If the slots for the heirs are open here is one...))
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-25-2014
(It's great and spots are certainly open ^^)
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-25-2014
((Thank you^^))
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-25-2014
(No prob. I could play Alex for you if you want.)
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-25-2014
((Sure, I'd like that.))
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-26-2014
(Okay. I could have him continue outside the mansion if you want.)
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-26-2014
((Up to you, he's your character. ^^))
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-26-2014
Alex yawned a bit, the party beginning to.bore him a bit. It didn't help that he needed to get back on campus as.soon as possible too. Pullling his keys out, he started to make his way over to his car.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-26-2014
Christine was roaming the mansion reading the script of the musical Les Miserables when her eyes fell on one person, it was a young man making his way to his car. She frowned and began making her way outside, pushing past many partygoers and shoving away a waiter with a tray of beverages, she managed to get outside just as the car was starting up.
"Wait!" she called out, picking up the skirt of her evening gown, "Wait, don't go yet!" she called out jumping in front of the car to stop him.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-26-2014
With the car in full ignition and the two doors automatically locking, Alex was ready to pour out. The sight of someone in front of the vehicle however caused him to slam the brake fast. The window rolled down only slightly as the music was turned down. "Ummm....can I help you?" A slight eyebrow was raised as he wondered why he could not leave yet.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-26-2014
Christine looked at him before flashing him a smile, "Why are you leaving? The night is young..." she bent toward him and caressed his face gently with a finger, "Come on, a night so young as this? Are you really going to deny the fun for some boring replacement?" she asked him, she grinned at him before turning around.
"Come on, drinking and dancing is not the only thing you could do in a party." she sadi over her shoulder.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-26-2014
Alex sighed a bit. It was a bit early, though midnight was technically on the horizon. He pulled the keys out. "I could spend thirty more minutes here I suppose." He slowly got out the car, stepping out to meet whoever the woman was. "Odd how you pick me out a crowd of others leaving though. I'm Alex" he said with a slight smile and an extended hand as if to shake.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-26-2014
Christine laughed, a melodious laugh if you may call it that, she shook hands with him, "Christine, people call me Christine." she said, leading him back inside the mansion and offering him her script, "It might interest you." she said shrugging.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-26-2014
"Well nice meeting you" he stared at the mansion, the music greeting his ears once more. When they stepped in however, Christine handed him a script. He eyed a bit of it before chuckling. "How would this interest me? I doubt I could act to save my life." With his hands resting on some of the paper, he flicked a page. "What's it about though?'
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-26-2014
Christine quirked a brow, "I was not expecting you to act, I was hoping you would know what the famed Les Miserables is." she said, clucking her tongue, "But perhaps men were as stupid as they say." she said in a teasing manner, "Either that or peopleare not so cultured nowadays and I am the only one who is." she added as an afterthought.
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
SRuiz - 07-26-2014
Alex merely stared at it. "I know what Les Miserables is. I just don't see why anyone would carry it around especially at a party." The notion that men were stupid seemed to be a biased opinion that each opposing sex seemed to garner with each other. Alex was quite the neutral figure on the thought. "A tale of an ex-convict seeking redemption. My Professor rants about it and we were actually planning to watch the musical, though I kinda prefer the novel."
RE: An Unwanted Fate (Open) -
TheDyingDay - 07-26-2014
Alex noticed the look of approval on Christine's face, "I am not exactly as sociable as other people I'm afraid. Too unattractive to notice so I bring entertainment to make up for it. Everyone would prefer the novel due to the fact that in the musical, Eponine was bastardised into some lovestruck girl but in the novel she was more than that, I obly like that musical for the songs." she said chattily, he black hair straying from its braid, "I am quite surprised that you would be a perfect match for me...especially with what you have just said." her face broke into a smile and handed him a champagne flute.
"It is such a pleasure meeting you Alex." she said, her eyes twinkling.