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RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

The Reaper retained his focus on the unconscious form of Sir Justin. Peering at the body long enough.
“Quite a unique spell that is on him. Seems to be some kind of fertility spell on him but none I’ve seen.” He looked closer and began to laugh.
“Oh oh that’s why I didn’t sense it correctly. This is too good to believe. He is going to experience some unusual changes. Or he would if I choose to let him live”
He turned to Samantha “What is your purpose in doing this? Speak now before I remove your tongue and feed it to my demons”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-10-2020

Samantha felt a million emotions rushing toward her all at once, trying to make sense of it. She was more than eager to start a suitable family with Justin who would soon be Justine. She glared up at the cruel Reaper, never wanting to ever leave her secret beloved. She arose to her feet, holding her head high like a soldier who was to be executed by gun squad or to be beheaded or hanged. She knew that she was not to be sent to any of this but she still felt as though she were soon to be tongueless. She gripped the hilt of knocked out Justin's sword, clearing her voice, sighing softly and swallowing her pride. "I .. love him." She said nervously, feeling her body soon in a type of escape whether it be of a"fight or flight" responses.  Life was meant to be lived to the very fulles but she could not do that without Justin. She knew that she just met him but she was eager to be with him forever and ever without being from his (soon to be her) side.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

The Reaper stared at her. “I know who you really are and that you’ve wanted him dead for years. You have no need for love. What you are doing is interesting. A humiliation of your greatest enemy which will destroy him. But do not lower yourself to me by lying.”
He shoved her aside facing his unconscious foe. “It is too bad your last moment is looking into the eyes of your killer”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-10-2020

Samantha tumbled to the floor as she was harshly shoved like a useless rag doll. "No! .. I wont let you kill him!" Samantha screamed, using the sword to it's true use. She swiftly sprinted toward the Reaper and tried to stab him in the back to weaken him and then would go for his chest and soon would then finish him off with a slice to the jugular. Three strikes. She did not give in or up, she knew that she loved Justin even when it was true that it was a short amount of time. She would never let her love be subjected to such a cruel death. Even she would perish for him if it meant that he would live to breathe another day without the presence of her lying self around, she deserved to die for making Justin suffer in such ways because of the Reaper.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

The Reaper felt the sword pierce through his back going through his chest. Black blood spurted from his lips.
“Betrayer!! You summoned me to deal with Justin. This is how you repay. I die knowing what is to come for her, though she is unaware” With that the Reaper slumped to the floor dead.
Samantha pulled the sword out of the rotting corpse and smiled. Her secret was safe for the time being until Justin would show the signs of it. But she knew Justin trusted her probably more so when he wakes up and finds the Reaper dead. She smiled as her plans were taking shape and no one was the wiser.
She sat next to Justin waiting for him to regain consciousness determining her next step of her plan in dealing with him. Her castle was a ways off by foot maybe a 6-7 month journey. Maybe a good distraction to keep Justin’s mind off until it was too late for him to do anything about it.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-10-2020

Samantha plunged the sharp sword into the hard depths of the Reaper's backside which was a bit below his shoulder blades. She let out a single but long battle cry, keeping a tight grip upon the hilt of the sword which was also called the handle. She stayed standing and ripped the sword from the lifeless corpse of the Reaper. Life was more worthwhile now that the Reaper was now truly dead. She remained near Justin, seeing Reaper slowly turning to ashes. The time waiting was unbearable and she patiently kneeled down and had wanted her peacefully senseless beloved to awaken from his slumber. "Justin .. Justin." She spoke softly to Justin, eager to be with just him and him only. She was worried that he would never forgive her because of the curse that she put on him. She sighed softly, knowing that she would be in further danger because of what she did to the Reaper. Her clan would be enraged with her once they knew.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

Justin was in and out of a dream like state in his unconsciousness. He remembered being hit by Reaper but now he was feeling an odd sensation in his chest. Had he been injured? It didn’t feel like a wound just pressure in his chest. Then he felt a release like a flowing out of him. It felt like something was pulling on his chest softly and tenderly. The feeling was amazing to him like healing. He wasn’t sure what this feeling was but he was at peace with it. Again he heard a newborn cry.
“Justin? Justin?” He heard as he tried to rouse himself. He looked at Samanthas face.
“What is going on? Are you hurt?” He felt his chest and stomach twinge from the Reaper’s attack.
“The Reaper? Where did it go?”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-10-2020

Samantha tried to get her beloved to awaken but so far she was glad that he was safe. When he stirred from unconsciousness she sighed in relief, gently using a few essential first aid items that were near to help heal Justin. Gently, she cleaned the bruises upon his chest and stomach that were from hitting the shelves of the massive, spacious book room. She wrapped his bruises and wounds up to keep it from getting infected. "It is alright Sir Justin, the reaper begged for it's life and had revealed the sorcerers castle but I defeated it. I am alright." She said with a softness to her voice, trying to pretend that she would lure him (soon her) near a different castle. After an hour of letting him rest she helped him to his feet until steady to stand by himself.

She stayed close, leading him from his castle and slowly began the long 6 to 7 months of getting to the decoy castle. 

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

After seeing the dead body of the Reaper, he believed her tale. The evidence was right in front of him.
“If the Reaper is true that castle is a long journey. Some 6 to 7 months and not entirely the safest of journeys. I will have the horses ready and I will set out in the morning for supplies.”
Justin felt elated that the threat of the Reaper was over . Yet a larger quest remained ahead of them.
“Samantha, I will be gone a long while but you can remain at my castle if you so desire. I will not ask you to risk your life on this”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-10-2020

Samantha stood up, walking over to Justin. "No Justin, I want to travel with you .. I will not simply stay alone here and worry about your each passing day." She said, her voice stern but gentle as she was brave. She wanted to see Justin become more woman like and fragile in emotions as he would also be carrying the child who she would realize was hers and her soon to be pregnant lover Justin. She sighed as she gathered up a dagger with the blade piece in one hand and it's handle in the other. "I want to face and and all threats of danger with you, my beloved." She wanted more than anything to battle beside Justin, wanting to feel his soon to be round, swollen presence of a belly that would probably be large in size with offspring.

Their offspring.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

They both were up early that morning and with the horses ready they began to the mysterious castle known as Dragonshade. The journey would be many months through terrain unknown at points. The trip would be worth it to end the madness of the sorcerer.
They started their trip coming upon a huge market on the outskirts by the kings castle. Justin knew they needed a lot of supplies for such a long journey. He had several horses, donkeys and carts to help transport them.
“Samantha feel free to look about the market and get the supplies you think we will need.”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-10-2020

Samantha was tired after a long night of tossing and turning, yawning as she awoke to the sight of her soon to be beautiful woman lover. She packed up a few articles of clothing. She knew that she was the such sorcerer would be her but she looked forward to traveling to the Dragonshade castle like home. She dismounted her horse, nodding to Justin before entering the massively sized market. The scent of wild boar roasting on an open fire, fresh juicy apples, tomatoes and so much more were available for purchase. She put a few tomatoes, apples, bananas and a few meats to be able to eat during their long, seemingly endless trip. Plus she paid for a few more needed items and paid the man a few gold coins. Her belly growled, causing her to blush beyond her control. She ate a few pieces of the wild boar that she had cooked, smiling happily as she was soon full. She saved pieces for Justin as she was not the only one hungry.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-10-2020

Justin stocked up on different foods and spices for the long journey. He did pick up some daggers and shields just in case. He made the rounds of the market loading up on supplies that were essential to the long journey ahead.
He found himself in front of a table filled with jewelry, linens, and dresses for sale. He lingered there for longer than he usually would in other circumstances but he seemed drawn to the beauty of the different items. His eyes repeatedly went back to a light purple dress that looked rather roomy with white lace around the neckline, end of the elbow length sleeves, as well as the bottom of the dress. He tried but his eyes kept glancing at it.
He saw a set of silver bracelets that went from his wrist up the arm. Embedded with several emerald gems. On a whim he placed it on his wrist admiring how it looked when a sales lady approached him. She was a beautiful young maiden yet with a swollen bump indicating she’d soon be a mother.
“Hello” he said in surprise

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-11-2020

The youthful maiden whose name was Emeli had expressed a friendly smile. "Hello Sir. Is there anything here that strikes your fancy?" She kept her hands on her proud to be filled belly. "Isn't the jewelry here gorgeous, I made it myself. I love anything with flair of style to it, my style." She felt like something was pulling her into Justin but knew her place, a harmless woman.

Meanwhile .. Samantha stayed outside, gently stroking the snout of her dark brown and bright white horse. It was a mare and was strong as any stallion but also knew to be tamed as she was taught to be ever since she was a innocent eyed foal.  She waited for a minute, that such minute increased to hours. She began to be impatient and had a bit of the slowly growing male impatience. He entered the store once again, looking around for the presence of her beloved Justin. When she saw him at a table where a whole lot of valuable jewelry she approached.

"Do you need any assistance, Justin?" Samantha asked, smiling at the maiden who was the cashier of the store. "I can help place the supplies into the carts."

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-11-2020

Samantha noticed how Justin kept glancing the light purple dress and saw that he had on feminine silver bracelets with emeralds. He quickly removed them feeling slightly embarrassed.
Emili asked if Justin was interested in the dress for his wife. Justin red-faced nodded and said he thought it was pretty. Emeli she made a dress similar to that for herself now that she was expecting.
Justin stuttered and said “ Oh that’s a dress... for when... you’re??”
Eleni giggled and asked him “what did he think she meant” as she looked over at Samantha who was smiling.
Feeling a little embarrassed he walked away as Samantha started a conversation with the young maiden

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-11-2020

Samantha sparked up a conversation with the kind woman who was a well known maiden. She soon had to cut the seemingly endless talk to an end, following the same path Justin went down. She still did not known exactly why but she was always turned to masculine arousal but by sheer will she was in control of those such urges. She sighed at the door of the store before walking through it. "Justin? .. are you alright?" She asked, knowing the exact reason that her beloved was so interested in the presence of particular jewelry or garb that caught his eye.  She felt badly that Justin who was soon to be Justine was in a battle, being in a inner war with himself. Life was to be a reality as the unborn child in his secret womb was slowly growing in size.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-11-2020

Samantha went back to where the horses and supplies were being held before the journey ahead of them. There was no sign of Justin. Probably still rounding up extra supplies and possible hirelings. This was common for a long journey. She determined to wait as she felt he would not want to squander much daylight to get started.
After an hour or so, she was pleased to see him return. He had with him a few more parcels. What looked like more food and supplies for war. One seemed out of place and Samantha put it back so as not to fall. She noticed she could see a little of the item and saw the familiar light purple fabric she saw earlier.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-11-2020

Samantha was close to impatience but did not voice such things. She petted each of the horses sides in a gentle way as if stroking the head of a small child. When she was done she got to work with setting away the supplies for both food, clothing and most of all .. a full restock of first aid just in case something would or "god forbid" something would happen that would require such things but as for now everything was harmlessly blissful. She hummed softly as she worked, making sure that everything was and where it should be. Life was blissful to her but soon it would hit a bumpy road when Justin would begin his transformation (or his change) if one could say. She was weary, worn out with putting all the supplies back by herself. "Hmm?" she said when she caught sight of the beautiful light purple dress that Justin could not keep his eyes off of in the store earlier and wondered as to why he bought it but realized as to why.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-11-2020

Justin asked Samantha if she was sure she wanted to go on this long journey. She accepted stating that she knew where the castle was having grown up in the area so she knew the countryside and the people living there.
Justin got on his horse as they headed out on the long journey to come. He felt the kingdom was safe with the Reaper dead and he had personally trained many of the knights of the king’s watch. He also believed the sorcerer would never think the battle would come to his door so it all made sense. Yet there would be many months before they reached the castle. It was the only time Justin wished to know magic or at least a teleportation spell. But he also knew the price that came along with the arcane arts.
He thought back to the pregnant maiden and his purchases. He had never bought items like he had before but was transfixed by their beauty. It made him feel nice to do something for himself and for some reason he felt at peace with the purchase even if they were womanly things. Maybe it was because he felt like helping that young pregnant maiden with her life by buying a few things from her.
He thought about her some more and her blossoming shape. He’d never been attracted to a pregnant woman before but this didn’t feel like attraction. He saw she was at peace and some part of him wanted that. Was he envious of her? He shook off the thoughts as nonsense.
He looked over at Samantha who was just watching him and smiling.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin - SilentFeather - 04-11-2020

Samantha hummed as she rode her horse, taking easy controls of it's reigns. She stopped when she was asked a question by Justin. "I wish to go with you, you may need help for first aid." She knew that this was a gift like the back of her hand. She smiled, turning her attention toward Justin. "I will be fine, I am a strong woman." She was also glad and put at ease by the death of the Reaper but felt somehow badly for ending his life in such a gruesome way but kept such thoughts to herself. Life was so much like a light switch or a flickering flame, one strong gust and the single, blissfully belly dancing flame would disappear or the light would be switched off. As time passed from dawn to evening Samantha was eager to slumber for a while, even if for a short amount of time. She was glad that she would see Justin's transformation gradually change, first it seemed as though he was taking a liking to female clothing and jewelry of the "she" variety. She was not aware that Justin was sexually attracted to the pregnant woman who was in the store that they left from but had an idea pregnancy would be the same with Justin.