RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
Allen reached back behind him and stuck a finger in his hole to feel for his son's head. "Where is it? I can't feel it." he said moving deeper. The stirrings of another contraction began it's slow rumble in his lower belly. "HEREITCOMES" with that another contraction surged through Allen like a reckoning. He started to push as hard as he could in order to counteract the pressure he was feeling. It wasn't much, but concentrating on pushing did distract him from all that he was experiencing. He was exerting so much effort pushing that he began to pee. "Verna, I'm peeing, I"M PEEING!" he said trying to continue on with his push.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-06-2013
Verna just rubbed his back as he knelt and pushed, "It happens Allen its okay," she assured. She gently took his hand from his hole, "You wont feel him that way for a while Allen," she said. He'd barely finished peeing when another contraction bore down on him. Verna eased his legs further apart and let him squeeze her hand for now as he pushed. It was after a long fifteen minutes of pushing that Verna first saw a small sliver of the child's head. She grabbed Allen's hand, which had been clawing the sheets of the bed as he pushed, and let him feel his progress with the next push. She stopped the baby hfrom coming out faster however, "Allen, you need to do small pushes now so you don't tear when he crowns okay?" She said.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
"He's right there, he's really right there. I can feel him!" he excitedly said to Verna. Allen took to her word and started to reduce the length and strength of his pushes. He continued to push and push, "Something's there. Something coming." Allen grabbed his penis and started stroking again to distract him from the burning sensation in his anus. "My hole is burning, do I push?" Allen asked trying to catch his breath. As the burning sensation increased, so did the speed of his hand between his legs. "Hhhmmmmm. I have to push!"
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-06-2013
"No, don't push yet," she said, "He's not even at the widest point yet," she said, coaching him through his next pushes, her hand supporting his sons head gently, "Easy now," she said, "Take a break Allen, look at your son for a bit while we wait for the shoulders to turn," she encouraged. As the child's shoulders turned, they pressed directly against Allens Prostate.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
As he could feel his son's head turn inside of him, he orgasmed quite powerfully. However, it didn't lessen the pressure on it, keeping him hard. "I have to push, I need to push." he stammered. He arched his head towards the mirror that Verna had set up to take a took at what was going on. "I never thought I could stretch that much" he said trying to keep himself calm, but failing miserably. "Verna, NOW?"
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-06-2013
Verna nodded, "Go ahead and give it your best," she said, spreading his legs a bit further apart and catching his son in a towel gently as he pushed. However, while his son was almost out, one of his daughters was already on his heels, spreading Allen's hips wide once more
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
"OOOOooooohhhhh" Allen groaned as his son slid out of him effortlessly. "I don't think we're done here, there's someone else who is ready to be a part of this world." Allen exclaimed. He took his son from Verna's arms and rested him ontop of his belly, "Hi there, little one. I'm you're daddy, and you're Zachary Michael Tagerman" he said trying to stay calm. "I would stay with you, but your sisters are jealous that you got here first." Allen turned to Verna to hand over Zachary to her so he could finish the job he started here just one day ago.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-06-2013
Verna cleaned the little boy off and after letting one of the nurses bring in some cribs, set him in one, when he slept happily, "You're doing really good Allen," she said, "keep it up and give me another round of pushing," she coached him on, "Your girls will all be a bit bigger just so you know, but you're going to do amazing," she said. However, his daughter seemed to be stuck n his hips, and no ammount of wiggling go her free. Verna remained calm however, guiding Allen up, and essentially carrying him, to ythe swing, which seemed to help tremendously. Allen wasn't in as much pain at least. Verna set up the mirrors, then continued her work, bit with gravity more in their favor now.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
"This is much better, I can already feel her moving down." Allen wanted to take advantage of this so without warning as the contraction began he just pushed. He felt like he was in control for the first time since his labor started. "YEP...SHE'S DEFINITELY MOVING." he said feeling her pass by his prostate. Allen could feel Verna's hand moving around his belly to get a feel for all the babies new positions, now that Zachary was born.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-06-2013
Verna let him push, trusting his body's instincts as well as his to do their work. After moving the babies still within him, she moved behind him with a towel to catch the baby girl as she came into the world. Verna smiled when Allen stopped to let her shoulders turn without her prompting, "You're doing amazing," she said, cradling the baby girl's head. Allen could feel the remaining children easing i to his hips... both at once it seemed like, and they moved as Allen pushed now. Allen had to push her only one more time though, as gravity eased his daughter into Verna's hands. She handed her to Allen and tried to move the remaining two, "Shoot," she huffed, "Well, youve got to wait a bit... these two want to come out together," she informed.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
"Hello there, welcome to the world" said Allen. "You're name is Jessica Rachel Tagerman." He said touching his daughter's cheek lightly. Allen heard what Verna said but didn't want to believe it. He was doing so well, using his momentum from his son to birth his daughter. "What do you need me to do? How is this going to work? There's only room for one to fit out at a time. I don't want a C-section!" he demanded, Allen felt an incredible pressure in his butt. He swung his arm behind him taking his finger and pushing it into his hole to see what was going on.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-06-2013
Verna sighed and stopped his arm, "Allen havw faith in my ability alright," she said, looking him in the eye as she spoke. There was something calming about it, "Now listen, it is possible to deliver them this way, and while its not my ideal plan, I can do it," she said, "Just breathe deep and slow, and do not push okay? It'll be uncomfortable, but I can get them out like this," she assured him, putting on gloves after putting Jessica in a crib, "I'll have to reach in and guide them out," she brought him a washcloth, "you can bite on this to help you not push if you want okay?"
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-06-2013
Allen didn't like the idea of having Verna reach into his sore anus and get the babies out without him pushing. He already was having a difficult time resisting the urge to push, but the number one priority was the babies, and if this is what Verna wanted, then it was definitely the best course of action. He took the washcloth from her and did as she said. "Do you mind if I give myself a rub while you do it, it seemed to help with Zachary and Jessica." he asked motioning to his genitals.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
Redbane - 09-07-2013
"I wish I could let you but I'll need you to try and be still," Verna said apologetically, "okay just take deep breaths Allen," she said after putting some lube on her gloves and then slowly easing a hand in. The gloves went to her mid arm, but she didn't go in past her wrists. She felt allen tense, "Breathe Allen,you've got to breathe," she said, her other hand's fingertips gently easing his hole open for her other hand. With both in him, she gently coaxed one of the girls down, then gently -ever so very gently- pulled them along through his hips, reminding Allen to breathe and praising him for being so still. She slipped a hand out and kept guiding the girls down, and Allen, in the mirror, could watch his hole buldge out dramatically, then ease over the heads of his daughters and Verna's guiding hand slowly, not tearing thanks only to Verna's skill. The shoulders were difficult, but Verna delivered one if the girls first, and then the other after letting Allen push his last child out. They were quiet at first, but they cried after a bit once Verna cleaned them up. However, Allen's work wasn't quite over, and with a few pushes, the afterbirth slid out into a seperate towel. Verna let Allen catch his breath for a bit.
RE: Allen's Check Up (Closed) -
allentagerman - 09-07-2013
"This is it! We did it! I can't believe it! I'm a dad!" He said still huffing and puffing. His adrenaline and hormones were at an all time high, and he couldn't help but begin to cry with tears of joy. "Thank you Dr. Redbane, thank you so Much. I could never have done it without you." Allen just couldn't believe it still even seeing all four of his delivered children, it was all to surreal for him. "I'm definitely going to recommend you to all of my friends when they decide to have kids." It was truly an incredible experience that Allen, at least at the moment, wanted to do at least one more time in his life. Maybe not to quadruplets, but definitely to give the Tagerman quads another brother or sister.