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An Odd Story of Man and Magic. A fantasy RP. (FINISHED) - Printable Version

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RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Plutexian Mpregger - 07-09-2014

Darol looked at Cormac, with a knowing eye. "How did you know about Astien's situation?" Darol had his hand on his stomach at the same time.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

"He put up a flyer saying her needs an assistant," Cormac said. "I figured why not?"

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

Astien paused his vegetable chopping. "No, he means how did you know about..." Astien placed a protective hand on his belly. "About my baby. What it really is."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Plutexian Mpregger - 07-09-2014

"Best guess is, you knew, but you didn't know that you knew. Or you did know and decided to take the job because you knew." Darol looked at Cormac. "Or am I wrong because I scanned you and you knew about it already, and it appears that you have known about it since before any of us set foot on this world."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

(What the fuck are you talking about? Scanning does not equal mind reading and I do not appreciate you saying things about my character that doesn't suit them. Cormac DOES NOT know the true nature of Astien's child, he's just looking for a damn job.)

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Plutexian Mpregger - 07-09-2014

(Darol has a type of scanning that also reads thoughts. It's something that his creator, Lara, put in. Didn't intend for it to cause any argument).

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

(I was pretty confused by this too.)

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

(Your character can't be perfect. It's annoying and it's bad writing, midi94. Pick a few positive traits and balance them out with negative ones. All-knowing and all-powerful characters are the most irritating to play with. I've put up with this kind of role play in the past and I do not tolerate it.)

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

(That kind of does sound a bit like god-modding. But let's not fight; lets go back to having fun, yeah? <:) )

The blank look in Cormac's face spoke volumes to Astien as he quickly realized that Darol had been wrong in his assertion that Cormac knew what his baby was. He began to sweat nervously, as he ran through all possible ways to back pedal out of this awkward conversation. "Th-that my baby is a bastard, is what I meant. That I don't know who the father is." He was blushing as he realized his error, and tried to think of something else to convince Cormac of his child's complete normalcy.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

"Oh," Cormac said. "Don't worry about it. I'm a bastard too. That's why I travel. Since mum passed away, I haven't much of a place to call home other than the winding roads."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

Astien breathed a sigh of relief. His secret was safe... For now. He placed a hand on Cormac's shoulder and gave him a small smile. "Well, you're more than welcome to keep traveling with me." And with that, he turned back to the food preparations. "Now, where's the Orotelosian hot sauce. Oh! And the squid! I know I put squid on the list."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

"Right 'ere," Cormac dug the ingredients out of the bags.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

After being handed the squid, Astien cut off part of one of the squid's tentacles and began nibbling on it. "Oh, that's good." He sighed. "I've been craving so much fish lately. Well, now that I think about it, meats of all kind. Meat and anything sweet or spicy." Astien cut off another part o the squid's tentacle, and another. When it was gone, he moved on to the next one. Before long, he had eaten all of the tentacles. He sighed, and placed a hand on his large stomach, slowly patting it. "I must look like such a fat pig."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

Cormac shook his head. "Not at all, just heavy with child is all."

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Plutexian Mpregger - 07-09-2014

(I never put things in if I know they are going to have a negative impact, as I try to make my characters as positive as I possibly can. I don't try to make things negative, as I don't like negativity. I only say things that I think will help all characters).

"I guess that I'm not welcome after what I said." Darol shed a tear.

He only wanted to be nice, yet it was already causing problems.

(like I do, as I try it, but it causes problems. I don't join in conversations with people because I am scared that they are going to take offense to what I say. Darol is like that, as he's largely modeled on me. Hope you guys understand).

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

"Heh, I'm starting to feel like there isn't a difference these day- AH!" Astien's hands clutched his bump as his baby let loose another hard kick. "Let's finish this stew up quickly, or my baby is going to kick his way out of me." Astien returned his attention to the squid, and began massaging the hot sauce into it, along with a bottle of chocolate sauce he had materialized from one of the other bags.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

Astien turned to Darol. "What? No, you're still welcome here. Don't cry. Please don't cry, or you'll make me cry, with all my blasted hormones." Sure enough, tears were beginning to pol in Astien's eyes.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Eskal - 07-09-2014

"I never said you weren't welcome," Cormac stated. "Where did you get an idea like that?"

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - FweepFwopFwoop - 07-09-2014

Astien could no longer contain himself, as he burst out sobbing. "Please don't leave. I still have so much to talk to you about! Our children could be friends, remember?" He tried to stand up, but only succeeded in falling onto his behind, which only made him cry harder.

RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic - Plutexian Mpregger - 07-09-2014

"I don't do what I did to hurt people. You see, I scan minds for positive things. I don't allow negative things. I just wanted to know if you truly knew about Astien's condition, as I am still in my learning phase. For instance, Astien told me what a plant was, as I never knew what a plant was. I wasn't aware that there were dragons either until I landed on the back of one after leaving the portal." Darol cried.