RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
"Yes you can. Don't listen to them and follow your heart. I think those bullies are hurt on the inside too. Maybe you could be their friend?" Ryne suggested as his belly shifted and moved.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
Chester groaned before standing up and going upstairs and slamming the door to his room shut. "You guys just don't understand do you?!"
Catherine sighed, "Yeah, school psychiatrist's been sayin' that same thing too and trust me it ain't makin' sense."
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
"Let's go check on him." Ryne said as he waddled upstairs. "Chester? What's wrong? Please tell daddy." He asked.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
"Go away." was the muffled reply of the boy.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
"I'm not leaving Chester. Please tell me what's wrong? I want to help. Please?" Ryne asked.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
"If you want to help then leave me alone." Giulietta sighed and tapped Ryne's shoulder, "Let me try."
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
Ryne nodded as he let Giulietta do what she does best.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
When he went downstairs, he saw his children excitedly chatting with each other.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
Ryne smiled as he rubbed his belly. He wondered what was happening upstairs.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
After at least an hour, Chester and Giulietta went downstairs, the latter seemed to have calmed down for a while.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
"You okay Chester? What happened?" Ryne asked Giulietta.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
"I just said a few things." Giulietta said winking at her son, Chester just smiled.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
Ryne smiled. "I'm glad everything was sorted out. You still want to be in the play Chester? Cause if you are, I can't wait to see you in it." He said happily.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
"Yeah, mom said I should." Chester said excitedly, Catherine snorted and went baxk to reading her book muttering, "Good luck with your face." as she did so.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
"Catherine! Don't be mean to your brother. Apologize." Ryne said.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
"I'm not gonna apologize to him." she retorted.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-03-2014
"Well then. Then you can't go to the movies tomorrow and you'll be grounded from all your privileges." Ryne stated.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-03-2014
"Fine." Catherine said without flinching, Giulietta sighed, "Catherine, go to your room." after she got in her room, Giulietta turned to her husband and told him, "I still don't understand why she is acting like that."
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
DragonKnight - 08-04-2014
"I feel like our kids aren't being very open to us. The only one who expresses herself is Madison." Ryne stated.
RE: Succubus' Lover (first come first serve, nsfw) -
TheDyingDay - 08-04-2014
"Well they ARE in their teens." Giulietta pointed out.