RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
He blushes and nods "maybe thats one problem?" He says softly "youve been struggling so hard to stay human, youve shunned the new part of you... its part of who you are now... just like the memories i have that ill never lose"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
"WEll it was a natural reaction." Eric said. "I have tried studying it ut I can't do that without another party and that is too dangerous. Plus it would draw attention from those people who wanted me to make the experiment anyway."
His long ears took form and stood up, twitching to a sound that wasn't far away though he didn't notice his ears changing.
" hear something?" Eric asked.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
"Its probably just Eve or one of the others keeping an eye on us" he says with a shrug "either that or its the facility idiots who didn't learn their lesson"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
"Hopefully." Eric said as he glanced about though he paused. "Wait a minute...."
Reaching up, he felt the long ears and sighed. Well that was just great.
"Okay, ignoring the ears for the moment." Eric started. "So, what shall we do?"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
"Well i would swim but..." he motions to his bandages and chuckles.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
"True." Eric said and gave a nod. "OH! I have someone for you to met."
Reaching into his pocket, he took out a pokeball and released it. Revealing a small Kabuto on the ground that was quite to scurry onto the scientist's shoulder.
"This is Botu." Eric said. "I have found him at some old ruins a few years back."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
"Hi" he says giving a smile "he already is more... friendly than a certain fox"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
Eric couldn't help but burst out laughing at that comment, his ears returning to normal.
"That's because he's been with me longer." Eric said. "And he's naturally a shy guy. He still hides form me but...can't really blame him."
Unknown to Eric, he was currently in the target scope of someone. People that he had a rather bad past with.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
Merin nodded nd gave a soft smile "why do shy?" He asks "nothing to be scared of"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
Removing the mon off his shoulder, he held them out to Merin.
"I'm not sure if he can talk. HE's always quite." Eric said.
However he soon felt something hit him in the back near his shoulder and he froze. The fossil pokemon moved from Eric's grasp as it sensed something bad was going to happen.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
Merin took the small mon and blinked "Eric? You ok?" He asks with a whimper
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
"It''s.....a...." Eric stammered as his ears shot up.
With a shakey hand, he yanked the needle out but it was already too late. It was empty and that meant only one thing, whatever was in it was already in bloodstream. A nervous and shaky laugh left Eric, clearly he was already losing his logical self as he merely tightened his grip on the item and shattered it. All the while his normal hand which crushed it, sprouted claws and the fur was already growing.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
Merin whimpers watching and turns to the smaller mon "go back to the house, you know the way right!? Go! Get help! Quick!" He turns back to eric and whimpers
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
The fossil pokemon took off and disappeared into the distance. Closing his eyes, he shuddered and a groan left Eric.
"'s...them......." Eric stammered out before he put his hands against the sides of his head.
He was trying not to change, however with the new serum added in. IT was highly unlikely he could hold out much longer.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
"No" he said firmly "im not leaving you!" He stepped forward and grabbed his head between hands and concentrated trying to connect to him "cmon eric...hold on...concentrate here..."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
A groan like snarl left Eric as the changes continued. Eyes snapping open, it revealed them to be light purple, completely taken over and the creature clearly in command. Twisting away from Merin, the being's ears twitched as it found where the men were hiding but before it could even try to get to them it doubled over in pain. Another one of it's high screech cries sounding off as a pair of wings burst out of his back, similiar to the ones a Noivern had just not attacked to it's arms. The fur around his neck and on his back elongated, another trait from the half flying type.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
"Eric! Stay with me please!" Merin called trying to gwt his attention then had to shift before he got hit by the wings.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
A snarl left the creature as it rose to it's hind feet, a thing it didn't do naturally as it was a fourlegged being due to the nintails dna. HOwever the other mon that was no added was becoming clear. The new neck fur in the back became hard and stood up like a tyrantrum's. His multiple tails each grew a hard spike and at the top of his head, the crown like spikes appeared. Merin's words were raised as the still slender creature dived at Merin. Attempting to bite them on the arm. The idiots took this as their chance to run and did so.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 04-04-2016
He tried to raise and barier to defend himself but only managed a thin shell which Eric broke through with ease due to his ghost side. He yelped loudly caught by his left arm and left hanging by it from his maw.
"E...eric p...please.. your hurting me" he whimpered out trying to lift himself to take strain off of his shoulder and arm.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 04-04-2016
The taste of the blood hit his tongue. The ears twitched and he the creature released em. The creature shifted back to Eric and the man gave a few coughs. His head spinning and he put a hand to his forehead.
"Where....did...they.....what...." Eric asked.