RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-11-2020
*Jethro arrives*
Jethro Grantham: Mark I am finally here sorry for being late but I got stuck in traffic...
Jethro Grantham: So did your water break yet?
Jethro Grantham: Sorry that Austin was at work but you still have me let me get a wash cloth to wrap up your sweat and then I want to see how far you are along....
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark nods his head tears falling down his face "it's hurts Jethro
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: *puts a wash cloth on Mark's forehead then removes his pants and checks his dilation. Congrats your already at 5 centimeters dilated... But your water hasn't been broken yet...
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
He groaned softly in pain as he being check "I it stings Jethro
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: if your water hasn't break in the next minute or so i has break it myself so just breathe hopefully your water breaks soon..
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark breathes hard leaning over the couch
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: Congrats your water just broke so let me check you again...
Austin Mahone: I am finally here sorry about that I had to work overtime but I am here so where are we at?
Jethro Grantham: His Water just broke now I am going to check him again..
Austin Mahone: Okay...
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark whimpers in pain shaking his head no "no no it hurts when you check me
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: Congrats Mark you are currently at 8 Centimenters dilated you are almost there...
Jethro Grantham: Now Austin I need you to hold his hand when he gets another contraction....
Austin Mahone: Okay Jethro; (Holds Mark's Hand)....
Jethro Grantham: Austin thanks for coming i don't know what i do if i has to deliver this babies on my own... (Kisses Austin)
Austin Mahone: Oh Jethro (Kisses Jethro)
*Jethro & Austin begin Kissing*
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark breathes very hard having a contraction "how do I push because it feel like i gotta shit badly
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: Austin hold Mark's Hand while i check him again....
Austin Mahone: Okay...
Jethro Grantham: Congrats Mark you are finally at 10 Centimenters dilated and you are already started crowning because i can see the head....
Austin Mahone: Holds Mark's Hand...
Jethro Grantham: Now Mark on your next contraction i want you to push....
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark breathes hard squatting down "I don't know how to push
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: come on Mark push...
Austin Mahone: (Holding Mark's Hand) breathe and push...
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark trys to push
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: Good Job the first baby is out and it's a boy....
Austin Mahone: (Holding Mark's Hand): Great job Mark..
Jethro Grantham: You don't have that much time to relax because the 2nd Baby is coming fast...
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark whimpers in pain "I can't
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: Yes you can we believe in you... If not for us then push in memory of Jimmy...
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark pushes but he stops "this one feel different doesn't know it's breech
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
riderstrongforever16 - 08-12-2020
Jethro Grantham: Mark calm down but you has to push a little bit harder because This Baby is Breech... Remember do it in memory of Jimmy....
Austin Mahone: (Holding Mark's Hand) Yeah Mark come on breathe and push... Do It for the Memory of Jimmy....
Jethro Grantham: Yeah He's up there in Heaven watching us.... just breathe & push......
RE: Mpreg Brunch -
Roselockheart - 08-12-2020
Mark pushes hard tears falling down his face "nggh it's hurts