RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-24-2020
Marshall moved as he was pulled up, not denying Cael anything if it gave him pleasure. He slid his arms around that slim waist and smiled "You like this, huh?" Marshall rumbled hotly against Cael's chest. Well, if the little angel loved this, then he supposed he could help him along. Marshall got a better hold on those slim hips and easily started moving Cael up and down the length of his cock, moving him faster and a little harder, letting that small body slam down against his cock over and over again, filling that tight hole over and over, stretching it wider with each thrust. He knew he was hitting Cael's prostate repeatedly, too, just by the way the other was reacting "Tell me it feels good, Cael. Tell me you're loving this..." Marshall growled hotly, moving to suction his mouth over one of Cael's nipples, sucking and swirling his tongue around the tiny budy.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-24-2020
A loud gasping moan escaped Cael when Marshall picked up the speed, his wings tightening around them, letting Marshall take over control of his hips. Marshall certainly knew how to use them better than Cael did and the effect of Marshall's take over was immediate. Cael's whole body warmed as his prostate was struck much more often and efficiently, even his wings were shaking with each wave of pleasure that hit him. His own cock throbbed and leaked as Marshall guided him to first orgasm. " feel so good. I...I.." The angel tried to hold out as long as possible, riding on that verge of release before gripping Marshall's back tightly and buried his face in the crook of his shoulder as he came across both of their stomachs.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-24-2020
A loud groan of pleasure escaped Marshall as the young angel tightened around him, his hips pumping up into Cael's body a few more times before he paused himself, emptying his seed deep within the other's body "Cael... Cael..." He breathed that name a few times, not knowing what else to say. He exhaled and rubbed the Angel's lower back soothingly, smiling as he lifted his head and reached to run his fingers through Cael's sweat-slicked hair "Are you okay, Cael? Did you enjoy that, my lovely little angel?" Marshall asked softly, bringing his and Cael's lips together in a gentle and loving peck.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-24-2020
Cael found himself holding onto Marshall as waves of pleasure vibrated him after his orgasm, feeling the warmth of Marshall emptying himself into Cael. He took in deep breaths as he stayed there pressed against Marshall's chest, breathing in his smell and feeling the mortal's heart beating against his chest. Lazily unfolding from around the two of them, Cael let his wings relax behind him as he was pulled away for a kiss. Cael smiled lazily, feeling completely contented with the release of energy his orgasm had caused. "I enjoyed that very much," Cael answered, leaning forward to kiss Marshall again. "It was truly an amazing feeling, Marshall. Thank you for sharing it with me."
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-24-2020
Marshall smiled up at Cael "I'm glad I could share that with you. You're the only one I ever want to share that with." Marshall whispered, honest as could be. He gently stroked the angel's soft warm cheek and kissed him again "You are so beautiful, Cael. I cannot express how much I loved seeing you enjoy yourself like that." It was one of the most beautiful things, watching as Cael experienced that new thing and enjoyed it so deeply. Marshall, of course, had been with people before Cael, but no one had ever enjoyed sex the way that Cael seemed too, and for whatever reason, it turned Marshall on even more, knowing that he was giving Cael a pleasure that he had never experienced.
After a short period, Marshall very carefully got Cael off of his cock and laid down onto the bed. He bent and kissed him sweetly "I'll be right back." He whispered before quickly rolling off the bed. He grabbed a washcloth and quickly ran warmed water over it. He cleaned himself and then returned to the bedroom so he could clean the mess of ejaculate off of Cael's belly and from between his legs "There we are." He smiled and tossed the rag before slipping back onto the bed with Cael and cuddling up close, holding the angel to his body once more.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
Cael smiled softly as Marshall cleaned him up, thanking him gratefully when he was finished and stretching himself out on his stomach in the bed. When Marshall got in beside him Cael turned, his wings hanging off the side of the bed, placing his cheek to Marshall's chest as he listened to his heart beat. He'd done this many times before but he appreciated it every time, lulled by the comfort of the fact that the mortal was alive and well. Bringing his arm around Marshall, tucking it under Marshall's own arm, Cael pulled himself in close as he cuddled in close. "This feels nice," Cael hummed against the human's warm skin. "I could stay here with you forever."
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
Marshall slid his arms around Cael and smiled, kissing the top of that stark white hair "Then we will stay like this forever, for as long as you wish..." Marshall whispered, gently running the tips of his fingers up and down the small of Cael's back. His other hand went to Cael's feathers, lightly running over those sensitive and soft appendages. "We can stay like this forever." He whispered again, closing his eyes as sleep started very quickly taking hold of him. The exertion of sex with Cael had definitely been a lot, putting Marshall into a deep sleep very fast.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
[Six Weeks Later]
Groggily, Cael opened his eyes and looked around. As usual he was in the bedroom, naked lower half covered by the blankets leaving his wings and torso exposed. Marshall was already up and awake and if the sounds coming from the open door told him anything was cooking breakfast in the kitchen, the cop having the day off. What wasn't usual was the fact that he was actually waking up having fallen asleep at some point during the night. It wasn't the first time it had happened either and it was starting to make Cael wonder if something was wrong with him or not. He felt fine otherwise and so he wasn't too worried about it just yet as he pushed himself up from the bed with a stretch of his arms and wings.
Sliding out of the bed and going to the closet, Cael grabbed a pair of boxers from his side and slid them on before putting on a pair of form fitting jeans. He didn't bother with a shirt as he walked into the kitchen, still rubbing the feeling of sleep out of his eyes. "Morning," he said to Marshall, coming over to give the man a hug from behind while he was cooking. The smell of the food hit his nose now that he was so close and the foreign feeling of his stomach growling hit him. "Well I guess that means it smells good."
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
Marshall was worried about Cael, too. Having noticed that the young angel, who previously had no appetite or need for sleep, was now doing both of those things. Which is how he found himself cooking breakfast to begin with, normally going for just a bagel and some coffee before starting the day himself. He smiled when Cael came out, turning to wrap his little angel in a hug, bending to kiss the tip of his nose "Good morning, Angel." He used the name affectionately, as he always had, it was just how he saw Cael; an angel himself, not an actual angel.
He couldn't help but to chuckle at the growling stomach, though it was still worrisome "Yes, I do suppose it could mean that." He lightly pecked Cael "Make yourself useful and collect the plates and stuff then," he sent Cael off to grab plates and silverware so he could return to making the blueberry pancakes, eggs, and sausage links. The items were all almost done anyhow, so he simply pulled them off the griddle plate and separated them onto the plates that Cael brought over "Juice and Milk are in the fridge. Grab the orange juice." He knew that the orange juice was sweeter than the other juices they had on hand, and Marshall definitely didn't dare offer Cael any type of coffee - that was something the man did not need, his little Angel flying,
literally flying, off of the walls from caffeine.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
With Marshall setting the food out on the plates, Cael did as Marshall suggested and went to the fridge for the orange juice. He set the bottle on the table before going to the cupboard and grabbing a glass for him and the mug of coffee Marshall had sitting on the counter from when he was cooking-- taking a moment to refill it before bringing it to the table. "Here," he said softly, setting the cup of coffee in front of Marshall's plate. Sitting at the seat next to Marshall, Cael looked down at his filled plate and smiled up at Marshall. "It looks as good as it smells," he complimented.
Cael knew both of them were a bit worried about his sudden need for such human things such as food and sleep when his body had run for thousands of years without it. "Perhaps it's simply because I haven't gone home yet," Cael spoke, answering the question that hung unspoken between them in the air. "My body may be just getting too accustomed to Earth." He had been strictly on Earth with Marshall for the last three and a half months, by far the longest time he'd spent on Earth consecutively.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
Marshall held onto his coffee, staring into the black abyss as he listened to Cael's theory "Yeah, maybe..." He looked over at Cael, though. Neither of them could actually believe that, could they? Cael had been doing just fine up until about six weeks ago, when they started sleeping together. He closed his eyes and shook his head "Perhaps you should go home, for a short period. I mean..." He cleared his throat and turned to look at Cael, taking the angel's hand in his own "I don't want to get rid of you, that is the furthest thing I would ever try and do... but perhaps going home will give you answers." This conversation felt all too familiar, again. They had had it before, when they first met basically. "I don't want you to lose your true identity, Cael. Not over me." He leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to Cael's lips "You need to continue being an angel. It's your job. What you were very literally born and created to do. Maybe if you went home, you could find those answers... and hopefully return to me. Or... maybe someone could come here?"
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
Cael frowned at Marshall's words, leaving the mortal was the last thing he'd wanted to do. He hadn't felt a pull towards his duty since he'd found Marshall and though the human seemed worried the angel may be losing his identity there was a strong part of Cael that believed it was worth it for Marshall. "Can we wait a little while longer?" Cael asked quietly, he didn't want to deny Marshall his request for him to go home but something inside him didn't want him to leave. There was something, not unlike the feeling he got from his angelic duty, telling him to stay here close with Marshall for the foreseeable future-- As if he may need him. Shifting in his seat, wings twitching behind him, Cael picked at his plate with his fork. "Maybe we can try and figure it out ourselves first?"
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
More than half of Marshall was relieved to hear that Cael was not prepared to leave him to seek out answers. The other, lesser half, was worried that something bad would happen, but as proven in the past, both of their needs and desires to be together and stay together won out. Marshall nodded and kissed Cael's cheek "You can stay. I won't make you leave." He assured the young angel, kissing his cheek again before returning to their breakfasts.
He was nearly halfway done with his plate "What are you feeling? I mean..." He shrugged a little and looked at Cael "I know you have been actually sleeping, and that hunger seems to be something you have taken an active interest in." As evidenced by the young angel's plate being mostly empty itself. He looked at Cael again "What do you feel inside of you? Do you have any other symptoms that do not match up with your baseline, everyday you?"
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
Cael had nearly finished the full plate he'd had in front of him when he set down his fork to take a drink of orange juice as he pondered Marshall's question. Aside from the sleeping and eating? Those were pretty absurd enough for a being like himself, but he supposed there was something else there. He couldn't really explain it but there was definitely a change inside him, a feeling that hadn't been there before they had started sleeping together. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling at all, if anything it was warm and life-like, so he hadn't thought anything of it. Besides, how would he explain that to Marshall when he could hardly understand it himself-- he figured it was simply a feeling of falling in love with the mortal.
"There is something," he started, eyebrows furrowing as he struggled to explain. A hand settled on the core of his stomach as he looked down at his own body. "It's a feeling here but it's not a bad feeling. Mostly just warm and pulsing? It's difficult to explain but it's nothing I've worried about so far."
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
"Can I?" He questioned softly, looking to Cael's stomach as well. When granted permission, he settled his hand over the other's belly, just very lightly touching it. "I think... It's just a feeling." There was something very obviously there, but, he had no idea how to explain it himself. He certainly wasn't a doctor, and even if he had been, a doctor could not very well diagnose a celestial being, they had to have different anatomies or internal somethings, didn't they?
Marshall slowly stood up, collecting the dishes - it was just what he did, there was no point in stopping him these days. He took them into the kitchen and cleaned them, staring out the window above the sink as he thought about the implications and everything that was changing. Eating more, sleeping more, a weird lumpy stomach. He didn't know, but there could be one possibility... "Cael, would you like to go to the grocery store with me? I have to pick up a few things for dinner tonight, figured you would like to get out of the house and explore a little."
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
Cael perked up at the offer of going out with Marshall, suddenly putting the idea of being a little sick to the back of his mind, replaced by the idea of going out into the town. As much as Cael loved it here in the beach house it was always interesting to go out and see other people and watch lives continue on in a much different perspective now that he found himself in a relationship with a human. "Okay," Cael spoke happily, preening at the idea of spending the day out with Marshall-- even though days in were just as good. "You already have an idea of what you're going to make for dinner tonight?" He asked, standing and pushing the chairs back into the table so they were tucked in neatly. Walking over to the kitchen where Marshall stood at the sink, he followed those honey-brown eyes out the window. "Can I get an ice cream?" Cael asked sweetly, icy eyes moving from the window to Marshall's face.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
"I was thinking of making my grandmother's lasagna. I just need some fresh ricotta cheese and the noodles. I thought I had some, but I must've used them for something else." He shrugged and smiled, turning to look down at Cael. That little angelic face was so hard to turn down, he found himself nodding before he could even speak "Yeah, of course you can have some ice cream. When have I ever denied you anything?" Marshall lowered his head to kiss the young angel softly, a hand lifting to gently stroke his cheek "If you're really good, I might get you a whole big thing of ice cream."
He slowly moved away, though took Cael's hand and started leading him to the bedroom "We should get showered and changed. Make sure you wear something warm, Cael. Winter is approaching and the ocean breeze is getting harsher." He knew that Cael really didn't need to wear warm clothes, but he was still cautious of his little angel. And since there was something going on that they weren't sure of, he wanted to make sure that Cael stayed warm and un-sick.
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
"That sounds good, maybe you can show me how to make it." Cael returned the kiss with a smile, pleased with the promise of something sweet while out in the center of the city with Marshall, eyes brightening. "Oh like that big carton of ice cream you brought home last week? That lasted a long time." At least Cael thought it lasted a long time, considering he had taken
at least a spoonful out of it every day, especially if Marshall was away at work.
Following Marshall's lead into the bedroom, Cael couldn't help the smile and chuckle that left him at Marshall's warning of cold weather. It wasn't something that bothered Cael with his body being as naturally warm as it was, not including the added warmth of his wings, but it would be best to blend in with the mortals around him who were bundling up in preparation for the incoming winter. So he opened the closet again and browsed through his side, looking for the warmest thing he'd gotten. He'd probably need more warmer clothes coming up considering most of his time spent on Earth with Marshall thus far had been during the warm seasons. "Do you have something I can borrow then?" Cael asked, turning to look at Marshall's honey-brown eyes. "I don't have much for warm outfits yet."
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
Sam260 - 03-25-2020
Marshall chuckled softly "Any excuse to wear my clothes." He teased as he pulled out one of his many Charper PD sweatshirts and Charper PD jacket, too "You can simply wear your jeans, no one will fault you for that. Unless it snows, that's basically all anyone wears is jeans." He handed the two items to Cael and smiled down at him "We'll go shopping this weekend to purchase you some warmer attire, I know you won't need a lot, but enough to go out into the city when we have too." He kissed that little nose before heading off to change into something warmer himself; though he basically was wearing the same as Cael - A Charper PD sweatshirt, jeans and a jacket, though his jacket was just a plain navy blue jacket. "Alright. You ready to go out into the world, beautiful?"
RE: Angel Wings [Closed w/ Chrome] -
chrome - 03-25-2020
Cael preened as he accepted the Charper PD sweatshirt from Marshall, it was a little big on him so he had to roll the sleeves up a bit, but it smelled like Marshall and he liked it. The man hadn't been wrong when he'd teased Cael about taking most of Marshall's clothes-- especially when it came to shirts or sweaters. By the time they were fully dressed and ready to go out into the chilly weather they both looked like off duty cops, though that was only true for one of them. Pulling up the sleeve of the jacket and sweatshirt underneath, Cael reached out to take Marshall's hand in his. "I suppose I can share your attention with the rest of the world today," Cael joked with a laugh as they headed out the door, waiting for Marshall to lock it behind them. "Where to first, my dear?"