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RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-19-2016

"Wow, what is this?" Ethan asked, approaching slowly from his brother "Are you okay? Does it hurts?" he asked, looking at his brother's chaning arm. He was alarmed by it, but, at the same time, it seemed that his maternal instincts were taking over and he had to be sure Luigi was okay. It was so crazy, because he should be scared as fuck with all this transformations things going on, but, still, it seemed almost like he was dreaming.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-19-2016

" why...they can'" Luigi gasped out, leaning against part of the stall.

Gritting his teeth, as the rest of his arm joined in on the change. THough it thankfully went away as fast as it had came on. Course the canine ears apeared on his head, showing that while his arm reverted once more, that the changes weren't too keen on going away.

"yes it hurts..." Luigi answered.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-19-2016

"Okay, i guess i can't disagree with you anymore" Ethan said "they really can't help you. But... We have to do something. What if this is going to... kill you?" He approached his brother, to show him he wasn't afraid of him, and asked "Is there something i could do for you?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-19-2016

"I don't think this'll...kill me...if anything it will make my life miserably hard." Luigi answered, ears twitching. "The fact that I almost changed completly in that stall at least...what I think would be compeltly, it proves that the chemicals are...taking."

A sigh left Luigi as he adjusted his coat. Though he never believed that this would happen from a few chemicals mixing.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-21-2016

"Oh, well, at least you will live" Ethan said, relieved. He hugged his brother and patted his head, to comfort him "Everything will be okay, Luigi. Keep calm. Come, let's go home. Every second at this place is being useless" he said, and started to walk back to his car. "Oh gods, what are we going to tell mom?" He asked, worried.

(Okay, is Ethan being "too caring"? I don't want to pass the wrong impression)

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-21-2016

(I have no problems with Ethan is acting.)

The hug was a bit unexpected and it honestly made him feel a bit weird combined with the feeling of his body trying to change. Though nothing else took hold or appeared and the ears disappeared. So that was somewhat good.

"It's hard to do that..." Luigi answered when he was released from the hug. "Hard to do that when your body is trying to change into something...different. I don't know, I really don't know what to tell Mom. Other than the fact she'll have to rely on you and the others to give her grandkids."

Tugging at his coat, Luigi started to move towards the entrance to the bathroom in order to leave.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-21-2016

"Well, i know this is not easy for you, but at least you will be alive. That's something, right?" Eethan asked, trying to be positive as he followed his brother "And don't say such a thing, we don't know if this will stop you from having kids. And, if you can't get pregnant, at least you can get someone else pregnant. And even if you can't, you can always adopt, right? I am sure mom would love to see it. I would like to adopt kids myself, actually. There is a lot of children who doesn't have anyone, and this is very sad"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-21-2016

"IT's something...I'll give it that." Luigi said. "I'm not going to risk whatever...this is, getting passed down to any kids if I try to have em with someone. And adopting at this moment is...unwise. Ethan, so far I can't control when these...changes start. They happen at random and take hold rather quick. The last thing I need is to cause harm to a adopted kid."

Getting out of the hospital, he went to the car and went to get in.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-21-2016

Ethan wanted to say that he trusted Luigi but... What if it wasn't Luigi when he became the animal? What if his mind became animal too, just like Merida's mother in the movie Brave, from Pixar? He shook his head when he realized he had been watching a lot of kid's movies lately, but neverminded it. "Well... We don't know it yet. What if you can still be you even when transformed? What if, instead of a Harry Potter's werewolf, you become just a Twiligh's werewof? I mean, i know it's risky, but i have a plan. Next time you feel you are transforming,  you run to your room. I will knock the door and ask you something. If you reply, than i know you are still being you, and then we'll know you can adopt normally. What do you say?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-21-2016

A brow was raised to Ethan's words, good lord were they honestly suggesting this? Luigi wasn't sure what to think of things in movies and how to relate em to real life. Considering this he never believed to be possible was now.

"I don't know on that...I mean, for one the Twilight wolves are shapeshifters in my opinion so the werewolf thing doesn't count for em in my opinion." Luigi replied. "I'll always retreat to my room when it starts, so there's no worries on that. But if you want, you can do that. Just never open the door."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-21-2016

"Well, i think theey are shapeshifters too, but what matters is that they keep their minds as wolves. Maybe you will be the same" Ethan suggested. He entered in the car and started to drive them home "Anyway, the idea is good, and i swear i won't open the door unless you ask me too. Do we have a deal?" he asked, faking Once Upon a Time's Rumplestistkin's voice

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-21-2016

"Fine fine, deal." Luigi answered as he sat there.

They would be home in no time with Ethan driving. Though Luigi wasn't looking forward to facing their mother. It was just something he was dreading now.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-21-2016

Ethan arrived home and parked the car carefully. He noticed his brother was nervous, so he patted his shoulder and said "Keep calm. If things go wrong, i can draw mom's attention away from you, if you want to" he said, although the idea of telling his mom what had happened at school last month would made him a bit worried

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-22-2016

"You might have to do that." Luigi replied. "I'm not sure if I can even tell her without things going wrong."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 09-22-2016

"Let's just give it a try, okay?" Ethan said with a smile as he slowly got out of the car "Hi, mom, we are home" he said out loud, to be sure his mother could hear they were at home. He just hoped his mom wouldn't ask too many things, he still hadn't planned everything right.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-22-2016

"Ok...." Luigi muttered as he followed Ethan.

He stl felt really uneasy about this.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 09-27-2016

Mathens was taking a nap when the boys came back. Hearing the voice of Ethan, he stirred awake from his sleep. He was quite anxious as to what happened to his eldest. He hoped that the latter didn't have any life threathening disease.

He went down and saw the figures of his sons. They seemed to be nervous about something and that made him more wary. However seeing how troubled his sons look, he decided not to infer at the moment. He was confident that they will eventually tell him what troubles them when they feel ready. So with loving and understanding eyes, he welcomed the boys home.

"Welcome back. How was the doctor visit?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-27-2016

"It well....didn't happen." Luigi answered before clearing his throat. "I couldn't...go in. The chemicals...they well..You won't believe me..."

Luigi didn't know how to tell them, finding a way to word it was hard.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 09-28-2016

Mathens' eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Why not? And chemicals? The ones you said to have spilled  over you? What about them?" He sensed son's distress and came closer to him to grab a hold of his son's hands, which kind of felt rougher and more stiff than normal for his son. Shaking the thought aside, he looked at him in the eyes and displayed a comforting smile.

"What are you so afraid of telling me, Lu?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 09-28-2016

"It's...really really hard to explain...I mean it's just..." Luigi started though he stopped as his mother took his hands.

He really didn't want to tell em. How could he even hope that they would accept this issue? Hell, they might even see them as a monster now! Couldn't blame em if they saw it! Luigi tried to avoid their gaze, feeling a great deal of preassure on himself to tell the truth. Part of him wanted to but....too much of him was afraid too.

"I...i...I can't I can't, I JUST CAN'T!!!" Luigi nearly shouted, giving up on trying to figure out how to put it, though the canine like ears appeared on the top of his head and he put his hands against the sides of his head.