RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry frowned “Of course they’re good, I’m not going to get my child sub par things, I’ve been on the earth 100 years, I know what’s good for my child thank you. You said you were leaving after, how will that work with you being their mother?” He looked over and smiled lightly at him “Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Harris” he said kindly before they waved and went back inside.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
"I'll leave, but I think I have a right to worry about the baby.... In the end, it will be partly human. And you kind of don't understand the human psyche nonetheless. But relax. In these three months I will help you," he said, and then they heard a burbling in his stomach. The boy embarrassed himself. " Please make something to eat... But something normal. Those colored liquids are not enough for me. I'll take care of the roses for a bit," he said and walked slowly over to the shed.
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry looked at him curiously “I understand enough, I’ve been studying them for a hundred years, I’m sure I would be capable of understanding. The liquids and food I have been giving you has triple the calories and vitamins that human food do, so I will prepare a bigger serving of that for you” he said before heading back inside trusting he would stay in the garden.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
Amadeus was not thinking of running away at that moment. He simply took the gardening paraphernalia and, kneeling on his knees, began to care for the plant. He really focused on that. Only the sound of the dog barking roused him from his trance. On the other side of the net stood another neighbor - a construction worker. Amadeus nodded his head in greeting, and the man began to talk to him. Talking to him was really enjoyable.
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry made the food before returning outside to let him know and frowning a little at his interaction with the male neighbour. He said a quick hello to the neighbour before motioning for Amadeus to follow him inside for the food he had requested.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
"Thomas is a cool guy... Has he lived here long?" he asked as he sat down at the table and began eating his meal. He didn't notice the displeasure on Ry's face.
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry frowned a little “A few months, I believe he is renting it” he said quietly before grabbing a book and sitting at the table as he began to read through it quietly.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
"Has someone?" he asked lifting his gaze from over his plate. He really seemed cool... And he liked it.
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry frowned a bit deeper, feeling an anger and possessiveness build in his stomach “I do not know, by how he speaks to me it seems his interest lays in women however” he said looking over his book watching Amadeus’ facial expressions when talking about Thomas.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
Amadeus fell silent. The rest of the week they both talked a little more than usual. Pregnant educated Ry about the baby as well as the people. He also learned more about Ry himself. You could say that their relationship has improved somewhat. However, Amadeus' gaze was still fixed on his neighbor's house. He got infatuated. Still, he had to focus on himself. His belly got bigger, but it still looked more like an overweight belly than a belly caused by pregnancy. He hoped the remaining two months would pass just as peacefully.
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry was happy that Amadeus was teaching him various things he did not understand however he was getting frustrated with the time he spent outside fawning over the neighbour, he was unsure why Amadeus was so interested in the man but Ry watched them carefully when they spoke. Ry brightened up that morning however as with his superhuman hearing he heard the first small beats of his child’s heart and moved over to Amadeus placing his hand on his stomach smiling brightly.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
Amadeus opened his eyes wider. He was asleep after dinner when Ry came in and put his hand on his stomach. He couldn't hear the heartbeat like Ry, unfortunately. "What's going on?"
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Try smiled lovingly at his stomach and rubbed it gently “I hear the heartbeat” he said happily before standing and grabbing a cold metal wand connecting it to the pad before running it over his stomach gently until the sound of the fluttering heartbeat could be heard from the pad so that Amadeus was able to hear it as well even though he could have kept it to himself.
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
Amadeus fell silent, hearing the steady pounding in his stomach. It was intimate and so... nice to the ear. Now he understood how real it was. He had a baby in his belly. A real baby that will give birth. With thoughtfulness he lay thus until the sound faded. "Was it really our baby?"
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry smiled gently and nodded “That’s the child” he said happily “I thought I heard it while in the other room but I had to come in and feel to make sure. I’m sorry to have disturbed your sleep” he said softly putting his pad and wand away “I will leave you in peace now”
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
"In fact... You could stay. Your company doesn't bother me," he said, without looking at him. He poked his gaze into his stomach. "You can tell me about the baby, the pregnancy... Maybe I'll get sleepy again sooner," he said, smiling slightly
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry laughed quietly “Does my information bore you so much you wish to fall asleep to it?” He smiled gently before sitting next to the bed “What would you like to know? Remember, a lot of this is guesswork as our races have never had a mixed child before so much of my information is theories more so than fact”
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
"What will the birth look like? I've never delved into the subject and I'm a little scared to be honest," he confessed and then looked at him turned towards him on the bed. Their faces were separated by a few inches.
RE: The experiment -
Littleittyboy - 10-21-2021
Ry hummed “I think it would be similar to a woman having a child, with contractions and such and with the child coming out your anus as you don’t have a vagina obviously. I’m assuming like the rest of the pregnancy your labour will be faster than that of a human but that could be incorrect. I have several medicines that I can give you to make it as painless as possible including a few from my planet which are different from Earths which may help”
RE: The experiment -
justpush - 10-21-2021
"But the drugs might not work either.... Right?" he asked, and then began to drift off a bit. He got sleepy again. "Can we go for a walk later? But not in the garden..."