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C A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Printable Version

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RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-08-2018

Troy shook his head as he stood up, grabbing the two emptied plates and the bottles of cider "How about we just walk around and find a quiet place? The fireworks should be starting up soon..." Troy said quietly, pointing towards a very dark blob in the distance on the lake. You could just barely make out people moving on what looked to be a large platform.

"I don't typically drink in public crowds like this... I have to keep my wits about me or things like what happened earlier would happen and I wouldn't be able to handle anything if I started drinking." Troy shrugged and walked over to the nearest trash can, dropping the two plates inside. He kept both bottles of the cider, however, even if he didn't intend on drinking either "We'll keep this - My dad has a friend who can find out just what was put in them, if anything, or if there was a hidden meaning behind them."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-08-2018

nodding he followed him passing over the backpack so he can put the bottles in it.
"I...I've never known him to be... generous, with anyone..." he mutters as Troy put the bottles in "Unless its with...Unless its with pain..." he finally finishes his thought process then his face turned depressed and sad.

"e...especially after i was kicked out of the pack..." he rubs at his shoulder with his free hand remembering the scars hidden there "He... seemed to enjoy that time the most..." giving a sigh he figured he should eventually tell about his past figuring the Alpha should know about the Omega he had bonded with.

he eventually gestured to a spot to sit that would give them a good view of the display and be quieter. the throngs of people were less packed here and seemed to be quieter, most just sitting peacefully and enjoying nature and the event. it was the kind of spot ghat Lazul would have picked if he had come to the event alone instead of with Troy.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-08-2018

Slamming the door shut behind them as they entered the cabin Rowen let out a shaky breath, the scent of Mitsuo's heat driving him nuts. Standing so close didn't help either. He let out a soft growl trying to push away the feelings he had to jump Tsu like the Alphas, he may of been notorious for fucking around but he never messed with someone in heat knowing how quickly that bond could go wrong. One slip up and he'd be taking care of pups in several months and who knew if Tsu would want that with him out of anyone he could choose.
"I-It's fine." He stuttered through his words hoping his own phenomenons didn't reak from being around the Omega, " That was a lot more Alphas than normal guess word of the party got around."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-09-2018

Troy stuffed the bottles of cider into Lazul's backpack and then swung it over his shoulder to keep them close by. One arm slipped around Lazul's waist as the duo walked along the beach and the alpha continually stole pecks of small kisses from Lazul; whether it was his forehead, cheek, or lips. He couldn't seem to help himself, being affectionate with the Omega... It was like it was now hardcoded in his DNA to show this loving side.

"We don't have to talk about your past, Laz... Not tonight. Let's just enjoy the rest of the party - Tomorrow we can dredge up our pasts, and lay it all out on the line..." Troy said quietly, rubbing and squeezing Lazul's hip gently "But either way, it does not matter. I'm here for you, Laz... Good and bad."

When they got to the location that Lazul indicated, Troy easily sat down, letting the bag drop from his shoulder. He pulled Lazul down into his lap and wrapped his arms around the omega, chin hooked over his shoulder "The fireworks will be starting soon. Have you ever seen fireworks over a lake? It's a magical experience..." Troy said quietly, fingers moving subconsciously in slow circles over Lazul's stomach.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-10-2018

Mitsuo stumbled a bit once they were in the cabin, looking around quickly before spotting a couch. He headed for it, only pausing to shudder at Rowen's soft growl. But he shook it off and went to sit down. He curled himself up in the corner of the couch, knees up to his chest and hands up near his face. He had part of the cuff of his sleeve caught between his teeth, nervously holding it there as he looked back over at Rowen.

He could smell the alpha, his own instincts telling him to 'submit to the winner' if Rowen had fought off the other alphas for his right to breed. He shook those thoughts out of his head, pulling his hood up to hide his face. He gave a strained whine, fighting his instincts...he hated being an omega. It made him feel so weak, like no matter how strong he got, he would always be beaten into submission by his own instincts and hormones.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-10-2018

Lazul started giving soft pleased sounds due to the rubbing, He knew the would need to talk about it eventually, but was glad it wouldn't be today. He did know though that it would need to eventually be discussed, he hoped that it wouldn't cause any inter pack problems.

"I... at Winnipeg i wasn't aloud at the gatherings" he says "So I've never seen fireworks... other than in books." he blushed a little at that admittance, Troy was starting to realize he was either sheltered or not treated very well. he nuzzled into his side and gave a light sigh wanting to get comfortable.

"I'm guessing we will be staying at the pack house?" he asks "Seeing as the others went to the hut?"

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-10-2018

Troy shook his head as he leaned back on his elbows and allowed Lazul to lean back against his stomach and chest "We can go back to my cabin, babe... They should be done by the time we get back there, and if not..." Troy shrugged his shoulders and smiled a little "I'll be honest... I won't mind if they don't leave, and we don't either."

Troy bit his lip lightly and shrugged his shoulders again - a habit of his when he didn't know how to explain himself properly "Rowen and I pretty much grew up together, Laz... We have had sex with the same people, and not at separate times... We've done things that not a lot of other's would do..." Troy shrugged again and sighed "We are... best friends for a reason."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-10-2018

He blushed deeply and nodded understanding, he never knew his mate would be such an outgoing kinda guy. it made him curious as to what kind of bedroom activities he mate enjoyed but he would ask later about that.

"I never realised friends could get that close..." he mutters softly "Then again i've never really had any... its why ive always been... distant from the pack i guess... i just dont know how to make friends... i'm used to just being used."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-10-2018

The look of struggle on Mitsuo's face almost made him feel bad if it wasn't for the fact the submissive look made his blood rush even quicker to places he , for once, didn't want it to go. Crossing the room he leaned back against the wall farthest from Tsu, slowly sliding down until he was sitting with his knees to his chest as well.
"Promise I won't do anything unless it's wanted." He held up his hands like he was surrendering, " I may get around to a lot of partners but I know my boundaries." 
He chewed at his bottom lip to distract himself, looking anywhere but that fucking cute face.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-10-2018

Troy nodded and let his fingers travel slowly up and down Lazul's chest and stomach "Friends can get close like that... yeah..." Troy confirmed as he kissed the back of Lazul's neck lightly, fingers moving up to that mark on Lazul's neck and lightly tracing the bite marks "And you'll get there, Laz... You'll start hanging out with more people.  You don't have to be good at making friends, you just have to know the right people."

Troy laughed and licked Lazul's neck lightly and then hugged him around the waist "You know the right people now, so you'll absolutely get there - You just have to remember that you do not have to be afraid of this pack.  We aren't out to hurt anyone... Unless you happen to be in heat and you're surrounded by a bunch of horny Alphas."

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-10-2018

There was a lengthy silence between the pair in the cabin, only the sounds from outside breaking it. After some time to collect himself and calm down, Mitsuo peered out from under his hood at Rowen. He knew this wasnt easy for the alpha either...being stuck in a room with an omega in heat.

He really had to respect the other, showing such restraint when others couldnt. What am I thinking? I'm not ready for pups, and I doubt he wants to settle down.... he thought, giving a small whine and hiding his face again.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-10-2018

he smirked and sighed giving a light chuckle.
"Ive... been suppressing me heat for years" he says matter of factly "Ive gone to pack meetings here in full heat before but noone noticed... its what i had to do to survive in the old pack so i just... got used to doing it" he sounded regretful, but certainly not sorry for having to do that.

"I was in full heat when we... well..." he blushed a little knowing that the Alpha may get the implication of what he just said about having been in heat only the day prior and not being anymore.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-10-2018

Troy cleared his throat a few times and looked down at Lazul, an eyebrow creeping up his forehead "You *were*... as in past tense..." Troy said quietly, his eyes going a bit wide "As in... You're... we're??" He wasn't even sure *how* to ask what he wanted to ask. He bit his lip hard and laid his forehead against the back of Lazul's head "You think you're pregnant?"

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-11-2018

Lazul blushes and squirmed a bit under Troys gaze and he nodded slowly now looking guilty.
"I...I think so" he says softly "i mean... I'm not suppressing my heat anymore and... i don't feel like I'm suffering it anymore... possible? that... it... it bad?" he was concerned, did his mate not want pups? he wouldn't be upset if he said he didn't want pups... at least he didn't think he would be.

He just wanted to make Troy happy, if that meant no pups then he wouldn't have any although that thought upset him slightly. he wanted to give him pups, he wanted to have some of his own to love and cherish.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-11-2018

Troy wrapped his arms around Lazul gently, holding his mate's stomach in his hands "It's ideally not the right time... but I want these pups." Troy said quietly into Lazul's ear "I want these pups, and I don't want them with anyone else but with you... I love you, and I'll love them too." Troy whispered, kissing the side of Lazul's face.

The firework show started up then, lighting up the sky in an array of colors. Troy smiled as he turned to look up at the sky "Isn't it beautiful, Laz?" Troy asked, pointing out at the brightly lit sky. Colors continuing to explode one after another, lighting up the area around them - everything and everyone seemed to stop when the fireworks started, as if the world was at a stand-still for this very show.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-11-2018

Lazul's eyes lit up and he hugged Troy tightly feeling extremely happy about his words. He wanted the pups, he wasn't angry that the Omega had hidden his heat status from him.

When the fireworks started at first he was startled, the loud bangs and flashes having been unexpected. however after a few more bursts he grew to see the beauty of them and he nodded, face growing to a smile.
"So pretty..." he says "Ive never seen anything like this before... so pretty"

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Ikki - 11-11-2018

Rowen rubbed at his eyes and temple trying to drive that scent away from him, when he opened his eyes he found Mitsuo starring at him and he raised his eyebrows in confusion glancing around him,
"W-What is it?" He felt his face grow red under his gaze and he wished he'd grabbed a jacket with a hood too instead having to settle with Sinking into his collar a but further.
"It's kinda odd to be starred at." Though he didn't mind the attention from the Omega it gave him something other to focus on besides their swirling scents.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Hyenadog - 11-11-2018

Mitsuo hid his face again, giving a small frustrated noise. "I....I dont know....." he mumbled, squirming on the couch a bit. He couldnt take much more of the Alpha's scent, but he didnt want to send him away.

"F-fuck it....we're both frustrated out of our minds....." he said, pulling his hood off. He was flushed from arousal, and clearly fed up with it. "I'll take a damn morning after pill..." he muttered, glancing away..."just....come here.....and no biting." He said, sitting up more and starting to remove his hoodie.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Sam260 - 11-11-2018

Troy kept mindlessly rubbing up and down Lazul's stomach, as if he could feel the possible life within him growing. Thinking about having pups with Lazul was probably the brightest thought of Troy's day - maybe his entire life. He was all smiles as he held his mate close... Unfortunately, thinking about *how* those pups were brought into existence and having Lazul practically sitting in his lap was a recipe for arousing disaster.

His cock was rock solid in just a few seconds, already throbbing and pressing right tight up against Lazul's back "They are pretty..." he said, voice husky and strained. He closed his eyes and tried to breathe, needing to calm himself down, but Lazul's scent was practically engulfing his own senses and that just made him harder "Fuck..." he whispered harshly and buried his face against the back of Lazul's neck "Thinking about you, carrying our pups... Fuck, Laz... I don't think I've been turned on this much by anything..." He admitted, face blushing red.

RE: A Wolves Pack [INVITE ONLY!!!] - Dusty779 - 11-11-2018

Lazul blinked and blushed giving a light chuckle feeling the arousal against him. it spurred to life the last smouldering embers of his heat which also filled Troys sence of smell.

"Well, maybe we can go back to the shack and reinact it?" he suggests blushing in return and turned a little to give him a kiss on the lips "Maybe make absolutely sure that i have your pups in me?" he could feel his slick starting again, and his own shaft hardening, the fireworks mostly forgotten by now.