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RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-28-2015

Steve caught Will's vaguely disapproving look and frowned. What now? He wasn't exactly in a good mood, so could he be blamed for having a 'bad attitude' or whatever? "Ngh!" He felt a flutter in his pregnant belly. Whatever was in there liked to move around these days...

"I...guess? I have no idea what I would stream, though. You need some kind of pull to make streaming work, as I understand it. It's like live TV. I need ideas to make that work..."

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-28-2015

Will looked down at the giant pregnant belly of the man in front of him.  "You have a pretty big pull right there.  Charge a monthly few for people to watch you until the birth then charge another one time fee.  You could make a lot of money."  

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-28-2015

Steve just stared at the old man who was arguably his best friend. Actually, not even arguably. Did he...?

"So let me get this straight. You're suggesting I show this beach ball of a gut on camera to a bunch of people, and charge for it? What? I mean, I get it, people have fetishes and all that. But did you forget that I'm trying not to let people find out that I'm--"

Just before he finished the sentence, his brain started working. "...Oh. Just the belly by itself. I, uh..." He really didn't like the idea of showing off to a bunch of strangers, but it sure would be more manageable than solving crimes or cleaning up houses. "...I did get one case where a man pretended he was pregnant. I guess I could pass it off as roleplay, if worse came to worse."

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-28-2015

"Well the belly, chest, and below the belt," Will answered with a wiggle of his eyebrows, "yes, there's a huge market for fetishes.  Some sites charge more than $100 a month.  If you get 10 people to sign up for a monthly subscription, that's a grand a month.  The more weird and out there, the subject, the more you can charge."

When he saw the look on Steve's face, he frowned.  "What?  Just because I'm old I can't know anything about the internet?"  

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-28-2015

 "Believe me, that's not what surprises me." Steve thought very hard about the kind old man who took him in when he had nowhere else to go. He really didn't have anyone else besides the other two that would go nameless, and he really didn't seem to date anybody. Steve just assumed he left sex behind him as he got older, but...apparently not.

Maybe that friendly little hand touch from a few weeks ago was a hint, then. But Old Man Webcam couldn't be easily read, so he just had to stick to the facts for now.

...God dammit, he had to do it, didn't he? Or at least he had to do it if he wanted to stay here without turning into a freeloader. A webcam whore with a big ol' pregnant belly? Life never ceased to amaze. "I hate to say it, but it seems like that's the best option. I just wouldn't know where to sign up for doing shows. Since you seem to be so knowledgeable, though, maybe you could suggest something. And I'd need a good setup." Steve supposed the only real bright side to this was that he could beat off in the apartment and not have to explain himself.

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-28-2015

Will shrugged his shoulders.  "I have no idea where to start either.  I know you would need a computer, a webcam, and a microphone.  The building already has internet."  He looked around the apartment.   "You could set up a space over there in the corner so no one would be able to track you down."  

"This is going to be a lot of work."  Will groaned as he rubbed his forehead.  "We'll need to do some research." 

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

Steve felt bad. First he thought Will was pressuring him, now it seemed like the opposite. This was all just not a good time for anyone.

"I, ah...I'm not that big yet. We have some time," Steve offered lamely. He was pretty damn big. But they had to take whatever time they could get and do this right.

"It's better than having no plan. I just, ah..." Steve rested his right hand over his bellybutton. "I guess it's good you're feeding me so much. Those fetish-fappers probably want this gut as big as it can get."

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

Will just shrugged. He had no idea how to start a webcam business but he was willing to learn. "You're pretty big now. I'm sure there are some people out there who would love to watch you from this point. We just need to get it started."

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

Steve just shrugged and started slathering another pickle in mayo. "I guess that's that, then."

Steve did what he could at his job, enduring more aggressive taunts from coworkers and suspects alike while he felt his body getting heavier and heavier...but eventually, his and Will's efforts procured a setup with good audio and video. As for the site, they picked a weight gain fetish streaming site that had a lenient policy on other fetishes and roleplaying. They read over the terms and conditions (or rather Will did and Steve struggled to pay attention to all the boring details) and found out that they could back out without any strings attached. Perfect.

And there they were. The first night of streaming Steve's...well, Steve. All of him. He kept his shirt on, knowing he'd have to tease the audience...God, this was his life now? He really should have done better in school.

The last thing he thought as 10:00PM rolled around was how embarrassing it would be to hand in his two weeks notice. "Well..." He looked to Will in the other apartment, turning the camera on and hitting 'record'. "Showtime."

The chat window opened up, and horny bastards started logging in. He just smiled and waved. "Thanks for coming out! I'm a little new to just tell me what you'd like and throw some tips my way if you like what you see!"

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

"Rub your belly and play with your bellybutton," User BigRoundBellyFucker's suggestion was the first tip that popped up in the chat box.

"Show us how big you are. Turn sideways," User BloatedBelly's statement popped up a moment later.

"Make your belly bigger!" User BellyWorshipper9895482486525 ordered after another moment. "Eat until you bloat up!"

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

"Whoa, okay, you guys know what you like!" Steve couldn't help feeling anxious about this. But he had to make it work. He imagined it all like a strip show he were watching: he couldn't give it all away at once, or there'd be nothing left to do afterward.

He pulled up his shirt a little bit above the bellybutton and turned his chair at an angle. He let his hands roam over his stretched skin, jutting outwards and in full view of the streaming camera. Every inch of roundness and heaviness was visible to these masturbating strangers...Steve actually didn't know how he felt about it. For one thing, he never imagined someone would find how bloated and large he was to be attractive. It was strange, but their fetish was his gain. Literally.

He started to stand up, but he saw Will put down a basket of food next to him just off-camera, only showing his arm to the chat. So instead, he showed some different angles of his burdened body. "I'm eating like a pig these days. This ball gut just takes it all and gets bigger...I can't stop. I'm hungry all the damned time."

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

"Drop food all over that big belly!" User BellyBellyBellyJiggle's line put up on the chat. "Lick what gets on their off!"

"Use something close to you and fuck your bellybutton!"

"Press your dick against the bottom of your belly. Jerk yourself off!"

The comments just kept coming.

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

"Settle down, gentlemen!" He tried to be diplomatic, but he couldn't do all that at once. "I'm a big man, not a circus. And if you want me to do all of that, I think a little gratuity is in order."

Steve pulled out a long, particularly thick pickle and started eating it slowly. To tease what might happen later, he stuck a finger into his shallowing bellybutton and swirled it around. It felt bizarre, but he just let his enjoyment of the pickle show and and waggled his eyebrows.

He finished the pickle and picked up a fat eclair. Will certainly knew the foods to pick for this. He bit off part of it and 'accidentally' dropped the rest on his rolled-up shirt and bare stomach. "I'm happy for the turnout on my first night. But if we're going from PG to NC-17, then the ticket price is a little higher, you get what I'm saying?"

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

Will listened from his apartment as Steve performed on the webcam. He made sure to provide food when Steve needed it and how he spoke to the viewers. He knew Steve would make a lot of money thanks to this show.

He heard Steve's computer chirp several times letting him know that the viewers donated to see more of the show. He brought Steve a huge cheeseburger making sure to load it with pickles and mayo.

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

Steve blushed. He almost hoped they wouldn't do it and just log off out of frustration, so he could enjoy his meal in peace. But here it was. They ponied up. So now he had to do the same.

"Heh heh, alright! You guys earned a show!" He couldn't back out now. He took off his shirt and let his puffy nipples and food-covered belly show. And he turned to the side so they could see him take off his underwear, showing off how fat and bubbly his butt had gotten over the past few months. As his cock sprang free, he had to recognize that it was a half-chub with all the attention he was getting.

He leaned back in the chair and started eating the eclair off his stomach in generous bites, spooning up icing with his fingers and licking it off slowly. Making looks at the camera all the while. He started playing with himself slowly, using his other hand to eat the cheeseburger that just showed up. Oh God, mayo and pickles loaded on it...well, they wanted to see him enjoy himself. He took a big, greedy bite and moaned out of relief. "I love this shit. Could eat it all damned day." He ate the rest of it quicker than he wanted to admit and let out a big belch.

Now about this...fucking his bellybutton stuff. Never mind how weird that was, what could he use to do it? The thought irked him as he rubbed his belly and played with himself absent-mindedly. Then he decided to just ask. "What was that one: fuck my bellybutton? You're a freak, buddy!", he said with a laugh. "Whaddya want me to fuck it with? Choose wisely..."

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

"Use something big!" BigRoundBellyFucker suggested.

Will listened in the other room before he picked up the King of his chess set and brought it into the room. He made sure to stay out of the camera as he handed it to Steve.

"Make it go deep!" Belly added once he saw the King. "Stretch out your hole!"

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

Steve turned the King over in his hand and contemplated it. He was really going to do this, wasn't he? That user donated a hefty amount...this was just how the cookie crumbled, apparently. Did doing something like this even feel good...? He really doubted it, but he could just moan a bunch and fake it. As for the fact Will handed that to him without a second thought, he didn't even have time to dwell on any implications.

"This'll be a first for me," he admitted to the chat, hoping that would explain any odd facial expressions. "This night is full of firsts for me, actually! Let's see how it goes."

He stuck the head in first and pushed it in slowly. Yep, this felt fucking weird. But if it were a stand-in for his asshole or something, then he could just imagine it as exactly that. Like he were sticking a dildo in his butt. As it sank in, he was surprised with how much give his bellybutton really had...but he also noticed lately that it had gotten shallower. Maybe that just meant he didn't have to worry about sticking it in too far. When he got to the end, he got to the end.

Further...further...he felt dizzy, now. "It's like gettin' fucked, sure enough. I need to let it adjust, haha!"

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

The men typed out different commands throughout the broadcast and Steve tried to do each one. Will ended up handing him a couple of items when the performer needed it and at the end of the hour, Will brought him a glass of water.

Will passed him a note that read he made enough for his rent, groceries, and a few other things, and he could stop now if Steve wanted.

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - Regifortis - 12-29-2015

Steve looked at the time. "Alright, fellas. I think that's good for our first night. I hope you liked it, and thank you very much for your generosity!" He read the disappointed comments and had to insist. "I'll be back, I'll be back! And I'll see all of you there. Goodnight."

Steve shut off the camera and sighed. That was...unusually successful. He got a lot of compliments on the shape and heft of his stomach. He never thought a pregnant man's stomach would be a valid career asset, but here they were. All in one night. He didn't like some of the things they wanted to do, but he couldn't argue with cold hard cash. Hell, some of them were fun!

"Thanks for your help, buddy." Steve gulped the water and exhaled in relief, cracking his neck. "You made it all go smoothly, and we made bank!"

RE: Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime) - michime - 12-29-2015

"You made bank," Will said, "I just handed stuff to you." He helped clean up the area before they went over to the couch. "At least it's something you can do for now. No clue if you go back to a regular job after this but if it makes money, it's money."

He lead Steve to the couch then made sure the man got comfortable. "Get some sleep. We'll talk more in the morning about how often you want to do this."