RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
"I see. Okay then, if you think I need it..."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
Wyn smiled as they ate the rest of the meal in peace. She hummed to herself as she washed up afterwards and joined Astien and Cormac by the fire place. Cormac took out his ocarina and began playing a cheerful tune.
"I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me. No scorching sun, nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey," Cormac sang, carrying on the tune he had started.
"If you will promise me your heart and love me for eternity, my dearest one. My darling, dear your mighty words astound me, but I've no need of mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me," Wyn sang back.
"But I would bring you rings of gold. I'd even sing you poetry. And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me."
"I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold. I only want you near me."
"To love, to kiss, to sweetly hold," they sang together, "For the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your laugh inside me. I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning and gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
Astien stared at the fire, eyes transfixed and glassy, his mind far away. The bat was still sitting on Wyn's head, sniffing her hair.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
Cormac kissed Wyn on the lips. "Would you marry me?"
"Of course, Cormac." Wyn threw her arms around Cormac and squeezed him. "Of course I'll marry you."
Cormac smiled and kissed Wyn again.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
The bat fell to the floor with a squeak. Astien simply stared on. The bat then decided he wanted to hug Astien's face. Astien jolted to life as the bat wrapped its wings around his head. "AGH!" He cried. The bat then flew off, Astien chasing it. "Hey, come back here!"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
"Astien!" Cormac and Wyn called in unison. They scrambled to their feet and followed Astien.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
Astien chased the bat to his room, where it hung on the rafters. "Cocky little guy aren't ya?" He said. "You'll have to come down eventually, and when you do, I'm giving you such a hug!"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
Cormac smiled. "I guess it's getting late."
Wyn nodded. "We have quite the trip into town so it's best for us to get to sleep."
"Rest well, Astien," Cormac said as Wyn tried dragging him off. "We'll see you in the morning."
Wyn whisked Cormac to their room and immediately pounced on him with a barrage of kisses. Cormac smiled and took turns with his lover as they removed their clothes.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
Astien sighed as he sat on his bed. The bat flew down from the rafters, and landed on the floor, turning into a more human form. It was a vampire. But unfortunately for Astien, it wasn't any vampire. He wore what we would recognize as Victorian era clothing in a deep blue, and his hair was a very dark blue, bordering on black. He gasped as he recognized who it was. The vampire walked to the door, closing it and locking it. He turned back to Astien and smiled warmly. "Hello Astien. I would like to speak with you."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
Cormac gingerly kissed Wyn's body as his hands explored her curves. His heart was racing, as it always did when he saw Wyn like this. He likened her body to that on a goddess. He smiled at her as her fingers traced over his muscles and scars.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
As words were exchanged between Astien and the vampire, he began crying, silently sobbing. The vampire placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
Cormac dressed himself in a robe as Wyn drifted off to sleep. He quietly left the room and closed it behind him. He made his way to the stairs and kept an eye on the door for the intruder The Strange Man had told him about.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
Astien sat on his bed, crying into his pillow, a the vampire packed all of his things into his bags.
Quietly, ever so silently, the door opened, and there was I'Karis, along with another elf. They both stood from their crouched stances, I'Karis looking aggravated, and the second elf looking flustered. "Uh, whoops, this isn't my house." The second elf said, and he ran off, quickly disappearing into the night.
"This is why I don't work with him anymore." I'Karis lamented as he shook his head. "Hey kid, how's it goin'?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
"Why am I not surprised?" Cormac grumbled as he rubbed his nose. "What are you doing here I'Karis?" He stood and walked down the stairs.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
"To steal shit." He said, as though talking to a child. "I'd ask you the same thing, were it not for the mayor's daughter, in your bed work a particular lack of clothing."
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
"Cormac?" Wyn called as she came out in a silk robe. "What's going on?"
"An old friend stopped by," Cormac said calmly.
Wyn nodded and went to Astien's room to check on him. "Oh." she gasped when she saw the vampire. Her eyes widened as she saw Astien. She rushed over to him. "Astien. What's wrong?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
The vampire stepped between Astien and Wyn. "Astien must come with me now. I'm sorry." He picked up Astien's bags and turned to him. "I was going to ask if you wanted to leave tonight or say goodbye tomorrow, but I suppose we'll be doing both. I will bring your things to the carriage." With that he walked out of the room.
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
"Where are you taking him?!" Wyn demanded. She looked to Astien. "What's going on Astien?"
"Who the heck are you?" Cormac asked of the vampire. "What are you doing with Astien's things?"
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
FweepFwopFwoop - 07-31-2014
Astien stood up from his bed and went downstairs to Cormac.
The vampire began loading all of Astien's things into the carriage very quickly. He was done and back in the hall before Astien got there. "Cormac..." He said through his tears. He walked over to him and hugged him. "Cormac, you're like a son to me. And, and I want to think that, that if my son isn't.... Dead..." He sobbed at that. "Th-that he'll be like you one day. I'm so thankful for you, an-and everything you've done... But you're fired." He sobbed. "You're fired as my assistant. You and Wyn can be happy now, without worrying about me, or, or whatever trouble I might bring next."
(Gtg sleepies)
RE: An Odd Story of Man, Machine, and Magic -
Eskal - 07-31-2014
Cormac blinked. "Ah..What? Astien." He looked to Wyn then to Astien. Cormac wrapped his arms around Astien and held him tight. "I won't let you go! I can't! I promised to protect you and I
will do that." He began to cry. "I don't care about what comes next. I just want to be there to help you. I know I've been screwing up a lot and I really suck at my job, but I can't let you do this."
"Astien, please," Wyn pleaded. "Don't do this."