RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"I get it." Rusty sai. "Well we're doing okay in here, so you can go ahead an do what else you need to do."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
he chuckles "Why Rusty, are you angry at me? or are you hormonal at the moment?" he asks
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"I'm not angry but I am starting to get annoyed." rusty answered, a tad annoyed with Merin's response.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
"Why?" he asks "You know that im not here to make you angry or upset, im just doing my job hun" he gave a sigh "Ill see you later ok? ill come back to get your dishes... if theres anything you need let me know ok?" he wanders out slowly seeming upset about Rustys behavior
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"maybe I want privacy while down here?" Rusty suggested to em.
Oh well there was nothing he could do about it, he could feel a few pups kick as he felt his stomach grow a little bit.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
Merin gives a sigh as he heads off. Blip wakes up and murphs "H...Hey whats going on?" he asks
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"Merin came in with food though without permission, so I doubt anyone else will obey that rule." Rusty answered. "Looks like you've grown in size a great deal too."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
the frog smiles rubbing his belly "You have too... and as for merin... when have you ever heard of him obeying rules? I doubt that Chazz will either, you know they both see themselves as above it all... they own the house, and us in a way..."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"Chazz obeys the rules he set in place, I haven't seen him breeding a whole lot as he's trying to keep the place going. He gives everyone space." Rusty said.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
"True, but when it comes to our health and well being you know he would abandon some rules without pause" he says with a soft chuckle "to me, it says that we mean that much to him and to Merin"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"Yeah, they would in those instances." Rusty agreed.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
"well... making sure we are eating and nourished, especially seeing as we are carrying so much, is doing their job" he says with a shrug
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"yeah, it would just be nice if they listened to something we wanted. Like only come in with permission." Rusty pointed out.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
"You rather he leave the food outside?" he asks raising an eyebrow
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"it's called knocking and telling us that way. If we're still asleep then come back an check up later." Rusty answered.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
Blip nods and gives a sigh "Anyway, im starving... you must be too"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"yep, your food is right there an mine is here. I just gotta reach." Rusty said as they tried to roll forward a little bit.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
he gives a chuckle and helps him reach his food, holding the bowl into range of his maw. "here hun" he smiles his long tongue reaching out to pick up some of his own food.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"Thanks." Rusty said whom was quick to start eating.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
he smiles and nods "Anytime sexy" he says before taking some more of his own food