RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
Rusty was quick to eat his food and a satisfied sound left him once done.
"That was great." Rusty said with a smile, though his stomach gave a loud grumble before he started to swell rapidly!
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
Blip placed the bowel down and watched as Rusty swelled up quickly " is that going to happen every time we eat?" he asks
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
The fox seemed to triple in size as he laid there, quite shocked at the sudden growth.
"Wow..." Rusty muttered. "I have no idea."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
He nods and chuckles softly looking to his own belly which too was growing although at a slightly slower rate "Looks like were going to be huge once were done..."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"We might set a record." Rusty said with a laugh
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
he chuckles and nods rubbing at both his own and Rustys belly "mmm, lets hope it lasts a while... im enjoying this.."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-18-2016
"Oh trust me, it's a ride you'll enjoy." Rusty said.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-18-2016
he chuckles and smiles nodding and gives Rusty a kiss. "Aslong as i can enjoy it with you, i dont think ill want it to end any time soon"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-19-2016
Rusty gave a smile as he stretched.
"Wel now what?" Rusty asked.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-19-2016
he gives a chuckle "well there isnt much we CAN do" he says chuckling "Were kinda Stuck in here..."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-19-2016
"There has to be something." Rusty said.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-19-2016
"I could get my gameboy" he says with a shrug "you should be able to use a touch screen... the only other thing we could do would only Increase the amount of young were going to have"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-19-2016
"Hm...I like the latter option more." Rusty said with a chuckle. "Though I can't return the favor."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-19-2016
he chuckles "How about next time hmm? youve become such a randy pup since you started getting pregnant"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-19-2016
"Randy?" Rusty asked. "What's that mean?"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-19-2016
"Obsessed with sex" he says giving a chuckle"Then again i cant blame you, but maybe for now, well make do with how big we are, till we get used to carrying"
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-19-2016
"Hey, you suggested it so that makes ya one too." Rusty replied.
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-19-2016
he chuckles "True... its just a pitty i didnt get to add Chazz to my list of donaters" he says with a chuckle and rubs his belly
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
anibus3 - 05-19-2016
"You always could." Rusty said. "you're small than me, you could move around still. Besides, you could probably per-sway him somehow."
RE: Pregnant Mon, Open (Fem allowed) -
Dusty779 - 05-19-2016
he chuckles "Maybe, i did ask him but he denied" he says with a shrug