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RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 11-07-2016

The nurses guides the two pregnant sons outside the delivery room where their mother was reeled in.

"You might not be able to join him but you can wait for him here. I'm sure he'd appreciate to see you once he delivers your brothers."
One nurse said with a gentle smile.

Meanwhile in the room, Mathens can be heard occasionally panting and screaming in pain. Being in labor for almost a day already, it only took an hour to have the room be filled with cries of two babies. Though weak, he asked the nurse for his two older boys.

He smiled when he saw them waddling towards him. He raised the two bundles higher on his chest, wanting the older two to see their new family.
"They're handsome, aren't they? You know with all this, I really hadn't thought of any names for your new brothers. Mind suggesting a name each?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 11-08-2016

"Yes, sure he is going to be fine" Ethan said, comforting his brother "Ha had done this lots of times before". However, Ethan couldn't lie to himself: he was a bit worried about it, after all, his mom was giving birth.

He smled when, after one hour, the nurse let them in. He grinned as he saw the babies and hugged his mom "they are so cute" he said "congratulations. Are you okay?"

He laughed when his mother asked for names, because he was going through the same thing with the names "Well, what about Killiam? Or Joe? Max, perhaps?" he suggested

RE: The Addom's Family Values - Tomoshe - 11-09-2016

Todd gasped seeing his new siblings. He was touched, they were so cute and beautiful and and and cute. He gently hugged his mother, congratulating after Ethan, smiling brightly.

"How about Cole or Oliver, Elliot?" He said grinning excitedly at the cuties, when one of them grabbed his finger. "Wahh, He grabbed my finger.. So cute! I'm a big brother now!" Since Todd was one of the youngest siblings, he never knew what it was like to be a big brother. He began to absolutely adore his newborn siblings, watching over them so they opened their eyes.

"Oh my god, they are gorgeous!" He said flailing, also hugging his brother Ethan out of happiness.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 11-09-2016

Mathens smiled weakly to his sons, thankful for their hugs and congratulations. 

"Thank you sweeties, and I'm fine, just exhausted from pushing out this two." He looked fondly at the two babies in his arms. The first twin looked like Ethan and the other coincidentally looked like Todd.

"Max and Cole, I like those. It sounds fitting for our two new angels." A nurse came to put the babies in to nursery while another group wheeled him back to his room with his two sons in tow. He didn't notice from the sleepiness but they passed by Luigi who was sitting on a waiting area.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 11-09-2016

Luigi hadn't gone looking, should he ask? After all by now, they surely were here? The new born siblings and...hopefully everyone was alright. Fidgeting nervously still, he tapped his foot on the ground. Most of the time he just stared down at the floor but he would look up to see if he could see Ethan or their mother. He hadn't a clue that their other brother had arrived. Looking up once more, for probably he twentith time. Luigi thought he spotted his mother and Ethan, though by time he stood up and wanted to pursue. They were gone. A sigh left him and he sat back down. The man would end up waiting there for a long time before a nurse would be kind enough to ask him why he was still there and once giving the name, inform him that they had checked out hours ago.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 11-14-2016

"These are perfect names" Ethan said, smiling at his mom and at his little  brothers.

Out there, a nurse saw Luigi on the waiting room, seeming worried, so she decided to talk to him. "Excuse me, sir, are you waiting for someone? Ccan i do something for you?" she asked politely, wanting to do her job and help everyone who was in need.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 11-20-2016

Startled by the nurse, he jumped a bit though he sighed.

"Mathens Addoms? My Mathen Addoms and, they came in o have my siblings." Luigi asked.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 12-03-2016

"Oh, yeah, he just gave birth to his babies, congratulations" The nurse said, with a smile "Here, follow me, i'll take you to his room, he wanted all his sons to be with him" she started to walk away after making sure the man was behind her "Are you pregnant too? The two other boys are, it's curious how this things happen, isn't it?" she asked, trying to break the silence

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 12-03-2016

(I thought Shiro's post said they left?)

" not, I just have my own medical condition...." Luigi commented. "I can't handle stressful situations all that well anymore. "

Nor quite a lie. Luigi couldn't handle stress as it seemed to cause his transformations. Sadly, his mother wouldn't be in the room as they were already gone.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 12-04-2016

(No, his post said they left the birthing room and went to Mathens' room. So they are still in the hospital)

"Oh, yeah, i'm sorry sir, they must have left the surgery room and are now in the recovering room. I'll take you there" the nurse said, embarassed, and started to walk to the recovering room after making sure again that she was being followed by the man.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 12-04-2016

(oh my bad)

Luigi sighed, this was going to be a long night it felt like. Course he winced and gave a annoyed sound. It was such a weird feeling, feeling something under the skin shifting about. Course, he merely applied preassure to his arm and glanced about. It would be unwise to try and stay longer.

"It's alright, never mind." Luigi said to her as he moved to head back to the lobby. "I have to go.."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 12-04-2016

Mathens fully regained consciousness about half an hour ago. Presently he chatted with his sons, mostly on Todd.

"So dear, can we talk about your studies and how your miracle came to be?" He was serious but still his voice hinted the understanding nature of the mother.
 While they were talking his thoughts returned to his eldest. He looked at Ethan.

"Tan, have you heard from your brother? And I know you know something, care to finally spill some info about what's happening with him?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 12-04-2016

"I'm sorry, mom. I really wish i could tell you, but that's something only Luigi can decide, and i would hate myself if i ever betrayed him" Ethan explained, hoping his mother could understand.

The nurse looked at Luigi "Are you sure? I know Mr. Addoms was really looking forward to see his sons"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - anibus3 - 12-04-2016

"He won't be of them causes too many issues..." Luigi replied. "Sorry but I can't stay..."

Luigi tried to make for the exit. He really didn't want to ruin things here.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 12-05-2016

"Oh, of course I won't force you that. It's just I'm concerned for your brother." He sighed but still had him smile for Ethan, the smile was  a bit sad though.
"Can you at least tell me if he's okay? He isn't in danger or anything right?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 12-07-2016

"Yes, he is not in danger" Ethan said, smiling back at his mom "I just wish he could tell you" he said as he rubbed his belly, feeling the babies kicking his womb.

The nurse looked at Luigi. She couldn't stop him from going anywhere, after all, this was where she worked on. But she really wished he would stay, so she called him "Look, this is none of my bussiness, but i am sure he won't mind. And, besides, if there's something i learned while working here is that the only thing you need to die is being alive. People can look perfectly fine in a moment and then they are not anymore. And you would really feel horrible if something like that happened and you realized you haven't enjoyed all the moments you could"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - Tomoshe - 12-10-2016

Todd laughed nervously, pink tinting his cheeks, making it clear that he was blushing.

"Ahahaahh.. How I became like this is a bit embarrassing to tell. I'll tell you both everything when we're at home." He told them with a bright grin on his face. This mirable was half unexpected and somewhat planned too. Todd actually wanted to wait till they both graduated and move to a home near his mother's but he was already pregnant and didn't realize that yet at that time. His lover had to focus on his studies more as time passed so he had less time to take care of Todd. Right now he is probably still studying, working hard to graduate.

"My studies went pretty nicely! Of course the exams sometimes made me a nervous wreck but everything else went well!!" After telling his mother, Todd turned to Ethan, blinking curiously at what he said.

"Luigi?? What happened?"

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 12-10-2016

"Well, i can't exactly tell you, it's a secret i shouldn't have discovered and that only Luigi himself can decide tell you" Ethan said "But he has been acting weird lately because of this thing and, well, things are not the same anymore" he said tiredly.

RE: The Addom's Family Values - shiro08 - 12-10-2016

"I understand, but he is sure taking his time on not telling. I'm becoming more worried for him by the minute and his silence is not helping either." The mother just sighed. Just how long he can be patient with his eldest, he surely doesn't know. But as long as he can push his limits then maybe he could be considerate longer.

He raised a brow at the answer given to him by his youngest. "Then I'll be expecting a more thorough explanation then at home. But Todd, if ever you feel that I'll get mad you for whatever happened that lead me to having more grandchildren, don't be. Sure I can have a fit if it becomes too serious or complicated to my liking but you know I'll always love you right. Don't be afraid to tell me anything okay,baby." He was happy hearing how well Todd was doing with his studies.

"Well if you're doing good then maybe I don't have to scold you much after all." He joked, chuckling at the embarrassed face of his son.

His two sons were then talking about Luigi,and he noticed that the way Ethan reponded, it was evident that the boy was tired. At almost due, he couldn't risk a very tired Ethan. He scooted to the side of the bed. It was big enough for two and would surely fit his second and him in it. Mathens patted the side next to him and offered Ethan a warm smile.

"Dear, come join me in bed? It looks like you need to rest. Come and sleep beside me, I don't want you getting fatigued now."

RE: The Addom's Family Values - tjopj44 - 12-10-2016

"Thanks, mom, but i'm fine" Ethan said, but after yawning, added "Well, i guess having some sleep couldn't be bad right now" he said with a smile as he waddled to his mom's bed and lied down on the bed. He could feel the babies kicking him from the inside. It was a good feeling, and the warmth of the bed soon made him slowly fall asleep, until he was dreaming about things he wouldn't remember when he woke up