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Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Printable Version

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RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-11-2013

Jason pushed down hard getting the baby out halfway, "Nnnnghhh!!!"

Alex smiled, "You two are doing great."

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-11-2013

Kino nods "i-i would hope we are doing....aaaaahhhhhh.... great." the babies tail fin slides out

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-11-2013

Alex chuckles, "You are doing much better than any body else would."

Jason nodded, "Yes they are huge.....ooohhhh!!!!"

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-13-2013

Kino looks at Alex "h-how meany others......nnnrrrggghhh.....have done this?" the hips are pushed out and the tail starts moving

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-13-2013

Alex sighed, "Many of my species, when it was possible. However soon the babies become too big and would always get stuck in the birth canals. We lost many people and babies."

Jason frowned, "I'm sorry, but I'm glad we could help...nnnnghhhh!!!" Jason pushed getting the baby out to its neck.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-14-2013

Kino "i-im sorry i didn't mean to remind you of glad to help you guys... nnnnrrrggghhhh....even when they are this big" he bears down pushing the baby out to the shoulders

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-14-2013

Jason nodded, "Same goes for me...ooohhhh!!!" Jason bares down hard pushing gasping as the head slide out.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-15-2013

Kino nods and smiles weakly slowly pushing the head out. He decides to district himself a bit while doing this."d-do you have....aaahhhh...a-a mermaid lover Alex?"

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-15-2013

Alex shook his head, "No I had one along ago, but she passed away."

Jason frowned, "I'm sorry to hear that,...ooohhh!!" Jason felt the next one coming down inside him.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-16-2013

Kino looks away"i-im sorry. i didn't mean to...nrrrggghh...upset you" his last baby slides down it is the biggest of them all

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-16-2013

Alex shakes his head, "It's alright, it was a long time ago."

Jason smiled pushing feeling the last baby starting to get ready.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-16-2013

Kino nods and starts to push. the tailfin slides out. "still losing a lover must hurt."

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-16-2013

Alex sighed, "It does, but the pain easies over time. Plus everytime I see a girl baby born, I think of her."

Jason smiled before pushing the tail starting to come out.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-16-2013

Kino nods and pushes the baby out to the hips. Kino cannot help but to wonder if he can find a lover here.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-17-2013

Jason watches his friend get the baby out to it's hips, "Come on Kino this is our last one." Jason pushes down feeling the tail coming out slowly.

Alex smiles, "Yes, then your be able to relax for a while."

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-17-2013

Kino nods "y-yea rest" he bears down on the large baby but it gets stuck around the shoulders

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-17-2013

Alex comes over to Kino, "Here I'm going help you." Alex grabs the baby, "You push while I pull."

Jason cheers him on, "Come on Kino you can do it." Jason bares down pushing his own baby out to its hips.

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-17-2013

Kino nods and pushes. the baby manages to get unstuck and out with the combined efforts. streaching Kino to his limits. "T-thanks Alex"

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - nightshadow - 06-18-2013

Alex smiled, "Your welcome."

Jason gives a big push the baby coming out to its neck, "Nnnnghhh!!!!"

RE: Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW) - Okamiryun - 06-18-2013

Kino crawls over to Jason "your almost done. keep it up" Kino watches fighting to stay awake.