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The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Printable Version

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The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 03-13-2017

Name: Alex
Gender: Male
Pregnant: yes, 3 babies, unknown, unknown
Other information: Alex has previous medical knowledge though he does not know a lot about babies. He is kind and tries to help others in any way he can even if it puts himself in danger.

Alex awoke with no memory of how he might have gotten here, slowly he sat up a bit confused at first as he looked down at himself he noticed a small bump where his once flat belly had been. He pulled himself to his feet he was dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans standing about 6'5 he was rather tall and muscular yet he still had a small frame. Around him were walls to tall to see over or climb some made of think thorn covered hedges others of brick walls. Alex soon came to realize he was in the center of some sort of maze. Bellow him dirt and grass and above me nothing but blue sky. "Hello!?" he called out in hopes he might not be alone here. "Is anyone there?!"

((so the maze will be filled with creatures and potential dangers and traps. You can join as anyone, you don't have to start out pregnant nor does the child you carry have to be human. Though it can be. Untill I set more rules pretty much anything goes im leaving it open to the imagination. However please note I do like detail and plot to stories like this so try to carry on the story.))

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 03-13-2017

Name: Rico Larracuente
Gender: Male
Pregnant: Not yet, N/A, N/A, N/A
Other information: Likes exploring caves per his major as a historian and archaeologist, making quite capable in studying traps and puzzles. That and he just generally loves the unknown, but probably got more than he bargained for.

It was just a weekend adventure, he told himself when among friends. They decided to explore the cave, see how far they got without unaided help. The further they went, it led them to a maze. They should have stopped there, but the thrilling rush of saying they themselves explored a place undiscovered filled their minds. That was hours ago and now Rico was lost in the maze with his friends lost as well.

He could hear their voices, some of them joking and some of them screaming. He would have climbed the walls if he could, but they were too tall, even for the six foot, slightly muscular yet stocky male. While the skies were blue, the narrow gray slabs of stone walls made it dark, causing him to turn on his flashlight.

"Just hang on" the Hispanic male shouted, though unknown to him was that the person he responded to actually wasn't one of his college friends. That was how far into the maze, a bit dazed and tired he was in wanting to get out. He walked down the path, looking to find the voices.

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 03-13-2017

Alex looked around he could hear someone respond to him but he couldn't see them he was alone. He tried to keep himself calm unable to figure out why he couldn't remember anything where was he now? How did he get here? "Hey i'm over here!" He called out again looking around him. Alex tried to go over the situation logically but none of this made any sense to him. What was this place?

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 03-14-2017

The voice responded. Rico tried to follow it as best he could, the flashlight creating a small path. He stopped when he lost a boy of his focus to where the voice seemed to originate from. Maybe the echoes could help.

"Hey, keep talking," he commanded. "I'll try to come to you."

He continued walking, letting the voice guide him. He turned down a few paths and in no time, he found himself in front of a male. It wasn't one of his friends, sure, but this figure seemed lost like he was. Well, Rico hoped he wasn't lost.

"Hey," he stated softly. "Are you alright?"

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 03-15-2017

"I-I don't know.. I woke up here.. I don't know how I got here." Alex wondered if perhaps he had hit his head or something but it didn't really hurt. He did feel a bit sick though. "Do you know where we are?" He tried to act tough, keeping any sort of fear out of his voice for the most part. He didn't want to seem as if he was to weak or something.

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 03-16-2017

Rico could tell the male was clearly in a form of panic, but who could blame him? He had been searching around himself, frantically truth be told, for his friends. While it seemed like ten minutes, he felt way more exhausted than that.

"I wanna say we're in a cave..." he really wanted to, but this looked nothing like it. "My friends and I were hiking and saw this inside a cavern. We shouldn't have gone."

He said that right as he could hear their voices. They seemed so far away. How far was he inside the place for that matter.

"Name's Rico. We're gonna get out, alright? Maybe if I retrace my steps, it can take us back out."

He didn't know the way back, but he was certain much had not changed...right?

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 03-16-2017

Alex gave a nod, he wanted to trust this man, mostly because he did not feel like being alone. "Alright... ok.." There was silence for a moment and just as Alex was about to speak the crackling of speakers stopped him.

"So, you both have found each other, how sweet. but if you haven't noticed yet you're trapped, I've brought you here to play a little game with me I hope you're ready though it wouldn't matter either way." There was a laugh before the voice continued. "The rules are simple make it out I let you go free if you don't.. you'll be stuck here forever... Oh and do be aware of what I've done and the pets I've left laying around for you"

Alex tensed "What.. what is that whats going on?" He didn't understand it didn't make any sense.

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 03-17-2017

Alex seemed like someone he could trust, right? It looked like he was worse for wear, after all. He had no idea how long the other male had been down there, but he didn't give Rico a name. Maybe in time he would, but he got the male to start following him, so at least that was a plus. It was right when they turned the corner that a voice from somewhere appeared around them, effectively stopping Alex in his tracks from speaking. Rico was already paranoid, but the mention of being trapped in some forsaken place made of dark gray slab with who knew what else lied within was unsettling. It was even more unsettling that they were told they would be trapped there forever if they did not get out.

"How long do we have" he called out. That was probably the most logical thing he could ask at this point. He was nervous, especially when he took into account the distanced screams that were replaced with dead silence. He turned to look back at Alex. "Deep breaths, alright? We'll get out of this."

He exhaled deeply, keeping his flashlight on. "Let's see if we can get out of this thing. Do you have a phone or anything on you? I haven't been able to get a signal on mine at all since I've come in here."

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 03-20-2017

Alex tried to calm himself, indeed he was strong, but this wasn't the type of situation he liked to be in. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his phone but if it had any service it wouldn't have mattered the battery had been pulled out of it. "It's gone... or the battery is anyway." Alex closed his eyes and tried to center himself and relax for a moment.

"Ok.. yea.. you're right we just need to get out of here." There had been no answer before but Alex didn't care he just wanted to leave he didn't like this place it was creepy, besides it couldn't be that hard to get out.. or at least he hoped so.

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 03-20-2017


That wasn't unsettling. Not as unsettling as when he tried the compass. What did he get? The North arrow spinning everywhere as it could not calibrate a proper direction. He was literally trapped down there and had he known what was going on, he would not have gone down there or remembered to at least mark his direction. He pulled out his knife.

"Maybe I can mark some of the corrridors. It could help prevent us from going down a dead end or something."

Of course, Rico had every intention of getting out of there. He was not sure what he, this figure, meant about pets, but they were being watched. That made him a bit uncomfortable.

"Let's try this way," he stated pointing to the Left pathway.

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 03-22-2017

Alex followed after him, or at least he tried to. He found himself a bit slower than he normally would be. He felt strange, different in some way that was hard to explain so he tried very hard not to worry about too much. It was probably nothing after all. He just had to focus on getting out of here. As they walked Alex kept an eye out looking around at everything but it all looked the same to him. Sometimes it almost felt like the walls were shifting like they had passed the same place a few times but then would arrive at dead ends just to have to turn back and try again.

They had been walking for hours when Alex finally stopped, he was getting hungry and thirsty and they had been out all day. "Lets just stop for a second we aren't getting anywhere.."

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 04-02-2017

( I was on an unexpected cruise, so sorry for the delay lol )

Rico led them around. He did his best to mark some of the places, but he reminded himself to stay close. Alex, even though he appeared like he was in good shape fit to keep going like he could, it was becoming clear that the male was already looking worse for wear the moment he found him sitting down in the corridors. He clearly did not want to say that at this point, they were getting nowhere, but Alex had already announced the obvious. Rico just exhaled and leaned against the wall a bit. It was at that point he noticed a few vines there. From all their walking, they weren't anywhere close to such a thing.

"Maybe we are," he said, pulling on the vines. "That means we're close to some form of water. Maybe catch our breaths for a bit. We don't want to starve or dehydrate after all."

How long did they have anyways?

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 04-03-2017

Alex eyed the vines looking them up and down. Rico was right there could be water nearby, after a moment Alex stood back up and smiled lightly. The thought of finding something to drink gave him energy and he pressed foreword. "Lets fallow them for a bit and see what happens." Alex said softly After all, what did they have to lose? They were already trapped her.

He waited a few more minutes he still wanted to rest but if they found water he could rest and no longer be thirsty.

(no worries welcome back.)

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - Klayko - 04-03-2017

That sounded like a plan, one that seemed a bit more concrete than hopelessly wandering around the maze. He kept his flashlight on the path of the thick vines and moss and when Alex was ready to move once more, he resumed hopelessly leading them around. The further he pressed, the further they went inside. Rico thought perhaps they were making progress, at least enough to be in the center of the place. He could be wrong though as he led them past a few dead ends, marking them as best he could so they would not make the same mistake again. Hearing the sound of falling water though made him want to keep pursuing as much as possible and eventually they were led to a large expanse where water was indeed flowing and the efforts of a small garden resided.

"Looks like we made it," he sighed in relief. "Though..."

Some of the fruit and vegetables growing looked familiar. Others looked a bit bizarre. The water source, he noted, looked pure, not like you would find in a river or stream. It was clean and when he placed his hand down through the source, it was a bit cold.

"You think it's safe? Some of those fruits certainly look odd."

RE: The Labyrinth reboot (closed with C.Wolf) - secretsparrow - 04-04-2017

"I think it looks fine, and it isn't as if we have much of a choice anyway." he pointed out with a shrug. Alex was tired, he sat down next to the water. "I think we should make some sort of camp here tonight. "It should be safe as long as were careful." It would be dark in a few hours and he didn't want to be out in the maze at night remembering what that man had said about 'pets'

"I also think the water should be safe to drink, i don't know about the fruit though I guess will just have to see. I don't think he would put anything in here that would kill us. Who ever did this to us would find that to boring." Alex pointed out.