Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Tristeza - 06-16-2017
((Looking for a seeder to join! Feel free to add to the setting!))
Rigiel watched as his clansmen and others on the losing side of the war were scattered to the winds as spoils for the winners. The century long war that had torn the beastman country apart was now over, with a hefty, bloody price. Lands scarred beyond recognition by wild magic bouts, entire families wiped out, many others left without any able bodies. All while the humans and the other species looked on and laughed at the rampant misery, fueling the fire.
"Next up, a fearsome warrior, ladies and gentlemen!"
He sighed sadly once more as the line became shorter and the auctioneer presented one who'd been part of his personal guard. Rigiel wasn't even sure if the rest were dead or alive. His clan had been betrayed, their vow of neutrality supposedly broken, earning them a swift subjugation. To spare the rest of the already diminute clan, Rigiel had surrendered himself to the invaders, and now here he was, along with the captured fighters.
They'd given him next to nothing to wear, wanting to show off his lean, feminine physique and exotic pelt. Snow leopards were rare enough as it was, and Rigiel stood out among them, with a pure white pelt and silver lined gold spots. All he kept was his circlet, a thin silver braid with black and white pearls interwoven into it, as a mockery of his previous position. On his neck and tail, a runed band locking away his magic. His long black hair had been pulled back into a braid, showing off his turquoise eyes, pink nose, lips and heart shaped face.
After a painfully long wait, his turn arrived.
"And now, our final item of the evening. Of the fallen Deliah clan, Rigiel, the Oracle of the Fates."
The audience gasped, while Rigiel maintained the stoic facade, his tail barely moving even. "Who wouldn't want to have this wellbred gem serving them? It is rumoured that the gods blessed the Deliah blood not only with the Sight, but also with the abbility to bear young! Who will earn the right to defile the oracle? Bidding starts now!"
Before Rigiel knew it, the crowd went wild.
RE: Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Flayme - 06-21-2017
(Sorry this is way long, but this looked fun, so, if you're willing I'd love to write with you c: I can definitely change stuff if you need me to.)
“Gila. Hush, hush my sweet.” Nari motioned somewhat impatiently at his avian companion gripping nervously to his forearm, nibbling at his tawny skin, only reinforced with a band and tether around her left leg. The bird wasn’t meant really for comfort, but rather for doting on Nari. Carrying his messages, snatching up small kills. Stealing things…. But right now, the russet hawk was being more trouble than she was worth. In a crowded, dusty square, Nari could tell she was impatient and nervous to be out of it of the bustle again and near ready to start biting him, or anything she could reach. So, he cupped on large hand over the bird’s face, cooing gently. “I said hush. Stop your screaming.” He whispered, and then frowned. The sphinx’s mood was low. Auction seemed to be a never-ending process. The seemed to be churning into itself, all sense of personal space encroached.
“Ah- The pretty ones are up at last…” Nari scowled, absently speaking to the now subdued Gila as his hazel eyes scanned over the top of the stirring audience, straining to make himself taller. His tail would have been swishing impatiently if he'd had the room. The lithe extremity was forced to stay wrapped at his side against his leg, which was uncomfortable for the felid man, but perhaps all the better for tight spaces such as this. “Look- Look.” Nari continued to ramble, pointing with his chin towards the auctioneer’s platform. “Deliah. The bastards.” Nari almost chuckled, practically purred as he watched the first warrior step up to the auctioneer’s side. The creature’s jaw was quickly caught tightly between the brusque man’s strong thumb and forefinger as he was shoved forward. He watched patiently as the man shouted things about the new ‘property’ at hand. Gleaming things. A strong warrior. A beautiful specimen. Nari sighed as he listened. Yes, the Deliah guard was quite regal looking, but perhaps not worth the fighting to the front of the crowd for. He bit his lip with fanged teeth and waited. Surely there would be another. If the first was a warrior, he wasn’t going to be sold alone. Nari waited, listening to the shouts and offers made. The murmur of negotiation, and the stirrings of disappointment as victorious buyer wrapped up the deal and the rest of the crowd looked onward to the next in line. All the while, Nari slowly pushed his way through, sneaking, rather than forcing his way through the cluster of eager onlookers.
“Strange.” Nari shrugged lightly at his bird, golden hair falling into his face as he looked to the ground. He could barely see his sandaled feet in the midst of the dirt that was being kicked up. “Strange that prisoners of war should still looks so testy… Hmm, Gila?” Nari glanced quickly up to the platform where the line of prisoners, soon to be slaves were waiting. Most of them scowling, some looking downtrodden, others antsy and all around upset. Which was, of course, to be expected. Fighting for the losing side of a war had its consequences. “How about that one.” Nari pursed his lips curiously at a large and fit looking man with braided hair as he stroked his pet bird, letting the hawk ruffle up her feathers as she looked around, almost as if she could understand what he was saying. “Or that one.” He mused thoughtfully, moving onto the next behind the man. He kept his tone almost teasing, as he wasn’t really very serious about buying any of the men or women up on the stand. Mostly he was here to look, and to bask in what was the aftermath of his alliances’ victories. He liked to look, to see that his side was still winning. “How about we go home, pet.” Nari continued to the hawk. “You seem upset-“
Mid-sentence Nari froze, suddenly captivated as the crowd suddenly roared and he caught sight of the next prisoner, now on the stand. Another Deliah. Even prettier than the last. How he had missed him, Nari wasn’t sure. But the sinewy being was indeed quite beautiful. Shimmery white pelt dotted with spots that were larger and more uniform than his own brown and gold, speckled coat. The warrior’s dark hair almost seemed to be dripping. Like a shadow. Much different than the mess of hair that was practically a mane on Nari’s head, traipsing down his back. Instantly, his hand shot up, thrusting Gila into a frenzy above his head. She shrieked while he shouted in impulsive decision. “Six hundred Yara for him!” The sphinx yelled over the already protesting crowd. “Seven hundred! Eight!” He continued, outbid and foiled two more times before he’d had enough. With the money to burn and the lust for such a rare buy, he finally upped his offer significantly. Now practically in the very front of the crowd, he made pointed eye contact with the auctioneer and then glanced to the Deliah male. “Two-thousand, take it or leave it! I’ll pay you outright! No riddles. No pranks.”
RE: Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Tristeza - 06-22-2017
((Heck yes ^^! Let's have some fun!))
Bids were flying out so fast it was hard to keep up, with all the arms waving frantically at the auctioneer. Rigiel tried to place identities to the faces amidst the confusion, but it was such a great flurry that even his cool was starting to crumble, the shouts and yells piercing through his ears, slowly flattening against his skull to try and drown out the noise. The tip of his tail twitched lightly, the tension in his movements growing as the pitch of the roaring crowd continued to increase. Rigiel was already ill-suited for closed places with a lot of people. The shouting, the overabundance of patrons, the whole situation was starting to overwhelm him. It'd been lively before, sure, but all this confusion surrounding the usually lonesome snow leopard was more than enough to drive him up the wall, to the point he soon tasted his own blood from biting down so hard on the inside of his lower lip. He closed his eyes, swallowing dry. The screech of a hawk stood out, probably as distressed as Rigiel was. Endure. He had to endure. It was his role, it was what he'd bargained for. Just a bit more.
Suddenly, a chorus of protests cut through the excitement, and exclamations of disappointment rose from some of the bidders, though it seemed to be settled fast. Whatever had happened, it appeared to Rigiel had little wiggle room to be contested.
"Sold for two-thousand Yara! To the no-nonsense gentleman!"
Two-thousand??? Rigiel's eyes snapped open, shocked. That was a small fortune! Even his mouth went a little ajar, glancing to the auctioneer. He was pointing straight in front of them, to who he assumed was the buyer. At first he saw the hawk, rust feathers all fluffed and on edge. Then the golden wild mane. Rigiel didn't recognize this man, and wasn't sure if he should. Not only had the chaos utterly frazzled the oracle, the tight lock on his Sight did a number on him, filling his memory with images and events he couldn't string together. At least, despite the momentary protests, the thunderous announcement had chilled the environment, the screaming beginning to die down into a conversation level buzz. Still uncomfortable, but a lot more tolerable.
Before he could gawk any longer, Rigiel felt a tug on his neck, the thin chain on his collar pulling him down from the stand, to the back of the structure to wait for his new Master to pick him up.
"Thank you, and thank you all, the auction is now closed! The next one will be tomorrow at Bren..." In just a few steps even the drivel of the auctioneer faded into imperceptibility, a sense of closure and dread settling within the youth. Who knew if he'd ever see the snowy peaks of his home again? And what lay in his future? It'd once been almost set in stone, until the Deliah name was dragged into the mud. Now, Rigiel, who'd once divined the fates for others, couldn't even tell what his own would be. It all depended on the one who'd bought him, the one he now awaited with baited breath.
RE: Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Flayme - 06-22-2017
((Sweet! I'm not really sure where to have them go next. Is this the type of setting that allows for homes in a city of some sort that they can go to?))
gentleman. Nari liked the sound of that, in fact, he reveled in it somewhat. He smirked openly to himself as he let his arms drop back down to his side, and ushered Gila to his shoulder. The frantic bird immediately plastered herself against Nari's neck, tucking her hooked beak against him and only moving peering out once or twice to try and snatch at loose strands of Nari's hair. "Shh, I'm sorry." Nari purred at the hawk again. "The commotion is over.... Come on.." The young sphinx sauntered forward, avoiding dark glances as he went. He kept his chin high and his gaze low as he walked, hips swinging with purpose as he made conscious effort to not be perturbed by his fellow patrons.
brat!" Nari heard the sound of a hissing spat and watched a string of saliva hit the dust beside him as he passed one particular man, and what looked like to be a brood of other similar looking scraggly humans. Both males and females, but the majority male. The man who had spit at him being the largest, with deep-set gaze and a rigid jaw. Dark hair flitting every which way. "Currency is precious in these times, and there you go, flinging it at whatever you'd like. At
whomever you would like...." The man growled in what seemed to be blatant irritation. "It is not skill that give him his wealth, nor combat in war. Yet, he doesn't even glance at the others..."
Staying silent, Nari took a sidelong glance towards the man, and then back towards the auctioneer's stand. The crowd was dispersing now. The rest of the souls to be sold were being herded off the platform, to be kept until the next day. "I sense your hostility with me." He finally uttered, flatly. "Is it because I bought the life of the one you wanted, or because the ones you seek are still chained up there?" Nari's glance became cold as he frowned at the man. "I don't suppose you'd like to explain to me, either of those reasons with me.... Would you..." Nari didn't end his sentence with a question, but with a meaningful stare, trying to instill some anxiety in the other man. He didn't usually converse with humans much, which was perhaps a problem, as he did indeed resemble one quite decently in a lot of ways. But he was keen enough to know that any party that showed interest in allying or sympathizing with those on the opposing side of war, especially prisoners, were trouble. He knew that this hostile person before him knew that as well. Thus he kept his gaze steady until the man dipped his head to look towards the ground.
"I didn't think so..." Nari murmured, giving a mild eyeroll towards the sky as he turned to carry on his way. To pay his price, and to claim his prize. He could see an assistant to the auctioneer that had sold the snow leopard waiting patiently for his promised Yara. Nari stopped just long enough to stoop and fish down into the side pocket of his wrapped, harem style pants. The top of him was bare, due to the heat of the evening. His nimble fingers were met quickly with a leather purse, and he fumbled with it, pulling it out to peer at its contents. "Here..." He eventally stretched the purse towards the assistant and dropped it into the man's waiting palm. "The right amount is in there... If your master have qualms, find me later. I trust that I won't be slighted, and neither will he." He nodded at the man and then stepped back, peeking curiously around him to finally catch glimpse of his new posession. The lithe Deliah warrior that had garnered so much attention. He was now standing idly, hardly moving. Nari grinned and pressed past the assistant that had now pocketed the purse, reaching to be sure that Gila was still balanced on his shoulder.
"Ahh.. Hello.." Nari looked the snow leopard up and down quickly, and bit at his lip. His eyes seemed to zero on the other male's tail and then go back up to his face again. He noted the collar, and beads, and of course the warrior's lack of clothing. The poor creature did indeed have a nice figure. "Don't be shy..." Nari reached for the tip of the other's chin, to raise it up so he could see his face. "Lemme see you.." He said with an air of teasing, ending with his lips in a pout. "Hmmm... You're lovely." He mused, lip curing into a half smile. "I suppose it's probably decent to let you know that I haven't done this before. I usually don't have any interest in spending so much here at the auction." He shrugged lightly and dropped his hand to tug lightly at the snow leopard's tether. "I suppose it's time to get you home... And perhaps something to wear. Hm?" Nari bobbed his head as he spoke, watching for some sort of response from Deliah man. "What should I call you?" He asked inquisitively though he hadn't offered his name first. He figured he didn't have any obligation to yet. "What's your name?"
RE: Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Tristeza - 06-22-2017
((Yeah, I'd say so, though I'd say there aren't that many, and only a handful untouched by the war.))
In his mind's eye, Rigiel tried to imagine how his clan would be faring, zoning out entirely. He had no doubt they'd be doing good enough for now, rebuilding the village, but his younger sister hadn't been prepared to succeed as the clan head, like he had. Would she fare well? Good thing their uncle was there to help... A small smile crept onto his lips, his turquoise eyes lost on memories of his childhood, of the few free moments he'd had to romp about the snow with his siblings. If it wasn't for the assistant's inadvertent tug on his leash, Rigiel probably wouldn't have noticed the approach of the sphynx.
"Worry not, prized customer, we trust your judgement." the slippery assistant claimed, giving Nari a theatrical bow before rushing away with the pouch. Not just to eagerly count the coins, but also to escape the calm, detached aura of the merchandise they had been surveying, finding Rigiel's apparent cool somewhat unnerving. Sad, angry, distraught, anything was better than the sheer amount of indifference the snow leopard had shown.
Figuring it'd be of appropriate etiquette not to stare directly into his newfound master's eyes, Rigiel lowered his gaze to the floor, his fluffy tail remaining still behind him. Should he reply? Probably a good idea... "Hello... master." Even if his mind was made up regarding his new status, the word still had a bit of a hard time rolling out of Rigiel's tongue. It tasted bitter. Terribly bitter. He offered no resistance when his chin was raised, though still keeping his eyes away from the sphynx's face, strolling across the broad bare chest until they found the beautiful bird on the shoulder, settling on watching the hawk. He'd never seen one so close, and the few hunters from his town that did use birds of prey chose owls more often than not, a fitting choice to survive the colder months.
The compliment made Rigiel blush underneath his fur, reminding him he was absolutely naked. In one hand, it was for the better, otherwise the heat would be unbearable. In the other, it further hammered the point of his degrading condition. Even worse, a part of him felt compelled to comment on the surge of interest from his master that drove him to spend such an absurd amount, but before the words crossed his lips the pull on the chain reminded him it was best not to. At the mention of clothes, Rigiel gave Nari a small head bow of appreciation, though the bit about 'home' felt like a deep cut. It was a home, but it wasn't his...
His gaze lowered to the floor when Nari asked his name, expecting some form of physical response. "My name is Rigiel." Many saw the breach of the Deliah vows as worse than the highest treason. How could those who were pledged to serve the gods go back on their word? The fallen oracle had heard plenty such comments, and was likely to hear plenty more still. "I was from the Deliah clan."
RE: Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Flayme - 06-22-2017
((Perfect, sounds great. Lemme know if I write anything you don't like, or would like described differently. c: ))
Master. Now that had a ring to it. Nari felt himself puff up a little as if he needed to look the part of 'master' more than he already did, standing by the platform, gripping this prisoner's chain. The sphinx watched carefully as the snow leopard eyed Gila. The hawk seemed to just stare glassily back. Unblinking and poised. Nari felt himself chuckle, just lightly. At least his bird was receiving some sort of eye contact. Though, perhaps expecting the Deliahian to look straight at him was asking a bit much for a first time encounter. It was a strong form of body language that strangers seldom used, not these days, not in these parts; unless the were under the pretense of feeling bold. Thus Nari simply waited, watching, noticing as his new companion's gaze flitted to the dusty ground.
"Rigiel..." Nari let the name roll off his tongue slowly, emphasizing the end of it. He continued to glance of Rigiel again, and then another time before he spoke again. "Yes, as I have been made aware, you are indeed from the Deliah clan..." Nari quirked an eyebrow, his free hand rising to meet his own chin. Rigiel, as he was now called, up close, was looking less the brawny warrior, and indeed quite regal. Perhaps not as threatening as Nari had anticipated for a member or a clan that held its alliance on the opposing side of war... But Nari's grip on the chain became tighter nonetheless. "Yes, your coat is quite different than mine." Nari stated simply, and then looked down to his own, shorter, thinner tawny self, and then to his tail which resembled that of a lion's. Much less fluffy and impressive than Rigiel's seemed to be. "You're an exotic being. From the north." Nari continued, now starting to slowly move, tugging Rigiel's chain along beside him as an usher for the snow leopard to walk. "You are from the tundra? The mountains?" Nari cocked his head sideways, looking backward at Rigiel.
"I am not from any such clan." Nari continued lightly, now pacing fully straight ahead, Gila bobbing on his shoulder as they walked. "This is Gila." Nari glanced towards his hawk. "And I am Nari, son of Anashka." The sphinx titered, pausing only for a second on his mother's name he didn't expect Rigiel to recgonize it, but he seemed to keep a reverence for the mention of her all the same. She was the one that many feared when it came to the wiles and ways of war, and the names of the sphinxes that fought in it. It was she that was the priestess, the counselor and the commander that so many had succumbed to. His mother had been there at the beginning, over ten decades previous when the fighting had broken out. She had spilled blood many, many times. She was a winged demon, a quibbler, a riddle maker, a shadow. Nari had heard it all- Yet his affection for his fearsome beget was strong. "I have never been to such harsh and cold places such as the northern plains, or their mountains. I mostly reside here. When I am not traveling, or in arms." Nari lifted his free arm to motion at the upcoming city before them. Or at least, what had once been a great city. Now, the ruins of what once had been a white walled refuge was somewhat falling down, and haphazard. Almost no great walls remained anymore. Wartorn and tired were what most places of civilization were now. Yes, pockets of places such as the one they were in now were still thriving, and beautiful. Nari thought to his own bungalow. It was perhaps not the largest in some regards, not compared to other great and tall buildings. But it was clean, and perhaps lavish enough to make others a little envious. It served him well and met his needs, and that was all he could ask for.
"There-" Nari suddenly pointed, turning to his left. Towards the main remnant of the still dwindling crowd. People were still gathered there at the few remaining shanty stalls that were still posted for the evening. Small wares such as pottery, and food, trinkets and vibrant cloths were everywhere. it was one of those cloths that Nari was after. He pulled Rigiel along with him as he pushed through the thinning crowd and snatched a particularly large, fringed, royal blue afghan. He didn't bother to look at the merchant before turning around to hand the cloth to Rigiel. Payment would come if the garment was to his liking. "Wrap it." He motioned a tying motion at his own waist, the chain in his hand clinking as he did so. "Wear it, so you don't go stark naked all through town. I can't have you showing up in my threshold with nothing on, scaring my servants." He looked at Rigiel expectantly. "I'll wait a moment. Then we should go."
RE: Spoils of war (open to one more) -
Tristeza - 06-25-2017
The inquisitive softness of Nari's tone was a departure from how things had played out in Rigiel's mind. Maybe his master didn't know of Rigiel's previous standing. His previous caretakers surely did, and spared no effort in reminding Rigiel how his high birth meant nothing in this new life. If anything, it would only wet his potential masters' appetite for humiliation. It wasn't every day old blood became available to break and bend. Outwardly, the snow leopard hadn't given the slavers the pleasure of seeing him rattled, but he'd be lying to himself if he didn't admit it sent his mind into overdrive, imagining all the worst case scenarios possible. For now though, it seemed his punishment wouldn't be so severe. Of course, Rigiel could still be in for a sour, sordid surprise, but if that was to be the case it wasn't readily apparent.
His eyes detached from the floor with the beckoning tug, raising to make sure he didn't bump into anyone as people drained into the streets, not only to avoid any ensuing chaos with flaring egos and the like, but also out of his own curiosity, never having been out of the small confines of his snow laced temple. Unconsciously, when Nari addressed him with a question, his gaze crossed with the sphynx's for a moment, out of old habit, before disengaging elsewhere. Speaking to someone without looking into their eyes was an uncomfortable experience for Rigiel, but he'd been warned to refrain from staring. Many people didn't take it kindly, he'd been told. Still, it felt dishonest, like he was hiding something by not returning the gaze. Frankly put, it irked Rigiel to no end.
"The mountains. I lived on the summit of Mount Natrai, snow all year round." The highest mountain of the continent, the closest to touching the gods, some said. No amount of divine protection was enough to counter the greedy nature of men, however, he mused. Rigiel's ears perked at his new master's name, a bell ringing from the confines of his memory. The name of Anashka was recorded on many accounts, some historical, others romancicized, but most importantly it was part of the Deliah's records, not as one who sought counsel, but as a visitor curious to the ways of the north. Records Rigiel knew by heart. Perhaps he could share such accounts with his master at some point in time. He certainly seemed to hold special significance of his mother's name...
The gesture of 'here' was followed by Rigiel, his attention shifting towards the decaying city. It would probably have been a wondrous place in the past. He'd read plenty on the world he never thought would get the chance to explore, and the glimmering great cities of the desert were painted as greats centers of art and commerce, with great bazaars sprawling through streets and streets without end. In a way, it was a disappointing sight, but it was still more than Rigiel had ever hoped, bigger and more colorful than the white peaks he'd called home. So much so Rigiel straggled a bit behind, with Nari feeling the pull when the chain was stretched taught.
Resuming his walk behind Nari, Rigiel noticed the stares on himself as they pushed past. At first he wondered if his mostly white fur was that uncommon a sight to warrant such attention. It only hit him once Nari shoved the cloth at him that he was, after all, absolutely naked. Granted his fur was rather thick, so it wasn't an issue of coverage per say. He understood the awkwardness though. Quite vividly, by the suddenly embarassed look on Rigiel's face, tail coiling tightly around his leg. "O—of course, master..." he mumbled, avoiding Nari's gaze this time for entirely different reasons. The afghan was tied sideways over his waist, like an improvised mini skirt. In a way, it made Rigiel feel even more self conscious, emphasizing his feminine waist and hip line. "Do you approve, master Nari?"