Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 08-29-2017
Name: Flatwoods monster, aka Flatwoods
Age: Old enough to reproduce. No official age has been recorded in Earth years.
Species: A presumed bipedal alien species.
Appearance: About seven to ten feet tall. Long, claw like arms extend from a torso covered in metal armor. Two, glowing eyes. (Any other appearance that I haven't covered is in the attatchment.)
Personality: Assertive, usually. Otherwise passive and unwilling to use violence or force.
The monster didn't care when others entered the woods, though he did care when he was seen by the planet's dominant inhabitants. It's been over fifty years since he was discovered, twenty since his last sighting. He was supposed to be on a discreet mission to gather data from the planet with his group. Once separated in the dense woods, his kind abandoned him, going back to homeworld. At least, he assumed they went back. Reports of outer beings being taken in and killed for research plagued his mind. Now, Flatwoods just hoped he would be safe, hidden in these woods. They were tall enough to conceal his height, dense enough to hide behind trees, and vast enough to absolutely disappear.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 08-31-2017
Oops sorry for nkt replying sooner!!
I'll make a bio in a sec
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 08-31-2017
Name: Daniel
Age: 24
Looks: Daniel is a man of average height with an average body. His hair is short and wavy and he has a bit of stubble. His eyes are a warm and friendly brown.
Personality: Dan is likeable and calm. Occasionally he can get very upset but you'd have to really push him.
Daniel was a hiker. He loved everything about the woods. The smell, the calmness of being surrounded by tall trees, and the mist that gathered in the morning. He loved hiking after it rained. He usually hiked with his dog, Lucky, but this time he was alone. He had on comfortable but appropriate shorts for a man, a blue shirt, and of course he has on his green backpack. Inside was some food, water, and other essential items in case of an emergency or injury.
Of course Dan has heard of the Flafwoods Monster rumors but he had shoved them aside. He knew these woods like the back of his hand, and there was no monster whenever he was in the woods.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 08-31-2017
He considered leaving the area in turn for keeping his cover, but it has been so long since Flatwoods had seen an intelligent species. His curiosity grew like his first ecounter with these creatures. The monster blended in with the trees, at least as long as you didn't look up. His yellow, glowing eyes stuck out like strobelights.
A tiny creature compared to him. The biological complexity of the other being was beautiful. It felt haunting to see another species so similar to his own kind. Flatwoods loomed over Daniel slightly, getting a good look at him. Compared to his own towering self, Daniel was weaker, vulnerable. He didn't have a sort of scent either, leaving Flatwoods wondering if this species even shared his heat.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-01-2017
Dan had soon enough stopped to rest for a bit and enjoy the scenery. He scanned the area, noticing the wild life if he focused enough. Cute squirrels, ants, birds chirping away in the trees. He let out a content sigh. While watching a squirrel go from tree to tree, his eyes landed on Flatwoods' big yellow eyes. At first he didn't know what he was seeing, it looked like someone put their brights on, but way up in the trees? He strained to look closer, and soon enough he began noticing the rest of Flatwoods. His heart started pounding and he didn't know what to do.
What was that thing? After a second of hesitation he took a step back, unsure of what to do. He was usually pretty fearless but he had never seen something like this before.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-01-2017
It took a moment for the cyptid to realize that he had been spotted. He blinked, now what? It's been so long since his last sighting, though it wasn't entirely unwanted. Slowly, he lowered himself to seem less threatening before he was almost below Daniel's height. He didn't want to scare him away, he wanted to observe this being. Never in all his years of staying on Earth did he ever think of communicating or even directly interacting with a human. Flatwoods knew his crouched position did make him seem more feral, but it was the best he could do. He stared patiently at Daniel, watching how he would interact at such a foreign form of life.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-01-2017
If he wasn't so afraid, he would have laughed at how the creature blinked as they stared at each other. As the creature lowered itself, Dan got ready to bolt but it didn't seem he would attack. Maybe it was friendly? He cocked his head to the side, almost like a confused dog. He shakily lifted up a hand and waved awkwardly. He thought the creature might be friendly or intelligent, since it hadn't attacked him or shown any signs of aggression.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-01-2017
Flatwoods carefully mimicked Daniel, not making any sudden or quick movements that would scare him away. Flatwoods waved a clawed hand back at him. What was this gesture? A greeting? Was the human challenging him? So many questions ran through his mind. He stood still for a moment before shuffling a foot closer to Daniel while still in his crouched position.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-01-2017
Daniel was a bit surprised when he waved back, but he was impressed. So the thing was intelligent. Could it communicate though?
He looked a little nervous as Flatwoods inched a bit closer but he didn't run. He boldly took a step forward."Hello?" Maybe it understood english. He didn't know.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-02-2017
He looked up at him, listening to the sound Daniel made. It was unlike any vocals used in Flatwood's language. It had no screeching vowels or hisses. Maybe the vocal structure of humans was different, disabling them from making such noises in their speech. Flatwoods opened his mouth to speak, "you can talk?" He asked in his native language. This was an idiotic question, Flatwoods realized. Of course he can talk! Humans live in vast communities, for god's sake! They rely on communication! He also immediately realized that his language might come off as aggression to Daniel.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-02-2017
Daniel jumped back a bit at Flatwoods' voice. It was different and abut frightening, especially since he couldn't understand it. Maybe he should've kept is mouth shut then. Maybe speaking is a sign of aggression to this creature? He didn't know but he took a step back nervously.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-02-2017
Flatwoods's prediction on his reaction proved himself correct. Shoot, speaking at full volume was more alarming to someone who doesn't usually communicate like him. He said his sentence again, but at a lower volume and trying to screech and hiss less. This gave Flatwoods a lot of vocal discomfort but it was the best he could do.
There was something else about this... thing that Flatwoods hadn't noticed when he was a far distance from the human. It was some sort of scent that if it was any stronger, he would absolutely lose all civil manners and start rutting on the poor, unsuspecting thing. He stayed focused on communicating with Daniel, not letting his mating instincts get control of him.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-02-2017
Daniel still flinched as he lowered the volume. He recognized that it was the same sounding noise but he didn't know what it meant. He decided trying to see if he understood names. He pointed to himself and said his name. "Daniel." He said clearly, and repeated himself once again. He all of the sudden felt thirsty. The fear made his mouth a bit dry.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-02-2017
What an odd name, Flatwoods thought. He decided to do the same introduction. Flatwoods placed a hand on himself, using the nickname some cryptid hunters or casual hikers would call him by. "Flaaat.... woodsss." He's heard it enough to get the pronunciation down, though his accent made it sound unholy. He shifted his crouching position to a sitting one.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-02-2017
He listened carefully for his name. "Flatwoods," he repeated. "Well, uh, nice to meet you, Flatwoods," he said, not sure if he could understand him or not. He took a few steps closer, still a bit wary of the creature. Once he sat though he felt a bit more relaxed. If Flatwoods could sit down calmly so could he.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-02-2017
Flatwoods was actually far from comfortable considering the enclosing distance between each other. The scent of Daniel was almost similar to the females in his species, but common sense told him that is not a female and that is just how humans naturally smelled to his kind. He didn't even know if their anatomy was remotely similar. Flatwoods hoped that this species was incapable of smelling pheromones. Flatwoods decided to quit analyzing heat-related topics and try to communicate to better understand this species. "Your claws have much more appendages." He stated awkwardly, pointing to his hand and fingers.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-02-2017
Daniel sat on the ground, and tugged off his pack. He crossed his legs and looked up at Flatwoods. He looked him over, now amazed at what he was seeing. He had only seen those drawings of the creature. Again, not being able to understand Flatwoods as he was speaking in his own language, he tried to look at the signs he made. "These?" He asked, lifting up a hand, wiggling his fingers.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-02-2017
Flatwoods nodded when Daniel pointed to his own hand. "Claw. Your claw has more appendages," He pointed to Daniel's 'extra' fingers, "than I do." He then thought that the word for hand or claw translated to 'these.'
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
gre-y - 09-02-2017
Daniel wigged his fingers again. "Fingers?" He asked, then he looked at Flatwood's clawed hand. He could really hurt somebody with those if he wanted to. He smiled a bit. It was interesting, communicating with Flatwoods.
RE: Closed rp with gre-y -
sillysadass - 09-02-2017
Fingers, fingers. Flatwoods sounded the word out in his head before trying to say it in English. He then said it again, in his language, expecting Daniel to repeat it. This was actually pretty fun, at least with simple words and not diving into grammar. Who knows how diverse the grammar between English and an alien language would be.