A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-07-2018
Even in modern times, there were some that chose to worship the gods that everyone had long forgotten. It was a small village with a dying population that would leave gifts at the altar of fertility gods, including the annual volunteer human sacrifice of a young male virgin or otherwise walking into the sacred temple and offering himself to the gods themselves to be impregnated.
It was Adam's favorite time of year since fucking and impregnating mortals was one of his favorite hobbies. It mattered not what they looked like, but men were most certainly his favorite. Every year he would collect his nervous human sacrifice and quietly lead them back to his quarters.
"Are you scared of me?" The ageless god asked, gently stripping the male before him before rubbing his belly. All it took was a little bit of his power to give him a proper womb, while the other organs painlessly shifted inside him.
"I promise I'll make you feel good~"
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-07-2018
(Could I join?)
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-08-2018
Drew was chosen as the human sacrifice for his village he was both afraid and nervous as he walked into the temple.
He was soon approached by the god Adam before him. He did as he was told and let the god strip him of his clothes when asked if he was afraid he answered “How can I not be afraid or at least nervous since you’re a god?”
He watched as the god gave him a womb he says “If that’s what you want then please make me feel good.”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-09-2018
"Be honest with me; are you a virgin?" Personally, he didn't really care if his sacrifices were or not, but it was important information considering he liked to be fairly rough at times.
With a generous amount of lube applied to his fingers, he slowly slid them inside and began stretching him out, smirking as he found and rubbed his prostate.
"I suppose it's only polite to ask for your name as well."
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-09-2018
Drew answers “I am a virgin I’ve never really don’t anything sexual with anyone before.” As Adam was fingering him he holds back a small moan “My name is Drew and I of course don’t need you to introduce yourself Adam the village likes to talk about you a lot.”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-10-2018
"Well then dear Drew I'm pleased that I get to be your first experience~ Do tell me if I'm ever to rough with you."
Spending several minutes continuing to finger him. Once he had pulled his fingers out he decided to tease him just a bit more by rubbing his cock against his virgin hole before easily sliding in with a soft moan and firmly taking ahold of the mortal's hips as he slowly began his thrusts.
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-10-2018
Drew felt much pleasure as he was finally losing his virginity to a god no less. He felt each thrust at first they hurt a bit, but they soon felt better more pleasurable “You’re amazing at this, but I guess since you have many experiences that you’d be an expert.”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-10-2018
"One of the many perks of being immortal." He said with a chuckle, pleasurably moaning and panting as he increased his pace, soon hitting his prostate dead on while his balls slapped against his ass. He didn't bother touching him elsewhere, as he wanted Drew to only cum from his ass being pounded into.
"You're going to look so sexy carrying my children~" He purred, going deeper as he started dripping precum as the head of his cock was now at the entrance to his womb.
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-10-2018
Drew moaned as Adam went quicker and muttered enough for Adam to hear “Then please fill me with your children.” Drew felt his own erection start to strain “My lord is it alright if I can release as well?”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-11-2018
"I would never deny you such pleasure." Adam moaned, turned on by Drew's slight begging and hoped for more later. "Cum for me and beg for my seed." Grunting in pleasure he pulled out only to slam back into him again and again before moaning as he came directly into his partner's womb for several moments, causing his stomach to slowly swell up as if he was already pregnant.
"How was it?" He then asked, only pulling out of him once he had emptied every drop of sperm inside him.
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-11-2018
Drew cummed on himself when Adam kept slamming into him and he felt the seed go in his newly created womb. Drew looked at the swell in his belly and turned back to Adam “It was heavenly I’ve never felt something as amazing as that.” He asks Adam “So will I be living with you here until I birth your children my lord?”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-11-2018
"You will, but you'll give birth in a matter of hours." All it took was a snap of his fingers for him to use his power to vastly speed up development on Drew's pregnancy, smirking as his stomach grew an inch by the second. "You see the village usually wants around a dozen new babies each year, and I wouldn't dare make anyone bare that many children at once so I'll be impregnating you several times. You may have twins or triplets at a time, but no more unless you beg for it."
Of course, he had eliminated all the usual pregnancy side effects and replaced them with an increase of sex drive. He expected it would only be a matter of minutes before Drew was playing with himself and begging to be fucked while his stomach grew.
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-11-2018
Drew looked at his stomach grow and he can’t help but marvel at the gods power. He felt a kick on his stomach “Wow there really are babies in me.” He then started to feel the urge to masturbate. He penis started to stand high again he moaned out “Oh what is happening why do I feel so hot?”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-11-2018
"Just a normal side effect of me impregnating you." Adam assured, gently sliding two fimgers inside of him before roughly fingering him. "I want to see you play with yourself as well." He instructed, already turned on as well by the sight of Drew's still growing belly.
"If you want my cock back inside you I'm afraid you're going to have to beg and plead for it~"
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-11-2018
Drew did as he asked and started to play with himself and started to beg “Please Lord Adam please fuck me again.”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-11-2018
Smirking Adam removed his fingers and laid down. Grabbing Drew by the hips he effortlessly pulled him onto his lap and onto his stiff cock.
"Ride me like a good little horny breeder you are the."
It was time to see how desperate Drew really was to be satisfied again and again
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-11-2018
Drew began to move up and down the god’s cock repeatedly “This feels amazing I hope I am satisfying you my lord.”
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-12-2018
Moaning as he nodded for a moment he was mainly enjoying the view of Drew happily bouncing up and down on him. Removing his hands he gently rubbed his growing belly that now looked six months pregnant quickly turning into seven with the babies occasionally giving off a gentle kick.
"I do have to wonder if you're other body parts have gotten more sensitive yet." He thought aloud, reaching up to play with his nipples for a few moments.
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
Shadow091 - 09-12-2018
Drew felt some pressure in his nipples when they were touched “Awe man why are those sensitive?” He asked “Am I going to lactate?” Drew continues to push his body up and down the gods member.
RE: A Fertile Sacrifice (Open for one) -
tentaclehell - 09-12-2018
"Eventually, though it seems like its still to soon."
Moaning as his own orgasm was near he returned his hands to firmly gripping his hips as he began to roughly thrust deeper inside of Drew until he hit his prostate.
"I should warn you that if I cum inside you again you'll no doubt give birth to triplets. Is that what you want?"
Seeing his carrier get even bigger was all the more arousing, but given that this was going to be his first time giving birth he wanted to take it easy on him.