Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-02-2019
Name: Aki
Status: Rogue
Species: Mutt (half border collie and half wolf)
One blinding, bright dawn the lone presence of a massively sized wolf arose as he blinked slumber from his eyelids. He roamed the unknown of lands before the sun's scorching rays did. He was restless for another night, letting forth a few huffs of breath leave his mighty lungs. He sighed a few times, his sharp, keen eyes glaring at his surroundings with a burning gaze that could melt stone. He wanted nothing more than to have a plaything to put all of his rage out on or a bone to gnaw on but so far all he had was to walk or run for a while to stay calm and relaxed through the presence of soft silence.
His rages was out because of his weariness because of constantly being on the move. His fur was a pure, bright white and a dark black, darker than sin. "Those idiotic bastards .." He growled beneath his next breath. "They have the nerve to kick me out of my clan .. mine!" He had no idea that soon he would be able to make up a clan of his very own as fate would be in his favor.
(I hope that I did alright?)
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-02-2019
Baja had lost. Once a powerful alpha, with an impressive bloodline, the ivory wolf had lost it all to a proper pure-blooded direwolf.
Baja had been injured in the process, his rear left leg stained with blood and making moving anywhere difficult. But what choice did he have? His peaceful nature had led him to ruin, and yet, he still felt the urge to survive. He would heal, recuperate, then return to his pack to become Alpha once again.
But until then, he would wander.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-02-2019
Aki let forth a few breaths or outbursts of either anger or stress, never wanting to ever be alone in this big, unfamiliar world.
The beast was Aki Blackthorne and he was unaware that he would soon cross paths with the wounded Baja. He yawned from time to time, becoming unaware as to where he would also wander off to. As the sun took it's place in the heavens above he had been at a brisk walk. Life would always be a constant struggle.
He wanted to be able to settle down somewhere safe before the sun set in the west. He wished to have a clan in which to love and adore.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-02-2019
Baja knew of an old cave, or rather, den, far off in the north. It was colder there, with less food available. It was unsuitable for an entire pack, but more than enough for one or two wolves. It was this way he'd begun to travel.
Breathing heavily with exhaustion, Baja limped along, finally laying down beneath a bush to rest. His white fur made it easy to spot him out in the open like this, but Baja was tired and unaware of the wolf approaching his little clearing.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-02-2019
Aki glanced upward, his eyes did a double take as he noticed the sight of white fur in the distance. He tripled his pace, his heart racing a thousand beats a minute through his heavily rising and falling chest. He had not seen another living soul in the silent territory so seeing that made him excited.
Within minutes he silently entered the tiny clearing, sneaking up on the also male wolf but was much too excited to ever simply forget about him. Well .. well .. well .. hello there little mouse." He said with a soft growl like purr. "What is a handsome little thing like you doing outside in such a gloomy territory?"
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-02-2019
At hearing the voice, Baja launches to his feet, snarling loudly in warning to the other wolf.
After a few seconds, the ivory beast calms himself, positioning his body too hide his wounded limb.
"I am simply passing through, away from pack territory. Is there something you would like, friend?" Baja offers, hoping for the interaction to remain peaceful. He could still fight, but his leg would make it much harder than normal, and he had been walking on it for the better part of four or five hours.
And so, he was at a severe disadvantage.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-02-2019
Aki could notice the metallic scent known as blood, a smirk forming on a side of his jaws.
He expressed a chuckle, his massive, broad chest rising and falling with each outburst. "Well yes, there is something that I would like." He stepped forward a step, feeling as though he was strangely turned on even by the presence of Baja's territorial growl. "And that something is you and I would suggest you just lay down and let me take what I want before things become more difficult for you than it already is."
He prepared himself for a fight, his body approaching Baja's own one and asserting his dominance over the other injured dire wolf .. his fluffy tail wagging wildly.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-02-2019
Baja reacts as expected, baring his teeth and snarling viciously. He may be peaceful at heart, but he was raised as a fighter.
Lunging forward, Baja latches onto the larger wolf's thick neck, and thrashes harshly. Releasing quickly, he dodges the others attack, and bites again at the others neck, repeating his motions several times, and wearing down the other with surprising efficiency.
Releasing his jaws from Aki's now bloody neck, Baja leaps back once more. But, having gotten lost in the haze of battle, he landed on his wounded leg, and collapsed immediately as it gave out beneath him.
He attempts to leap up once more, to regain the upper hand, but its already too late.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-03-2019
Aki let forth his own growls, landing a few attacks of his own. He looked at Baja as he glared harshly, baring his sharp teeth.
He also lunged at Baja but to his displeasure he was overpowered. He was also from proud fighter bloodlines. He yelped as his neck was being savagely broken into by the other fighter's teeth. He managed a few bites at the dire wolf's front leg, refusing to let go until the other fighter's stamina was waning.
He was reduced to a blood draining mess of the towering monster that he once was. As if by the hands of fate he gained the upper hand as Baja fell downward. He pounced on Baja who was now his victim, landing a bone crushing latch upon the back of his neck as he was taken down in a matter of minutes.
"Submit .. it will be better for you in the longhaul." He said heavily, huffing as he slowly caught his breath.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-03-2019
Exausted, pinned, and unable to stand even if he tried, Baja gave up. Closing his eyes with a resigned look, he turns his body slightly, exposing his belly as a sign of submission. If he let the healthier, and therefore do whatever it is he wanted, Baja would be able to leave and continue north.
One thing the ivory wolf was proud of, was that despite his injuries he had come close to victory. It proved that no matter what happened, Baja was an alpha through and through.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-03-2019
Aki was also proud of himself, keeping the injured Baja firmly pinned down. He let his tongue lap at his victim's fur covered neck over and over, never leaving Baja's body. He smirked as he saw the submissive show of what was his belly in the specific movement which was upward at him. He smirked, never stopping.
Life was now about gaining his restrained victim, wanting to slaughter him but kept that away. He looked down at his prey, positioning his hips close to Baja's own ones. He then thrusted forward, driving with harsh force his cock inside of him rough over and over. He kept himself pressed against him. Life was this now.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-03-2019
Baja let a loud yelp of surprise and pain, as he attempted to squirm away from the sudden invasion. But with those jaws on his neck, he could go nowhere.
Unable to escape, the once proud alpha continued to yelp loudly, jerking and twitching at every painful thrust.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-03-2019
Aki was the dominant in the violent bonding, his knot swelling as it filled with creamy, snow white sperm. He moaned aloud, not caring if Baja was in agony.
He bit into the neck from time to time, not ever stopping or being gentle. He hummed in desire as his body. He tripled his pace of thrusting, soon spilling forth his seed inside of his depths where the womb would be if he was a female wolf. When he was finished of his vile deed he let forth a single long sigh of relief.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-03-2019
At some point, Baja had managed to wiggle a squirm his way back onto his belly. Not that it did him much good with the wolf above him thrusting madly into a body not meant for it, and jarring the ivory wolf's injured limb each time he did so.
Finally, as Aki finished, Baja whined through his sore throat. The constant yelps had did a number on it. Attempting to stand and pull away to flee, Baja found them locked together with the others knot.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-03-2019
Aki took a time to recover from his frantic thrusting. He panted heavily, wanting to be in the harsh thrusting that such glorious sex made him do but simply laid above Baja heavily upon him. He loved the moments that he was in control. He loved this such time that he had been in. Life was sometimes cruel to endure.
He wanted to always feel this such way, smirking as he tilted his head back with a long, loving howl of underhanded deviousness. "Now .. now we wait until the pups arrive." He got up to his four strong paws, knowing that Baja would not be able to simply arise to to his own four ones. "Now .. follow me." He said simply.
"Nine months and I will give you your life back." He said, feeling the presence of his knot slowly receding in size.
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
BandOfMisfits - 11-03-2019
The second the knot had receded enough, Baja puled away, stumbling fast to put distance between himself and his rapist.
Whirling, Baja snarled once more at the larger wolf. He could survive fine on his own, pups or no, that is if his leg was uninjured. But with his rear leg still bleeding and exhaustion clawing at his mind, he had no choice but to go along with the depraved other canine's wants.
"........lead the way.."
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-03-2019
Aki smirked, feeling as if he would be able to be provided with the pups that he had wanted to be with for so long.
He was not fearful of the growling Baja, simply rolling his eyes in response. "You do not terrify me, dear mouse." He smirked once more like he did a few times before, wanting to be inside of his victim but knew that he would get to do a few times later. He noticed the victim's wounded leg, knowing that was a plus.
"Very well." He said happily, his tail wagging as if he were a wide eyed pup or a child in a candy store. "I saw a cave up here so we have a place to call home." He said with a smile, turning and beginning to trek up a hill and then entering the cave that was cold as ice but was able to be away from the elements outside.
(I am enjoying our roleplay. Am I doing alright so far? you are doing excellently.)
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SonicAnon - 11-06-2019
(Is it too late to join in on this?)
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SilentFeather - 11-06-2019
(It is a closed roleplay between me and my friend. Sorry.)
RE: Fur and claws. (Closed with BandOfMisfits.) -
SonicAnon - 11-07-2019
(11-06-2019, 04:50 PM)Torn Wrote: (It is a closed roleplay between me and my friend. Sorry.)
(Ah, my bad. I'll still enjoy reading as you two Rp, I like the story you've got going)