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The Labors of Sir Justin - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Sir Justin stood facing the skinless man known as the Reaper. It was the only name and it was whispered in hushed terms throughout the kingdoms. There were rumors he was aligned with the young king Blackthorne but that was all Justin knew. It was rumor.
The Reaper had made many forays against King Alric’s kingdom but Sir Justin had stopped them all thus far. This would serve to only enrage the Reaper.
Justin looked at his enemy hoping to bait him into attacking him so that Justin could finally end this threat. But usually the Reaper escaped to plan again.
Justin spoke “ You have tried for years and still the same result. This kingdom will never be yours as long as I defend it” He stared into the Reaper’s fiery red eyes hoping to goad him into making a mistake.
The darkened skin and eyes of evil stared back at Justin. Any lesser man might have quivered at the sight but not Justin.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The mighty Reaper easily towered over Sir Justin, baring his pearly whites to him like a feral wolf when cornered. The legend that was spoken from fearful lips was the ultimate terror to innocent children in the two Kingdoms. "Ha! .. ha! .. ha! .. ha! you foolish mortal .. you dare challenge me!" he threw back his head, letting a cackle leave where there would be lips. "You are no match for me .. no human is .. I have taken down more like you in both the past, present and I will in the future as well!" He stepped toward his opponent, never stopping for even a single minute.  He did not know that the smaller man had strength beyond any other humans. He kept his bright, scarlet red eyes on Justin, never glancing away. Never ever. In a swift flash he approached with a roar that seemed to be from the mouth of lions as he sprinted toward him, swinging his massive, trusty scythe toward Sir Justin. The battle is on.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Sir Justin smiled a little. The Reaper had never engaged in physical battle before. Relying more on others or his arcane knowledge of sorcery.
Justin deftly stepped aside the attack and used his sword to slice across the torso of the Reaper. It was a small success sure but Justin had ensured his blade had spells put on it to allow him to kill this vile creature. A lesson that the Reaper now understood from the howl of pain coming from his lips.
“Your reign of terror is over foul creature. Submit now or lose your life”. Justin knew he had to distract so that the Reaper would think of escaping.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The Reaper staggered backward a step and held his wound, his ghostly eyes held no mercy. He was a beast, a brute who originated from hell itself. He did not know of the word "submit". He growled loudly, approaching in the same way but in a much more different angle. He did not bleed from the wound but he still was cursed with feeling the sensation of pain and agony and right now it made him felt much more than anything. He may have not been a person in spirit but he was a thousand times more eager to cause his opponent to suffer and bleed through his attacks. He loved the awful stench of death, it was all he knew in his permanent stay in the underworld but he was banished to the human realm.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

The howl told Justin what he wanted to know. The creature was hurt and now would be the time to finish the job. The beast chuckled a little.
“Do you find your impending death funny? I will find it satisfying to end your reign of terror”.
Justin moved towards the creature safely. Because even though it was injured it made it even more dangerous.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The Reaper continued to growl, trying his very hardest to defeat the annoying human. "Cockiness just might get you slaughtered, little mouse." He chuckled once again. Take your last breaths and pray to your idols because you are going to be with them soon." He said, a piercing glare shone in his eyeball less eyes. He smirked, feeling as if he was emerging closer and closer to a victory .. even one successful attack. He desired to stab, cut into his chest and feast upon his slowly dying heart while watching Justin slowly pass away from the earthly realm and ascend into heaven (wherever that realm was). He walked, circling around the arrogant human who was unknown to him by name. He wanted to be the victorious opponent.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Justin could see the Reaper was moving his lips. Possibly some kind of spell, probably to escape if this goes bad.
The reapers spells wouldn’t necessarily work on Justin as long as he had his sword. The beast came closer and Justin struck again injuring the Reaper who grabbed him. One of its claws pushing him against the wall. One of its claws over Justin’s lower torso the other ready to strike.
The beast bared a smile

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The Reaper had smirked blissfully, keeping the knight from him before scratching his enemy once upon his chest. He tried his very hardest to knock the sword from Justin's hands. He did not care of anything more than causing instant death to him, licking his sharp fang like teeth with a rotting, black colored tongue that was putrid and bacteria covered. The stench of decay lingered heavily in the air. "Any last words human, this is where you beg for me to spare your pitiful life." He said with humor in his deep, emotionless, monotone voice. He loved it when his victims were so close to death itself. He smirked wider as his other claw went to try to rip out his opponent's heart out of his rising and falling chest.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Justin braced his back against the wall ignoring the scratch to his chest. He lifted a leg to push the foul creature back away from him. This stunned the Reaper who was a few steps away. Justin took the opportunity to plunge the sword into the creature’s belly.
Justin smiled as the creature lay down. Justin prepared the killing blow.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The Reaper snarled loudly, trying to bite Sir Justin in the sides or front of the neck or arms but fell as he was harshly kicked back. He strived to be strong as many creatures of predator bloodlines tried to do when being brought down. "This is not over, mortal! it is far from it!" He shouted to Justin and then spoke of a spell to do and within minutes he was gone in a cloud of black fluttering winged crows and it was the only thing left as the creature disappeared, it was as if the birds were created from death itself. He craved blood on his decomposing tongue, wanting to feast upon Justin's flesh and absorb his youth and energy but he could hunt that human at a later time but as for now he went to the sorcerer to be healed of his painful wounds.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Justin was not happy that the creature escaped once again but was relieved that the threat for the time being was over. King Alric was grateful as always. The wound was not severe and he’d shortly head to the tavern to celebrate as he always did by himself.
He did have a feeling that he was being watched but wrote that off to the fight and the smell of birds

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The Reaper found himself in his King's castle, mentally sighing in relief as he was safe for a time. He kneeled down to the sorcerer's height as he felt him slowly heal his wounds to brand new. The sorcerer's patient was grateful as always but knew that something about the Reaper was wrong, he was not supposed to be vulnerable to attacks from a human, nor was he supposed to be on Earth's upper level. He was meant to be a hell dweller, not where the humans could challenge and beat him just as Sir Justin did. "Humans .. bah!" He mumbled beneath his false breaths. He knew that he was not born from a human woman or man, he was created from lava, fire and wildfires. "How did a land dweller defeat me! .. I am losing my touch!"

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Sir Justin knew he had to be vigilant as the Reaper could attack again. He had rumors of a sorcerer that used the Reaper to get things done that he didn’t want to sully his hands with. However, no one knew who he or she was that kept the Reaper on a tight leash. Perhaps Justin would need to track down this mysterious sorcerer.
But right now he would head for the tavern. A few pints of mead always went down well after a victory in battle. Justin couldn’t shake the fact that he was being watched but again summed it up to the rush after battle.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The Reaper descended to hell for a while to slowly heal of his unfortunately painful wounds. He wished that he could rule over the humans as he did in Hades with the tormented souls. He stayed out of the way to regain his strength and be prepared to battle that pitiful human until he was nothing but a bloody mass of bruises and open gashes from his scythe. He closed his claws, clenching them into fists that had shaken. That human had made him a nervous wreck of a predator. He wanted to make sure that his opponent was to be past death the next time he would be in the heat of battle with. He adored and love battles, especially when he was a part of it.  

Silently, the sorcerer that was of the Reaper's healer had been sent out to watch Sir Justin, staying silent as he did so. He was to teach the knight a valuable lesson. He whispered as quietly as he could, speaking of a spell which could turn males into females.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Sir Justin entered the tavern as he always did. He found his way to a table in the corner where he wouldn’t be disturbed. While he enjoyed battle, he did not care for the company of people in large groups. Keeping to a close circle of comrades, some long passed.
He eyed the tavern always on the lookout for anything out of place. A redhead came over to his table. Justin ordered a mead and asked “you’re new here. I’ve not seen you before”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The sorcerer had hid her true identity as she had abducted and knocked out the girl. Once successful she easily changed her identity as the girl's own one. The sorcerer had light, long, bright red hair, bright grass green eyes like that of a sunny day and soft, pink lips that seemed to be begging to be kissed upon. "I just moved into town, my name is Samantha. What is yours?" She hoped to have stayed in human like conversation as much as she could. She was careful of the movements of her body as well as her voice and it's tone when chatting. When the waiter returned to the table with a full mug of mead she gave it to Justin and then let Samantha ordered which she had answered. "I would love to have mead as well,thank you."

The woman walked away but not before smiling at Samantha in a friendly gesture.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Justin stuttered “would you like to sit down? My name is Sir Justin and I am a knight in the king’s service.”
“What brings you to this part of the kingdom Samantha?”

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

The sorcerer who was now known as Samantha smiled, reeling Justin in with sensual movements which seemed to be of friendly. "I am a wanderer, I guess I stumbled into this location for a place to lay my head for a while." She put her arms on the table, using a hand to gently place a stay hair behind her ear where it was meant to be. Softly he hummed with the lightly playing tune that a band had played. She knew that by the end of this night that she would be able to lure the knight into her clutches and be forced to carry a child.

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - Cmull45965 - 04-07-2020

Justin and Samantha both order another mead. They talk a little bit more. Midway through drinking his second pint Sir Justin gets up and excuses himself mentioning he has to relieve himself. He gets up and leaves his glass half filled with mead.
He thinks to himself that Samantha is beautiful but quickly throws out those thoughts as his life is for the kingdom and not to be a family man

RE: The Labors of Sir Justin (closed with Torn) - SilentFeather - 04-07-2020

Samantha the sorcerer nodded and then watched as the knight walked off to as he said "relieve" himself, staying at the table for a minute or so before getting up. She was about to make a daring move and had smirked, strolling over to the restroom. She soon saw Justin and had smirked at him, looking into his eyes as she sensually walked over to him. She waited until Justin went to speak something and gently placed a finger to his lips and softly said. "Shhh ... I know you desire this." She leaned in and whispered in his ear, soon pulling her head away from it. He smiled up at him, wanting to explore sexually with the handsome knight till she couldn't any further.