Dark times -
Rain - 11-24-2023
With irritation, Vale, closed the wooden shutters of his apothecary shop,leaving the room in almost complete darkness except by a dwindling candle burning in his working table were fresh herbs and his old pestle and mortar still held remians of a healing salve for minor burns he had been working on to restock his supply for the shop.
Sometimes Vale got frustrated and irritanted by the large flow of people in the streets. The town had a large population, dark elves villages were always packed to the brim for the land they could settle in was sacarse. That meant dark elf settlements never became more than slums were poverty and misery where at the order of the day.
With all that talking and buzzing, he could hardly concentrate on what was trully important to him : his whitchcraft and use of natural potions. With this he meant the use of real magic, like bidding a lesser being to do his will by using blood control, or making the dead walk just because he was capable of doing so. Yet, he was stuck making salves and ointments to ease the pain of old bones, burns or any mild ailment thanks to the regime placed by the light elves. It was funny they had taken over,they were so scared of magic, yet claimed to have the moral highground in the discusion regarding magic, or black magic as they would name it.
Now that he had made all costumers leave and had everything closed, perhaps he could...engage in his dark arts a little. Just a moment to get that feeling rushing through his body. His hand hesitsted over the locked drawer where he kept one of his magic books, yet even with a closed shop, it was still the afternoon and any sign or odor could give him away in case a traitor decided to tattletale on him in exchange for a few coins, just enough to buy a loaf of hard bread to eat something.
Drops of sweat ran down his forehead, making his light mauve skin glisten in the candle light. His eyes were a icy violet color and his gaze was a indication he was older than what his body actually showed.he had black raven hair he kept long and tidy usually in a pony tail as he worked. He reached for the silver key in his poket, to open the drawer when he sensed disturbance in the backshop.
Vale quickly stood apart from the drawer as if he had been burned by a scorching metal and hid the key in the deepest side of his pocket. "Go away! Its closed!" he called angrily as he tried to cover his own fear that maybe someone had known his intentions on practicing some old dark magic and had warned the light authorities. He would be taken and beheaded just by the mere attempt of casting magic.
His heart settled as he recognized the figure walking now through his wooden shelves. He even felt stupid for it was a beloved figure. "I will say it again, its closed. Can't you light elves read?" he asked, yet his tone was playful and gone was the initial threat of his tone. Life and destiny were peculiar. No matter how much he hated light elves and what they stood for, he had ended falling in love with a member of such a pathetic race. His lover was a exception though, he was the only light elf he tolerated (he would never admit he was the only he had actually met) "I was expecting you at midnight" he said wondering what was up. His beloved came at dead times of night where no one would notice a diplomat walking through the darkest parts of the slums. Sometimes he had been the one to make the pilgrimage to the best side of town where his lover resides, yet it was tougher for him to slid unnoticed as a diplomat had men to his service and soldiers to keep him safe from the "dark savages".
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-24-2023
Halcron Desperatta Helix l strolled through the lands of Eternal darkness as the first signs of dusk took command of the skies above, his face was concealed, hidden by a thick coal black hood of a caped addition to his dapper ensamble which casted in an even darker shade of it as he advanced at swift pace upon his identical, graceful but within place coal black leather footed heels. He kept to the shadows and dark alleys of the seedy underbelly. He soon found himself upon the Apothecary shop, exhaling forth a soft sigh in relief which casted his very breath as a billowing of mist as he noticed that it was still open and in business for the upcoming night. It was a cold Winter night in the Deadlands and he was shivering.
Hesitantly, he reached up, steeling his nerves before opening the shop's only means of entrance with a dainty but glove clad hand the right one of course because it was dominant traited in his family-lineage, venturing inside with the grace a thousand demons would give their very souls to possess even a singleness of a glance upon. He wished to express a wince at the harshness of Vale's tone but knew that he was probably simply engaging in his interest of dark arted hobbies to pass the time as usual, something he often indulged in whenever the sun descended and all departed to slumber. It was a well guarded secret and was kept as such by both lovers.
He kept his posture rigid straight as all Light elves were groomed to do from childhood, lifting a hand to his Dark elf partner's perfect ear and tracing the outline of it with his fingertips ever so gently as he admired the other male's raw power coursing through him upon mereness of touch, sensing a strangeness to cower from such a sensation but stimpy, he remained still. Halcron had long locks of flowing hair which cascaded to the middle of his strong yet femenine backside, shaded a bright blinding slate white as pure as the driven snow itself, he also possessed banged extensions that were rested at the sides of his temples, adding a formality of innocente appearance to him. perhaps even that of brighter unknown of tones. He stood at a short 5'5, greatly dwarfed but the Elder Dark elf, yet not feeling all the bit at all intimidated by an immaturity in height, he was wearing a corsetted robe, a bright white and gold as all Light elves were permitted to wear, hidden by the adornment of a large hooded cape he concealed such within.
"V-Vale? .. I am .. a-aware of my meeting you upon the midnight hour .. but I, well I .. I just .. needed you tonight. More .. than I ever have." He spoke softly, pausing his words mid sentence to swallow down the lump of emotion lodged within the depths of his throat. He wanted to speak but all that came forth was a pathetic keening whimper, approaching a step closer, boldly. His heart clenched within the confines of his heaving chest, it's pace drastically racing, causing his very breaths to stutter and become sputter like, kind of as if he were trying to remain in a race even past the threshold of exhaustion.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-24-2023
Vale was forced to blink to get used to the light that flowed naturally from Halcron's body. Such light and purity often made a deep contrast not only to his mauve skin, but to the dark gray and dusty streets that made his town. He let out a sigh as his lover caress his ear with such afection. His eyes took a darker shade as lust began tint his gaze. Desire might pulse through his veins with ease, yet he was also careful when it came to his relationship with Halcron and he was aware the door even if closed, it remained unlocked still and any curious bystander could walk upon them, and that would be end of everything . That made Vale remain primely unfazed under the attention of his life partner, even if he could tell something was different tonight.
Vale listened attentively, but in silence and made a gesture for Halcron to speak lower. Other shop owners were still working at either side next door and could easily hear them if they decided just to lean over a bit to the side of his walls. He took the delicate pale hand of his lover. By doing so he got a wift of a very sweet and plesant smell from Halcron. Was it a new cologne? Light elves would often spend in such nonesense luxuries. Still holding and guiding his lover by the hand he went to lock the entrance with his key to make sure no one would interrupt them. By then, the candle that had been lightning up the shop had drowned down and they were in complete darkness " I know you fear darkness by nature, but I'm here with you. Lets go up to our rooms so you can tell me more of what is going on my love" he whispered to Halcron's ear as he lead the way for them up, to the adjoining loft where he lived.
Perhaps he was being too indulgent in calling such a poor lodging theirs. He had seen and stayed at Halcron's home enough times to know what the light elf was used to. His loft seemed more like a rat's nest in comparison, even if it was kept clean and tidy. Being poor was not excuse to be miserable and even if it was something as humble as his loft, he would share it gladly with his life partner.
The loft held an old canopy bed. Its curtains had seen better days and their royal blue shade had faded away with time. The sheets had been changed earlier that morning in preparation to Halcron's arrival. Vale always tried to have the best he owned out when his life partner would come to him "Take a seat...You're almost shivering" he said hoping the current state of his love was not caused by someone following him. He eased the light elf to take a seat on the bed as he went to light the candles to allow the light elf to see, as he knew their eye sight was poor in darkness.
As the candels began to burn and lit up, the beautiful presence of Halcron seemed odd and out of place in his rooms. "Here, drink some. I have been saving my best wine for you" he said pouring him a cup from a earthenware jug. "got it as payment for helping old Mrs. Merryweather from her rheumatic pain" he said sitting in the spot next to him and silently tilting the cape off his lover's head to have a good look at him. "no one followed you, did they?" he asked softly now letting himself be the one to explore and trace the feminine and delicate features of the elf before him.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-24-2023
Halcron tuned into his Dark elf partner's hushed words, letting his own dwindle to a fleetingness of soft whisper like tones that were exchanged between just him and his Beloved. No one else was included, nor did they need to be. Vale was all that was needed, loved, of interest and highly adored of, as well as held with the highest regard that set him apart from the Dark ones he usually met. While the other Dark ones were rather calculated, cold and virtually devoid of emotion, depthless voiced and Hollow souled it seemed that Vale added a glimmer of spark to his rather drab, dull, shadeless world.
Around Vale, Halcron viewed things in an entirely different frame of view, made him witness that his life held value and that love, well love could not be chosen for him. It could only be defined by truth an not built on lies and deceit. Vale was different, he was made of sin itself to the Divinities but to Halcron, well, he was the very essence of light personified, regardless of the appearance of devoidance in his flesh color and the unusualness of his eyes which were all the while bewitching to say the least. To Halcron, Vale's differences only enhanced his beauty and rather, his sense of untamed curiosity.
As his hand was touched he felt a scorching heat rise to the surface, his cheeks that is, causing him to softly gasp, stifling the blurt-like outburst with that of a sharp canine that would remind anyone of an immortal life gifted vampire. He spoke in a gentle tone, yet his breathing was a bit hitched by the scent of his Dark elf partner's sultry tongued voice speaking into the ear that was closest to reach, the same one which was delightfully pointed at the tip, the same detailing that all light elves shared by genetics and passed on ancient bloodlines. "Y-Yes my Beloved .. m-my Kind does not dwell well in .. d-darkness. And thank you for being here to guide me, my fears become quite much to bear a-at t-times and I .. well I .."
His eyes were an unnaturlly aqua hue, possessing no pupils, just an endless sea of blue that knew bottomless depths. He had a strong mustrust for the dark but a stronger attraction for Vale so he trusted him truly, wholefully, wholesomely, being soothed by him and closing his eyes as the shadows grew in intensity, engulfing them both of them in darkness upon morphing into one complete thick entity around them, seeming to swallow them up.
He whimpered softly, quivering against him as he stayed close, only to struggle and falter from time to time, he noticed the adjoining loft, becoming amazed by such a slight space, every detail was to his liking, never miniscule nor overexaggerated in appearance, just simple and easy to understand. He loved it. As he was permitted to take a seat he did so, and even though his race basically were rule givers he was set apart from them by doing so.
He was hungering and quite drought-tongued during his stay there in the Forbidden Lands, but he made the very best of an awful situation, and when Vale offered to share a cup of wine with him he nearly sobbed, simply feeling a few tears slip free and escape, streaming down his face in an endless river beneath the hood. "N-Not likely .. I kept to the shadows and alleyways as best I could. I made sure no-one followed me, my Dark Divine." He did not mean to but he glanced away, trying to hide his shamefully tearful eyes.
Something was bothering him but he did not wish to brood, nor dwell on such a matter. Neither wanted to dampen his beloved's positively infectious mood by his sourness.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-24-2023
Vale was confused. There was no other way to define it, he had never seen his beloved like this. Surely he had been the one to coax and make a move to entice a being of light to not only dwell in darkness but to become one with it whenever they were intimate. During all those times his partner had proven to be the shy one of the two or the one to maybe feel afraid of comiting a crime and sin by being together.
Vale had known that starting a relationship with one of the ruler kind was foolish and thoughtless for it could only end badly for both, and specially for him. Yet how he could stay away from Halcron? He made his heart beat like nothing else, and even facing mortal peril every time they meet, being with the light elf was the sole thing that brought any meaning to his life these days when everything else was dull and cruel.
Once he offered the wine, that was not the reaction he was hoping and his face fell in worry. He reached for his lover, and held his hand once more, his fingers shifting and going up to his wrist for a moment to feel his pulse. It was uneven "Halcron... What is it my dear? What causes such anguish? I trust you and know you must have been careful when coming here even if some day light still remians, so it must be something else bothering you. Tell me my love, if anyone is causing you pain, I will make sure they burn in the darkest pits of hell" he noticed the tears and gently removed his lover's hood. He then used his free thumb to brush Halcron's years away and guided the hand he was already holding of his lover to his own chest, just right over his heart so Halcron could feel it and hopefully calm down feeling his heart beating calmly. "So tell me, who I need to find and kill?" he asked so sure someone had been bothering Halcron. His violet eyes took a redish hue showcasing he felt deep hathred at the thought of someone causing harm to his beloved.
He leaned in slowly to allow time for Halcron to move if he so wished for, with intentions of kissing his forehead "would it help you more to feel my pulse over mh neck?" he asked. He always comforted with body contact, he needed to feel the other phisically to try and make things better.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcron took a breath inwardly, feeling his Etheral facial features morph, contorting to a slight wincing expression as his scorched lungs flared up as if a wicked candle being lit by the mere spark of a match. He felt his eyes burn, burdened by a rainstorm of tears, and as much as he tried, and by his damndest he tried his hardest but it seemed as though it would never end. He began trying to speak but yet his breathing refused to stabiize, further causing him distressing levels. He coughed softly, seeming to have a feverish temperature to his flesh, it was pale but Vale missed one crucial, and rather critical fact, Halcron was slowly becoming ill, having snuck from the Heavenly lands and had decided to join his true love, his Dark elf.
"V-Vale .. I .. I ... have to c-confess to you s-something .. something rather dark .. I .." He did his best to speak but yet his voice as well as his words were forced, feeling himself in a race to control his thoughts, he wanted to be close as he could to his Beloved, his Vale but another ragged cough caught him off guard and caused another fit of unfamiliar coughing, followed by lengths of uncomfortable quivering that seized his body like a vice.
He clutched the clothing adorning Vale's chest, grunting, groaning and closing his eyes as he tried shaking his head to clear his fuzzed over mentality and vision. "V..Vale .. y-you must .. i-it .. hurts .." He did not let Vale acknowledge that he was pregnant and that he was raped by another Dark elf. He tried to control himself but was caught off guard by a rough, unholy pummeling kick like movement that stretched and raised the flesh of his hidden swell of a belly beneath the large robe he wore.
He focused on Vale's heartbeat thudding ever so gently against his hand, staring at it, then up at Vale himself, gazing into his eyes. "I have something to confess to you .. something urgent .. before it is t-too late .. please .. please do not despise me upon a reveal of confession of such sort, I was not given a c-choice .." He said between strained yet whisper-toned grunts as his stomach began to shift with contortments of movement.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
Vale was growing in worry with every moment. It was just not uniseness and fear but something bigger, more horryfing going on with his lover. He felt his heart begin to break to see Halcron in such a state and his body tensed in expectation to what the truth would be. He reached to stroke and trace the angel like features and comb the soft light hair of his lover to reassure him physically he was there.
He didn't hesitate to pull Halcron into his lap and hug him close before he began to cough. It was only then that he noticed sickness, vile sickness in his lover's frame. He rubbed softly Halcron's back as he shivered and cough to ease him down and calm him as much as he could "Its okay, whatever it is we will figure it out together. I was not laying when I said I love you. I will always do" he assured him looking o those clear blue eyes of Halcron so he knew he was dead serius "Are you... Mortally Ill?" he asked fearing the worst.
His frown increased. Not angry at his life mate, but angry as it dawned on him what was the dark secret his beloved was trying to confess. "Where it hurts? Show me..." he said almost in a whisper. His long fingers grazed over the swell and he knew then and knew Halcron wouldn't be this upset if their union in sexual intercurse had caused this. Perhaps his instict was to go and kill who ever did this, but he would do that later. He would take care of the love of his life first. "Im not angry at you, Im angry to the despicable man who did this" he said and kissed his forehead.
"I need to examine you Halcron. I know you're scared but I need to evaluate your state of health right now. And dont worry. Im here, whatever you choose Im here, Ill say its mine if you whish to keep it" he said gently stroking his beloved's back "my love... Im so sorry this happened, I should have been there, kept you safe" he said feeling utterly guilty.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcron's graceful face became an expression of wincing once more, dreading what was to upcome. He nodded softly, sniffling softly with a keening whimper beneath each as he lays down on his side to somehow hopefully relieve the tension radiating within his feeble hipbones, his back responding with shockwaves of agonizing twinges which caused him further torment.
He sighed shakily, his outward directed breath becoming of a gentle shudder. He swallowed as his Dark one's lengthy fingers remained against his gargantuan swell, resting against the scorched flesh which seemed much more hotter in temperature than normal. Halcron was severely feverish, sweat drenched beneath his clothing and was damp to the touch with clammy, paling more than usual color of skin.
He whimpered as his Beloved stated he facts that he needed to examine him further, cringing and cowering away a bit as if he was to be punished. He knew his lover would never hurt him but he had never experienced a touch other than outside of his clothing before. And because he was heavily wounded and substained of damage in the form of fresh dark shaded bruising, deep cuts, gaping injuries internally and scars of mental natured as well as emotional he was surprised that he made it this far without succumbing to Death's clutches itself. "I .. n-no! no please! it is no trouble. I am alright .. really, I assure you! I just need to walk it off .. I am alright .. I p-promise .." He stuttered, cowering further away from the only one he loved and admired even though he knew he was only trying to help.
"Oh yes .. Heaven-sent .. remember? aheh .. yes." He muttered to himself, rolling his eyes and engaging with a bit of humor to himself, not aware he was speaking aloud for a moment of time.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
It was clear now his life mate was hurt and in deep pain and above all scared, even of him. Vale was one to taunt and seduce but when alone he had remaimed always gentle to the smaller elf.
"Walk it off? You're burning up my love." he said yet not forcing his touch as Halcron physically tried to move away from him visibly scared. He stood up and searched his drawers for clean linen or towels. He found an off assemble of both and got them all out. He always kept a basin of fresh water to clean his face after waking up and submerged the linen cloths in the cold water before returning to his sick lover.
"Halcron, don't you trust me? Have we not been defying gods and laws for many months now together? I need to examine your body... I dont want to loose you," he said as he gently got closer as you would approach an injured deer. As he got closer he placed the wet cloths over Halcron's forehead to begin to cool him and bring his fever down." I now understand you're pregnant, please let me see? I wont think any different of you" he said hoping he would allow him to undress him. He was unsure if his mate was sick from pregnancy or if it was actual birth. He was inclining for the second one by how pale his lover was becoming "being on your back must hurt, lets get you on your side love" he said trying to get his lover settled, he snaked an arm around him being as respectful he could and touching as less as he could till he had Halcron's express permission to touch and examine him. "youre about to have the child, arent you?" he asked softly needing yo know to prepare for it.
Vale was confused on how Halcron could have kept this from him for so long. More likely his lover had been taken before they even got together and he had been an idiot for not noticing." Wait a minute... You've been using magic to hide it, haven't you?" he allowed himself to smile for he had been his teacher and he felt a tinge of profe "I give it you, I never knew or would have thought it... Yet you could have told me. My reaction would have been the same" he said.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcron felt as though he were wounded prey, seeming to become that of which he highly despised, a Divinity. He wished he were a Dark elf, perhaps he would have been much more gifted with bravery then. When he went to try protesting he was caught up, stumbling from the path of correct breathing and led astray by a more violent, volatile round of rough, coughing that caused forth a slight vomiting of smidgen but noticeable droplets of blood which brought forth a whimper and his eyes to widen upon seeing the stain in the palm of his dainty hand, staring at it, stunned, numb, shaking beyond control.
He spoke softly, his eyes rose, slowly fading from an innocent blue and becoming more of a unnatural, murky grey as his mood changed, becoming strangely calm, docile even, he lowered his body, remaining upon his side once helped to it, simply gasping sharply but slightly as he was adjusted to a more comfortable destined area of position upon the bedding.
When the topic of how he hid the pregnancy for so long he expressed a slight smirk, it was not quite there but it was nonetheless. Truly it was. "Y-Yes my Dark one, I .. have .. and you are so very kind. I .. did not intend to conceal such things from you but it did not seem .. very much of concern .. well .. not at first .. aheh .. but yes .." He breathed in then out as he gently panted, focusing on the fussy babe as it began squirming, causing the father to clutch his Dark one's arm, right above the wrist, emitting a slight groaning as he struggled not to bear down at any circumstances. "My Beloved .. y-you must .. h-hurry .. ughnn! .. the babe .. it is close to emerging .. I can sense it .." He strained his voice between grunts, pulling Vale close so they were face to face, his eyes growing darker gray.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
Vale didnt liked the sight of blood in his spit. That could be cause by internal bleeding or something going wrong with the birth and unborn babe.
Vale got to work quickly, even so not missing how his lover faintly smiled while confessing on dwelling in dark arts all these months just to keep the pregnancy a secret. "is the father a dark or light elf?" he asked for light elves needed to be born in the presense of light, while dark elves in pitch darkness. Vale never imagined undressing his love under these circumstances for the first time, but right now all his energy was focused on aiding him through the birth "You're weak..." he left out the words were he said he feared to loose him in the birthing bed.
Vale was a dark mágician and he would never let his love be in any danger. He didnt hesitate to cut his own hand with a knife, he then let droplets of blood fall into Halcron's hand as he chanted an ancient spell he had memorized "now my life is tied to yours, and my vital energy is all yours" he said looking into eyes of his lover that had now turned dark gray.
As Halcron laid on his side, he bengan to undress him, rapidly but with kindness. He took out the cloak, gown and corsette and had to get a grip on himself to not shout in anger upon seeing the multiple injuries his lover ported. Halcron looked so small compared to the large belly he ported. "can you raise your hips for a second? I need to get the undergarments removed as well my love." he said and waited for Halcron to slightly push down the garments and leave fully naked his now laboring lover.
Vale's eyes were burning red, using blood magic to heal his lover and give him enough vital energy to survive the impending birth." Your water has yet to brake, we have about enough time to settle you safely" he said as he covered the hand he had cut with linnen to procede to examine the light elf. He tried to warm his hands before touching the naked skin, but Halcron's temperature was higher due to being in labor "Im checking on the child, to see where it's positioned" he said as his hands pressed gently the lower abdomen in search of the baby's head. He found it to be already engaged over the pubic bone surely causing discomfort and pain to Halcron "my love... I need to check on your dilation too, is that okay with you?" he asked knowing that would leave his lover in a very vulnerable position.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcon remained still, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, only opening such only when the damp-soaked through fabric of his cloak, gown and corsette were all removed and discarded away from sight.
His body was petite, overshadowed and dwarfed by his gargantuan swell and heavily heaving sides. His once there pecs were now luciously tantizingly, spherically round as breasts would ever be on a woman. He had a penis but it was not as large and was half way but still well endowed to say the least. He struggled with arousal as it slightly sprang to life and twitched slightly from time to time which made it's owner brush a dark rose red, being a reveal of his embarrassment in trying to control himself but failing in that such aspect.
He nodded and reached down with a shaky hand, lifting his hips with a gentle, quiet groaning as they began to twinge and protest with creaky joints, he grunted with effort as he began to slowly remove his undergarment of gold and white ceremonial silk, discarded the fabric beside the bed and tensed up, clenching his rear cheeks together as he felt a strange stirring and pressure within them, nodding with great hesitance as he nodded and reluctantly agreed to be checked by his Beloved Vale, his Dark one. "Please .. assist me. I .. I cannot move much on my own .." He said softly, feebly.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
Vale felt himself loose his breath at the sight of the naked body of his lover. As his magic healed him, he could see the beuty in it, even while pregnant and in the midsts of child birth. His eyes flashed dark for even in the mist of emergency he felt desire and lust for his sweet light elf. His eyes took in the more femenine chest, by how puffy and swollen it looked, he was sure that Halcron would be able to nurse the baby upon delivery.
Vale then proceded to prop up his lover wkfj the few pillows and cushions he had in the room to try and make him as comfortable as he could. He also placed a towel below his llver's nethers so the matress would keep clean from the natural fluids that would emerge during the breaking of the waters and natural fluids that came with birth.
"its totally natural for you to be.. Erect. The baby is causing pressure" he brushed thr member with his fingers in hopes of aiding to his pain by stimulating a more pleasant feeling.
"Im goona raise one of your legs now my love, you can rest it over my shoulder so you dont tire out... And you're about to feel my fingers. I need you to take deep breaths and keep as relaxed as you can so me examining you, doesn't ends up harming you". To Vale it felt unnatural to see such a petite and delicate being be left with such a large pregnancy and have to go through the pains and labor of birth.
His fingers first palped the anal opening testing the muscles' loosenessbefore letting two fingers slid in. He found the cavity naturally lubed and completely wet "breathe... Easy now its just me my love, its just me touching you" he whispered to make sure the examination was not violent or trigered a bad mwmory. He placed a loving kiss on his lover's inner thigh in a show of jtter acfection and recognition of how beautiful he was. "I know its not the best time... But you look beautiful Halcron. You're more perfect than what my imagination could ever muster"
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcron expressed a gentle but all the gracious of a smile as his back and hips were supported by soft yet durably firm pillows and cushions that were readily available on hand. "T-Thank you for supporting my back and hips, they seem to give me the most discomforting twinges."
He lifted his hips once more, guietly groaning as he simply remained a bit above the mattress bedding a mereness of inch, providing the ample space necessary for Vale to place a clean towel beneath his slightly twitching nethers, gently lowering them once he was finished with his task.
As his sweat glistened, slowly erecting cock was touched he gasped, bucking his hips in time with Vale's connecting fingertips against the such scorch, long touched starved flesh which caused a chain of reaction, basically making his penis solidify as if stone itself. 'E-E-Erect? .. oh? .. w-what is that word?" He asked with high curiosity, breathing in and out awkwardly for a minute or so in accordance to Vale's techniqueing Lamazing of him, only tensing up with a hitching of next breath as his anal entrance was prepped and scanned by manual examining of skilled fingers that seemed to know what they were doing. He responded by arching his back, letting forth a mewl like moan that seemed to take him by much surprise. "Mmhhh .. t-that feels .. r-relaxing .. c-can you d-do that a-again, please .. pleaseee .. ughhhnn! .."
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
Vale felt utter relief to see his lover more responsive and a bit calmer. It was clear that now their vital life was interwined for the time being, Halcron was in a better health state. He could feel himself get weak and his vision became blurry for a moment. He blinked a few times and his vision returned to normality "You don't have to thank me my love, and they are indeed a bit swollen, yet it's normal in your current state" he said thinking he should put some water to boil and create cloth compreses to help with the hip and back pain the delicate light elf was enduring.
The full and heaving belly and the quick examination to the child allowed him to know the babe would be of a good weight. His medical eye also noticed how beautifuly Halcron could withstand and carry a pregnancy even if being a male. He had wider hips, that allowed for a baby to grow in his womb, and the perky breasts were just calling to him for him to touch them. With inmense self control Vale made sure to not let his mind wander as he discovered the marvellous body his life partner had been hiding all this time.
"You don't know what an erection is?" he asked surprised yet then he remebered how light elves would turn anything pleasing into sin and would think of pleasure, specially carnal pleasure as something to be rejected and be ashamed of. "erect or erection refers to the body response your penis is having right now. It hardens with desire and arousal to allow sexual relations to take place. Right now it hardens due to the pressure the baby is having in your pubic área. Either reason is normal and right now might be of help in making your pain be less if you can percive some physical pleasure too "he said and smiled with mischief to let his lover know it was truly okay to let his body react and act as he needed it to.
"You liked that?" he asked surprised unsure if Halcron refered to how his fingers inside the canal wouos gently press against the moist walls to see how far they could dilate or perhaps to the intimate kiss he had endowed in his nether regions. With amusement and lust he did both again. His fingers pushed in deeper in search of the cervix and once more he bent over and kissed the flexed inner thigh. This time higher, closer to his crotch área. He lingered in the kiss using his tongue and his sharp canines geazed softly the intimate skin as he smiled and placed another kiss, shorter this time just over the pubic bone.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcron blushed in response, trying his hardest to understand the words flowing from Vale's luscious appearing lips, licking his very own ones which was first the upper .. then the lower. When Vale smile, Halcron mirrored the such social cue, tilting his head down a bit so he was gazing with raised eyes that revealed a long withheld lusting of his Dark one, shivering as if he were caught up within a rather crisp draft.
Only it wasn't, infact, he wasn't cold of the sort, he was rather heated, hotter than fire itself .. if .. that was even possible.
In response to the question asked the Light elf nodded, closing his eyes but only for just a mere moment, exhaling forth a gentle, shaky, billowing of a shuddering sigh as his walls of concealing moisture were connected against by fleshed fingers which seemed to stretch him a tad bit more than he was used to but yet he seldom complained, infact he boldly embraced the new feeling he was experiencing as it seemed to bring forth great heightening of enlightenment, he gasped as his nether pussy lipped regions of nether like porportions was granted a lingering kiss, flicking the tip of his tongue against one of his own thickly canine like, viper sharp canines which was upon his right, letting forth a slight grunting then a moan as the fingers dwelled a few daring inches deeper in a quest to reach his untouched cervix area.
He closed his eyes then fluttered them open, and from time to time that was the pace of his eyelids, simply raising and lowering, sometimes closing for a time. All was in no ill intention nor avoidance, simply a way of coping with the mindblowing intimacy of moist kisses and touches alone. He acted by instinct, letting his sharp pointed nails trail from the outline of a side of his own neck, down his chest between his breasted territory, then his swollen swell of an abdomen and flicked the outie puffed bellybutton with much gentle loving affection to it with his index finger, chuckling gently at the whimsy he felt at such reactions, he then savored this moment as he proceeded with clutching his cock, marveling how it felt so natural in his dainty hand, proceeding with a few soft strokes for the first time of exploring himself, a such act that was deeply frowned upon by Light elves. He might have as well been a savage now.
"Yes Vale, yess my dearest Dark one, delve deeper .. d-d-deeperrr .. a-ahhh .. om-mhhhnnn .." He gave in easily to his first sexual experience called oral, and god above did he adore it! He tilted his head back, letting forth a rather loud breathy growl while continuing to stroke and tease his cock addition, adding all the necessary amount of friction to himself, which he surprised himself by. He mentally scolded himself and tried to quiet himself but it was rather hard to do that.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
Vale was unsure if Halcron was so smoothly accepting all the the intimate touch thanks to them being conected at the moment or perhaps being in labor was the reason he seemed more accepting in dwelling in more primal urges.
Vale gently made Halcron flex his other leg, the one directly resting over the matress to aid him create bit more pressure o his nethers and would sustain the erection longer. It would also force his ass cheeks a bit further apart and tense the anal ring just the right way so that just a little touch would be enough for it to feel pleasing. He watched in attention how the divine light elf began to touch himself, almost as of presenting his tantalizing body to him, ljring him in... Was his shy and pire little light elf doing the seducing now? He felt suprised by it, happily surprised. "Oh my love... What I would do to you if you were not in labor..." he had often dream with sleeping with the light elf, yet had waited paitiently for months on end as Halcron was simply not ready for it. He now understood it all more, of course his lover would not desire to be touched after the horror he must have gone through that resulted on the current pregnancy.
The pleasure growl made him wake up from his lust induced daze. Danger was still imminient of they were found out. They needed to keep quiet as possible. He would xast a come of silence in another moment, he had studied the spell quite well in preparation to the day Halcron would wish to engage in coitus with him. Yet, using the blood bond took top much out of him to casg another spell. So they would need to keep quiet as best they could. He instictively claimed Halcron's lips with his own, which carried the taste of his salty skin sweat and other fluids "we need to keep quiet, as much as we can" he whispered "I'm sorry to ask, but we need to stay safe, for you and the babe... Will you keep it?" he asked looking at his lover's eyes with intensity.
Then, his fingers pushed in deeper as the anal cavity of his lover seemed to get used to his intrusion and he finally reached the cervix and grinned proud to have found it and to be so deep inside his lover "I'll check your dilation now, pant for me... If I hurt you let me know and I will stop. I'll begin to open my fingers to know how many cm in diameter you can stretch, okay?" he said explaining his lover what he was doing. "if you need hold my hand or bite it to keep quiet. I have a wood rod you can bite into of you prefer too" he said as his he touched thr swollen middle in search of the babe and check on it. "Ready?" he asked for confirmation before he began to stretch his fingers inside him.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
Halcron moaned gentlier, gently thrusting into his own hand along with rocking his hips in a slight swaying position where he was laying at upon the bed to sweeten his own self-pleasuring.
He politely obliged when his leg was moved, stetching it in response of his beloved Vale's guideful flexing of such a tense muscle, slightly expressing forth a mereness of temporary grunting then a shaky sigh as the muscles were able to be relaxed from such a tense, rather rigid appearing position. As his sensitive nether region became sustained he tried to bite his lip swiftly but a lengthy howl like moaning blurted from his lips, causing the hand clutching his length to quicken it's pace as his excitement grew to unstable levels.
He smirked lustfully dark, his eyes becoming of a bright rose red, signaling he was on the cusp of sexual awakening, a color which was unusual to Light elves in nature, even when aroused. His eyes were locked into Vale's, mirroring the same piercing frigid red toning of primal precision. He had always daydreamed and dreamt of Vale as well, never getting him off his mind no matter what he did.
The remainder of his drawn out moaning became cut off, captured by the muffling of it by rather intrusive lips, Vale's own, pulling away ever so slightly to gather breaths into his starving to breathe lungs which were hitched upon the kiss expressed between them. He breathed out gently, shakily like before but quietly, nodding a matter of three affirmative times while answering back softly. "Y-Yes .. yes .. I .. I am ready .. just be gentle, please .." He whispered with an unsteady quivering breath, tensing his body for a mereness of relaxing, steadying his focused of breathing as he began to gently pant beneath his next breaths, feeling the fingers delve deep into him to process the direction of measured dilation. He leaned inwardly, swallowing while curling inward a bit but kept his eyes open and focused upon his face, continuing to breathe deeply, feeling his belly arising and falling in rhythm of such breaths.
RE: Dark times -
Rain - 11-25-2023
Vale's skin took a more red tint to it due to primal arousal by how his mate looked under the tkwinkling candel light. His body would slightly rise and fall with each having breath he took. And the tight orb encasing the unborn would seem to expand into a fertile abode with every breath he took.
Having a positive affirmation he was planning to keep the baby, made his mind race. He still didn't knew of the biological father was of light or dark kin. Of the child proved to be born with Halcron's palé and angelical features it would be easier for his lover to keep the child. If it came out dark as him or at least showing signs dark blood where on it, they would have a problem. He could claim to be the child's father and keep it with him, and have Halcron come visit as he had done now till a more permanent solution could be found. And of course they was always running away to another city where no one knew them and hide. Still he wouos have to worry of that later. Halcron needed him more than ever as he was laboring with his child. HIS child. Perhaps the wee one didn't share his blood, but it had grow in the sacred womb of his beloved and he was about to see it be born.
"I'll be as gentle as I can.. Bite on the wood rod if you feel like moaning out" he said as his eyes matched the pink arousal in his eyes that his lover ported.he leaned down and took first Halcron's penis into the tips of his lips and began to gently use his tongue to keep stimulating the hardened member. The slowly and with clear expertise he began to push gently with his fingers slowly counting how many centimeters the delicate muscles could open up without him doing any force. He felt the natural lubricant in the anal cavity drench his fingers just making the examination even more natural and easy. He also noticed wet aerousal drip e er so gently from the anal entrance into the waiting towel below Halcron's twitching nethers. "You're doing so good handing our baby's labor" he said, his way saying and assuring Halcron he would claim the child as his.
RE: Dark times -
SilentFeather - 11-25-2023
The laboring Light elf Halcron tilted his head slightly, gazing at Vale's body while keeping his breaths gentle, soft and strategically panted like, spacing each one out at appropriate lengths.
Upon such positive affirmation from his significant equal Vale, he expressed a smile to him, not aware of which it would be an actual Light or Dark elf. It was rather dark at dusk upon that time and he remembered secretively sneaking from the shop after meeting Vale for another nightly romp session and upon being halfway to his cabin it happened. It was a blur and all he could remember was it had been rather forced, violent and traumatizing. It was a reminder to always carry his weapon which was a sharp edged dagger he was gifted to from Vale himself which had "Merciful One" etched into the middle of the blade. He remembered that moment with a expression of smiling, becming of absent minded as he reminisced about how they luckily crossed paths and met.
He remembered it, every miniscule detail reminded quite fondly, proudly.
Halcron nodded, biting into the wooden rod as he tensed up his body in preparation of the impending examination that would be checked very far between his legs, very far than what he was becoming of used to. When his still erect, hard as stone penis was explored by Vale's moist saliva coated tongue he sharply directed his head upward, struggling not to convulse, twist to a side or thrash as pleasure struck through him like liquid lightning with a heat of a thousand suns which caused his flesh to further illuminate to blaringly blinding level.
He just shuddered a gentle sigh, nodding a few times to provide his half of affirmation and understanding of Vale's words while drowsily closing his eyes wearily for a time, lost within a pain-pleasure induced daze, biting upon the wood rod to secure his mouth's grip upon it, lolling his head to a side, surrendering his body to pain, pleasure and labor to come.