Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SimplyPregnant - 11-29-2023
(Pregnant with triplets doesn't know yet)
I groan at the increasing contractions, leaning over my very large stomach I clutch the car door as another contraction hits me "fuck it hurts" looking at traffic I scream in pain "how much longer, it hurts so much" I lean over my belly out of breathe "I won't make it"
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SilentFeather - 11-29-2023
Hmm? could I join to being the husband in this endeavor? I need something to pass the time today. Maybe I can assist?)
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SimplyPregnant - 11-29-2023
Yea you can join as the husband
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SilentFeather - 11-29-2023
(I can? YES! HELL YES!)
- - -
"I know honey, I know. Just try to breathe, pant through it, we shall be there soon, I promise .." Me, Halcron, while once considered a mere friend was now a fellow husband and soon also a Father to be, and as panicked as I was I remained abnormally calm of demeanor, steering the car with a hand, my left upon the wheel while my right was resting upon the top of the dome that was your gargantuan swell of an abdomen, presenting it with upward and downward direction rubs to somehow soothe both you *my panicked lover* and the frantic, confused children within you. I had endured all with you, through hell and high water, joy, struggle and together we have persevered, I as well as you both strived through your fluctuating mood-swings, your cravings, your sexual urges which knew no signs of ending and eventually .. now the inevitable .. your peaking of labor. I panted along with you, enduring the same emotions as any faithful partner would for his suffering lover. "You are doing wonderfully my love, just breathe .. focus on your breathing, we will be at the hospital soon, I promise .. just hold on a little bit longer .. I will speed up the car a bit but we will have to take a bit of detouring on the back-roads. I am aware that you do dislike the detours I take at times but this is an emergency. Is that alright, love?"
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SimplyPregnant - 11-29-2023
(can you not make to long Im dysletixc IRL a bit hard to read thnxs)
I try to focus on my breathing my cried in pain over the contractions "ugh! Please this baby wants to be born" We been stuck in traffic for 30 minutes, my contractions are getting closer with each minute I suddenly felt wettness in my pants "shit no my water has broke" another contraction cause my baby to move closer to my birth canal "is coming" feeling pressure trying to breathe
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SilentFeather - 11-29-2023
(Welcome. And same here with dyslexic, as well as mildly intellectually disabled, Autistic. Sorry, I apologize. >__<. I need to stop doing that, rambling on I mean. a bit of a habit.)
I lend all of my attention upon you, gnawing upon my lower lip with a nearby tooth to keep myself awake, alertfully staring ahead of myself through the glass of our lamorghini, "J-Just hold on .. I will get you there I promise ..your water broke?! .. o-oh -- shit! I will get out and try to get someone to help, alright babe? .. I will be back, I promise."
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SimplyPregnant - 11-29-2023
(no worries >_<)
"Please hurry it feels different" clutching the passenger seat as I moan in pain, my husband went to look for help witn no luck, I start feel my body telling to push, I try to resist as much as I could "baby please stay inside you can't be born here" screaming from the pain "honey is almost time...ahhhh!!!" contraction peaks its limits
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SilentFeather - 11-29-2023
I bite my lip a bit harder, almost puncturing my skin beneath it's piercing point. I dart from the car I was in, cursing beneath my breath as my panic and anxiety becomes full-blown. "Shit .. shit .. shit ... excuse me! can anyone assist .. my lover is having a baby and we are stuck in traffic as well .. please someone help!" With no help, I dart back to you.
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SimplyPregnant - 11-29-2023
I try to resist pushing "anything" out of breathe from the contraction, my husband said no luck in help, I took a few deep breathes "the baby is not going wait for the hospital it wants to be born now" I rub my hard belly as I feel my baby inching closer "it want to get out I can't hold it inside much longer" another contraction it "is time" I keep breathing
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SilentFeather - 11-29-2023
I gently lift you up into my arms and put you into the back seat of the car, knowing it will be messy during the birthing process but we had no choice. I get in with you and shut the door, kneeling between your legs, slightly leaning over to kiss your lips once, gently whispering encouragement between kisses, stroking your strands of hair that were damp softly.
"I know love, I am right here, it is alright love, just breathe, do what is natural and let your body guide you, just .. breathe .." I say gently, imitating gentle breath with you.
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
SimplyPregnant - 11-29-2023
I spread my legs while husband gets in between them he remove my pants and underwear "thanks" I do his breathing "oooh it hurts" squeezing his hand I keep breathing till I feel the urge again "here it comes!" I push over the contraction, leaning over my large belly "argh" grunting as I push
My husband encourage to keep it up I lean back out of breathe "shit that was bad" breathing hard
RE: Traffic Jam baby (need husband to deliver) -
riderstrongforever16 - 05-05-2024
Name: Jethro Grantham
Age: 50
Occupation: Midwife/Doctor
Kids: 8 (1 in College)
Jethro Grantham: Hello do you need any help?