Trapped closed 1 opening -
tetrisbelly - 06-04-2013
Intro: 4 men are captured as slaves and forced to give birth to large eggs through their penis. Each man has been assigned a different amount of eggs in an inverse relationship to their age.
I am looking to do an R.p where there are five men, 4 of which are pregnant with watermelon sized eggs. The eggs will grow in the scrotum for 9 hours and will be birthed through the penis.
The characters are
Greyson-21 Monkeypaws19
A tall handsom man, Dominant
Role: Seeder
Justice-20 post in proposals if you want to be him
A tall teenager, shy but inquisitive
Pregnancy: 1 egg
Shae-19 preg_man33
Short, brown hair, Justices brother
Pregnancy: 2 eggs
Jaden-18 preggielover
Very young, brown hair Justice and Shae's youngest brother
Pregnancy: 3 eggs
Young, brown hair
Pregnancy: 4 eggs
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-05-2013
I am ready whenever you guys are :D
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-07-2013
Greyson chuckled as he looked at the four young healthy men he had captured. They were so easy to lure to into his home. He lived in a mansion on the outside of town. He lured each male back to him mansion with the promise of a good time. But he what he had in for a good time wasn't most likely going to be a good time for them. He drugged the drinks he served them. He told them he wanted to have them over for drinks and a hot session of group sex. They foolish agreed to come with him to his mansion. He dragged each of them down to his basement that he set up as a harem room. With silk pillows, satins throws and drapes covering the stone walls. He stripped each of the males and placed golden cuffs on each of their wrists that connected to a matching collar. He had them laid out on the pillows. He also had a box of toys for playing and training his new slaves. They were going to help with him a little experiment. He was a rich and handsome male. But he was lacking heirs for now. He was tall and muscular. With a golden tan, perfect teeth, light dirty blonde hair, and blue-green eyes. He sat in the corner sipping a glass of wine as he heard the first of his newest pets stirring.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-08-2013
Waking up, Jaden was still groggy from being drugged. Rubbing his eyes he noticed that the dream he had last night was reality. Those gold cuffs around his wrists made it hard to even stand up. He saw Justice, his older brother across the room still passed out along with some other guys he recognized from his dream. "Hey Just, Just, wake up." Jaden whispered across the room. Then Jaden noticed a sound he heard every night when his mom came home from work. Next to him he saw the tan man that looked like Ken that lured him hear.
"Hey, Hey man. GET ME OUT OF THESE!!" Jaden raised his wrists showing his cuffs. "Whats going on? I don't know what you want but I have some money in the bank I can give you, just let me out of here." Jaden said with a a high pitch voice trying not to cry.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-08-2013
Greyson chuckled and watched his pet beg him to be released. "No, I don't think so my little pet. Now be a good boy and come over here to your master and give me a kiss. I have no need for money. I have plenty of my own." He got up smoothly and walked over to the boy. He grabbed his chains and pulled him over to his chest. "No I have plans for you my little pet. Big plans". He chuckled and eyed his belly as he stroked belly gently.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-08-2013
"Hey dude, I'm no one's pet." Jaden is not as strong as the man he only knew as 'his master' so no matter how much he tried to get away from him he couldn't. "What plans do you got for me?" Jaden stopped struggling slowly starting to realize that his fate is pretty much sealed until the rest of the guys get up.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
tetrisbelly - 06-09-2013
Evan started to wake up. He saw he was trappeded on a bed. "I must be dreaming," he muttered.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-09-2013
Sorry man, no dreaming here. Just a nightmare. This guy here has got plans for us or something
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-09-2013
Greyson chuckled and kissed his neck as he stroked his pet's cock. "You see I am in need of heirs and I find females quite unappealing." Then without warning he pinned his pet onto the pillows and spread his legs wide open as he as prodded at his entrance with his cock. "Now be a good pet and scream for your master". He shoved his whole cock into the male with one thrust and moaned at his tightness.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-09-2013
"HHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYY!!! STOP! STOP! STOP! HELP ME! SOMEONE HELP!!" Jaden screamed trying to get someone's attention even though he knew no one would answer. It didn't really matter that it he wasn't gay he slowly started to realize that the more he fought the happier his "master" enjoyed it.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-09-2013
Greyson moaned loudly and held Jaden still. "Such a good pet you are obeying your master. You deserve a treat". He stroked the male's cock gently to pleasure him and force his body to enjoy it. Even though his mind didn't. He increased his pace and nibbled his pet's neck and stroked his belly.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-09-2013
Jaden tried to wriggle away but he could tell in his position he couldn't get away. He noticed his body responding to the touch of his "master" but couldn't bring himself to enjoy it. "STOP CALLING ME PET! I AM NO ONE'S PET!"
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-11-2013
"Now now don't be a naughty pet or your master will punish you". He chuckled and continued to stroke his cock harder. He pinched his nipple and tugged it gently. As he increased his forceful thrusts harder into Jaden moaning louder. "Yes, it's almost time for my little pet. Can you feel my cock becoming harder into your tight hole".
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-12-2013
"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! DAMN YOU! TIME FOR WHAT?" Jaden tried to move away but he cant because his position makes it difficult to move
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-12-2013
Greyson just moaned and stroked his belly in respond. He screamed and jerked his hips as he climaxed hard into his body. He moaned as he watched the male's penis harden and released it seed.
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-12-2013
Jaden was so ashamed but he knew that he was stuck in this room with strange men. so he knew that he had to get used to it. He doesn't need to enjoy it but he just cant fight it. He just doesn't know what he needs to put up with. "What are you doing to us?"
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-12-2013
Greyson chuckled and drummed his fingers against Jaden's belly. "You are about to find out". He smirked as he felt Jaden's belly start to swell up under his finger tips slowly. "Congrats, you are first to pregnant with my heirs".
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-14-2013
"WHAT? PREGNANT? How the hell I'm pregnant? I'm a guy?" Jaden felt a strange rumbling in his stomach. "Whats in me? My belly is moving." Jaden rubbed his puffy stomach
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
Monkeypaws19 - 06-14-2013
Greyson chuckled and pinched his swelling belly button as it popped out. "Mmm...three beautiful eggs that holding my heirs." He moved Jaden's hand to his belly to feel the eggs wiggling around inside him. He leaned over his shoulder and whispered into his ear. "They feel good inside you don't they?. Yes, you are already such a good mother keeping them safe and warm inside your belly".
RE: Trapped closed 1 opening -
preggielover - 06-20-2013
Jaden could not respond because he just has a feeling of shock. Jaden stared off into space as his hands moved up and down his newly swollen belly. "I'm going to be a mom?" Jaden said in a daze.