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The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-28-2013

Name: Leonardo "Leo"
age: 21
Gender: male
Species: human host--prisoner
# of Babies: none...yet

Leo heaved a sigh of boredom as he laid on his cot waiting for his punishment to be carried out. He was caught 3 months ago and was immediately taken into custody. The charges: for trying to start a rebellion against the alien race who now shared Earth with the humans.

Leo snorted. Rebellion. Yeah right. It had practically failed almost as soon as it began. The aliens had technology that humans had never seen before. As soon as the rebellion was put down, Leo immediately went into hiding and was on the run for a good year. Until the aliens had somehow out smarted him and ended up taking him into custody.

When he was taken into custody, the aliens told him he would receive his punishment....but that was nearly 3 months ago. The aliens were known for swiftly handing out the punishments, so why have they waited so long to punish him? Was it to drive him crazy due to boredom? If so, it was totally working. Or were they trying to make him compliant to whatever they had planned in their punishment for him? Leo snorted again. The hell he'll comply with their punishment. He didn't care what they did to him. He will resist whatever it is with all of his strength and spirit.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 12-28-2013

Name: Kregan
age: 19 (Xeon Years)
Rank: Senior Breeder

The.door to Leos cell opens as. Senior Breeder Kregan enters.."Good Morning, Prisoner 24601"

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-28-2013

Leo sighed as his cell door opened revealing a Xeon guard. Well, what he assumed to be a guard.

"It's about fucking time one of you showed up," Leo said heatedly and sat up. "What was the hold up? Too busy punishing others to worry about little ol' me, hmm?"

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 12-28-2013

"Punishing? Is that why you think Ive come?" Kregan says with a laugh, "You obviously have no idea who I am do you? I am Senior Breeder Kregan, at your service" Kregan then extends his.hand for Leo to shake it.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-29-2013

"Yes, that's exactly why I think you've come," Leo said with a roll of his eyes. He looked at the extended hand and snorted. There was absolutely no way he'd shake the hand of the enemy. "Senior Breeder huh? If you hadn't noticed, I'm not a woman. And besides, I told whoever took me into custody that I'll resist whatever you end up throwing at me. Apparently, they didn't pass along the message."

Leo stood and walked towards the door, thinking to us this opportune time to escape.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'm just going to go have a look around while I wait for my punishment," Leo said as he walked past Kregan.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 12-29-2013

As Leo begins to walk by, he suddenly feels the vise like grip of Kregans hand around his throat. "They told me you werent going to be civil" he says with a sigh as he lifts Leo off the ground by his neck. "Now things have to get rather....unpleasent." A tentacle emerges from Kregans back and slowly moves towards Leo. It slowly begins to drive deeply into Leos navel

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-29-2013

Before Leo came anywhere close to the door of his cell, he felt a grip on his throat and immediately began struggling, trying to pull the hands off of his neck. It was no use. Kregan's grip was too strong for Leo, so he settled for scrabbling at Kregan's hand and flailing his legs as he was lifted into the air.

His struggle halted for a moment as his eyes widened in shock as as he felt....something penetrate his belly button.

"Wh-what do you think you're doing?!" Leo asked as best as he could through Kregan's vise-like grip that was restricting his air flow, but not so much that he would begin suffocating. "Whatever you're doing, don't expect me to enjoy it cause I won't!! You can believe that sick, perverted bastard!!!"

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 12-29-2013

Kregan completely ignores Leo's words as his tentacle burrows within Leo's body. Then he suddenly feels something bring pumped into his stomach.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-29-2013

Leo's struggling became even more frantic as he could feel...whatever it was (as he couldn't see it thanks to Kregan's arm) that had entered his belly button burrowing even further into him.

When he felt something pumping into him; however, he completely stopped his struggling as anger began to rise with him. The sensation was warm and, well, his body wanted to enjoy it, but his mind completely shot down the signals his body was sending his brain before they could make his body react. He wanted to hide his body's reactions as long as possible.

"What. The hell. Are you fucking doing to me you pervert?!" Leo fumed, but instead of trying to free his throat from Kregan's grasp, he moved his hands to his belly button area and grabbed whatever it was that Kregan had inserted into his belly button, attempting to pull it out of his body. "Get. This...this thing out of me!! NOW!!"

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 12-29-2013

Kregan loved seeing Leo thrash around. Leo's body began to react violently to what has happening. He began to twitch and convulse. His body was seized by pain and pleasure all at once, and he began to babble incoherently. Kregan released his throat as he had no reason to hold Leo anymore, due to his current state. Leo soon passed out from this ordeal.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-29-2013

As Leo tried, unsuccessfully, to remove Kregan's tentacle from his belly button, his body began to go into sensory overload as it continued to try to get the arousal signals sent, but his mind continuously denied his body the signals it sent. Eventually, Kregan dropped him to the ground and, soon after, he blacked out.

Several hours later, or at least what Leo thought was several hours as there was no way to tell the time in his cell, he finally came to. He tried sitting up but his abdomen ached so badly--and a ginormous headache to go along with it--that it forced him to lie back down with a groan.

He looked around his cell and noticed that Kregan was no longer there, but he knew that the alien would be watching and listening to him with the monitoring system the aliens had installed in every cell.

"What the hell did that bastard do to me?" Leo said with a groan and placed a hand over his eyes to shield them from what light came into his cell in order to prevent his headache from getting any worse than what it was.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 12-30-2013

Hours passed as Leo brooded in his cell. All he could think of were two things: How he.could escape, and what had Kregan done to him. He soon felt a sharp pain in the pit of his stomach. He doubled over due to the pain, and soon his stomach began to painfully expand.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 12-30-2013

Leo groaned as he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and sat up, ready to bolt to the rather crude bathroom located in his cell in case he needed to vomit (the bathroom was really just a bucket with the bottom cut out so whatever is put in the bucket can get sucked down the tube connected to the bucket). Instead, his stomach felt rather awkward in his lap as he sat there, waiting for the urge to vomit to come. It never did.

He looked down at his belly and saw it slowly inflating as if he was connected to an air pump of somekind. Not only was his belly inflating, his breasts were as well. It started out as just an ache, but soon enough they began to slowly inflate as well. They inflated at a much slower rate than his belly though. He went from having a flat, manly chest to having about A cup sized breasts and eventually B cup sized breasts. Their growth slowed down a little when they reached about a B cup bra size, but they continued to grow.

Leo cupped his new breasts with his hands in shock as his belly continued to expand eventually causing his belly button to get exposed to the air. They felt heavier than they should be. Not only that, but it felt like some kind of liquid was starting to fill up the insides of his breasts. Leo squeezed his nipples--and closed his eyes and moaned inwardly as they were more sensitive than beforehand--which caused a doplet of a white liquid to bead on the surface of his nipple before running down his body. Leo caught it with a finger and brought up to his mouth to taste it. Milk. He was now lactating.

He dropped his breasts--carefully as the milk production had increased their siz to about a C cup now and were quite heavy--and placed his hands on his still inflating midriff, albeit a bit slower than when it first began inflating. The skin was firm and very sensitive as his body began sending pleasure signals to his brain, which his brain attempted to stop most of them, but some got through causing his penis to get slightly hard. A kick from inside his belly against his hand made him stop everything--breathing, thinking, moving. Everything. He was pregnant. Not only that, but he was pregnant against his will. And who was most likely to be the father who put this baby (or babies if there were multiples) in him? Kregan. A Xeon. The aliens that Leo had tried to begin a revolt against to free the prisoners who were being impregnated against their will. And now he was among them.

Leo balled his hands into fists as anger seethed within him.

"Kregan!!!" Leo shouted angrily before clearing his throat with an embarassed blush. Apparently he was still in shock over the discovery of his pregnancy that his voice ended up being an octave higher than he intended. "Get your ass in here so I can give you a piece of my mind about this...this thing attached to my body!!"

Leo angrily pointed to his belly, seemingly now at its final size. He looked like a woman about 8 or 9 months pregnant with either twins or triplets. He never really paid much attention to pictures of pregnant women or to how much they were carrying.

Milk leaked from his nipples almost continuously causing Leo to blush both in embarassment and anger over what he now knew what Kregan did to him.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 01-04-2014

Afew days later, Kregan returns to Leo to see how much he has changed.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 01-04-2014

Leo was laying on his bed (on his side thanks to his baby filled belly) when Kregan entered his cell.

"About fucking time you returned," Leo grumbled from his position on the bed. He never even bothered to attempt to sit up as his belly and breasts made it difficult to walk....well, waddle. His belly was so large that it forced him to waddle whenever he went for a walk around his cell and it caused him no end of lower back pain. His breasts were so large that they caused him no end of upper and middle back pain....not to mention they leaked milk constantly. The size of both his belly and his breasts (and the milk leaking from them) forced Leo to go without any clothes.

He placed a hand on his belly as he felt the baby (or was it babies? He couldn't tell nor did he really care) kick at the taught skin of his belly.

"I still need to give you a piece of my mind of what I think about carrying young for you," Leo said and glared at Kregan as best as he could from his position.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 01-05-2014

"Oh really? And what might that be?" Kregan says as he roughly handles Leo's newly aquired breasts. Leo is both pleasured and angered by this action.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 01-05-2014

Leo angrily attempted to swat Kregan's hand away from his breasts, but failed miserably.

"Stop it you fucking pervert," Leo said vehemently and with a slight blush that just barely turned his cheeks red. He then sighed as he gathered his anger and his thoughts about everything he had thought about saying to Kregan as he waited for the Xeon to return. "I told you once and I'll say it again: I will not be your host for you or any of your kind."

He then pointed angrily pointed at his baby heavy belly.

"This is why I attempted to start a rebellion to free those who you were impregnating against their will," Leo continued, his anger building even more as he talked. "If you wanted to impregnate your prisoners, you should ask for their permission first before impregnating them. If they do not give you permission to impregnate them, find some other punishment to fit their crime. Hell, I would prefer to die than carry young for your kind."

Leo then huffed and struggled into a sitting position--angrily and forcefully shoving Kregan's hands away from his body--with his belly sitting heavily in his lap and his legs spread to help accomodate his baby heavy belly. He glared at Kregan and angrily pointed at the alien.

"I will find a way to get revenge on you for this," Leo said venomously. "I don't know how or when, but I will exact my revenge for forcing this pregnancy on me. That I can promise you."

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 01-05-2014

Kregan pins Leo to the bed of the cell. He then shackles him by his wrists.

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - star478 - 01-05-2014

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Leo said and struggled against his shackles, weazing under the weight of his belly and breasts. "Let me go now you bastard! What the hell did I do to deserve this?! I can barely breathe for fucks sake!!"

RE: The Unwilling Host (closed) - Tiberias - 01-05-2014

"Be still" Kregan says as he massages Leo's massive belly. "Im trying to g
help you" as he massages Leo, he soon feels pressure leaving his body.