Visser5: The Game -
pregboy28 - 04-15-2014
With Visser5's permission, I made a version of the very addictive 2048 using some of his pregnancy pictures. Hopefully you will all enjoy the game.
Play the Game
RE: Visser5: The Game - shotgunsaint - 04-15-2014
This gives me an idea... what if we made an RPG based around prominent members of the site?
Also super addictive game. Nice work :3
RE: Visser5: The Game -
fredavil - 06-09-2014
I tried playing it using arrow keys but all the when i use arrow keys all the images move instead of just one. Is it suppose to work that way?
RE: Visser5: The Game -
Seahorse_Boi - 01-04-2018
It appears that the link is broken. Would you happen to still have the photos?
RE: Visser5: The Game -
PregBull - 01-05-2018
I clicked on the link and was brought to the Daily Mirror's website.
Would someone who played it please post a quick description of the game?
RE: Visser5: The Game -
pregboy28 - 01-06-2018
So I was the one that originally posted this. To answer your questions:
The_round_lul - Unfortunately, I do not remember which photos I used. I believe I used ones that Visser5 has posted on here (with his permission).
Pregbull - It was a take on those 2048 games, the ones where you had to slides numbers back and forth until you reached 2048. However, instead of numbers, this one used photos of Visser5. I had tried to make it so that the larger numbers were associated with photos where he looked larger.