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The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Printable Version

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The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 11-28-2014

Two males have found love in the hospital where the both work, the only problem is that one of them is married. They have kept the secret for almost a year and plan to keep doing it. But something happens that changes their plans, and life.

Plot?: Tow doctors are having a secret affair that no ones knows about when when one of them gets pregnant. Now they have to figure out what to do and where to go.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 11-28-2014

Brian was a very successful doctor. He'd gone to the best schools in the country and received the best training money could buy. He stood an average 5'11", and had short but wavy brown hair. While he loved being a doctor, he had to admit it could sometimes be boring. That was the case, at least, until he met someone special.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 11-28-2014

Name: Haymitch
Appearence: 5'10 with short dark grey cropped hair and bright blue eyes.
(dis)likes: Loves sweets of any kind, often cooks overly sweet thing to share. Enjoys kids and reading in his bath tub. hates sour stuff and being in snow of any kind.

Haymitch was a hard working doctor, he specialized in trauma and emergency areas. He was well known in the hospital and got along with many of the nurses and his boss. His hard job and busy schedule didn't leave much time for romance and he spent a lot of his time alone. Until he had meet Brian, who had showed him such kindness over the last months.

He stood at the ER desk, writing in a chart, mind wandering over to a face with soft brown hair and kind eyes.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 11-28-2014

As Brian wrapped up a conversation with a nurse, he noticed a pair of sharp blue eyes looking in his direction. He recognized the doctor, but had never had a real conversation with him or even learned his name. Being an extroverted individual, Brian decided to approach him and strike up a conversation.

"Slow day around here, huh?" he asked with a smile.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 11-28-2014

Haymitch didn't notice that he was staring at the other doctor until the eyes caught his own. He flicked his away, flushing lightly. He hadn't meant to stare. He wrote in the chart, putting it away just the other male came over.

"Some would say it is a goo thing, considering where we are", he chuckled, face still warm.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 11-29-2014

"You could say that, yes," Brian laughed. "I...don't believe we've met, have we? Brian," he stuck his hand out in greeting.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 11-29-2014

He smiled back, more calmly now. "Haymitch, he greeted, shaking the hand, noticing the warmth, "And no, I don't believe so. You work somewhere in the hospital then?"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 11-29-2014

"Yes, I'm a general physician so I tend to move around a lot. What about yourself?"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 11-29-2014

He nodded, gesturing to the room around them. "I usually work with trauma patients, so I'm often here in the ER", he explained. It was a hard busy job but he found it deeply gratifying.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 11-29-2014

"That would explain a lot, huh?" Brian smiled and looked at Haymitch. "Would you want to grab a drink some time? Get caught up, new friends that we are?"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 11-29-2014

"It might", he chuckled, raising a brow at the question but grinning happily, "And sure, maybe after my shift? Around 6 p.m?"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 11-29-2014

"I can do that. I'll stop back down here around then and we'll head out. See you later!" Brian smiled and got back to work.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 12-01-2014

"Great, I'll see you then Brian~", he hummed, waving him goodbye. The next few hours flew by with a rush of sirens and wounds as patients finally came in. He changed in the locker room after, pulling his coat on as he walked tot he entrance, waiting for his new friend

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 12-02-2014

"Hey! Glad you decided to show," Brian said with a quick, unnoticed wink. "Where would you like to go? I know a great place downtown that makes the best...well anything! I've yet to get the same drink twice!"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 12-05-2014

"Of course", he chuckled, raising a eye brow at him in a amusement. "And really, sounds good then. Could use a drink" He grinned, following out into the cool October air.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 12-05-2014

They made their way to the bar and took a seat. Brian decided to strike up a conversation while they waited for the bartender to notice them. "So, tell me about yourself, Haymitch. Who is this man I've somehow never met?"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 12-05-2014

He looked around the bar, nodding to himself. It was nice, lively and welcoming. A good change from eh more bland walls of the hospital. There was only so much posters and flowers could do. "Hmmm?", he blinked, "Oh umm well. I've been a doctor for about 3 years, did most of my training under someone out of the country. It's why I do trauma mostly, did a lot of that kind of stuff. I uhh.. I bake a lot, I give a lot of treats out" He laughed nervously, running a hand through his hair.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 12-05-2014

"Really? That's impressive. And a very sweet thing to do...pun somewhat intended," Brian laughed as the bartender appeared before them. He chose to stick with a simple pint of beer for tonight.

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - Areous - 12-05-2014

Haymitch snorted, giving the other male a light shove on the arm. He order shot of whiskey and a fuzzy topical drink. The shot was to calm his nerves after a long day and for the night and fizzy for enjoyment and cause it looked sweet. He tipped back the shot, glass clinking as he put it down empty. "Mmmm", he hummed pulling the fizzy one over, "You're right, the drink list goes on and on here"

RE: The Hospital Affair (closed with cashewmanz) - cashewmanz - 12-06-2014

"Order whatever you want! It's all on me," Brian added with a wink. He took another large gulp of beer.