Follow The River -
Goddess - 02-23-2015
So, this is a scene I knew about for a long time but it's super short so I never thought to share it here until I randomly came across it again today.
The part starts around 6:15 but both videos 1 and 2 have some limited scenes involving motherhood and pregnancy, if that interests anyone.
The book that this movie is based on is very, very good, unlike this low budget TV movie, so if anyone is looking for a book to read I HIGHLY recommend the book of the same name by James Alexander Thom. It's beautiful and intense and tragic and very detailed, AND based on a true story.
Also, this scene does take place in the book.
Here's a link to the video:
RE: Follow The River -
FolkMaster - 02-23-2015
Either you posted the wrong link or my computer is dumb because that took me to "Telling Your Parents You Are Going On A Date" by Dan and Riya. I'm not complaining, because that was pretty hilarious and I want to watch the rest of their videos now, but I feel like maybe that wasn't what you meant to do? Maybe?
RE: Follow The River -
Fungkaz - 02-23-2015
here's the link
RE: Follow The River -
Goddess - 02-24-2015
LOL what the heck????? Sorry about that!