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Refining My Method -
KrocodileKrew - 10-11-2015
So, meta time. I posted my first pregnancy simulation pictures here:
The belly is a teddy bear I got for Christmas at the age of 13, the boobs just rolled-up long-sleeved t-shirts. I had to separate them from each other through my t-shirt because they were squashing on top of one another; I added the zipper hoodie to give them an extra layer to hide under.
I have four questions:
- The belly's a little off-shape at the sides around the top. Any idea how I could fill it out?
- The breasts aren't very good at staying in shape, obviously. Anyone have ideas for breasts that remain hemispherical (well, you know what I mean) which aren't too technical?
- Moreover, I sometimes feel like the breasts are unnecessary for a male pregnancy. I mean, I get the idea of lactation being all part of the process, but sometimes it seems like they're kind of, you know, tacked-on. I know most portrayals of mpreg in the media that I know about don't feature male breasts. If I manage to get the materials necessary to pretend to be a pregnant woman, I'll make use of them but is it necessary for mpreg or redundant verisimilitude?
- Speaking of, how could I go about a) obtaining maternity clothing, and b) keeping it as much of a secret as possible? I could order online, but that risks the goods not fitting me on arrival. Buying/trying them on in public allows me to avoid that, but also carries the heavy risk associated with being a man (and an obvious one, too) trying on women's clothes in a public place, where a whole host of people could see me; either way, the no-sexual-nonsense attidude to all things with nudity involved prevalent in my house means I'll have some explaining to do if anyone finds out, and I don't think either of my parents is going to like what they hear in that scenario. Any suggestions?
RE: Refining My Method -
HollyWd - 10-12-2015
For the clothes - drive a few towns over to where no on knows you, and go to a Target, Walmart etc. preferably one with a self check out. Bring our own bag to make it impossible to tell where you shopped or what you bought. If any one asks what you are doing in the maternity section, tell them you are buying for a baby shower gift, or for a pregnant friend or family member who is home bound.
RE: Refining My Method -
AnnePregum - 10-13-2015
thought i would chime in on this one!
1. I use a punch balloon wrapper in a towel. reason for that is the protection of the balloon and the towel can be shaped slightly. i hold it again me using a waist clincher i got from sears... XL size.. its alittle stretched but it holds it nicely... Similar item to this
2. Balloons again filled with water.. double them up so you have less of a chance of poping them and go with whatever size does it for you... outside of that breast forms from ebay are probably best.. some even come pretty cheap.
3. that part is what you like. i kinda get the impression on these forums its divide both ways depending on who you ask.
4. for this just look online for the general sizing charts, dress/suit up at home and take your measurements while in dress so its as close as you can get for the clothing you want. Trying them on doesn't float well in public being a male... but shopping for some maternity clothing isnt a big deal and the few times i was approached about it in public just said i was looking for my wife/gf... just try to make it sound like ya mean it, women have a sense for that kinda stuff lol
only other way to get the clothing right is to go dressed up but since male pregnancy isnt normal you would have to go the full mile and cross dress... i have done it before and it was amazing.
so thats my input! best of luck!